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■ 4 7-8 MILE Out of Chute. Parasang, June 14. 1941—1:23 4 7fL Anii 114 Happy Scot Graded Handicap Class C. ,500 Added. / III rl|U 3-year-olds and upward. Best time made at distance of race. I [ [ [ 9 f Chart Book Todays !nd.x No Horse. Date. Track Rec. eft Wt. 42071 Porters Cap Sep42 Bel 1 23 »r. 117®109 4264.-,- Mi fill —i Nov42 Bel 1 25*s 117®115 40520 M.ghtv Master Ma 42 Bel 1 2o-s 113-102 14774 Fi.xl.r... igh ®126 48M6" Wait a Bit Ma 43 Bel 124V. 115X114 422-50 Bull Remh Ju..43 Aqu 124-V. ...1122109 Chart Book Today* Index No. Horse. Date Track Rec. Wt. Wt 42751 Eye fer Eye Oct42 B.-l 125H 113X106 41477 Scotland Light Aug42 Aqu 1:23% 110X114 42213- Night Glow Aug42 Was 1:24% 101®107 42278 Vain Prince Au42 Aqu 1:23% 105 122 42916 Flaught Jun43 Aqu 1:24 116 118 I 1 9 . 6 ■ 5 ? I i I I , j . 8 i 9 8 I ; | . | : I I : ■ I i 1 1 ! . » 1 | I 1 I I Porfers rurier* V-ap Can 67 V IfiQ Ch- h 6- by Th€ Porter— The Blonde, by Mad Hatter. I W7 Breeder. A. B. Gay. 1943.11 1 1 1 ,820 Owner, C. S Howard. Trainer. T. Smith. 1942 31 7 4 8 2 120 Jun. 9 43"Aqu 7-8 l:24%m 22 5 117 5 3 2* «P| Shamer.AH.-pC 83 BullReigh 112.F.i,thrall 109 Omission 6 Majl7-43;Bel 7-3 1:24Vt 20 115 5 3 44 64i SmerA1 HcpC 84 BrtWillie 126.D-d Fo106 OurBoots 12 Apr26-43*J..m 3-41:12%ft 19 115 5 4 4"i 47i HaskellL H.pC 82 Kingfisher 115.Pon.pion 122 Flaught 8 Mar.27-43:F.G 1 1-8 l:49%ft 17-5e 105 3 6 Eas. upHaskellL Stks Marriage 117.Mioland 118. Rounder! 6 Mar23-43-F.G 3 4 l:ll%ft 4 112 6 4 5! 5 J Haskelll.7 Hep 92 ZacaGray 109. Defense HS.Marriage 7 Marl3-43:F.G lrVl:44 ft 3e 111 1 3 59 513 NodarseVi Stks 82 Riverlnd 123. Val.Orphnl25 Miolnd 5 Fel27-437F.G 1 ,V l:434ft lie 109 2 6 6 IM NodarseV1 Hep 78 Marriage 115,Rounders 124. McowU 10 Feb22-43;F.G 3-41:13 m 47-10 113 6 5 64i 7 KeiperP Stks 80 Mar-Kell HO.Pompion 117,Marriag« 8 June 24- Bel — 3 4 ft l:15%h June 13-Bel-l 2 gd :50h June 16-Bel— 3 8 ft :38h Mettlesome C 8 1 1 5 B • 5 b* H9h Strung— Ch4cotta, by Chicle. ■ ■«* Breeder, Brookmeadt Stable. 1943.8 0 2 1 ,450 Owner. Mrs. B. Di Giorgio. Trainer, Harry Brown. 