untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1934-07-03


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Lloyd and Co. TERMS— WEEKLY YESTERDAYS PARLAY: BRIGHT DAY, .80, WON STAR BROOK, Withdrawn Saturdays Parlay: Fridays Parlay t DONNA LASCARI, 9.00, WON BON CHAMP, 8.80, WON BROAD MEADOWS, $ 6.62, WON HEIRESS, $ 9.96, WON Thursdays Parlay: Wednesdays Parlay: THEOREM, 1.54, WON BURGOO, 7.60, WON BLACK TARGET, $ 6.20, WON STRAIT JACKET, $ 6.04, WON PARLAYS RELEASED DAILY NO TELEGRAMS— NO EXPENSE TERMS— FOR SIX DAYS Follow this winning code service as published in this paper each day. We have made money for hundreds of followers and we can make money for you. There is no expense attached to this service. Just send and we will immediately rush a code card to you that is good for six days service. A telegram on todays horses will be sent to you only if you desire and request it. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: ARLINGTON— Packard-ll-22-12-Xl, DETROIT— Reo-24-34-12-30. PRIVATE ONE HORSE RELEASE! ARLINGTON PARK— Reo-31-19-34-14. LLOYD and CO., 109 N. Dearborn St., Suite" 907, Chicago, III. #£PUGLE JlF* racing weekly tik m* tATEST REPORTS PROM THE TRACKS TODAYS FREE CODE: D ET R0IT— H-Fat-Fog-Cat-H ip. TODAYS CLM KERS PARI.AY: ARLINGTON— St. Louis-56-39-97-37. DETROIT— Omaha-43-29-3»-63. if **. WF F K LY 3* — FOR SALE AT ALL STANDS PRICE, 15 CENTS • TODAYS FREE CODE: ARLINGTON— July-76-78-52-58. Four Star TURF WEEKLY - ON SALE AT ALL STANDS PRICE, 35c YESTERDAYS TRAINERS CODES: ROYAL PURCHASE .80, .40, 2nd JENS SON .86, LOST SATURDAYS TRAINERS CODES: : HADAGAL, 3.54, WON LADFIELD, $ 8.00, WON FRIDAY TRAINERS CODES: BLESSED AGAIN, f 4.74, WON LANIER, $ 8.00, WON THURSDAYS TRAINERS CODES: PAIRBYPAIR, 4.30, WON LAN, $ 5-40, WON WEDNESDAYS TRAINERS CODES: DARK DIANNE, 2.60, WON MISS PATIENCE, $ 7.90, WON SUBSCRIBE TO TRAINERS CODE SERVICE PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE We promise no sensationally priced winners. If its a good solid service that you are looking for, then this is your chance. We release horses, the information on which is strong and positive, and invariably pay GOOD ODDS. Put yourself in our hands for one week and let us show you how to make money following this information. Send at once. TODAYS FREE CODE: D ET R OIT— Gec-1S-3«-3S-1 «. TODAYS OWNERS CODES: ARLINGTON— HMMMW ARLINGTON— Tan-3*-55-t§-4S. TODAYS TRAINERS CODES: ARLINGTON— July-43-44-Z7-33. ARLINGTON— Seetemher-46-39-30-33. FOUR STAR TURF WEEKLY 139 N. Clark St.. Suite 1297 Cnfcafo. III. TURF LIGHT ALL STANDS— IS CENTS BIG WINNERS IN TOP LINERS EACH WEEK Use issue of July 7th for code. 3rd New York— Adieu-Annual-Antique-Active. BI MONTHLY CARDS ON SALE NOW. ASK YOUR DEALER OR BOX 66, GENERAL POST OFFICE, NEW YORK CITY. Code below: 6th New York— 7-9-8-24. MARIE JEAN, 7.00, WON Top Line Horse, Current Issue. TURF LIGHT, 140 W. 42nd Street, New York Crty Read Carefully If you play the races, I win put you next to a little secret • that should place you above want as long as you live. Write T.SECOR, • Aurora, Illinois MANOWARST Todays Code Parlay: ARLINGTON— Dick-53-33-39-53 and DETROIT — A»bert-45-53-33-31. Todays Free Code: DETROIT — Spur-20-36-36-8. Todays Jockey Code: DETROIT— Jones-29-23-34-49. Terms, daily, 0 weekly a two-horse parlay daily YESTERDAYS PARLAY: KUVERA, .72, LOST SILVER WRACK, .90, LOST Saturdays Parlay: HADAGAL, 3.54, WON SARADA, 0.40, WON Fridays Parlay: Thursdays Parlay: MAYVITE, 1.50, WON LIBERTY OAK, 5.00, WON HEIRESS, $ 9.96, WON LADY LOU ELLA, $ 7.30, WON Wednesdays Parlay: Tuesdays Parlay: STAR FIRE, 4.90, WON LADY MACAW, 9.00, WON LEFT WING, 1.60, WON AMAZEMENT, $ 9.80, WON TODAY— A LIMIT PARLAY— TODAY EXPECT 00 FOR We believe that all you need do to win 00 today is to get the advice on these two horses and play them in a win parlay. From the information we have on hand we fail to see how these two horses can possibly lose. We urge and advise all readers to positively obtain this advice and take advantage of this exceptional opportunity. . SUBSCRIBE! SUBSCRIBE! City clients, call at office. Out-of-town clients, wire your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Address THE BELL 173 WEST MADISON STREET CHICAGO,, ILL,. ,, .. . IWp JOCKEY §W| Gregory4mallwood RACING WEEKLY WINNERS! WINNERS! IN JOCKEY GREGORY and SMALL-WOODS RACING WEEKLY BEST BET AT ROCKINGHAM: STRETCH CALL 7.70, WON ARLINGTON SPECIAL: FANFERN 2.68, WON Those are the kinds of winners you get when you