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WOR KOUTSl Date at left of horses name Is last workout. Letters following time indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; s, sulked; o, eased up. Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown In Black Face Type A- I . . , . FRIDAY, APRIL 5 DALLAS. "Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 3-13 By Product. :37h More Pep .. :39 h Dorian :39h .3-14 Miss Petrina :40 h Dream Train :39h 3-27 Marcella Ags :38andh 3-13 Dorbthv Dale :40 b 3-15 Ruth Jelinek :37h Lady Cohort :39 h Wily Girl .. :39h 3- 7 Losing Clon. :43 b One-Half Mile. 4- 4 Blue Cat ... :51 h 3-26 Hammcl ... :54 b 3-18 Biff :53b 3-15 Thistle Jock. :54andh Five-Eiahths Mile. Dr. Kaiser 1:08 h 3-27 Good Scout .1:04h 3-20 Forest Avuel:07h One Mile. 3-27 Royal Trurel:45h BOWIE. Weather cloudy; track good Three-Eighths Mile. .4-1 Cristate :36d 3-17 Patsey Bege :38 h 3-13 Flying Fcon :38h 3-29 Pace :33 h Ilchester .:. :37h 3-20 Playful Tr. :36 d 3-2 Jim John ... :36d 4-1 Star Porter. :37h 3-31 Legume-.... :36 d One-Half Mile, 3- 30 Brown -Twig. :55 h: 27 Maid well ... :50 h Easter Dale. :50 h .Nautch :50h 4- 3 Grainger ... :50h 4-3 Pupil :53 h 2- 28 Miss Spark. :53 h Five-Eiqhths Mile. 3- 6 Chmed Eyes1:02h Inscription .l:03h 3-28 Hhcst Pointl:03h Small Chngel:03h Three-Quarters Mile. Buck Lghnel:18 h 4-3 Impromptu ,1:16d 3-27 Chief Mrncrl:20b 3-31 Ladfield ...l:17d 3- 17Caerleon ...1:19 b 4-3 Miss Cvllcnel:20 h Distracting .1:19 h 2-13 My Csellor.l:27 b 4- 2 Eter Heraldl:18 h 4-3 Threading .1:19 h 3- 31 Flying Gsiel:18 h 4-2 Tambourine 1:20 d 4- 3 Gloritone ...l:21b 4-3 Tristrap ....l:21b 4-2 Hurdy Gurdyl:18 h One Mile. 3- 11 Banderlog ..1:52 b 4-2 Fly On ....1:49 d Jim John and Cristate worked together. Nautch went handily. Star Porter and Ilchester went handily together: Playful Tour has his speed. CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather threatening; track good Three-Eighths Mile. Boncentime . :40 b Pther Rock, :3914b 4- 2 Clean out .. :3S?h Pompcys Pr :37 h Gyral :39b 4-2 Pierre Andre :37 h Hi Hun :40 b 4-2 .Riff :38 b 4-3 Haeheart ... :38h 4-3 Scout Brde. :37h Insulated ... :40b 4-3 Senoj :39b Lance Wood. :40b Tabora :38h 4-2 Lunsford ... :37h Yankee Ws :39b One-Half Mile. 2-27 Dstration .. :54b Myraid :56 b Grand Finale :56 b Sasquatch .. :54 b Shady Wood :54b 221 The Mauler. :54b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-4 Bting Katel:04 h 4-2 Lynvetc 1:06 b 4-2 Bluebeard ..1:03h 4-2 Little Cynic.l:04h 2- 17 Chance Flhtl:04 h Nasslyn ....l:07b 4-2 Captn Joy l:06b Nassa Alone. l:07b Cherry Timol:064,b 4-1 Princess Octal:06 h First Pigeonl:06b Ripper 1:06 h 4-2 Gamaliel ...1:05 h 4-2 Secret Tryst.l:06b Hasty Hanhl:06 h 4-2 Tormv B.. 1:06 b 4-2 Infinitate ..1:05 b Visigoth ....l:03h Jackknife ..l:05h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-2 Byrdine 1:18 h Jane Brush .1:23 b Brown Tonyl:19b Parade Stepl:19h 4-2 Hour Zev...l:42 b 4-2 Spanish Babel:23 b One Mile. 4-2 Funderburg .1:57 b Clean Out showed good speed. Bluebeard showed a good effort, handily. Chance Flight and Bartering Kate were together. Visigoth worked impressively. Byrdine worked handily. ARLINGTON DOWNS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eiqhths Mile. 3- 3 Allonby ...... :37h 4-2 Miss Ritz... :38h 3- 29 Back Fence.. :38h 4-3 