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International .00 TURF BUREAU 0 1 " r D U IlH A U DAILY DAILY "JHE HOUSE OF BONA FIDE INFORMATION" MAIN OFFICE: BUFFALO. N. Y. SATURDAYS PARLAY: OGLE, .80, WON LADINO, .60, .00, 2ND Fridays Daily: JIM JOHN, .00, WON Gty clients, phono us regarding our Code System play. Out-of-town clients, write us regarding this System, which is the talk of the eastern section of the country. TODAY OUR MAIN OFFICE INFORMS US OVER LONG DISTANCE PHONE TO AGAIN GO EXTREME LIMIT. Everything is in readiness for one of the biggest good things in turf history. Dont fail to be in with us today. Just rush to your nearest Postal Telegraph or Western Union and wire us and we will wire you this horse. CITY SUBSCRIBERS: Call HARRISON 7536 for fast messenger service or wire us money order and then phone us after 12 oclock. Wire money to INTERNATIONAL TURF BUREAU SUITE 703, PLYMOUTH BLDG., 417 S. DEARBORN ST. Office Hours: 9 a. m. till 4 p. m., CHICAGO, ILL. Harvey Ames, Inc. 1674 Broadway, Corner 52nd St., New York, N. Y. Several spectacular "Harvey Transactions" are scheduled to take place during the coming week.. SUBSCRIPTION, 00, IN ADVANCE, BY TELEGRAPH OR IN PERSON TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Columbus 5-2428, 5-2422, 5-2415, 5-6760. 5-0995 PIMLICO FREE CODE: Tar-Fog-Ice-Arc-Nat. CHURCHILL FREE CODE: ted-Hat-Ice-Caw-Ice. OCCASIONAL CODE: PIMLIC0: Tow-Bug-Dim-Cat-Irk. THE NEW SENSATION.! Amazing new long shot system. Picks many winners at limit odds. If you have lost money on the races, here is a chance to get it all back. Price, complete, for a limited time only. Act quickly ! SYSTEM LIBRARY, Box 675, Chicago, III. YOU SHOULD CLEAR 0 DAILY ON 50-CENT BETS Our trainers secret of twenty years now released to the public. Not a system. A dollar bill brings It by return mail. It clearly points out winners like KYSO, 6.00, WON GOLDEN HARVEST PUB. CO. 20 DOUGLAS ELK. OMAHA, NEB. Free Selections for One Week To introduce and prove our daily selections and LONG SHOT Service, we will furnish absolutely FREE, a selection of six horses per day for six days. Send name and address and particulars will be "mailed. No obligations. FOREST METHOD, P. 0. Box 142, Chicago. wv MAN O WAR llLiT FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Mondays Free Code: PIMLIC0 Saddle-1 1-8-20-14. Mondays Code Parlay: CHURCHILL DOWNS Albert-31-79-61-55 and PIMLIC0 Sidney-53-41-71-63. LIVE WIRE TURF WEEKLY Sold on All Newsstands Price. 15 Cents Live Wire Parlay Service Recognized as the Best FIVE DOLLARS pays for code card good for SIX days parlay service. MONDAYS CODE PARLAY: PIMLICO Hudson-77-39 DALLAS Hudson-73-81 A straight play on every parlay released by us the past twelve months WON ,456.70. SURE AS DEATH Two to five winners out of seven day after day at all tracks year in and year out many long shots ! We have a simple little method that REALLY beats the races. Details FREE. MIDWEST PUB. CO., Beher Bldg., Montgomery, III. SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 35 CENTS PER COPY CATERING TO THE PUBLIC SUCCESSFULLY FOR 26 YEARS $ $ $ $ START ON THE ROAD TO REAL PROFITS $ $ $ $ Y FOLLOWING THE WORLDS FAMOUS PARLAY WIZARD, THE MAN WHO IS SHATTERING ALL RECORDS EDWARD TIPTON DURANTE W WINNING PARLAYS "Wm is the foundation of Durantes success. Not only do you see Durantes winners published in these columns, but thousands of players are cashing in on them daily just by deciphering his codes below. lDurante Is on a Winning Streak That Will Make Turf History- READ EM AND WEEP DURANTE SCORES AGAIN SATURDAYS DURANTE PARLAY: STAND PAT, 2.60, -WON OGLE, $ 6.80, WON FRIDAYS DURANTE PARLAY: DEMONSTRATION, 6.50, WON SKY HAVEN, $ 6.40, WON THURSDAYS DURANTE PARLAY: CHERRY STONE, . $ 5.10, WON VENETIAN, 7.70, WON FLASH ! Durante renews contracts with the same turfmen who produced such phenomenal results last week for him. Last weeks 0,000 that Durante paid to these people was well spent. He is willing to spend 15,000 this week and has already renewed the contracts. They produced plenty of profits for players last week and will do better this week. We advise each and every reader of this paper not to pass up the greatest opportunity ever offered to the Amrican racing public. It would not surprise us in the least if this combination of turfmen release SIX OUT OF SIX LIMIT WIN PARLAYS DONT HESITATE START TODAY AND MAKE YOUR