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SATURDAYS LAST TWO FAIRMOUNT PARK CHARTS QOOQ1 SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile. Irish Pal. Sept. 14, 1927— 1:38%— 2— 90. Pavo Royale *J0*40 A Girls Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner June 30 34 F.P 00; second, 5; third. 5; fourth. 0. Claiming price, S500. Index Horfcea Ei|t A HllIH ", ■■. *r4 Mi Kin Jocki-ys iiivmti Kiiuiv liliis Slrt 97150 OGEE w 4 114 6 4 41 41 4i 2 1 WilsonL E E Keller 330 100 S78542DEFERRED vb 5 110 1 2 3 3k lk lk 2 SykesD D Christian 511 100 980823KING FARO w 3 108 2 1 V l1 2 31 3" StullerDR L Doriott 735 100 98001 DUN NY BOY wb 5 114 4 5 25 2 3 4 4 MartinezP J Oros 321100 97496ALLEGRETTO wb 6 114 11 11 8" 84 T 64 5" Manifoldll Mrs E B Shipp 1001 100 97217 DR. PARRISH wa 8 114 10 6 5 5J 5 51 G4 MillerG C E Simmons 2397 100 97154 ABE FURST w 5 114 7 7 6 61 6* 74 7" EdwardsD W T Groves 1145 100 98076 SENATOR MIKE wb 3 108 3 3 74 7i 84 8 8° CreeseR Summit View Stable 8760 100 98804 BOBS LUCK w 5 109 5 8 9 9 9 91 94 CooperRG F Davitt +1152 100 97850 MISS CHILLA wb 6 109 8 9 10 10 10 104 104 FryeJW D Livingston + 97848 LAZY MARY wb 5 109 9 10 11 11 11 11 11 HerndezJ Mrs C Briddle + tMutuel field. Time, :24%. :48%. 1:14, 1:40. Track good. , MUTUELS PAID , , — OFF1CIAI BOOKING ODDS . OGEE .60 J, 4.96 .06 330—100 148—100 103-100 DEFERRED 6.18 4.08 209-100 104-100 KING FARO 7.30 265—100- Winner— Blk. c, by Uncle Wiggley— Sand Witch, by Rock Sand trained by C. D. Rose; bred by Mr. S. H. Kunz. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 5:37. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. OGEE came through on the inside on the stutch turn and, responding to strong urging, won in the last stride. DEFERRED came through on the far turn and might have won but for bearing out in the linal stages. KING FARO set the early pace. DUNNY BOY finished well. ALLEGRETTO was not good enough. DR. PARRISH and ABE FURST raced evenly. Scratched- 97941Sporting Maudie, 109; 97695 Jack Murphy, 114; 93147 Saxonne, 104. Overweight— Deferred, 1 pound. QQOQO EIGHTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Ironsides, June 21. 1930—1:41% — 5 — 106. Gag- non * Broughton Dancers Purse. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. tntAT- June-30 34 F.P Net value to winner 00; second. 5: third, 5; fourth, 0. Claiming price, 00. mi.ih* Haaaae, Kn i » Wtrpsi • , «* *., mi rv Iw-kfyn Owner* BqaW «Mlrl» Mri 97701 ADALOR T. w 6 111 510 9 81 81 l"k 1* LoweW Dawson and Allen f900 100 98004 SETA w 7 111 6 9 104 9* 6 4 21 MayerJ Watson and Pons 803 100 9308rLITTLE TOOTS w 6 1071 7 3 1* l1 lk 21 3* TildenR Nugent Stable 131-100 97941 SCOPE wb 4 101 10 4 fl 2i 21 34 41 MartinezP F Bunch f 96§79 BAYAMO w 6 107 3 2 51 5" 5* 51 51 StullerDR C H Tobias 2379 100 97772 SANTA CRUZ wb 4 101 4 8 fl T 71 8 61 EdwardsD Mrs J P McGovern 424 100 97767 LADY SWEET wb 6 106 1 1 4i 6« 9s 71 7* FryeJW B Brosky 4260 100 97701 ANADNAB w 6 111 9 12 12 12 12 9* 84 HerndezJ Mrs G W Norris f 98004 EXTERNAL w 6 11] 2 11 ll6 11* 11* ll1 9 MillerG J C Ellis 7525100 97941 BAG ROSES wb 5 106 11 6 61 41 41 6 10l ManifoldH Mrs J Dreyer 808 100 97937 MAJOR GOMEZ w 4 111 8 7 8k 104 IP 12 11*1 CreeseR E E Major 4875 100 98004 HAZEL HOPPS wb 6 106 2 5 3" 3l 3k 101 12 HaberR Mrs F Rando 5312 100 tMutuel lield. Time, :Z3%, :W/S, 1:14%, 1:42%, 1:47%. Track good. , MUTUErS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB , ADALOR T. Field 0.00 .84 S 3.24 900—100 192—100 62—100 SETA 6.12 5.32 206—100 166—100 LITTLE TOOTS 2.90 45—100 Winner- B. g, by Tryster— Clonakilty, by Catmint trained by R. Bagley ; bred by Mr. R. M. Eastman. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST-6:08. AT POST— 4J minutes. Start eood and slow. Won easily ; second and third driving. ADALOR T., ratine forwardly from the start and taken to the outside for the final drive, responded gamely when straightened out and, taking the lead in the last eighth, drew away easily thereafter. SETA, also taken to the outside in the stretch, wore down LITTLE TOOTS in the final strides. The latter set the pace from the start, hut tired at the finish. SCOPE forced the pace, saved ground and was not good enough. BAG O ROSES and HAZEL HOPPS quit in the iast quarter. S.ratined- 93004 3 Prate, 111; 98031Water Fcwl, 111; 98004Muffler, 106; 98004 Donup, 111; 97701 Dralu, 106. 98004 Hasty Dude, 111. Overweight— Little Toots, 1 pounds; Bayamo, 1.