Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1935-04-29

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workouts! -ftNandtir -andand4Mt Date at left of horses name Is last workout. Letters following time indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all oat; s, sulked; a, eased up. j Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown In Black Face Type -" I . . -..4 SATURDAY, APRIL 27 HAVRE DE GRACE. I Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mia s 4-25 Browbeaten . :35h 4-25 Festoon :36 h Bt and Erly :38 h 4-20 Infidox . . . . :36 d 3-26 Clarksdale .. :36 e 4-25 Sourdine ... :35 h 2- 9 Dream Kiss. :36h 4-25 Torita :35h One-Half Mile. 3- 28 Gifted Lady. :54 h 4-13 Quickly .... :51 b 4- 24 Golden Vein. :50 h Tractable ... :49 h 4-20Last Boat... :49 h 4-24 War Tail.... :48?b 4-3 Miney Myn. :49 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-22Bellator 1:04 b 3-15 Immune ....1:05 b 4-1 Dancg Boy.. 1:04 b 3-22 Rough Party.l:05 b 4-15 Feudal Lord.lKM b Three-OuartPr Mile. 4-19 Banish Fear.l:17b 4-21 Inferno Lad. 1:15 h 4-18Hilltown ....1:16 d 4-25 Sun Erin. ..1:14 h 4-22 Happy Go... 1:15 b 4-25 The Mauler.l-J6d One Mile. 3- 13 Par "Value.. .l:47h 4-25 Star ShadW.l:46 h 4- 26 Sun Ptland..l:45 h 4-22 War Glory... 1:40 d 4-25 Ship Extive.l:46 h 4-22 War Stripes,l:4ld. Ship Executive and Star Shadow went handily together. War Glory and War Stripes -worked together. . . Happy Go is training -well. Sun Erin is in his best form. War Tail showed speed. Tractable and Miney Myerson went handily together. Last Boat went handily. . j- Browbeaten and Torita went handily together. AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-24 Miss Glory.. :37 b - lied Jug.... :38b ,4-26 Titter Pat... :3Bh " One-Half Mile. 4-23 Diablerie ... :47andd 4-23 Nandi ...... :47d 4-23 Diablesse ... :48?5d. Patriotic ... :49 h 4-22 Eddie C... :50 h Patty Sister. :49d Five-Einhths Mile. Magmel ....1:02 h Reminding ..l:02h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-22 Dasher 1:22 b 4-12 Jge Schilfg.l:17 h 4-26Drusus 1:16 h Stingum 1:16 h 4-23 Capt. Jerry..l:20 h 4-24 Some Good.. 1:18 h- Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-26 Apprehsion .1:32 h 3-19 Long Bit.... 1:32 h One Mile. 4-23 Day Signal.. 1:45 h 4-25 Galt Prince. 1:41d 4-24Footsure ...1:47 h 4-15 War Tide... 1:50 b 4-8 Foxy Agnes. l:42d " ALAMO DOWNS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 3- 26 Corky B :37b 4-1 Proud Play. :37b 4-lLLoveIy Mary :41 b 4-3 Raffles Lad . :36b Medina Sport :37 b One-Half Mile. 3-17 Essare .... .:53 b 4-24 Mr. Con .-.:51 b 4- 25 Fair Joan... :52 b 4-24 Red Rod .. :43h 3-20"Joel C :51b 4-24 Sure Gmble :51 b Jolly Ronald :54 b 3-5 Under Dog . :52 h 3- l4Miss N. Can :54 b Five-Eighths Mile. . rT?Dr. Pari ... 