buy this big weekly. Get this new issue at once and follow for winners. YESTERDAYS JOCKEY GREGORY PARLAY: LAURETTA NASH 4.80, WON TINY KITTY 1.10, WON JOCKEY GREGORY SERVICE Terms, Daily 0 Weekly These horses have been winning steadily and consistently. Subscribe today and get these two horses. LIMIT PARLAY TODAY Make it your business to get this advice today. These two come bom some "friends" who know what they are doing, and we assure you that no mistakes will be made. Get these horses today. TODAYS FREE CODE: ARLINGTON— Wilson-22-44-14-30. TODAYS SMALLWOOD CODES: ARLINGTON— Fator-5fi-39-98-37. D ETR0IT— Porter-54-3S-27-73. GREGORY and SMALLWOOD 149 NORTH DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL. ~"1"T -/..■-/■■J/,,. IX "■ DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day — In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR TUESDAY: LAT0NIA— F-24-8-6-20. ARLINGTON— Y-15-10-2M4. SATURDAYS CODE RELEASES: MY BLAZE, .40, WON SLAPPED, .72, WON WM. BURKE KELLY 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. TURF GOSSIP WEEKLY-35c TURF GOSSIP FREE CODE: LAT0NIA— July-47-57-43-52. CLOCKERS TIPS FREE CODE PARLAY: LAT0NIA— Dora-78-83-75-66. LAT0NIA— Duke-71-78-73-85. SATURDAYS FREE CODES: OCCULT .80, WON MY BLAZE. .40, WON 538 South Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. Price 35c— On Sale Everywhere— Price 35c TODAYS TUESDAYS FREE CODE: ROCKINGHAM: September-Newark-Cleveland-Albany. To decipher code, use Weekly issue of June 30. TURF DISPATCH 35c— AMERICAS LEADING WEEKLY— 35c At AH Stands— 35 Cents Todays Code Parlay: ARLINGTON— White-25-19-23-27 and DETROIT— Yellow-23-33-22-22. Todays Free Code: DIAMOND— Sally-1t-34-32-29. Todays Trackmans Code: DETROIT— HhMMHMI TUIjFM WEEKLY* FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS PRICE. 35c FOLLOW THE GOLD SEAL TO PROSPERITY YESTERDAYS ELEVENTH HOtR PARLAY: CHANCE LINE .56, LOST DIVERT 1.60, LOST , SATURDAYS ELEVENTH-HOUR PARLAY: HIGHEST POINT, 2.40, WON BLUE FOAM, 0.20, WON FRIDAYS ELEVENTH-HOUR PARLAY: TEETER TOTTER, 4.80, WON MORSEL, $ 5.40, WON THURSDAYS ELEVENTH HOUR PARLAY: BABOO, 2.60, WON PAPER PROFITS, $ 6.00, 2ND WEDNESDAYS ELEVENTH HOUR PARLAY: NEWGRO, 4.80, WON MARV, 0.00, WON This is a winning service that you cannot afford to miss. Why not start getting this service today and every other day. Just buy Gold Seal Turf Weekly and turn to page 5. Learn how you can get this service daily. YESTERDAYS CONSENSUS PARLAY: BARCAROLLE 9.12, WON BRIGHT DAY .80, WON SUBSCRIBE TO CONSENSUS CODE PARLAYS SIX DAYS— — SIX DAYS We publish these codes in those columns every day. All you need do to get these horses is to send and we, in turn, will send you code cards good for six days service. You can then decode your horses and start winning with these parlays. TODAYS FREE CODE: DETROIT— August-2t-24-24-23. TODAYS CONSENSUS PARLAY: ARLINGTON— Weekly-45-94-33-27. ROCKINGHAM— Get-34-29-83-37. EDITOR FRANK BRADYS "ODE: D ETR0IT— February-23-28-18-lt. GOLD SEAL TURF WEEKLY 173 W. Madison St.. Suite 1207 Chicago. III. Weekly Racing Guide FOLLOW GUIDE COMMISSION HOUSE FOLLOW THE GUIDE FOR WINNERS Chicago Readers, Call Wahash 727i Readers in the following cities, call accompanying numbers: Cincinnati, Oblo Mats 4200 New Orleans, La. Main 3478 New fork, N. Y Bognrdas 6900 San Francisco. Calif.. ... Market 1CB4 St Lonls. Ho. Garfield 4789 Cleveland. Ohio Ken more 1153 or 1965-J In addition to the above release, other winning services given out by RACING GUIDE are the dairy releases of Carmac and Asa Powell. CARMACS RELEASE FOR TUESDAY: ARLINGTON PARK— Anna-7-21. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR TUESDAY: LAT0NIA— Rose-5-38. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF JULY 7 SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL TODAY 55 Per Cent Have Won Over a Period of Five Yean TODAYS SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL IS: DESSERT— Harp-30-38. WEEKLY RACING GUIDE Worlds Greatest Racine Weekly Subscription Rate— One Month. .00; Six Months, |5 i One Year. 820 East Third Street Cincinnati Ohio V|M| I AT ALL STAHBa ■.HI J U ■ a#i WKj 35c THAT W0N0ERFUL TURF WEEKLY Todays Code Parlay: ARLINGTON— March-4t-6«-3«-tf and DETROIT — July-©2-72-72-*4. Todays Free Code: GEORGE— CjUHMMML Todays dockers Code: ROCKINGHAM— Dodae-27-23-43-37.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934070301/drf1934070301_31_1
Local Identifier: drf1934070301_31_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800