Thistle Down, Daily Racing Form, 1935-06-27


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THISTLE DOWN 0 THE "DAILY DOUBLE" ON THE WINNERS OF THE SECOND AND THIRD RACES AT THISTLE DOWN PARK WEDNESDAY PAID 75.20 FOR . I CLEVELAND, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1935— Thistle Down Park 1 mile. Ninth day. Thistle Down Jockey Club. Summer meeting of 18 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather clear. Stewards, J. T. Ireland, J. A. King and H. Allshouse. Judges, R. A. Leigh, C. C. Campeau and C. Abbo. Starter, G. R. Wingfield. Racing Secretary, R. A. Leigh. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 2:30 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carriel. *Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; **7 pounds; ***10 pounds. FIRST RACE 5-8 MILE. Banter, Aug. 4, 1925—1:00—5—117. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. -g OQ/i Et Maidens and winners of one race. Claiming. Weight, 116 lbs. Maidens AoOlrO allowed 7 lbs. Claiming price, 00. No apprentice allowance. June-26-35-Tdn Net value to winner 10; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 0. Index Horses EqtA WtPP St i *i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 12941 PANTAUR w 116 7 4 14 l1 14 II TurnerL B Hernandez 70-100 12941 WAVY SEA wb109 3 1 214 22 2»4 24 Lejland.1 E K Bryson 660-100 12941 MAYOTIV w 111 6 8 54 34 32 32 EdwardsD Mrs H G Woods 910-100 13045 COUNTESS BYE w 108 8 6 42 55 5* 43 DyerJ H Herendeen 1300-100 13186 MR. STEIN wb 109 2 3 3" 4" 4» 53 WestH L Molasky 2520-100 130452DOROTHY W. w 110 5 2 71 71 63 63 TildenR C Troutt 640-100 130453CREOLE BEAUTY wb 113 4 6 62 63 7"k 7h MartinTP Mrs J Manale 2540-100 13045 SEVEN COLORS w 113 1 7 8 8 8 8 ShawT R F Stoltz 4860 100 Time, :23%. :48%, 1:01. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS PANTAUR .40 .20 .60 70—100 60—100 30—100 WAVY SEA 5.80 4.C0 190—100 100—100 MAYOTIV 6.20 160—100 Winner — B. g, by Minotaur — Pandale, by Pandion trained by B. Hernandez; bred by Mrs. V. Crane. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 2:32. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third the same. PANTAUR assumed command at the far turn and held his opposition comparatively safe through th« stretch. WAVY SEA made a threatening move when an eighth out and was best of the remainder. MAYOTIV raced forwardly and held the others safe at end. COUNTESS BYE tired after displaying early speed. DOROTHY W. showed a dull effort. Overweight — Mayotiv, 2 pounds; Dorothy W., 4. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Heavy Sugar, Aug. 29, 1934— 1:104*— 5— 110. -g no A£t Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 3-year-olds. 112 lbs.; lOOiu older, 118 lbs. Non-winners since May 29 allowed 5 lbs. Claiming price, June-26-35-Tdn 00; if for 00, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 10; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 0. Index Horses EqtA Wt PP St i ,3 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 12644*STAR BALLOT wb4113 6 3 5l 51 4* J* WrayJ R Leach 920-100 13190 SERVANT PRIDE wb 4 113 2 4 3" 24 22" BurgerN L DeLatour 1520-100 13190*DONNA JAMES w 4 103 5 1 14 14 14 3« PolkF L C Pike 890-100 12443*NORTHERN SIR m 6 113 7 7 72 6" 6* 4"i TurnerL G Price 400-100 12340 BROWN RAY w 4 113 8 8 6 * 72 74 5" EdwardsD Miss M Root 1320-100 12646 MOIRAS BOY wb 4 113 3 5 42 44 5" 61 BoganskiW Mrs F Hudson 1290-100 132622INSPECTION wb 4 113 1 2 24 3»4 3" 7 4 WestH Mrs F E Turner 190-100 13187 PHILWEX wb 4 108 4 6 8 8 8 8 DyerJ W Day 470-100 Time, :23%, :47?£, 1:13. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . STAR BALLOT 0.40 2.40 1.80 920—100 520—100 490—100 SERVANT PRIDE 13.20 8.80 560—100 340—100 DONNA JAMES 5.40 170—100 Winner — Ch. g, by North Star III. — Mistress Ballot, by Ballot trained by R. Leach; bred by Messrs. L. B. Combs. E. R. Bradlev and B. B. Mclntire. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 3:00. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. STAR BALLOT closed with good courage and, saving ground, reached the front in the last few yards. SERVANT PRIDE, a keen factor throughout, held on better than usual in the final drive. DONNA JAMES set the pace from the start and finished gamely, though tiring. NORTHERN SIR raced strongly on the outside in the final test, as did BROWN RAY. MOIRAS BOY finished fairly well, but was on the outside of the leaders. INSPECTION tired when the real test came. Corrected weight — Servant Pride, 113. ■ » THIRD RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Heavy Sugar, Aug. 29, 1934— 1: 10 *:,— 5— 110. -g O O I rr Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of two 10i4/ races in 1935. 3-year-olds, K9 lbs.; older, 116 lbs. Non-winners in 1935 Jun«-26-35-Tdn allowed 4 lbs. Claiming price, 00. Net value to winner 10; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 0. Index Horses EqtA WtPP St i *£ Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 12646 FRIEND TOM w 4 112 5 3 2* 2* 22 14 DyerJ W M Day 370-100 94381 DOZELESS w 4 112 8 1 1*4 l1 lh 224 ShawT H Herendeen 820-100 128412*LONG JOHN wb51U 4 2 3h 33 35 33 TurnerL J Bronnenberg 140-100 13048 HOWTIZ w8116 19 9 84 54 4h MartinTP H Parson 1560-100 12161 DON PABLO wb 6 112 3 8 7"k 5»k 4» 53 BoganskiW N Weist 1310-100 11435*HUSKER H. w 4 111 7 4 64 7h 6 61 LeonardJ J E Miller 1890-100 12644 PETRONIUS wb5112 6 5 4i 41 71 7* LevlandJ E K Bryson • 1430-100 12943 FULFILL wb5116 2 6 51 6and 81 and*■ TiceF T Myers 2380-100 126443*THISTLE DICK wb 6 111 10 7 8l 9 9 9 PolkF Mrs E B Shipp 1920-100 12338 ELIHU w 3 109 9 10 Pulled up. FredericksJ G Barnes 2000-100 Time, :23, :472s, 1:13l5. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS -, FRIEND TOM .40 .80 .60 370—100 190—100 80—100 DOZELESS 8.40 5.20 320—100 160—100 LONG JOHN 2.80 40—100 Winner — Br. g, by For Fair— Kharemaneh, by Sweep trained by L. Doriott ; bred by Messrs. Day and Woodruff. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 3:28. OFF AT ONCE. Start good and slow. Won ridden out; second and third handily. FRIEND TOM forced the pace to the stretch, then came strongly on the outside of DOZELESS and got up in the last few yards. DOZELESS failed to withstand the winners challenge, but was best of the others. LONG JOHN was well up throughout and had no mishaps. HOWTIZ closed a tremendous gap. DON PABLO finished strongly. The others tired. ELIHU came out of the chute bucking like a bronco and was pulled up. Scratched— 13046 Gnomnie, 111; 130523Susie V., 104; 129432Cora T., 107. 7 ■ FOURTH RACE 1 MILE AND 40 YARDS. Madwind, July 16, 1932—1:40—3—101. Purs© -| q Q A Q 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of two races since l004o April 1. Weight, 113 lbs. Non-winners since April 1 allowed 4 lbs. Claim-June-26-35-Tdn ing price, 00. Net value to winner 10; second, 5; third. 5; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 130482MAYREEN w 4 108 3 2 l1 l1 l1 l"k lr.k DyerJ Mrs J C Gillem 300-100 129443OATEN wb 7 109 6 8 7*4 6"k 41 24 22 MartinezP Mrs E B Shipp 350-100 12748*MUFF w 7 103 8 4 31 34 3 * 43 34 LangW Cambur and Tempest 460-100 13259 FALSEHOOD w 5 113 7 5 22 2* 2* 3 4 4* ClemonsR J J Brumage 1140-100 12645 GUINEA LADY wb4104 4 6 41441 51 51 51 KleinR Old Gold Stable 3220-100 130513PATRICIA C. w 5 108 2 1 51 54 710 64 6 * WestH Kabrich and Swartz 910-100 13051 EASY BID wb4108 1 3 62 7« 6« 7* 78 BurgerN J L Nolan 620-100 12649 HEY FLIRT wb 5 113 5 7 8 8 8 8 8 BalzetteW M Sanders 810-100 Time, :23£, :47?, 1:13K5. 1:39%. 1:42%. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MAYREEN .00 .00 .20 300—100 100— 100 60—100 OATEN 6.60 5.60 230—100 180—100 MUFF 4.20 110—100 Winner— Ch. f, by Lee O. Cotner — Oreen. by Ornus trained by W. D. Chamberlin; bred by Mr. C. W. Riedinger. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 3:54. AT POST— 14 minutes. Start eood and slow. Won driving ; second and third easily. MAYREEN displayed the most speed throughout, but was under a hard drive all through the last sixteenth to stall off OATEN. The latter saved ground in the stretch and finished strongly after closing a wide gap. MUFF, always well up. outgamed FALSEHOOD. The latter had no excuses and bore out somewhat in the final eighth. GUINEA LADY tired. PATRICIA C. was taken up sharply at the, far turn. I . Corrected weight— Oaten, 109; Patricia C, 108.. FIFTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Lucky Dan. Aug. 22, 1931—1:48%— 4— 105. Purse 00. -j QOiQ 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. 3-year-olds, 112 lbs.; older, 118 lbs. -l-OO***! Non-winners since May 29 allowed 5 lbs. Claiming; price, 00; if for June-26 35 Tdn 00, allowed 5 lbs. Net value to winner 10; second, 6; third, 5; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Vi Vt % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqnir: Odds Strt 128462POLISHER wb5113 6 2 2« l» 24 2* 1» WestH S D Hudson. 630-100 128463SIMON wb5118 7 7 6»* 3» 1"* 1*4 24 TildenR J Patti 320 100 12946 POST BRIGADE w 5 113 4 5 7 54 5l 54 34 ClemonsR A Get* 1310-100 12846 JUDGE URBAN wb 5 113 5 4 3* 43 34 4* 4» DyerJ Smith and OConneTI 270-100 12648*BUSY YEN w 7 108 2 3 1* 24 44 31 54 HodeesS A Eastman 1290-100 12946*WILD TRANSIT w 4 108 3 6 5»» 7 7 6»» 6* PolkF C Troutt 300-100 13191 BARKIS w 4 118 1 1 41 61 61 7 7 MartinTP M Matuszewski 1140-100 Time, :24 £, :48%. 1:12%, 1:39%, 1:46%. Track fast. r— 6» MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS POLISHER 514.60 .80 .60 630—100 140—100 130—100 SIMON 4.40 3.40 120—100 70—100 POST BRIGADE 6.40 220—100 Winner — Br. g, by John P. Grier — Manicure Maid, by Thunderer trained by S. D. Hudson ; bred by Mr. F. W. Armstrong. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 4:22. AT POST— J minute. U Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third handily. rOLISHER came again in the last sixteenth and got up in the final stride. SIMON moved up very fast on the outside on the back stretch, drew clear when an eighth out. but hung just at the end. POST BRIGADE came strongly on the outside during the run home. JUDGE URBAN ran an even race. BUSY VEN held oh fairly well, but finished tiring. WILD TRANSIT showed a dull effort. Scratched— 13052 Night Edition, 113; 12158Gay Days, 107. Corrected weight — Post Brigade, 113; Judge Urban, 113. - - 1 SIXTH RACE THISTLE DOWN COURSE 80 Feet Less Than 5 1-2 Furlongs. Mor--t OOCrfk heart, Aug. 22, 1934 — 1:04 — 6—106. Purse 00. S-year-olds and upward. J-OOOlF Claiming. 3-year-olds, 112 lbs.; older, 118 lbs. Non-winners since May 13 June-26-35-Tdn allowed 4 lbs.; two races since March 18, 7 lbs.; one race, 10 lbs. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 5 lbs.; if for 00, 9 lbs. Net value to winner 90; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt ft % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 11105 PANCOAST w 5 111 I 1 22 1* l3 1* LeylandJ E K Bryson 180-100 11882 SWEEP MYTH w 3 103 6 5 54 52 44 24 FredericksJ B Hernandez 930-100 128453FOXY QUILLER wb 5 113 3 4 34 3* 34 34 DverJ Wichita Stable 740-100 12563 SUN DORA wb 4 113 4 2 14 22 24 4h ManifoldH I J Collins 250-100 122552BENEDICTION wb 3 107 1 8 8 8 8 54 WestH E J Staehle 1040-100 128452*BUNTY ANN w 3 103 5 3 4* 44 5l 6 PolkF Mrs E B Shipp 910-100 12841HERITAS w 4 101 2 6 7* 7471 74 LeonardJ A W Getz 2860-100 125663DOUBLE NUGGET wb 4 108 7 7 6* 6* 6h 8 ClemonsR J M Hubbard 2390-100 Time, :22, :46%, 1:044. Track fast. 62 MUTUEL8 PAID , , — OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . PANCOAST .60 .00 .80 180—100 100—100 90—100 SWEEP MYTH 7.00 4.80 250—100 140—100 FOXY QUILLER 3.80 90—100 Winner— B. g, by Noah— Little SiSter, by Plaudit trained by R. Howser ; bred by Messrs. Gallaher and Combs. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. . v ■ - WENT TO POST— 4:48. AT POST— 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. PANCOAST, fractious at the post but displaying good speed throughout, drew away decisively during the final eighth. SWEEP MYTH gained steadily in the run home and finished strongly. FOXY QUILLER, never far from the leaders, held on better than usual, SUN DORA tired steadily through the stretch. BENEDICTION finished with a belated rush. The others tired. . Scratched— 12567 Persuader, 113. . Overweight — Bunty Ann, 1 pound. ■ . Corrected weight — Veritas, 101. ■ SEVENTH RACE1 1-8 MILES. Union W., July 29, 1931— 1:51%— 4— 109. Purse 00. 4--j oor-j year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of a race since Novem-JLOOO-L ber 28. Weight, 112 lbs. Claiming price, 00. ■ ■■ ; June.-26-35-Tdn net value to winner 10; s*cond, 5-; third. S; fourth, 0. . Index Horses EqtA Wt PP St % V, % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 128403SUN MATE w 4 107 4 2 2* 22 14 H 124 ManifoldH I J Collins 110-100 12344 AERIAL TRUMPETwb 6 112 9 1 l3 l1 2* 2* 2* ClemonsR H Vititoe 2020-100 13192 TROTWOOD wb7112 6 9 9 4°k 44 34 3* DyerJ Kabrich andSwartz 810-100 12751 VISIONARY wb 7 112 8 4 34 3* 34 43 4h BalzretteW Monarch Stable 1540-100 12751 MILDRED E. w 4 107 5 6 7» 71 6»k 54 5* WestH Fitzgerald and Watson 1170-100 12344*LADY MARY w 4 103 3 5 5» 51 54 64 64 PolkF H J Lintz 560-100 12751LAZY MARY wb 6 102 7 7 6* 6* P 71 74 LeonardJ R W Hoffman 1680-100 131923ON TRIAL wb 8 112 2 8 84 8n 83 85 8« WrayJ O E Speck • 750-100 12841 CANTICLE wb 4 107 1 3 44 9 9 9 9 BurgerN B N Grason 5130-100 Time, :24, :47%, 1:12. 1:38, 1:53. Track fast. , *2 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS N SUN MATE .20 .80 .00 110—100 90—100 60—100 AERIAL TRUMPET 12.60 7.80 630—100 290—100 TROTWOOD 3.40 70—100 Winner — Ch. f, by Sun God II. — Erins Bride, by John P. Grier trained by L. C. Everitt ; bred by Mr. I. J. Collins. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 5:20. OFF AT ONCE. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third the same. SUN MATE took command rounding the turn for home and drew into an easy lead in the last eighth. AERIAL TRUMPET always held the others safe. TROTWOOD moved up fast on the outside on the back stretch and outstayed VISIONARY in the last eighth. The latter had no excuse. MILDRED E. was racing nicely at the finish when too late. The others tired or were outrun. Overweight — Lady Mary, 1 pound. Corrected weight — Aerial Trumpet, 112.

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