1:07 b 4-23 Miss DiavololK2b 4- 22 Green Lotusl;03h 4-26 Synopsis ...1:02 h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-25 Robert .S. .1:16 h 4-16 Twill 1:14h One Mile. 1-11 Kavalry Jackl:46 h Twills work -was a standout. Miss N. Conlan pulled up lame. Miss -Diavolo was breezing. j Synopsis, Jolly Ronald and Robert S, worked handily from the barrier. JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-17 Aboveboard. :37d 3-24 Entic Boy. . :38b 4-22 Cash Book.. :37d Walter A... :40 b 4-26Eldee :37d One-Half Mile. 4-24 Huge Copy . :52h 4-25 Phtography :49d i 4-19Jubal :50h 4-25 Sun Sweep . :50 h 4-25 La Jta We :49d 4-25 So High ... :51h Pinbud :47h 4-21 Wged Flight :50d Five-Eighths Mile. 4-23 Angelic ....l:03h 4-24 Kissinbug ..1:04 b 4-22Allie Sholtz.l:03andd 4-24 Hydras ....l:06b 4-19 Brown TorchlK3 d May V 1:04 b Irish Play ..1:04 d 4-24 Maidwell ...l:03d Three-Quarters Mile. 4-18 Little Argo .1:16 d 4-25 Wee Tune ..1:17 d 4-23 John Wringl:17h Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-25Coequel ....l:28d One Mile. 4-23 Exhibit ....l:45d 4-23 Tuffy G....l:52 b 4-23 Matar ;....1:42d -4-24 Velantrie ..1:46 h One and One-Eighth Miles. 4-25 King Saxon.l:54andh BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-23 Early Call... :38h 4-23 Me Tussaud :36h 3- 6 Edri :36d 424 Polycletus . :36h 4- 20 Fortification :37h 4-25 Semaphore. . :35 h 4-24 Gold Buckle :3675h Sycorax ... :37h 4-20 High Glee... :39 b Sambo Jones :37h 4-20Maxine F... :36d One-Half Mile. 4-22 Bry Patch. :48h 4-16 High Flavor. :49 h 4-25 Chancery .. :5236b Sting Pretty :52 b Match Play. :48h Sienna :485h 4-17 Mystic Flyer :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-23 Corner Boy.l:03 h 4-22 Old Glory... l:05h Minstrelsy ..1:06 b Sun Port... 1:06 b Marce 1:03 h 4-25 Sorrow ....l:05h 4-21 Our Reigh..1:02h 4-22 Two Bob... .1:03 h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-24 Blackmail ..l:14h 4-23 Okapi ...... l:20b 4-23 Blk Buddy.l:15 h 4-22 Pantoufle . .1:18 h 4-24 Free 1:16 h 4-25 Pompegret .l:17h 4-22 Lt Brocadel:20b 4-22 Surveyor ...1:18 h 4-20Moisson ...1:16 h 4-24 The Darb. . ,l:14h 4-25-Ms Merrritl:19 b Seven Eighths Mile. 4-24 Chanting ...1:32 h 4-25 Crked Lanel:32h One Mile. 4-25 Astra 11:47 h 4-26 Pundit l:45h 4-24Cbinier H..1:44h 4-22 Synod l:45h DOUGLAS PARK. Weather rainy ; track slow . . Three-Eighths Mile. 4-21 Blackthorn. :39andh 4-20 Mry Expert :38 h Coraberlon . :39b 4-17 Miss T :39h 4-23 Claimant .. :37h Mockey ... :39 h 2- 21 Da Bettina :38h 4-23 O. Martinez :42 h 4-24 First Try... :38 h 4-16 Perfect One. :38 h 4-24 Golden Reel :38 h 4-26 Pastry :39h Impcr Miss. :42 h 4-24 Pretty Ssan :37d 4-24 Iceberg .... :41 h 4-24 Sweeperman :38h 4-20 Lady Ccius. :38 h 4-20 Stepinanna. :35h 4-24 Lucy :37h 4-24 Sanskrit ... :36h 4-23 Little Wooly :39h Wild Turkey :40 b 3- 28 Lyer Bgde :37h One-Half Mile. 4- 24 Charles -Adee :51 h - 4-23 Press - Ivory :51b 4-24Chrise Adee :51 h 4-24 Peter Ppkin :52 h 4-14 Don Pancho :52h " 4-10 Prs Betty. :52 h 4-16 French Boy. :52 h 4-20 Runamuck . :51h 4-24 Kingsbury . :52 h 4-24 Valerie Jean :52 h 4-16 Max Way.. :52h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-23Chatuga ...1:07 h 4-21 Rolanda ...l:03h 4-24 Our Justice.l3?sh Three-Quarters Mile. Eil-Weir ...l:19h 4-12 Late Date. .1:18 b 4-24 Golden Nut.1:1T?h 4-24 My Blaze... l:19h 4-23 Ridge Mor..l:20 h Prins A. O.l:20h 4-24 Imigert ....1:18 h Temple Hill.l:26 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-24 Cesar Toro.1:32h 4-6 Crestonian .l:35h 4-24Cantile ....l:33h Ore Mile. 4-23 Alltoi l:50b. 4-24 Haggerson .1:45 h My Blaze was only breezing in his -work. Kingsbury and Valerie Jean -were together. Stepinanna showed speed up the back stretch. Our Justice and Rolanda -went well. Golden Nut went exceptionally well. Irnigert went handily. CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather rainy; track sloppy Threa-Eighths Mile. 4-24 Athanette . . :38 b 4-24 Goldn Beam :36 h Adolph :38b 4-25 Hy Rhinock 39 b Big Gawk... -.42 b 4-24 Haehart .... :37h 4-24 Coffee Ciip.. :38b 4-21 Jump Off ... :40 h 4-25 Chanceview.. :35h 4-24 Mil :35d 4-19 Carroll Day. :39b 4-25 M. Greenock -39 b 4-21 Dn in Front :36d 4-24 Pronto :39 h 4-9 Excclt Maid zZ8h 4-21 Raj-mond . . :36d 4-23 Finance .... :35h 45 Sct -Brigade :37h 4-23 Firm Hand.. 38 b 4-24 Supernatural :38b 4-23 Gay Dog. .. . :36 h 4-24 Satinwood .. :38 b 4-24 Grey Nose.. :38 b 4-24 Woodway .. :37h 4-24 Gooseneck .. :38h ; One-Half Mile. . I 4-19 Albania :557sb 4-21 Miss Spider. :53 - b 4-24 Betty Lou... :53 h 4-24 Mter Kennh -lh 4-24Barrette ... :50. h 4-24 Mate Tea... :52b 4-4 Changeling . :50b 4-24 Noreda . . . . :51h 4-23 Ceiling :50 h Noccalula . . :51h 4-23 Dontwait ... 32 b 4-24 Our Bub.... :50 b 4-23 Decidalyso . :51 h 4-24 P. ODonnell :51 b 1-5 Edward D... :55 b 4-20 Porcellus . . . :50b 4-15EmiIeo :52h 4-24 Peloria :52h 4-19 Floradora .. :55b 4-23 Plover Hill.? :5l b 4-24 Gn a. Red. :51h 4-24 Revelstoke. . :51b High Girl-. :49 h 4-19Swift Rose.. :55b 4-13 Hi-Hun .... :49h 4-24 Star Flash.. :53b 4-20 Hio . :53b Sweet Susan 31h 4-24 Ky OCnell :51b 4-23 Sandy Boy. . :50 h 4-24 Lady Cotner :50 b 4-19 Thumbs Dn :50h 4-23 Ltlc Minnie. :49h 4-19 Treasure ... :52 h 4-23Mordark ... :49h 4-20Taipan ..... :50h 4-23 Miss Disturb :55 b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-26 Alpan 1:04 h 4-25 Miss Etcrnl.l.-03b All Bess....l:06b 4-26 Master Beaul:05 h 4-26 Born Happyl.