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T. M. FERGUSON AUTHORIZED TURF COMMISSIONER X OFFER GENUINE INSIDE INFORMATION, DEVOID OF CAMOUFLAGE AND DECEPTION. I NEVER MISREPRESENT. THERE. IS NEVER ANY DELAY. THE, HORSES ADVERTISED ARE RELEASED PROMPTLY NO EXCUSES PAYS FOR SIX CONSECUTIVE DAYS SERVICE Two Horses Daily and Nothing Else "PB OUT-OF-TOWN CLIENTS, NOTICE! NOTICE! "Special department assigned to handle out-of-town subscriptions exclusively. The very minute your money is received a telegram Is on the way with todays advertised two horses. Prompt and courteous , , service to all. - v v- . . : . ki . , - - " . SATURDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: Aurebon, 6.10, Won Black Highbrow, 3.00, Won r. FRIDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: THURSDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: RED JOHN, 1.10, WON VENETIAN, - 7.70, WON STANDOUT, 2.50, WON HIGHEST POINT, $ 6.20, WON My service is for the player always subscribe today and karri the meaning of playing legitimate turf Information. No guesswork. Four Reasons Why T. M. Ferguson Is the Outstanding and Foremost Turf Adviser and Commissioner for the Past Two Years: 1. HIGHEST- PERCENTAGE OF WIN PARLAYS RELEASED My record for the past two years positively shows a larger percentage of win parlays than any other rganization in the United States. My certified books will prove this statement. . . i ..... 2 HONEST AND TRUTHFUL ADVERTISING " ... i ;. .: Each and every one of my subscribers positively receives the same two "horses;- No favorites. No public choices. No consensus horses. 1 .1 IMMEDIATE SERVICE TO EVERYBODY . r - , , Immediate service assured to , all out-of-town, as well as city clients; No . waiting. , No delay. ."Out-of-town clients receive the two horses by fast, rush telegrams after their subscription is received. Gty clients receive the two horses as soon as they call. . . ;i 4 ALL BUSINESS IN STRICT CONFIDENCE Under no circumstances will, he violate the confidence placed in him by his clients. All business is transacted in strict confidence. I do not trade your name to any other concern in this line of business. lTHIS CONCERN IS ABSOLUTELY 100 PER CENT FOR THE-i mr PLAYER THE RACING GAME CAN BE BEATEN rms The man who tells you that "horse players must die broke" or that "you -Cn never beat the races"-is a self-confessed failure. This game can be beaten. We have done it successfully because we are in the "know." The most important and reliable turf information ever offered at your disposal. MONDAY TWO BIG WINNERS i Big Win Parlay at Pimlico Monday OPENING DAY TWO WINNERS EXPECT 0 TO W " 2 Mondays two horses are the medium of two big wagering plans. No mistakes will be made. My associates have overcome all obstacles. Regardless of whether you are a small or big player,- you are advised io GO THE LIMIT: MONbAY-VVIN ONLY. Subscribe Today- Get This Big Limit Win ParlaysSubscribe! Subscribe! 1 OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY FROM 11 A. M. TO 11 P. M. -P Out-of-town clients sending their subscriptions Sunday .will "receive Mondays parlay by fast rush telegram. Those subscribing Monday will, receive the" parfay by fast wire. Telegrams sent by Western Union or Postal Telegraph promptly. - . SPF DO NOT MISS MONDAYS PARLAY -"IK Subscribe Today Start the Week With Two Big-Priced Winners--Cash a Big Win Parlay v Pays for Six Consecutive Days? Service Out-of-town clients, go into your nearest Western Union or Postal Telegraph office and wire . Shortly after your money is received, a telegram is on the way with the advertised two horses. Prompt service to everybody. No waiting. T. M. FERGUSON, 1472 Broadway, Room 717, New York, N. Y. SYS TO LOGY WONDER BOOK OF TURF SYSTEMS IT COSTS ONLY . 0 r .. . . . - THE COUPON BELOW IS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE v PLYMOUTH SUPPLY CO., ". DEPT. G. G. 443 Plymouth Ct, Chicago. 111.: . Please send, me one copy ot SYSTOLOGY. Enclosed find . NAME. ......... ..i..... ........ ADDRESS . . . . ...... CITY STATE . ..................... ADVERTISE IN DAILY RACING FORM -:- - .-.-.....