1942. .9111 9M Jun.18 43*Aqu 3 4 l:ll%gd 4 115 4 3 tjl 2" AtksonT4 AlwC 91 LitLady 108,FirstFiddlell3.Pompi. n 9 Jun.15 43r Aqu 3 41:ll%ft 10 120 6 5 41 42i AtksonT6 HcpC 89 AnelLad 120.Pompion 122.ZacaP.osa 9 Jua 5-437Bel3-4mcl:10%ft 13 108 2 7 83 64 Thornb-gJ2 Hep 90 106.Va.nPrVell Ma 29-43-"Bel 3 4wcl:10%ft 15 108 3 4 3, 2h AtkinsonT3Stks 92 SmeChre 105.Saltol04. Ul.Rogds 7 May 25 434Bel 3-4md:ll%ft 17-10 119 2 5 7?2 6 RVtn.A2 HcpC 80 Cassis 117.BabyDumPrg 114 MissQ 7 MaylO-43«Bel 3 -4wcl:10 ft 43 109 9 4 5i 52 HiglevJ7 Stks 94 DelDivr 116.W.Regdsll8 ThbsCp 12 Apr24-43«Jam 3-4 l:ll%ft 7 114 3 4 5« 44J RobtsonA4 Hep 89 Doublrab 126,Ordrawnl09.Requesd 6 AprlO-43"Jam 3-4 1:12 ft 24 113 3 2 14 33 RobtsonA4 Hep 88 Apacln 126.Riverlnd 128,Wait a Bit 7 June 23-Aqu-3 8 ft 35h June 13— Aqu— 12 ft 2b June 10— Aqu-3 8 ■ :38b Miqhtv Master X 10? Ch- »• 4- by Kn»ve H,9h— wassey, by zeu$. ■ ,VA* Breeder, Mrs. L. A. Livingston. 1943 .10 0 0 Owner, Mrs. L. A. Livingston. Trainer. Edward Feakes. 1942 12 3 2 • 15f Ma 12 43"Bel 3 4mcl:12Vy 21 108 6 5 7"! 52i AtksonT HcpC 79 BritWhe 122.HN..te 114 Flaught 11 Oct.22-42»F.n»p 53 f l:O9%gd49-10 116 1 2 2* 1" RobtsnA* Allw 85 WiteTimel22.PtHarm107 HiDidl. 6 Sep26-42-Bel 3 4mc l:ll%ft 195 119 1 3 42, 5»» HaasL4 AlwC 72 MissQ. 10." GrandParty 120 Paladin 5 Sepl7-42rAqu 3 4 l:ll%ft 18 115 1 1 1J 65i NdrseV* AlwC 88 FullCry ltt.BbyDplgllS FstFiddle 9 Sepl0-42-.qu 3-41:11 m 13-5 117 1 2 3 J *i WoolfG2 Allw 91 Bardia 114, Rodney 114, BattleCup 5 AuglO-425Sar 3-41:12*™ 9 113 4 1 l« l2i RobtsnAS Allw 85 HVachus 113.Bt of.All HO.Bulrush 8 Jul.l3-42sEmp 5Jfl:08%ft 16 109 3 5 45i 4*1 MalleyT* AlwC 88 Ba, View ».* -,Sundgerll3.Mad.gma 5 June 25-Aqu-3 8 ft :38b June 23-Aqu— 3 4 ft l:16h June 19-Aqu— 7 8 ft l:31%b FoxbrOUah X lO/; S. h, 7, by Sir Gallahad III.— Marguerite, by Celt. ■ ■ *-v Breeder. Belair Stud. Owner, Belair Stud. Trainer, James Fitzsimmons. S»p 6-41Aqu 14 1 50 ft 3-4e4126 5 4 2 3 DonosoR1 Stks 91 MketWise l.RalManlOg.YVChe 7 Sep l-41,;Aq.i LV 1:43% ft 11-10 4126 5 3 2- 22 StoutJ* Stks 96 Ponty 105,MarketVVi,e 114 Parasang 6 Jul26-4FEmp l 1:44% ft 7 10 4126 4 2 1* l1 StoutJ3 Stks 91 AndvK. 118.DeMf.Crag 100 Trimly 6 JuI.16-417Suf 1| 1:48% ft 12-5e4122 7 2 2" 22 StoutJs Stks 96 .WarRelic 102.RoyalManl06.M-etWise 9 Jul. 1T 1:58% m 23-10 118 5 1 1» 1« StoutJ1 Stks 89 TolaRose 114.DeviIsCragl04 Saldll 5 Jun28-41 5Aqu ItV 1:44% ft 17-10 4123 6 1 P 2h StoutJ* GrC 94 R-alMan 112.Nearsig-tllO.Caiodenrn 6 June 24-Aqu— lm ft....l:44%h June 22 -Aqu— 7 8 ft 1:30b June 19 -Aqu-3 4 tt l:15h Wait a Bit X 1 , 1A , Ch- £- 4- b tspmo— Hi-Nelll, by High Cloud. .j Breeder Wllliam Zieg|tr# Jr 1943 12 3 1 4 ,605 Owner. William Ziegler. Jr. Trainer. Matthew Brady. 