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1 CHARLES TOWN TURF NOTES ] eV-f — $ Starter Walter Mara has added Grand Rox and Voco to his schooling list. R. Nixon has received a telegram from Elmont, N. Y., stating the father of Charles Hohenstein, a former rider for Simon Healy, died at that point on Saturday night. Hohenstein, who is believed to be at Pimlico race track, is requested to get in touch with relatives. The funeral will take place on Wednesday, July 4. Jockey Eddie Ambrose departed for New York, where he will report to Johnny Schorr, new trainer for William Ziegler, Jr. J. B. McLaughlin, West Virginia Racing Commissioner, has notified steward A. T. Watson, that he will arrive from Charleston Tuesday and will remain to take in the racing Independence Day. Track superintendent Richard Pending is to be congratulated on the excellent condition of the racing strip after the heavy rain of Saturday. R. N. Hanna returned from New York with Worthington and the untried Javana. The former has shown a fondness for this track, but the youngster will not be ready for racing until some time in the future.