Metaurus ... :38h 4- 1 Celiba :35h 4-2 Magenta ... :39 h 3-30 Creole Bird.. :38 h 4-2 Pharatime .. :37h 3-30 Dornoch :35h 4-2 Penncote ... :37b 3- 5 Dark Seeker. :40b 3-21 Rafs Probm :38h 4- 2 Frccburg Boy :38b 4-1 R. V. Winkle :36h 4-3 Gallant Gav. :37h 4-1 Scircle Blaze :37 h 4-1 Gold Sweep.. :37h 3-30 Sue Anne. ... :364ih 3-26 Hamilton ... :41 b 4-3 Texas Pal... :38h 3- 23 Just ImperI. :42b 2-27 The Bouncer. :37h 2-26 Jacobs Ladr. :39 h 4-2 Uncon Gold :38b 3 31 K. Grnaway :37h 1-15 Wilcher .... :39h One-Half Mile. 4- 2 Bonnie Pan.. :48h 4-2 Ly Brn Bud :52 h 2- 27 Booterstown. :52h 3-11 Lemon- :56b 4 1 Cohort Miss. :49h 3-29 Late Date... :51b 3- 17Fingal :56b 3-22 Miss Eternal. :53 b 4 2 Glia Mcedes :50h 3-30 Miss Galhad :52 h 4- 3 Gov. Sholtz.. :49 h 4-2 Pantaur :51 h 4-1 High Finance :51 h 3-28 Sazerac :49h 3- 3 How High . :52 b 3-26 Swpg Light :47h 4- 1 Heedless Gal. :48h 4-2 Well Built... :55 b 3- 6 Happy Lad.. :53h Five-Eighths Mile. 4 3 Blcsd Evcnt.l:01h 3-31 Haggerson ..1:00h 41 Brit Bubble.l:07 b 3-29 Ly Rocklgc.l:05 b 4- 2 Croon l:02h 4-1 Maraconna .1:03 h 4-1 Chuck Wagnl:02h 3-31 Miss Diavolo.l:03 b 4-3 Chlie Dawn. 1:05 b 3-23 Mnie Grnkl:05 b 3-31 Drastic WtrlrlO d 3-17 Pat C 1:06 d 3-31Dodiodo ....l:04h 4-4 Phalamo ...l:02h 4 2 Forever Yrsl:04h 3-24 Peggy J 1:09 b 3-28 George 1:05 b 3-17 Rose Hazen..l:04h 3 18 Hawk Moth..l:07b 3-15 Syzygy 1:02 h Three-Quarters Mile. 3 30 Bally Wise. ..l:16h 3-15 Old Nick. . . .l:164ih 3- 29 Caw Caw.... 1:25 b 3-31 Royal Leon.l:19 b 4- 4 Miss Kiev... l:16h 3-31 Uluniu 1:20 b 4-4 My Francinel:16 h 4-2 Wise Player.1:15 h 3-16 Nl Kuhlmanl:17J6h Seven-Eighths Mile. 3-3lMannie ....l:314ib 3-29 Tadcaster -..l:31h One Mile. 4-2 Blue Armor .-.1:43 h 4-2 Hssty GIancel:38 h 4-2 Crout au Pt1:38- h 4-3 Wrack Ace. .1:57 b 4-1 Great Haste.l:44h 4-2 Whiskolo ...1:43 h Sweeping Light worked well from the,bar-rier. Heedless Gal worked well. Haggerson worked between races Thursday. Croon went handily from the barrier. Chuck Wagon and Phalamo were breezing in company. Miss Diavolo was breezing. Wise Player worked handily. Blue Armor and Whiskolo were together. Hasty Glance and Crout au Pot did their good mile work before the first race Thursday, in company. BAY MEADOWS. Weather cloudy; track slow Tnree-Eighthv Mile. Cora Dora . :41b 3-29 Kent :38b 4-2 Chosen Pal.. :40 b 4-2 Liqueur .... :40 b 1 3-26-Dunlin Lady :38b 4-2 Magnanous :38b 4-2 Enigmatic .. :39b 1-14 Night Jmine :37h 3-28 Fair Quest . :38b 4-2 Rainstar ..: :39b 3-27Hardatit ... :39b 3-31 War Letter . :40b 1-30 Jennie Gal., :40 b - Or.e Half Mile. 3-28 Crystal Pre :55b 3-28 Major Lhier :54 b 3-27Frumpcr ... :54b 3-29 Nerissa .... :52b 3-31 Gertie :55b 1-23 Playaway .. :53b 3-27GIodazz .... :56 b 4-2 Piety ...... :53b Five-Eighths Mile. 3-2B Beeson 1:09b 3-24 Supreme Ctl:09b 3-21 Faux Pas ..l:09b Three-Quarters Mile. 3-28 Little Son .4:26 b Dunlin Lady was under wraps. Magnanimous and Fair Crest went together evenly. Hardatit was under a pull, all the way. Night Jasmine could have gone faster. Cora Dora appeared to like the going. War Letter was slightly restrained. . Playaway appeared to dislike the track. Piety was snugged throughout. Crystal Prince appeared to pull up slightly lame. Nerissa wore blinkers and was snugged all the way. Faux Pas and Supreme Court were only cantering. Beeson was restrained all the way.