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AGUA GALIENTE THE "DAILY DOUBLE" ON THE WINNERS OF THE SECOND AND THIRD RACES AT AGUA CALIENTE FRIDAY PAID 20.00 FOR -. r f AGUCalPPiETVrfv!WhXIM0FRIAVAt.P?IL 1 1938.-Agua Caliente 1 mile. Eighteenth day. Agua Cahente Turf Club. Meeting of indefinite period, ,Bahr Stall .Gate used. Weather clear, i y $ N. gSa .S""- J"dSeS J- MU G- W barter, Racing starts at 1:45 p rn Chicago time, 3:45 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures : in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, trade record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; 7 pounds; 10 pounds. HRSTRACE 3-8 MILE . Loversall, Jan. 23, 1932 :33-2111. Purse 00. 2-vear-56159 olds. Maidens. Special weights. Apnl-1-38-A.C N,t vaue to vvinner ?5 . second, 0g . th?rd 5 . fourth Index Horses Eqt A Wt PPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt w?ivRA1t WViCil 31 lh Stalli"SsE Ran San Julian 170-100 Sv nRJTT wbU3- 6 4 2b 21 ChristnR W Connolly 4910-100 SSv WJS J" 5 lNealY N S McCarthy - 860-100 KOUGHWAY W112 2 7 ttJlt 4 4 BurnsG P L Fuller 950-100 Y?ASiV:K- SS 5 f-"- 5V5X VarnerR H M Palla -go-lS wStmiSrir w 9 5 6 6 AdairR R C Woodruff 250-100 "SSn J,! 9 instable S3 JANYCE BARTON w 113 3 10 10.10 ScurlockJ C D Zimmerman 2960-100 . Time, :23, :35J.- Track fast. 7f2.MtrTJI? AID , OFFICIAT BOOKING ODDS . HTCH rro,r TRFMAnr ADE 5-40 $ 4.60 $ 4.00 170100 130--100 100-100 fin pLii 1860 11-20 830-100 460-100 NO RECALL 52q 1J0 qq Dibblee?ner"Ch f by HgH SteP Whlrr by Hand Grenade trained by L.Low; bred by Mrs. A. V. WENT TO POST 1:50. AT POST 6 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. HIGH GRENADE away well, raced close to the early leaders to the stretch then came through on the inside in the last eighth and got up fo win narrowly in the final few yards. LEERIE, always close up, finished fast on the outside through the final sixteenth, but was unable to head the winner in the final drive. NO RECALL raced to the front by a short margin in the first sixteenth, set" the pace to midway of the stretch, then tired. ROUGHWAY raced evenly throughout. SHASTA KLICK could never get up. The others were-never contenders. "r "Overweight High Grenade, 2 pounds; Leerie, 1; Janyce Barton, 4. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Quickaway, Feb. 19, 1933 1:10 4112 fkfi"! f?A Puree 00- 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 115 lbs. Non-winners since Anrii i"tsYr JanuarY 1 allowed 3 lbs.; since October 1, 5 lbs. Claiming price, 00. pni-i-JB-A.C Met vaue to winner 75; second 75; third m; fJurth Jig Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt fSfnJ W"?S i I t ?! 2i ln CatsB Mrs CE Brown Jr . 840-100 S T0N WBl0 6 4 22 lh 12 21 Ada5rR H Koush 150-100 SSL.r. wb 110 110 83 71 51 3i BurnsG Mrs W J Potter 1690-100 RAGE wbIOI 7 1 3iJ4ii3h and VarnerR G Collins 1460-100 SnSmvJ? WB, 1 1 72 6i 6h 5h JosePhnL EOOConnell So-100 56033UNRIVALLED wb105 8 2 52 5 72 6 AshcroftJ Stoll and Cummings 1060-100 55149 HELEN DRAUN wR105 3 6 4 3 4 72 LeischnW R P KnudsT 930-100 WBHi 5 6h 83 9h 91 StallingsE Rancho San Julian 4240-100 PRINCE mv JR. w 110 10 8 10 10 10 10 MalearT Long Run Stable 1480-100 tMutuel field. Time, :23, :W5, 1:13. Track fast. Tr5!LMUT.UHS "1 OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS- mdc m 1 "RAS-M-J-. S18.80 .80 $ 5.60 840-100 390-100 180-100 CLAPTON 2.80 2.60 40-100 30-100 OVLOP 8.20 310-100 Winner B. f, by Upset Soul Mate, by Argos trained by C. E. Brown, Jr. ; bred by Mr. R. M. Youne Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 2:25. