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New Weekly Out 35 Cents FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS TODAYS FREE CODE: BOWIE: Ted-May-Hat-Hat-Dig. 5 FREE SPECIAL: ARLINGTON DOWNS: Ton-Bar-Fog-May-Caw. Under no consideration fail to fet this one today. They ara betting. LAST WEEKS TOP HORSES: ALADDINS DREAM, .80, WON LYNX EYE, .90, WON LAST WEEKS LONG SHOTS: BRUSTIGERT, 3.80, WON BEAU BON, 7.30, WON and a raft of other winners, so b sure and set the New Issue of the WEEKLY MASTER CLOCKER 35 CENTS, AT ALL NEWSSTANDS TODAYS OCCASIONAL CODE: BOWIE: Tie-Hit-Inn-New-Pyx. Was never better and today is the day. For this one, ask your newsdealer for the OCCASIONAL CODE CARD PRICE, GOOD FOR ONE WEEK FOR SALE ON ALL NEWSSTANDS 1 J u VaSlLHaaH DIRECT FROM SCENE Or ACTION J $ $ DID IT "AGAIN!" YESTERDAYS PARLAY: AS ALWAYS .80, WON CHAIN .30, WON "DONT FAIL TO GET YOURS TODAY." SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE. Thanks to all the "old timers," vrelcoming my "new" reasonable rates. They "KNOW" that SAM RELEASES "NOTHING" but THE "BEST." I "KNOW PLENTY TODAY!" PARLAY TERMS, DAILY Out-of-tdwners, WIRE IN your subscription by Postal Telegraph or Western Union.. City players, call at office or phone DEARBORN 3610-3629 and receive parlay by FAST MESSENGER. "CLOCKER" SAM CLARK 127 N. Dearborn St., Suite 1435-37 Chicago, III. Write for sample copy of my booklet 538 South Dearborn St- Chicago, HI. Price 35c On Sale Everywhere Price 35c TODAYS SATURDAYS FREE CODE: ARLINGTON: May-Mars-Rockford-Dallas. To decipher code, purchase Weekly Issue of April 6. TUIihllio RACING 1 JrlVIJL WEEKLY Worlds Premier Long Shot Handicapper 1 "TRIUMPH OF ETERNAL TRUTH" ROCK OF OUR FOUNDATION Only 15 Cents a Copy All Stands Have It Todays Free Code: BOWI E G reen-1 6-70. , Todays Free Code release emanates from the same group that gave: EOMOLA, 9.20, WON which was our Free Code Monday, March 25. You must be a winner when you follow these winning Free Codes. For key to code, see page 7, THORP RACING WEEKLY. Only 15c a copy. Pay no more. TODAYS "CHIPS" McMANUS SPECIAL: ARLINGTON DOWNS Trenton-Ruby-Leo. WEDNESDAYS THORP DAILY DOUBLE: CIVDLIAN, 0.00, WON SMEAR, $ 7.00, WON The above WIN PARLAY was no surprise to the followers of THORPS DAILY DOUBLE. They know the joy of having a steady income by just following this incomparable service. TODAYS THORP- DAILY DOUBLE: BOWI E Floo r-58-58. BOWI E THe-96-72. 50 TO 1 DAILY DOUBLE TODAY Every precaution has been taken to assure TWO EASY WINS at limit odds, so rush your subscription immediately. TERMS: DAILY; WEEKLY Service wired immediately upon receipt of your subscription. Weekly clients will receive todays Daily Double by wire and Code Card good for six days service will be mailed. City clients may call personally. FOUR WIN PARLAYS OUT OF SIX Otherwise They Will Receive Next Weeks Daily Double Code Card Gratis THORP RACING WEEKLY 63 Park Row Suite 804 New York City CLOCKERS REVIEW 26th YEAR 35 CENTS THE COPY SOLD ON ALL NEWSSTANDS NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY 48 FREE BOOK WINNERS IN 11 DAYS, INCLUDED: THISTLE GENIE, 5.20, WON STAR SPECIAL FREE CODE TODAY: BOWIE Birds-9-20. For cipher code, see page 2, Clockers Review. SATURDAYS SAFETY PARLAYS every Saturday. Wire S2 immediately. Get two horses that should win and parlay 30 to 1 sure. Seven horses out of last ten won. Players 00 winner on plays last few weeks. EDWARD TIPTON DURANTE CONTINUES HIS FAMOUS WINNING PARLAYS No wires, no expense Printed in Code Form. Just turn to page 10. DURANTES CODE PARLAY TODAY: BOWIE Purple-13-5. BOWIE Blue-18-14. Wire by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and get the Code Card. First days horse by wire if you wish it. Winning is just a matter of how much you can afford to bet for these horses are "IN THE BAG" already. CLOCKERS REVIEW 41 Union Square, Suite 1011 New York City STEADY INCOME AS LONG AS RAtSfeS RUN Positive proof that my system wins on a flat bet will be sent to you promptly upon request. No obligations. Mall name and address. W. A. LOUIS, 6053 Camac Street, Philadelphia, Pa. DONT GAMBLE ON THE RACES Play horses that figure to win. Accurate handicapping: is simple when you know how. There is no excuse for anyone not knowing: how to handicap. Full particulars free no strings attached. Secure your free copy of "Pick Your Own Winners." Xearn to handicap and be a winner. No obligation. Write today. E. J. BELL, P. O. Box 6416, Cleveland, Ohio TRACK CRACKS RACING WEEKLY "The Truth If It Breaks Us" On All Stands, 15c Todays Code Parlay: ARLINGTON Porter-52-11-57-77 and ARLINGTON Ritz-22-39-13-1. Todays Bowie Special: BOWIE Bag-15-1-1-17. Todays Track Cracks Free Code: ARLINGTON Tie-15-4-8-1. 