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#■■" ■■■■■■_■■■■■■■■ .■■■,..-■__.-■■ -■■■i. ■■■■ JDAILY RACING FORM _J__L____ ARLINGTON PARK "Daily Double" on the Winners of the Second and Third Races I IThe at Arlington Park Monday Paid 04.06 for ! ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, ILL., MONDAY, JULY 2, 1934.— Arlin5ton Park 1 1-8 miles. Seventh day. Arlington Park Jockey Club. Summer meeting of 30 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather clear. Steward representing Illinois Racing Commission, C. J. FitzGerald. Steward of Meeting. G. Brown, Jr. Honorary Stewards, C. T. Grayson, A. B. Hant-ui-k and Major L. A. Beard. Judges, C. J. McLennan, F. P. Dunne and C. J. FitzGerald, Jr. Starter, R. Dickerson. Racing Secretary, J. B. Campbell. R.icing starts at 2:20 p. m. Chicago daylight saving time. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. "Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; **7 pounds; ***10 pounds. QCOI -| FIRST RACE— 7-8 Mile out of chute. Tred Avon, June 30, 1932— 1:22%— 4— 117. ,, »V?V"« Purse S809- 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 08; third, July-Z-34-A.P j50. fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 4 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,000. Index Hume. EgtA fftlPSt % % % Str Fl Jot-key* Owner* EquIt. Odd. Strt 98186TINY KITTY w 104 7 5 21 2* 1* 1* PI LambC Audley Farm Stable 455 100 88120WILD REIGH wb 113 9 7 7 54 44 21 21 HarbortO J Din* 246 100 98186 LEGAL GAMBLE w 110 8 10 10s 10" T 31 31 ArcaroE Mrs N W Burkhart 564 100 S8186THOROUGHFARE w 105 19 81 64 5k 41 4i KineJ Mrs R Pollard 445 100 97817WOODLANDER w 109 11 3 6» 9i 6* 51 5k KeesterP R T Watts 6949 100 97S72 BLACK JOE wb 110 10 1 51 7J 81 7« 6* CorbettC Rookwood Farm Stablo 2008 100 98128 WALKALONG wb 105 3 6 41 31 34 64 71 WestropeJ Mrs M Lowenstein 855 100 97908MARKS GIRL w 96 6 8 9* 8* 9* 9* 81 MorganA Chappel Bros 14152 100 98048 BLACK MISS w 105 4 2 11 lk 2* 81 9* WrightWD De Carlo and Quinn 5103 100 97279 CREOLE BIRD wb 103 2 4 31 4l 10* 10* 10* MeadeD Southland Stable 1347 100 97809DONCELLITA w 981 5 11 11 11 11 11 11 HankaW A and M Morgan 18111 100 Time. :23 i. :46. 1:10% 1:24% Track fast. , S3 MUTT/ELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS TINY KITTY 1.10 .16 .28 455—100 t58— 100 114—100 WILD REIGH 3.78 3.10 89—100 55—100 LEGAL GAMBLE 4.96 148—100 Winner — Ch. f. by St. Henry — Kitten, by Plaudit trained by J. F. Patterson; bred by Audley Farm and Mr. L. A. Moseley. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 2:21. AT POST— 1 J minutes. Start good and slow. Won ridden out; second and third driving. TINY KITTY showed good speed from the start while racing on the outside, then moved up on the turn and, drawing out easily, won under pressure. WILD REIGH gained steadily on the outside and, hard ridden, was overtaking the winner. LEGAL GAMBLE, far back early, saved ground on the final turn and finished fastest. THOROUGHFARE challenged In the stretch. WOODLANDER had a rough race. BLACK MISS set a fast early pace and quit. CREOLE BIRD tired. Overweight — Marks Girl, 1 pound; Creole Bird, 3; Doncellita. 3j. QQOI O SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Gift of Roses. June 27, 1933—1:101—4—109. Purse 00. *7*5 •-£-*--" 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second. 