-02h 4-19 Master Piecel:08b 4-25 Busy Jay...l:07b 4-24 Merriwther 1KB h 4-19 Bulwark ...l:08h 4-17 Merl J lffih 4-26 Bartng Katel:08 b 417 Nieht Owl... l:06h 4-24 Cherry TimelK34b 4-19 Noble Star..l:08b 4-19 Coldstream ,l.-08b 4-25 Out Put....l:03b 4-24 Court l:03b 4-26 Our Chance.l.-05 b 4-16 Epaulet ...,1K4 h 4-22 Polly Flag. .l.-06b 4-25 Forer Yours1:02lb 4-20 Stimulator .1:09 b 4-22 Jake Bliedenl.-06 b 4-24 Sir J. JmeslKB b 4-23 Ly Marlbo.lK6b 4-22 Sallie Gray..l:03b 4-22 Left Wing..l.-03b 4-25 Torolee .....l:03b Three-Quarters Mile. Aria 1:19 h 4-24 Nasslj-n ....U8 b 4-21 Best Bid.... l:17Sb 4-25 Naval Cadet.l:16 b .4-20 Bdie Treacyl:24 b 4-24 Nassa Alone.l:18 b 4-24Baiisite ....13b 4-22 Othenvise ..1:16 h 4-24 Cherkee Redld7d 4-21 Prince Fluz.l:19 b 4-19 Cool Waters. 1-21 h 4-23 Prince TorchlSO b 4-23 Flutter Up.. 1:17 b 4-24 Pgy Lehmn1:15d 4-23 Hospitality .1:19 h 4-24 Riff , l:20b 4-22 King Cicero.l:16h 4-24 Regards ....1:21 h 4-24 Ly Flinders. 1:18 b 4-25 Royal Roverl:164ih 4-24 Morng Fair.l:16h 4-23 Vote Boy...l:21b 4-26 Mr. Presidntl:23b 4-24 Wise Bessa.l:16h 4-23 Mine Boy... 1:22 b 4-24 Yantis 1:19 d Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-26 Chauvenet .l:31h 4-24 Weston ....1:27 h One Mile. 4-24 Behemoth ..1:48 h 4-23 Pnce Charlol:52 b 4-24 Calumt Dick1:43h 4-14 Pce Splendrl:44h 4-24Foxiana ....l:44b 4-24 Shoeless Joel:44h 4-24 Knee Action.l:49b 4-24 Vitamin B..l:53 b 4-25 Mounty Manl:46b One and One-Quarter Miles. 4-26Boxthorn ..2:10 d Chief Cherokees work was impressive before the rain. Finance and Chanceview -were together in a good speed test. Weston broke from the barrier in the mile chute and showed exceptional speed. Born Happy accompanied Boxthorn , the first five-eighths, and Big Gawk -joined in the last three-eighths. Boxthorn wore blinkers. CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather rainy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-26 Almac :37h 4-24 Sturdy Boy; :37h 1 I One-Half Mile; Baby Witt.. :52h 4-19 Line Drive.. :49d 4-24 Hidden Dust :49 h 4-19 Maintenance. :50 h 3- llJoaney B... :52h 4-20 Scout Azure. :49h Five-Eighths Mile. 4- 24 Glastonbury l:01h 4-24 Our Managerl:05b 4-24 Hal Rey....l:04 h 4-24 Penmar ....l:05b 4-24 Merry Fox. .l:01h Three-Quarters Mile; 4-19 Blies Orphnl:20 b 4-21 Prince Vic. .1:15 h 4-23 Beau Dis...l:17 h 4-24 Squall .....1:15 h 4-24 Chief Cheree1:135d 4-23 Silversmith .l:18b 4-24 Cactus Rose. 1:20 b 4.-24 Tabora l:18h One Mile. . 4-20 Who Win... 1:48 h AURORA. Vveather cloudy; track heavy Three-Eighths Mile. Anqul :33h 3-23 Mkey Shine :39 b Creole Buty :40 b Miss Lula... :39 h 3-22 Die Hard... :39 b 4-11 Preferred .. :40b Friendly Ann :40 b Social Climr 37h Keen Babe.. :3Sh 4-17 Tadcaster .. :42 b 3- 20 Little Duke. :40 b One-Half Mile. 2- 22 Bert Lahr.. 32 h 3-14 Magic Line.. 33 h Bettle 32 h Miss Delba.. :56b 4- 13Chlie Dawn :51h My Muriel.. 