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. MRS. M. J., off fast, showed in front for the first eighth, dropped back slightly entering the far turn, forced the pace to the stretch, then lacking racing room on the rail, came to the outside midway of the stretch and, under a drive, got up to win narrowly in the final strides. CLACTON close up from the start, forged to the front entering the turn, set the pace to the stretch and drew away at the eighth post but was unable to hold the winner in the final drive. OVLOP, away slowly, steadily moved up on the inside rounding the turn, came fast in the final eighth and finished fastest. PLAYBRAGE showed good early speed, then tired in the stretch. NORTH FORK had no excuses. UNRIVALLED raced evenly. HELEN DRAUN showed good speed for a half mile, then tired. The others were alwavs outrun Scratched 55763Acapulco, 110. Overweight Playbrage, 1 pound; St. Julian, 1. THIRD RACE 7-8 MTLE Out of Chute. Faithful Maud, Juljr 25, 19371:245116 tCfti ftl rse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 118 lbs. Non-winners since nrrTi"TnT r fanuar.y 1 Uowed. 3 lbs-; nce December 1, 5 lbs.; maidens, 8 lbs. Claim-Apnl-l-38-A.C ing price, ,000; if for 00, allowed 8 lbs. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt CR0WN Bl07 3 1 2h 6h 51 44 12 WebsterO Hoeflin and Brown 48OO00 c,ID0UBLE BRUSH WBl03 5 4 8h 81 6 52 2 AshcroftJ Morgan and Buck 1310-100 Sx0, w108 4 3 3i 3h 32 lh 3h VarnerR West ct Stable 320-100 KolT10 WB l05 2 2 11 2 lh and 4h AdairR Gorban Stable 1070-100 55976-PRIDE OMEE wb 105 9 5 4 4h 2h 2h 5 JohnsonWL J Nolan 510-100 56033KING CROON wb 113 11 12 12 10 91 72 62 RussoG Mrs C S Howard 420-100 SSI?,, WBo I ? 7 llilll 8h 7 PhillipsEE Cox and Ketcham 1450-100 55762 SWIFT GAL wb108 7 11 IP Qh 104 gi 82 FraschN J J Elmore 830-100 SK!f!Sp WBl071 7 91 lk ?hl0h 91 BurnsG BreshnenTBevilockway SSc?JAC0UNT WBl15 8 6 8h 6hl01 JephnL EANeely 1890-100 56016 HAPPY HILLS WB113 6 9 101- 12 12 1111 OBrienJ J O Long 2860-100 56016 GOLDIES PRIDE wb 108 12 10 5 52 412 12 RootW C V Parsons tMutuel field. Time, :23, :47, 1:13, 1:26. Track fast. .... 2 -MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB .;- Sl1-60 -80 5 4-00 48-100 19-100 100100 PBE BRUSH 13.20 8.40 660-100 320-100 ANDAR 4.60 130100 Winner B. f, by Iron Crown Our Adele, by Wildair trained by E. E. Presnell; bred by Mr. H. Fink. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 2:54. AT POST 6 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. OUR CROWN, off in front, dropped back entering the far turn, came fast on the outside through the stretch and won by a wide margin. DOUBLE BRUSH, in close quarters between horses in the back stretch, came to the rail when clear and, getting through entering the stretch, finished very fast in the final eighth. ANDAR forced the pace to the stretchy showed in front