1942 26 4 4 5 565 Jun 22 -43VAqu 7-8 1:24 ft 43-10 117 2 5 62| 3 ;i NodarseV* HcpC 92 Flaught 116..A.rCurrentlll.S-ngTn 10 Jun. 3-437Bel 1A 1.-44 ft 5i 119 3 2 3-4 34i Gilbert.!2 AlwC 84 SdrSong 108,Requtedl22 Staretor 7 Mi 31-437Bel 7-81:24 ft 8 115 5 4 4-4 22 GilbertJl HcpC 87 VnPrinee lig.BuIIRghlOS.ZVaRsa 9 !;VU22 437Bel li.Tl:44%m 18 5 113 6 4 44 34 NodarseV2 HcpC 82 OurBoots 122.C ermanl09 BchRod 7 !Mj 17-43;Bel 7-8 1:24%ft I] 114 3 6 6"J P% NetTaiir* HcpC ft BrtWillie 126.DdvFoxl06.0urBoots 12 M.i 12 435Bel 3 4mcl:12%sy 21-5 118 2 10 8«4 9«i NodarseV1 HcpC 74 BritWlie 122.Hv.ote 114.Flaught 11 ApdO-43Jam 3-41:12 ft 13 110 5 5 5«i 45 NodarseV* Ikp 86 Apache 126.Riverindl28.Mettresom« 7 Feb 6-43°F.G . 3-41:13%hy 14 109 6 4 IU !■ NodarseV2 Stks 85 Pompion 114, Riverrdl25,Val.Orphn 11 June 19-Bel— lm ft....l:43%h June 16-Bel— 3 4 ft. .. .l:16%h June 14— Bel— 3 8 ft . . . . :37%h Bull Reiall ft w lflQ B- n- s b-y Bul Dog— Risque Reigh, by Reigh Count. s ,U7 Breeder. Mrs. John D. Hertz. 1943 23 9 4 1 1,040 Owner. Louisiana Farm. Trainer, M. Jolley. 1942 32 4 3 3 685 Jun.l2-43*Aqu 1,V1:47 ft 14-5*4117* 1 2 2" « 810 Eri.ksonC2 7000 71 Bir.hRod 109. Mark llG.SinggTn-h Ml Jua 3-43 "Aqu 7-8 l:24%m 19-5 112 3 1 Is l2i BrooksS1 HcpC 93 Enthrall 109.Omission 120.F"stFiddle 6 Jun. 5-43sB. | 1 l:36%ft 6e 115 4 1 43 ll14 BrooksS4 HcpC 76 RovalNap 102.Kve for Ke 105.SaIto 11 jMa 31-437Bel 7-81:24 ft 47-10 108 1 2 2"k 3- TlibrgJ2 HcpC 85 VnPnce 119.Wt aBitll5.ZcaRosa 9 Mj25-437B-M 1,, 1.44:4r,ft 3i 115*2 1 2* 4J ThburgJ2 6500 84 Haile 108. Redthornll3.Belle dAmr 7 Ma22 437BeI 1 ,V l:44%ra 37-10 113 3 1 21 610 RobtnA4 HcpC 76 OurBootsl22.Cpermanl09.Wait aBit 7 Ma 17-43 7 Bel 1M:W:,H 6-5 |116* 1 1 V lRienriD* c5000 U Nipsickle 113.1lantajenet 108. Mark 8 M..ill-437Bel l,,„l:42%ft27-10e 114* 3 1 l4 1* RienziD* 4200 98 Plantgt 113.AirCur-tll8.D.J.rnH. 10 June 24 -Bel— 3 8 ft :37h June 21-Bel— 3 8 It .... :36%h June 18-Bel-5 8 gd. . . .l:03»4h Eve for Eve X 10A B c 3- Chicaro— Eye to Eye, by Teddy. 7 C ,UO Breeder. King Ranch. 1943.8 1 2 0 .5*0 Owner, King Ranch. Trainer. M. Hirsch. 