LAYER PAY, PAY AND PAY. MONDAYS DURANTE PARLAY: PIMLICO Dodge-5-11. CHURCHILL DOWNS Auburn-9-4. Start the week right. Have a limit win play on the above parlay and I am sure you will collect tht limit in price, as both horses have been specially prepared for both races. No chance for them to miss. Just like moneyi in the bank. Durante Parlays are sold in sets of six days. You start any day. You get six days in a row. No skipping. YOU MUST CASH FOUR WIN PARLAYS OR YOU GET ANOTHER WEEKS SERVICE ABSOLUTELY FREE. My Terms Are Fair and Reasonable PAYS FOR SIX DAYS. SERVICE Todays Durante Parlay will be wired only on request. Code Card will follow by mail. Delay is unnecessary. Get it and get it now. Remit to EDWARD TIPTON DURANTE CARE CL0CKERS REVIEW, 41 UNION SQUARE, WEST SUITE 1011, NEW YORK CITY. NEW ISSUE STARTS TODAY. Go and Get Yourself a Copy for Big Winnings 14648 MONDAYS 00 STAR FREE CODE: PIMLICO July-19-9-10-12. This is the one we have been "raving about for the past ten days. For cipher code, see page 3, Supreme Flash. MONDAYS NUMBER FREE CODE 2 14 For Number Free Codes, see page 2, Supreme Flash Turf Weekly. Thirteen Number Free Code winners out of the last fifteen Number Free Codes advised Saturdays result not included. MONDAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: CHURCHILL YelIow-4-8. DALLAS Pink-18-10. Wire .00 for Trackmens Code Parlay good for six days. No skip days. Six consecutive days service. First days service telegraphed. You also receive two 0.00 Super Supreme Occasionals that go Wednesday, May 1, and Saturday, May 4. These will also appear in code form and can be deciphered from Trackmens Parlay code card. SUPREME FLASH, 799 Broadway, New York City AT ALL STANDS SATURDAYS CODE PARLAY: BLACK HIGHBROW 3.00, WON LOTOFUS 0.50, WON These code parlays will show you the way to beat your bookmaker day after day. MONDAYS CODE PARLAY: DANNY Brown-30-48 A JAMES Blue-72-44 To decipher todays code parlay, get a copy of- Silver "6" and look on page 11. SILVER "6" 152 West 42nd St. New York City FREE BY MAIL FREE No wires, no strings or obligations of any kind. Just send an envelope directed to yourself and we will send you the name of a horse now at Aurora that we expect to win and pay a nice juicy price like OUR LAST THREE SENT FREE BY MAIL: BEAVER DAM, 2.60, WON DREEL Entry, 3.80, WON DREEL, 5.10, WON Act quick, so we can get the information to you in time. GALLOPS, 219 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, III. AT ALL STANDS EVERY WEEK 35 CENTS Turf Gossip Fice Code: HAVRE May-49-52-51-34. Clockers Tips Free Codes: DALLAS Duke-73-67-71-64 and DALLAS Sell-76-64-80-70. FRIDAYS TURF GOSSIP FREE CODE: ROYAL LEON, .50, WON TUADP RAGING 1 KmKJXVJT weekly Worlds Premier Long Shot Handicapper "TRIUMPH OF ETERNAL TRUTH" ROCK OF OUR FOUNDATION Only 15 Cents a Copy All. Stands Have It SATURDAYS HAVRE DE GRACE MEETING HORSE:. , SANTAN, .00, WON MONDAY FREE 10-1 LONG SHOT SPECIAL Smart trick will be cut loose ready to win. Get your copy of Thorp Racing Weekly today, see page 7 for code. MONDAYS FREE CODE: PIMLICO Yellow-35-34 MONDAYS PIMLICO SPECIAL: PHONE BEEKMAN 3-7846 MONDAYS THORP DAILY DOUBLE: PIMLICO Window-6-87 PIMLICO House-172-44 MONDAY 20 FOR SLASHING WINNING DOUBLE Two sugar plums, all set and ready to win at limit . , odds. Subscribe immediately for this winning Double Monday. Terms, Daily or Weekly Service rendered immediately upon receipt of subscription by telegraph, code follows immediately. City Clients, Please Call. THORP RACING WEEKLY 63 Park Row Suite 804 New York City 111 "IYTVTy" DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR MONDAY: PIMLICO K-9-8-1 1-13. CHURCHILL DOWNS T-24-8-26-8. WILLIAM BURKE KELLY 731 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, lit. POST TIME FREE CODE RELEASES SATURDAYS CODE RELEASES: BLOODROOT .70, WON OMAHA 16-5, 3-5, 3RD DONT GAMBLE ON THE RACES Play horses that figure to win. Accurate handicapping is. simple when you know how. There is no excusa for anyone not knowing how to handicap. Full partio-ulars free no strings attached. Secure your free copy of "Pick Your Own Winners." learn to handicap and be a winner. No obligation. Write today. E. J. BELL, P. O. Box 6416, Cleveland, Ohio "SandWEEKLY3S ON SALE AT ALL STANDS PRICE. 35 CENTS Mondays Free Code: PIMLICO July-43-13-17-17. MONDAYS SECRET FLASH CODES: PIMLICO Iowa-50-30-49-38. PIMLICO Colorado-45-30-34-44.