for seventy yards, then tired when the real racing began. WIGTOWN raced to the frontsoon after the start and set the pace to the final eighth, then tired. PRIDE OMEE raced well for the first half mile, then quit. KING CROON, very slow to get started, moved up steadily between horses rounding the far turn, but was never able to get up. GOLDIES PRIDE showed good speed for the first half mile, then quit badly. SWIFT GAL raced wide all the way. Overweight Step Thru, 3 pounds; Happy Hills, 3. Corrected weight Mad Count, 115. FOURTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Bahamas, Feb. 18, 1933 1:42 4 117. KC1CO Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of two races VToVr in 1938 Weiandh US lbs. Non-winners since January 1 allowed 3 lbs.; April-1-38-A.C since December 1, 5 lbs. Claiming price, 00. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 56035INDEPENDT WAYwb5111 1 4 41 lh li 13 15 AdairR C Warren 26oloO 5599 SAN ARDO wb5111 6 9 11 11 11 7" 2 JohnsonWL Bertozzi Bros 440-100 55978ABERCROMBIE wb6U1 7 1 8 6" 4U 31 3 VarnerR H Shields 1210-100 56038 LIQUIDATION wb5111 4 8 5 52 3 2 41 GriffinWJ C C Miller 3720-100 55979 SHADY WOOD w 6 113 9 11 IIP m V 6h 5 OBrienJ J O Long 2400-100 56015 QUEEN FULL wb 4 111 10 6 3 2h 2 41 62 AtkinsonJ J West 470-100 56034BRILLIANT QUEENw 6 106 2 3 62 71 7" 82 7h CoatsB Mrs C E Brown Jr 480-100 56020 HASORM ELE wb5106 3 2 2h 4 5h 5 8 WebsterO A M Dunn 590-100 55978 ROME VENNIE w8116 8 10 9h 91 9h 9 9 BurnsG B E Marmet 2260-100 56031 MY REGARDS w 8 116 11 5 V 3165101103 NealB H Steward 2730-100 546383TWINKLINGEYE w6111 5 7 7h 8i10hll 11 SteeleR E Galladay tMutuel field. Time, :23, :48, 1:13, 1:40, VA5. Track fast. r7"-?LMUT?PS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS lunrDirunAu-r INDEPENDANT WAY .vr $ 7.20 $ 3.80 $ 3.00 260100 90-100 50100 SAN ARDO 5.40 4.80 170100 140100 ABERCROMBIE 7.20 260100 Winner B. g, by Midway Sweet Yvette. by Sweep trained by C. Warren: bred by Mr. J. P. Edwards. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 3:32. AT POST 1 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily, second and third driving. INDEPENDANT WAY, outrun for the first half mile, saved ground on the rail rounding the far turn, came fast when straightened out in the stretch and won by a wide margin. SAN ARDO trailed the field for the first half mile, closed with a rush between horses entering the stretch and finished fast in the final eighth to get the place narrowly. ABERCROMBIE, away fast, soon dropped back, came again on the inside in the back stretch, but was never able to reach the leaders and was driving at the end. LIQUIDATION was rushed up to the leaders rounding the far turn and raced well to midway of the stretch, then tired. SHADY WOOD closed a big gap in the final eighth. QUEEN FULL had some early speed. MY REGARDS raced to the front soon after the start and set the pace to the first quarter, then quit. Ovenvekht Shady Woodj 2 pounds. FIFTH RACE 1 MILE AJSp 70 ,YABDSV Bahamas,, Feb. 18, 1933 1:42 4 117. Kfi-i f5Q Iurse 06: 4-year-olds and upward; Claiming irbn-winners ol Molra?Se a M,,oTJr in 1938. - Weight, 116 lbs. Non-winners since January 1 allowed Si lbs.;" Apnl-l-38-A.C since December 