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DALLAS JUVENILE STAKES DALLAS, Texas, April 5. Several days ago when general manager Julius Reeder announced the stakes to be run at the coming twenty-one day meeting to be held at Fair Park, all of which carries ,500 in money added, a race for two-year-olds was overlooked. This morning Reeder announced that the Dallas Juvenile Stakes would be run Wednesday, May 8, with an added value of ,500. It will be decided at four and one-half furlongs and the nominations must be in the hands of judge Reeder Saturday, May 4. The other stakes to be run at the coming season, all carrying ,500 added, will be the State Fair of Texas Handicap on opening day, the Greater Dallas Handicap, the Fort Worth Handicap, the Texas Central Centennial Handicap and the Fair Park Handicap. The latter handicap will feature the closing days program.