4 WEST 15TH ST. NEW YORK CITY S COMPASS 2 tHAT WON DERFUt TURF WICKlV q 35 CENTS FOR SALE AT ALL STANDS 35 CENTS TODAYS FREE CODE: H A R R Y Pu rpIe-52-48-54-40. Amazing new method wins steady income. Thirty-five dollars daily should be easy. Works anywhere. Simplicity itself. Complete method sent FREE OF CHARGE. Nothing to buy or sell, no wires. Rush name and address. Please write very plainly. 0. JENSEN, Box 2, Station C, Brooklyn, N. Y. SE man O WAR wS" FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Todays Free Code: BOWI E Boot-40-45-1 1 -23. Todays Code Parlay: BOWIE BilIy-31-43-15-37 and ARLINGTON Sidney-23-17-19-45. Todays Trackman Code: ACE White-80-41-43-81. Todays Bowie Meeting Horse: BOWIE Jean-26-46-84-38. RACING WORLD 15 CENTS Sold at All Newsstands 15 CENTS New issue No. 25 out today. Get copy now. Todays Free Code: BOWIE third-43-41-54. RACING WORLD 217 Centre St.. 4th Floor New York City DAILY 1 lLEGRAPH 5HT NOW ONLY 10 CENTS -! Voyage, 8.00, Won McCarty Bay Meadows Tip Dazetta, 4.40, Won Bassett Bay Meadows Tip When its winners you want, you must necessarily get the "Pink Sheet," for there is an ample supply of winners in that publication daily. When horses win at long odds the "Pink Sheet" has them. No matter what price a horse may be, the "Pink Sheet" has that winner. That is the reason for the slogan: "Winners at all tracks and winners , at all prices." The above two long-priced winners were given in Thursdays "Pink." You get horses like these every day in this publication. Regren, ace handicapper of the "Pink Sheet" staff, released four winners at Arlington Downs Thursday. His Pay-Off Horse at that track was MAROONED, .60, Won. His One Best Bet of the day was LYNX EYE, .90, Won. Regrens Pointed-Out Horses are the best bets that a horse player may make, for they .are all live horses which are fit and ready for a win. Here Are a Few More Winners Given in Thursdays "Pink:" WITAN, 2.90, WON - McCarty Bowie Tip ; BETTINA H., $ 9.60, WON " McCarty Arlington Downs Tip SHOW BOY, $ 9.40, WON Regren Arlington Downs Tip BOOCAP, $ 7.70, WON McCarty Bowie Tip FOXLAND HALL, $ 6.00, WON Regren Arlington Downs Tip Be a daily subscriber to the "Pink Sheet" and be sure of obtaining the very best in turf information. The "Pink" always gets the winners; it never fails. SATURDAYS TWO FREE CODES: BOWIE Blue-107-120-113. ARLINGTON DOWNS Black-101-111-119. To Decipher Above Codes Buy a "Pink Sheet" CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH Ul PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. .50 per Month by First Class Mail .00 per Month by Air Mall Free! Free! Free! One ol the greatest books on System Play ever written is yours for the asking. It has never sold for less than yet you may have it now, while the remaining copies last, for absolutely nothing. The author ELLWOOD TANSEY Recognized the World Over as Americas Leading Authority on Racing Systems, Ih Co-operation with the Turfs Smartest Magazine POST TIME MAKE IT POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO OWN THIS REMARKABLE TREATISE THERE ARE EXACTLY 750 COPIES OF ELLWOOD TANSEYS PREFERRED SYSTEM AND BETTING METHOD AVAILABLE All you need do to receive your free copy is to send in one years subscription tc POST TIME. The price, for twelve issues of POST TIME is 52.50. When the 750 copiei of the book are exhausted, there will be none available at any price, so get yours today, while there is still time. SEND A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER FOR YOUR YEARS SUBSCRIPTION, AND MR. TANSEYS VALUABLE S5 BOOK, HANDSOMELY BOUND, WELL BE MAILED PREP ADD TO YOU IMMEDIATELY ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO POST TIME 421 PLYMOUTH COURT DEPARTMENT R-5 CHICAGO. ILL. I WIN 0 PER WEEK I FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE If you play the race we will put you next to a little trainers secret that should plaeeyou above want as Ions as you live. No obligations. Just send your name and address to I SECOR PUB. CO. AURORA, ILL. HORSEMANS SsSandWEEKLYcSssSr ON SALE AT ALL STANDS PRICE. 35 CENTS Todays Free Code: BOWI E August-61 -51 -41 -49. SECRET FLASH CODES: BOWIE Vermont-48-33-50-38. ARLINGTON DOWNS Ohio-31-38-40-52. Mail us this ad and you will be re- Hl warded with a free ropy ot "THE SECRET OF BEATING THE RACES." J. K. WILLIS, Inc. H P. 0. Box 635 Cincinnati, Ohio 111 1 " iv DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR SATURDAY: BOWIE X-18-23-G-23. ARLINGTON DOWNS H -18-1 4-23-1 2. THURSDAYS WIRE RELEASE: BOOCAP, .70, WON WILLIAM BURKE KELLY 731 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. AT ALL STANDS EVERY WEEK 35 CENTS Turf Gossip Free Code: BOWIE Feb. -34-43-37-32. dockers Tips Free Codes: BOWIE Safe-85-64-76-71 and BOWIE Dora-75-65-68-76. THURSDAYS CLOCKERS TIPS FREE CODE: LYNX EYE, .90, WON