1, 5 lbs. Claiming price, 00. " - a Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 5; fourth; 5. . U Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St and Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equivi OddsStrt 560213AUTUMN COLOR. wb 6111 10 4 2i 2: 2 2 . P AdairR. M L Wiley 1560-100: 559792MAZOL - w 7111 ,6 7 5 31 31 1" 2i FraschN N Parianos - 330-100: 55978 ROCK LEVEN- wb 0116- 3 8 11 12" lfi. 31 JoscphnL Mrs N Ward - 1360-lOfi ; 54760 FLINTRIDGE , wb 4106 9 12 10? 11 5 3 -4a JohnsonWL- H L Ferguson 570-100: 55978 BIDDYS TOY . wb 9.107 11 3. is P and Jh 5 AtkinsonJ E 6 OConnell 1080-105 559793HAPPY. FELLOW wb9111 1 5 7 -7 -V 5 64 RussoG " Mrs S Howard - 390-100! 560392JUSTA SHEIK. vv9116 4 . 9 12 r V-, 8 7h- 72 PhillipsEE Southwest Stable. . 850-10O , 558243MITIGATOR wb6111 8 10 9i 9h lOh 91 8 Robertson J G Redsull " "lSd-lOO 55979 ELSTREE v4ail 2 1, 4 6h 71 82 9 WatsonK F Attebery f 55975TOO QUICK w5116 5 6, 8 10 12 10 10 RootW C V Parsons 510-100 55802 BLACK MISS v wb 7107 1 2 62.. 51 42 Fell. BurnsG Long Riw Stable 1850-100 5599 LONE CLOUD w 4 111 12 11 4h 92 Lost rid. WebsterO - L E Redmon f tMutuel field. Time, :23, :48, VA3i, 1:40. 1:45. Track fast. MUTUELS PAID . OFFICIAI BOOKING ODDfr AUTUMN COLOR 3.20 0.20 $ 9.00 1560 100 :- 410 100 350108 MAZOL 4.20 3.40 110100 70188 ROCK LEVEN 6.00 200 18 Winner Ch. g, by Solomon Weymouth Girl, by The Manager trained by R. H. Wiley; bred by: Miss P. Hamilton. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO. P0ST-3:58. AT POST 1 minutes. . Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. . AUTUMN COLOR, closest to the early pacemaker to the stretch, forged-to the front midway of the stretch and, under slight urging, came on to win going away. MAZOL, never far irom the leaders, was rushed up between horses entering the stretch, then showed in front for a few yards, but tired when the winner challenged. ROCK LEVEN, far back for the first half mile, closed fast on the inside rounding the far turn and, continuing on, finished very fast, then broke down right at the wire. FLINTRIDGE was rushed up on the outside on the far turn, was never able to get to the leaders, but was going well at the end. BIDDYS TOY raced to the front in the first seventy yards, drew out to a good lead in the back stretch, then tired in the final eighth. HAPPY FELLOW showed little effort. LONE CLOUD, well up for the first half mile, was; dropping back when BLACK MISS fell and, having no room, stumbled, losing her rider at the stretch head. BLACK MISS was malting her move on the inside rounding the far turn when she crossed her legs and fell. Overweight Biddys Toy, 1 pound; Black Miss, 1. Corrected weight Mazol, 111; Flintridge, 106. SIXTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Quickaway, Feb. 19, 1933 1:10 4 112. fcftl ftJ. Purse S500- 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Non-winners of two a Vno V r races 3-year-Ws, 108 lbs.; 4-year-olds, 122 lbs.; older, 124 lbs. Maidens Apnl-1-38-A.C allowed 4 lbs. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 56018 MICKEY OBOYLEwb 3 108 6 2 lh 1 12 11 PhillipsEE J Boyle 370-100 56036 GALLANT BOY wb6124 2 3 4 42 41 2"k StallingsC S M Atkins 120-100 55652 GRAVEN MAID w3101 9 1 21 2h 2h 31 VarnerR Mrs C S Howard 330-100 SfSL w 3 108 1 4 5 5h 3" 4h FraschN Dial Stock Farm 4850,100 SKSUN w3 104 4 7 65 65 52 5i LeischnW N Parianos 1720-100 xIWAR wb3 103 8 5 3,1 31 63 7h Ada!rR J J Elmore 690-100 5S5rLB WB311 3 6 76 74 84 FatorE W A Thompson 5460-100 55483 GYPSY FRED w3105 5 9 9 9 9 9 JosephnL Long Run Stable 1900-100 Time, :22, :454, 1:11. Track fast. TP. HUIUEI8 PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB Mirtrrv J?iCKEY OBOYLE r- $ 9.40 $ 3.20 $ 2.40 370-100 60-100 20-100 Kiwi wfm - 32 240 6-100 GRAVEN MAID 2.6O 30108 Winner Ch. g, by Cantankerous Lyrea, by McGee trained by F. J. Anderson; bred by Mr. C. F. Burke. WENT TO POST 4:25i. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. MICKEY OBOYLE took command soon after the start, steadily drew away in the first half mile, held his advantage to the stretch where he was shaken up and won by a safe margin. GALLANT BOY, always within striking distance, raced on the outside of the leaders entering the stretch and was closing on the winner at the end. GRAVEN MAID, off in front, raced on the outside of the winner to midway of -the stretch, then tired. CAATH saved ground on the rail in the back stretch, came through when the leaders Br.rurc8 y Wlde G?terin? the stretch, but tired in the run home. NAKASUN could never get up. BhALHLb was never dangerous. JUSTWAR raced up to the leaders on the outside rounding the far turn and raced well for a half mile, then quit. The others were always outrun. Scratched 55653Imeblue, 104; 55974 Polvos Image, 122; 56016 Step After, 99.- I Overweight Graven Maid, 2 pounds; Bely Beau, 2 ; Gypsy Fred, 1. SEVENTH RACE .1 MTXE AND 70 YARDS. Bahamas, Feb. 18, 1933 1:42-4-117. ffcfil f11,?0- -year-01 and upward. Claiming: jfori-wiriners since October a ViTr Weight, 115 lbs. Claiming price, 00. Aprii-i-jB-A.i Wet value to winner 75 ; second, 5 ; third, 5 ; fourth,, 5. . ; Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owrners Equiv. Odds Strt 560322LUCKY GEORGE wb 5 110 12 1 33 3i lh P p RussoG E and OConnell 160-100 ISSS DAZZLER- J"?; 3 5 i g f 2h SteeleR McDougall and Brown 540-lS 557662POITOU w 9 115 10 8 81 71 73 5 3" BurnsG June Bros 320-100 54968 HATTIE MAE wb5110 9 2 1 H 22 31 42 WatsonK L Burke 17W-100 55766 SWEET MAN wb7115 2 5 6 4 4 4 52 WilbournF C B Coit 27-103 56021NEWSUN w8U0 7 3 5i 5 6h 6 6U NortonO T Branscom 3090 10? tggTAR BROOK wb 8 110 6 12 12 122 ll3 9i 1 AdairR J W Deel - WiM 55735 BLACK VAN-. w6110 8 10 101 9h 92 7h 8 JohnsonWL H Merline 1470-100 SSS E AWAY WB4U1 5 11 116 102 82 82 910 FerminA F Madson 55976 PROUD GOLDIE wb 4 110 11 9 2t 21 3106 10 JosephnL L Krall 6000-100 55978 RODANIA w 7 113 4 4 4 82 HP 11 lis ChristnR D Kuchan 4930-100 56014 DARK STEIN w5 U0 1 7 91 11. 12 12 12 PhillipsE J O Long tMutuel field. Time, :2Z, :48, 1:1344, 1:4114, 1:47. Track fast. T r7XUvfS 0FFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , 1 1ICKV rrnnrr ."T 5 520 5 3-00 5 280 160-100 50100 40-10 fi VTwr nmi co DAZZLER . 6.00 3.80 200-100 90-108 P0ITU 3.20 60 100 Mr rT- S. bV By George II.-La Rerotte, by Martial III. trained by E. O. OConnell; bred by Mr. E. O. OConnell. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 4:50. AT POST-4 minutes. 