00; third, July-2-34-A.P J50; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,500. Intfe- Home* Eqt A WtllSt % y, Str Kin lot kt y. Owners Bqui- OiM» Strt 98047 SECRET TRYST w 3 112 1 3 11 11 l1 11 WrightWD J Emery 494 100 97988,BAY SERVANT w 3 102 3 2 21 21 2* 2* HankaW Mrs R Sullivan 2147100 9818riNFINITY wb 8 115 9 1 4i 31 3k 3" KeesterP C E Davison 364 100 97969*MISS FLIP w 3 102 6 6 51 54 41 41 LambC Blue Ridge StabU 6566 100 97822LILLIAN Z. wb 4 110 5 5 31 6* 6* 51 NachelJ Benbow and Clay 2122 100 97852MALOLO wb 8 120 4 7 71 41 51 6i KacalaJ B Johnson 114 100 97908"HIGH BOTTOM wb 4 115 2 4 6* 71 T V KineJ Mrs R Pollard 1230 100 97826VALDOSTA w 7 120 78 888 8 MeadeD T Piatt 4815 100 97611SHERRON wb3 112 8 Lost rider. CorbettC Rookwood Farm Stable 5125 100 Time, :23s. *7. t:12. Track fast. , MUTUEL3 PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS-SECRET TRYST 1.88 .14 .02 494—100 257—100 101—100 BAY SERVANT 14.78 6.18 639—100 209—100 INFINITY 3.56 78—100 Winner— Br. g, by Tryster— Silent Moments, by Vandergrift trained by D. Womeldorff ; bred by Miss E. Djinoriield. Winner entered tobe claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 2:49. AT POST— 1 minute. Start gi-od and slow. Won driving , second and third the same. SECRET TRYST, showing good speed and saving ground throughout, withstood a long drive gamely. BAY SERVANT, close up early, held on well. INFINITY, on the outside of the leaders throughout, finished strongly. MISS FLIP had no mishaps. MALOLO, slow to get going and losing ground, moved up fast on the stretch turn and tired. SHERRON stumbled at the start and lost his rider. Scratched— 97817 Fire Star, 107; Circus Day, 107. QfiQI Q THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Crowning Glory, July 2, 1932—1 :04]4— 2— 106. Purse ImIv»VI_i d **••• 2-ve-r- »l ls- Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 08; third, 8; juiy-OT-A.f fourthj j25 c,_jrning prjce 5W; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,508. Index Horse. Bqt A Wt 11St % % Str Fin Jorkeya Owners KquIt. Odd- Strt 96534 BARCAROLLE w 108 5 3 11 11 1» V ArcaroE K E Hitt 856-100 976122BERT REID w 116 2 5 44 34 2* 2* WestropeJ T C Worden 506 ICO 970422*POLLY RITA wb 109 8 2 31 21 34 3 HankaW D B MidkiH 186-100 976123BEGINNERS BAIT wb 108 3 6 51 4* 4 41 MeadeD E R Bradley 589 100 97473 BLUE LILLIAN w 109 6 4 6» 51 54 54 BalaskiL Aarons _. Weil 3485 100 973283*VANCE w 107 7 8 7. V 61 61 KeesterP Mrs R Carruthers 980-100 97970 COUNT TETRARCH wb 108 4 1 8* 9* 71 74 SteffenE Mrs J Hertz 5700 100 97328 IMA GREENOCK ws 105 9 7 21 64 9* 8 CorbettC Rookwood Farm Stable 859 100 97970:ROSS w 112 10 9 P 84 81 9* RichardA Shandon Farm Stable 1932 100 OSmCHICASHA wl08 110 10 10 10 10 KacalaJ W F Axton 6426-100 Time, :23, :47, 1:00, 1:06%. Track fast. , WMUTUELS PAID , j OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ■ BARCAROLLE 9.12 0.58 .94 856—100 429—100 197— 1N BERT REID 5.16 3.32 158—100 66— IN POLLY RITA 2.66 33—101 Winner— B. c, by Ed Crump — Nocturne, by Harmonicon trained by T. Rodrock ; bred by Mrs. K. E. Hitt. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 3:14J. AT POST— 5 minutes. Start good and slow for all but Chicasha. Won handily; second and third driving. BARCAROLLE, starting fast, drew out when called upon and won under urging. BERT REID followed close up and held on well under punishment. POLLY RITA lost ground on the turn and tired in the final strides. BEGINNERS BAIT saved ground throughout. IMA GREENOCK tired after three eighths. CHICASHA was unprepared at the start. Scratched— 97612 Pompous Genie, 119. QQOI A FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Crowning Glory, July 2, 1932—1:044—2—106. Spec-i i ?m7b tator Purse- Pur W00- 2-year-olds. Maidens. Colts and geldings. Special weights. July-Z-34-A.P Net va!ue t0 winner W25; seCond, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Iiide* tlorae- Bqt A WtllSt %, % Str rin Jorkeys Owner* Kqniv. Odds Strt 98046BORN HAPPY wb 116 8 1 V 11 1* 14 MeadeD E R Bradley 197.100 98046 SKIP IT wb 116 2 9 104 9 44 2» ArcaroE Calumet Farm Stable 555-100 97816-ADVANTAGE wb 116 4 2 3* 31 3* 31 SteffenE J J Coughlin 2825 100 CLIENTELLE w 116 5 4 24 2l 2* 44 WrtWD Southland Stable 668 100 97816 DOJO wll6 711 1111 T 5* BalaskiL Aarons and WeU 1391100 92714 TORO FLIGHT w lib 3 3 51 51 51 6» PollardJ N W Church 689-100 96620 FOGGY NIGHT w 116 1 5 81 8» 6* 74 GarnerM Brookmeade Stable 1171-100 980463GALLACLAY wb 116 6 10 91 71 81 81 FisherHW Milky Way Farms Stable 925 100 98056 MR. MACK w 116 9 6 61 10* 9" 9* KeesterP T C Piatt 31569 100 97816 SULA w 116 11 8 74 6411 104 RichardA Shandon Farm Stable 2933 100 CIVIL WAR w 116 10 7 44 4410" 11 CorbettC W C Goodloe 8872 100 Time, :22 *£, :46%. .59%, 1:064. Track fast. r~T%2 MUTUEIS PAID 1 , OFFICIAL BOOKING 0DD8 , BORN -,„-... ...-.-... HAPPY .94 .22 .82 197-100 61-100 41-108 »5r_JL__ii 4M 4M 117-100 115-181 ADVANTAGE 10.62 431—188 Winner— B. g, by Black Toney— Bienaime, by Roi Herode trained by W. Hurley; bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm. WENT TO POST— 3:46f AT POST— 3 minutes. Start sood and slow. Won easily ; second and third driving. » BORN HAPPY, away fast, saved ground throughout and won in hand. SKIP IT worked his way up on the outside, swerved slightly in the stretch, but finished resolutely. ADVANTAGE, quick to start held on well. CLIENTELLE. close to the early leader, tired. TORO FLIGHT could not keep up. FOGGY NIGHT began well, but tired. CIVIL WAR was away slowly and moved up fast, then tired Scratched -97546 South Gallant, 116. 9831 S "TH RACE-3-4 Mile. Gift of Roses, June 27. 1933-1:184-4-109. Hamilton, On- h„_»M4D tar,° Purse" Purse ,00°- 3-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to lo winner wmner 6f »■», July-2-34-A.P second 50; third 00; fourthf 0 Irnie. Horget _Cqt A Wt IPSt K % Str Fin Jockeyi Owners Eqnl». Odd* Strt 97910SOME POMP wb 107 2 4 V V 14 V WestropeJ Calumet Farm Stable 313400 98121 DOGMATA w 115 7 3 71 51 31 2- HarbortO H C McConnell 2040 100 97973MR. JAMES wb 112 6 1 24 2l 21 31 ArcaroE Mrs R Carruthers 1307 100 97973:CARBINA wb 107 4 5 3 34 41 44 KacalaJ Audley Farm Stable 967 100 97910 TATCHPOCKET wb 115 12 51 41 54 5 TiptonA G VY O-le flfcS gSttlCHANCE LINE we 11? 