-....4 wmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmam Saturdays Parlays ? Mm93handfJSlJL RIVER ROSE, J. 10, .50, 2nd, kiruolriafn newell, .3Q, won I Wi W WM flsH H m fl 11 Fridays Parlay : 1 HI I i 111 ODD BLUE, , .70, WON H J B wm pi mimmu ROyal leon, 1 .50, mm TRemember, YOU CANT JUDGE "GOOD INFORMATION" on ONE BAYS TRIAL. Give FIELD a fair trial and he will CONVINCE YOU .that- the- RACING GAME CAN BE BEATEN. W WOULD YOU GIVE FOR 0- WIN PARLAY MONDAY? -fi Never was-1 more confident than I am today, because I KNOW PLEjtV only sorry MY POSITION does not allow me to tell WHAT I KNOW OF THESE TWO "SURE THINGS." JWCome Orf, You Skeptics, Let Me Convince You That It Can Be Doners UPSTART WITH ME MONDAY AND MAKE YOUR "BOOKIE" PAY!.! W DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRD3E NOW! TERMS, DAILY! m City clients, call in person or phone FRANKLIN 3134 for messenger service absolutely no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Postal Telegraph or Western Union. Service wired by fast telegram. No delay! JACK FIELD, 35 South Dearborn St. Room 708, Chicago, 111. DAi LV TE 1 LGRAPH W NOW ONLY 10 CENTS -SPSS Pointed-Out Horses Continue to Win ya have been extolling the consistency with which the "Pink Sheet" Pointed-Out Horses have been going over and if you have kept a tabu- latipri on these releases you can readily see for yourself that these horses go over every day. The following are Fridays releases which were returned victorious: FRED ALMY, 8-5, WON REGRENS JAMAICA PAY-OFF HORSE SOUND MONEY, 3-2, WON REGRENS FRIDAY SPECIAL ZOWIE, 3-5, WON REGRENS JAMAICA STANDOUT V ODD BLUE, .70, WON . FREE CODE HORSE FOREST AVENUE, 4.70, WON "READING THE STARS" SELECTION ? MARCHLINE, 4.30, WON : REGRENS ALAMO DOWNS STANDOUT! , VICKI, 4.10, WON - REGRENS ALAMO DOWNS PAY-OFF HORSE . : Regren further enhanced his brilliant record by selecting five " winners at Jamaica and four at Alamo Downs. - It is handicapping like this that has given Regren the great reputation that he enjoys today. - -His selections win every day in the year and the phrase, "a bad day is unknown to his thousands of followers. Here Are Regrens Winners at These Tracks: At Jamaica At Alamo Downs FLAVOR, 11-5, WON TOPEKA, .50, WON ZOWIE, 3-5, WON SARAZEN I!., 5.40, WON JADAAN, 18-5, WON MARCHLINE, 4.30, WON FRED ALMY, . 8-5, WON VICKI, 4.10, WON SOUND MONEY, 3-2, WON "Watch every column of the "Pink Sheet" for winners. The "Pink" is gaining hundreds of readers. There must be a reason, and there is one--IT GIVES SCORES OF WINNERS EVERY DAY. MONDAYS TWO FREE CODES:- PIMLIC0 Ycllow-62.40-59. JAMAICA Green-43-40-57. To Decipher Above Codes Buy a "Pink Sheet" CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. .50 per Month by First Class Mail .00 per Month by Air Mall Free! Free! Free! One of the greatest books on System Play ever written Is yours for the asking. It has never sold for less than yet you may have it now, while the remaining copies last, for absolutely nothing. The author ELLWOOD TANSEY Recognized the World Over as Americas Leading Authority on Racing Systems, in Co-operation with the Turfs Smartest Magazine POST TIME MAKE IT POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO OWN THIS REMARKABLE TREATISE THERE ARE EXACTLY 750 COPIES OF ELLWOOD TANSEYS PREFERRED SYSTEM. AND BETTING METHOD AVAILABLE All you need do to receive your free copy is to send in one years subscription to POST TIME. The price, for twelve issues of POST TIME Js .50. When the 750 copies of the book are exhausted, there will be none available at any price, so get yours todav while there is still, time. SEND A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER FOR YOUR YEARS SUBSCRIPTION. AND MR. TANSEYS VALUABLE BOOK. HANDSOMELY BOUND, WILL BE MAULED PREPAID TO YOU IMMEDIATELY . . ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO POST TIME 421 PLYMOUTH COURT DEPARTMENT R-5 CHICAGO. ILL. Mail us this ad and you will be re warded with a free ropy ol "THE SECRET OF BEATING THE -RACES." I J. K. WILLIS, Inc. P. 0. Box 635 Cincinnati, Ohio HI WIN 0 PER WEEK FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE If you ploy the race we will put you next to a little trainers secret that should place you above want as long as you live. No obligations. Just send your name and address to SECOR PUB. CO. AURORA, ILL