1 Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. I LUCKY GEORGE, closely rated back of the early pacemakers, was rushed into the lead entering the far turn, steadily drew away and won by a wide margin. FLYING DAZZLER, outrun the firsl half mile, moved up fast between horses entering the stretch and, under a hard drive, just managed to get second mA ,"!, f1"1?5-.150,1.10".50 10 set going, closed very fast on the outside rounding the far turn and r finished fast in the final eighth. HATTIE MAE raced to the front in the first few yards, set he pace for a half rmle, then tired. SWEET MAN saved ground on the inside all the way. raced up to the leaders on the far turn, then tired. NEW SUN was never a serious contender. PROUD GOLDIE showed good speed to the stretch, then quit badly. RODANIA raced well for the first quarter, then tired. Overweight Move Away, 1 pound; Rodania, 3. Corrected weight Sweet Man, 115. I EIGHTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Bahamas, Feb. 18, 1933 1:42? 4-17 56166 f5 roI,? ?n? uPward- Claiming. Non-winners since October AnrniliYr L w Weiht, 115 lbs. Claiming price, 00. pni-i-jB-A.i Met Yaue t0 winner S375; second 5; thjrd 5; , Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 56021 BALANCER wb7115 3 9 91 61 52 3 lh AtkinsonJ L L Dale 460-100 51571 HURTLE wb4115 1 4 51 51 2h lh 2n WatsonK A McDonald S im 56039ROYALTYCHECKwb5110 11 6 2h 2h 3 2" 3n RussoG P Russo ? 558252RED canoe w5110 2 1 31 31 -lh 4" 4h SteeleR L Krall J SC0URTIER WB5U0 7 2 4 4 63 5h 52 Virk SmUh and McNally ioIlOD SiDCEPHAROAHwB6U5 5 8 103 91 93 62 63 WebsterO L Redmon 380-100 SqSS? WIJS t 5n 83 81 82 71 Frazi"D AWChristmon S?nSm5pS- WBolc 5 I ll l $ f 8i ScurIockJ CD Zimmerman 1000-100 56032 OH DAVE wb9115 6 3 61 73 71 7U 9" WilbournF R H Rom inn 56032 SKY ORME . w4115 9 11 llh llh 104108 108 K S R Jackson Sffi HILLS WB 8 115 10 10 12 12 12 112 114 Bu"nsG E Ma mT SlSS SMROCK PAN wb 4 110 12 12 71011112 12 WebsterG ForestTfiray 1 SS- 2S tMutuel field. Time, :23, :48, 1:134 1:41, 1:46. Track fast. r7T?onM f 5 TAID , OFFICIAI BOOKING ODDS BALANCER Smrti c 6 d 1-20 $ 400 5 4.00 460-100 100-100 100-100 ROvIUvVHVrVr- Mi 11,20 9-00 46-100 350- 00 CHECK FieId R0Y,,,.TY 4.00 100100 wi.-. VnnwTB S tby Blondin-Lassie May, by Atheling II. trained by L. L. Dale; bred by y Mr J H White. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 5:17. AT POST 4 minutes. mufri3",11 SlW ahu Rck Pan Won drivi"S; second and third the same. BALANCER, far back for the first half mile, moved up fast between horses on the far turn, got through CninHiTRT?rF S SV "tC? and:lunder 3 drive in, the dghth, got up to win narrowly in the final stages. HURTLE, never far from the pace, was rushed up on the inside in the back stretch, forged to rwrrT fm f the 1str1cch but was unle to stall off the winner in the closing drive. ROYALTY i, .. for"d thc.Par to the stretch, then tired in the final drive. RED CANOE, well up for the first h m-,.C 4ih0Wf-d V -T r.oundinS the far tur" t" tired. BOLD COURTIER raced well for the first BOSSFrN t it 5 ghtry ,n,heinl drive. PRINCE PHAROAH closed some ground in tic fina eighth Shth wefo prominent ZandhBt:1?1Z? tt"e, then quit. The others never