3 8 4 61 6 b4 WghtWD J E Widener 178 100 94370 JUDGE LEER wb 112 5 6 61 7* 7» 7« KeesterP E Trotter 681 100 97266ASHEN wb 109 8 7 8 8 8 8 RichardA Shandon Farm Stable 10282 100 Time, :224s. :454s, 1:11. Track fast. «.p tsvss "5a i_s_5rsrs" «rii £0RG"*Ls:.::::::::::::::::::::: n" B » -»• «tj» Winner— B. f, by Porr.pey— Some More, by Polymelian trained by B. B. Williams; bred by Mr. W. R. WENT TO POST— 4:14. AT POST— 2J minutes. Start eood and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. SOME POMP, showing good speed, set the restrained pace and, responding well when hard ureed in 6 ;,rPM "__£_£ * d"„e- D0GMATA gained steadily between horses and finished stoutly under plnish ment. MR. JAMES was hard urged entering the stretch and tired in the final strides. CARBINA followed dose up, but could not improve his position. PATCHPOCKET saved Sround and had no mishaps. CHANCE L1NL was away poorly and tired after being tushed into contention. Continued on sixteenth page. ARLINGTON PARK Continued from third puye.J QQQ1 42 SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile Hertz Course, out of chute. Equipoise, June 30, 1932— 1:34%— iw»mad 4—128. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; juiy-z-34-A.p second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,200. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PPSt K % % Str Fin Jo« keys Owners Equiv. Otlds Strt 980522AN1TA ORMONT wb 5 105 7 7 51 31 lk l2 14 HankaW W F Axton 9s7l00 98187 MILITIA wb 4 115 11 1 92 9* 54 34 2l GarnerM J B Partridge 1929 100 97677 PLATINUM BLONDEwb 4 110 10 9 44 24 21 2 3* WrtWD J McNamara 1457 100 97677 BAG SMASHER wsb 7 115 4 2 8* 51 4k 44 44 ArcaroE C E Davison 993 100 97748WESTIRE wb 6 110 3 4 31 7s 84 64 51 KingJ A Warner 2974 100 9805321RY KING wb 4 110 2 5 21 4 71 51 61 LaidleyO St Louis Stable 290100 97077J*TEMPLE DANCER wb 4 105 5 10 10 8s 9» 9s 72 NachelJ R W Hoffman 990 100 98124 KUVERA vv 5 110 1 8 61 61 64 71 31 BalaskiL Harned Bros 326 100 977480 PIN wb 7 115 9 6 11 l" 31 84 9W HardyL Mrs A Klein 3538 100 97551 HONEST BEN vv 5 105 3 3 71 10 10 10 10 HarbortO G Rung 16835 100 97614PROYAL TREASURE w 4 110 6 11 Wheeled. StrongJ G Ury 701 100 Time, :23 , :47%. 1:12%. 1:38%. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , ANITA ORMONT 1.82 .58 .16 991—100 378P-100 208—100 MILITIA 22.86 12.14 1043—100 507—100 PLATINUM BLONDE 9.16 358-100 Winner— Ch. m, by Ormont— Anita K., by General Roberts trained by W. Lewis; bred by Mr. W. S. Dudley. Winner entered to be claimed for ,200. WENT TO POST-4:41. AT POST— If minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily ; second and third driving. ANITA ORMONT, away well and moving into contention early, was well rated until midway of the turn responded readily when called on and drew out to have something in reserve. MILITIA, well restrained for a half mile, gained steadily when called on and, losing ground, hung on well. PLATINUM BLONDE followed the early pace closely, but faltered in the final drive. BAG SMASHER showed a flash on the turn, but could not threaten. KING PIN tired. ROYAL TREASURE, fractious at the post and taken to the outside, wheeled ; after the race he jumped the fence and unseated his rider. Scratched— 97976 Sizzling, 110; 97976 Scandal Sheet, 110; 97976 Red Boot, 110; 76300 Betterfly, 100. Corrected weight— Platinum Blonde, 110; Kuvera, 110; Honest Ben, 105. QQ~| T7 SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile Hertz Course, out of chute. Equipoise, June 30, 1932—1:34% t . 9MAO —4—128. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, Juiy-ZsM-A.p 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,000. Index Horses Bq t A WtlTSt % % »4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Buaiv. Odds Strt 97057 RED JOHN wb 112 9 2 6* 44 21 14 1* SteffenE Mrs J Hertz 604 100 97821 MARCELLA H. w 106 1 3 74 61 54 31 24 HankaW H Oots 1522 100 98047*FLYING JUSTICE wb 104 7 1 14 14 11 22 3" KineJ G F Woodman 1622 100 98184 PLAY HOOKY wb 112 3 9 9 8a 61 51 41 MeadeD Southland Stable 5682 100 98183MENS SON wb 111 5 6 3 21 3" 44 54 NachelJ L M Severson 193100 98123V*UNKIE TOM wb 106 6 7 51 74 7* 7* 6* KeesterP Harned Bros 360100 94937IROYAL LEON w 114 2 4 2" 34 41 61 71 WestropeJ T C Worden 1852 100 981233MT. HOOD wb 114 4 8 8 9 9 9 8* BalaskiL Mm R Sullivan 1831 100 97488:THATAWAY wb 113 8 5 44 51 81 81 9 WriehtWD H P Headley 670 100 Time, :23%. :47. 1:11%. 1:36. Track fasi. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAI BOOKING ODDS . RED JOHN 4.08 .60 .90 604—100 280—100 145—100 MARCELLA H 12.94 8.18 547—100 309—100 FLYING JUSTICE 8.82 341-100 Winner— Ch. c, by Reigh Count— Salome II.. by The Tetrarch trained by F. S. Hackett; bred by Mis. J. H.-rtz. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST-5:13. AT POST— minute. Start eood and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. RED JOHN, much the best and restrained when moving up on the outside in the early stages, went around the leaders on the turn and won with much to spare. MARCELLA H., restrained early, moved up and finished well. FLYING JUSTICE, away fast, opened up a clear lead, but tired when challenged. PLAY HOOKY challenged gamely after losing ground. JENS SON quit. Scratched— 98123 Four Spot, 103. QS£~I 52 EIGHTH RACE— 1 1-1 Miles. Sun Beau, July It, 1931 — 1:49% — 6 — 125. Purse 5800. 3- .. •«»° year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 06; third, 0; July-2-34-A.P fourth, 5. Claiming price. ,800. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PI St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT. Odds Strt 97976AMERlCAN SMILE wi 4 113 1 4 3* 31 5* 5W 1» WestropeJ M J Bekuchamp 680 100 88853 MORPHEUS wi6116 2 2 44 4* 41 34 24 ArcaroE Glen Errol Stable 405100 98853 HIT AND RUN wi 3 105 4 6 6 * 31 44 3 WrightWD A B Letellier 1597 100 97648BLACK FOOL «■ 6 116 3 1 14 14 2* 1» 4 HarbortO P Kelley 100100 98853 JUST BUCK wb 4 116 6 3 2*4 24 1* 2» 5U KacalaJ Mrs F Swain 455 100 97975*FAIR BOY wi 5 108 5 5 5* 54 6 6 6 NachelJ Mrs R Dow ling 16668100 Time, :26, :50%. 1:15%. 1:41, 154K5. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS AMERICAN SMILE 5.68 .64 .76 686—106 232—100 138—100 MORPHEUS 5.46 3.92 176—166 96—100 HIT AND RUN 7.38 269—166 Winner — B. c, by American Flag — Laughing Eyes II., by Irish Lad trained by M. J. Beauchanip ; bred ■ by Himvar Stud. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO P0ST-«:46i. AT POST— 1* minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. AMERICAN SMILE, rated along steadily while saving ground, moved up fast in the stretch and just got up. MORPHEUS, restrained early, went to the outside in the drive and just failed to last. HIT AND RUN. far back early, lost much ground in the closing half mile. BLACK FOOL and JUST BUCK tired. Scratched— 98250 Vagabond, 116; 98186 Mint Memories, 98; 98120 Bert Lahr, 105. Corrected weight — Just Buck, 116. OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT ARLINGTON PARK Monday— 3 Races, 26.72; 5 Races, 02.10; 8 Races, 84.04