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1 GENERAL NEWS OF THE DAY .g! Holders of Irish Sweepstakes tickets are much perturbed over the recent fire in the Plaza ballroom in Dublin, which destroyed the giant drum from which the sweepstakes; counterfoils were to be drawn. Thousands of these counterfoils have been lost, but all money has been transferred to safes in another building. The drawing may have to be postponed for a month. Miss Mary McElroy has pleaded with Gov. Guy B. Park of Missouri to spare the life, of Walter H. McGee, leader of the gang that kidnaped her for 0,000 ransom nearly two 7 years ago. Two men are dead and another seriously wounded in a weird Hollywood case, in which Paul Wharton, 25-year-old Hollywood dress designer, was probably murdered by William Howard, 35, former navy ensign and chauffeur for the style creator, who in turn shot Henry E. Bolte, 38, law instructor at the University of California and then, committed suicide, according to the belief of the police. The tragedy came as a climax.:, of a supper party. Cardinal Pacelli, personal legatee of Popej Pius, led 50,000 pilgrims in peace prayers i at Lourdes. British communists are voicing their displeasure over the silver jubilee of King-George and haye attacked it as "royal squandermania." The lower house of the Illinois legislature has passed the repealer of the auto law that held forty-five miles an hour as "prima -facie evidence" of unreasonable speed. It is predicted in English circles that Great Britainst answer to an increase, in. German strength will be a big expansion of the British air force. President Roosevelt has asked that the Oliver Wendell Holmes 00,000 bequest , to the United States government be made a special fund to promote -welfare through law. Cook Countys relief stations will not close. Friday night and the Cook County Board Saturday will advance ,200,000 to continue a minimum relief program for the county, Judge John C. Lewe in the Criminal Court Friday denied new trials and refused probation for four men convicted of election frauds in the eighteenth precinct of the Twenty-sixth ward at the April, 1934, election. Three were sentenced to one year in the county jail and the fourth to two months. The three who were given the longer sentence are Henry J. Fedele, republican judge; Nick Rose, democratic judge, and Nick Collins, a watcher. The fourth man is A. J. Bergquist, republican clerk.