33 h 4-2 Dusky Lass. 31h Montaris ... :51h 3- 15 Dna McGhee 32h 3-19 Newshawk . :56b 3-9 Ep 35o 3-15 Patricia C. :54b l-30Flitsome ...34 h 1-17 Prinss Pyre 34 h 3-26 Go Fetch... 34 b 3-13 Refused ... 36 b Interior .... :53h 4-10 Silver Blue. 33 h Five-Eighths Mils. 3-23 Charming Sirl:03 b 3-26 Miss Pearl. .1:11 b 3-19 Edgar Boy..l:04h My "lone.... 1:12 b 3-19 Fair Ken... 1:11 b 2-4 Red Whisk.l:08 b Fair Prospctl:08h 4-16 Sizzling ....1:07 h 3- 27 Jimmy N...l:04h 3-4 Whitharral .1:07 h Three-Quarters Mile. 4- 16 Band Wagonl:19b 2-23 Sweet Gal..l:24b 3-12Cloirado ...1:20 h 4-16 Sir Dean.... 1:22 b 3-15 Dauns Missl:20 h 3-14 Visry .Hour.16 b 3-23 Service Manl2 b 3-25 Zenka 1:21 h One Mite. 3- 22WiIco .....133b DALLAS. Weather foggy; track heavy Three-Eighths Mile. 4- 23 Crystal Flyer :43h 4-24 Sweepogan . :40h 4-22 Dorothy B.. :41 ; h 4-24 Sleep Along. :40h Rosamnd R. :41h 0 e-Half Mile. 4-1 Bay Bubble. :5Zh 4-25 Playmaster . 38. h 4-24 Miss Angelo 38 h 4-26 The Potter. . 36h 4-18 Miss Chicro. 38 h 4-23 Vin Noir...; :58 h Five Eiqhths Milo Gaifin .1:12 h Thrc- "carters Mile. 4-22 Black Flash. 1:24 b 4-23 Reverberate 1:24 b 4-23Cares Goldyl:26 b 4-23 The Judge.. 127b 4-24 Double Bitt.18 h 4-23 Too Busy. . .l:28b 4-23 Fingai 1:22 h Very few horses were timed, due to a heavy fog. TANFORAN. Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 4-25 Baby Bane. :39 b Dacite :37b 4-13Carmi :37 b 2-24 Ono :37b 4-6 Charg Miss :36isb 3-27 Oakpont ... :38b 4-8 Center Lane :36b One-Half Mile. 4-13Athenia Del. :52b Poggi 32b 4-20 Big Church. :51h 4-23 Pertinacious :52b 4-6 Cuyamaca . :50b 1-29 Physician .. 30 h 3- 5 Camino Real 30h 4-22 Spud :51b 4- 20 Del Monte.. :52b 4-25 Take It Ey 30 h . 4-25 Ethel Mae.. :49b 4-20 Tassajara .. :51b 4-14Grayback :51b Five-Eighths Mile. -4-22 Buen Tono..l:04b 4-11 No Excuse. .-l:05b 4-26Coalizer ...lK5b 3-7 Starference .l:04b 1- 3 Mess Wagonl:06b 4-23 Westire .....l:04b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-21" Arson .....l:17b 3-5 Mohac .1:16 One Mile. 2- 17 Flying Atom1:48?d 3-14 Winsldw ...1:49 h Center Lane -was under restraint and broke from the gate. Ono was snugged slightly. Charming Miss was well in hand. Cuyamaca could have gone faster. Del Monte and Athenia Del went together evenly. Take It Easy and Ethel Mae broke from the gate. Big Church -was pulling to Grayback. Pertinacious was hard held. Camino Real was only cantering. Buen Tono, wearing blinkers, was well rated throughout. Westire could have gone faster. Starference, wearing Blinkers, -was well rated. j

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