1942 11 2 1 1 850 Jun.19 43HAqu 1 1 4 2:05 ft 26 110 6 2 3* 612 MrtensW* Stks 74 Vinctiv? Hl.FasVicM10.P"r.ceqfo 8 Jun. 5-43sBel 1 l:36%ft 5e 105 2 2 1£ 2J MrtensWHcpC 89 Royal Nap 102, Salto 112. Redthorn 11 Ma 29-43,iB*l ll-81:51%ft 14 106 2 4 8i 8IS MrtensW Stks 63 SI. Rule 120.Vincentive 113.Fa.Victy 8 Ma 21-43sBel3-4mcl:12%m 6 110 5 5 2 l2 MtensW1 HcpC 81 Eurasn HO.Nw Moon 108 HoosrWf 10 Mail8-434BeI 3-4mcl:ll%ft 12 111 4 3 3i 2| MrtensW* Hep 85 Truel • 116 Crean.109 FamsVicry 5 May 4-43-Pim 1 h 1:46% It 43-10 113 5 3 44i 514 M"hrtnsW4Stks 70 Stratgic 113.NwMoonli3 BvDarlg 6 Aprl3-435Jam l-701:42%sy 30 113 5 5 717 7-1 MtensW* Allw 69 CountFleet 122. Bossuet 113 Towser 8 Aprl0-43«Jam 1-701:44 ft 3i 119 2 1 3i 47 Garzal2 Allw 82 PopsPiik 122,ModtLa.lll5, Attendt 6 June 24-Bel— 3 4 ft....l:15%h June 18-Bel— 3 8 sy :38b June 16-Bei— 1 1 8 ft. . 152%h Scotland Liaht X r* 114 Br 9-4- b m»im t-»»i. by sun Briar. .y.n *♦ Breeder. Audley Farm 4 L. A. Moseley 1943 5 1 0 0 ,700 Owner, The Barnnqton. Stable. Trainer, Edwar.. Hayward. 1942 15 5 3 5 2 185 May31-437Bel 7-81:24 It 23-10 4119 6 7 67, 5" McCryC« HcpC 84 VinPncell9.Wt aBitll5 BullReigh 9 Ma 25-43rBel 3 4mcl:l2 ft 47-10 122 5 7 P* 44J McCrvC1 HcpC 80 VainPrinre 114. ArielLad 117 Colchis 7 Mayl5-43*Be| 1 l:36%ft 48 107 9 10 9 ° 9*a Mten»Wi Stks 82 DvilDivr 117,Marriagell6 ThbsUp 11 Apr24-43-*Jam 1* l:44%ft 31 110 8 9 911 713 McCrrvC* Stks 76 Riverland 124. MineeMolOS Mrria-e 11 Apd4-43"Man. 3-4 l:14%m 31-10 116 1 4 4| If NashR1 HcpB 80 BrhtWillie 114.0verdrawn 116.Salto 5 O-t 1-424B«1 ll:36%ft 7-20 4H7 5 3 3i 3i FelsB2 Allw 89 GryWing 117,Ramilliesll5.Lbiquit» 5 Sep25-426Bel 11:36 ft 47-10 113 6 6 4i 32 McCrnC* Allw 92 DvilDivr 116.PtjBterlll,Eqinox 7 June 25 -Bel— 3 8 ft :35%h June 23— Bel— 7 8 ft l:29h June 19-Bel-34ft l:17h Niaht Glow S lfl7 Br- m- 5- by Pharamond II.— Red Sunset, by High Time. 3 ,u# Breeder Charles T. Fisher. 1943.7 1 1 1 ,758 Owner. Lt.-Col. Gustave Ring. Trainer. H. H. Battle. 1942 19 1 0 5 171 Junll 43Aq.i 7 81:25 ft 30 112 3 4 P 2»t TburgJ* HcpC 91 YowMaiJ 9 tDead beat Jua 3-43iB. I l,Vl:44%ft 22 105 4 3 44 43i ThornbgJiStks 83 Mar Kell 122,YrwMaidllO.Stefnita 6 1i:,l9-43-Bel7-8u,cl:25%sy 9t 110" 1 2 2i l7 Thrnbg.I122500 83 Elimar 112. At Plav 115. Anibrasl3 Ma 14-434Bol 11:41 m 10 113 1 6 6*i 6"» RobtnA11 2500 63 T.Thane 114. Swpstaker 109 Estenta 12 Apr29-43-Jam 3 4 l:12%ft 22 107* 9 11 lOlO10 ThrnbgJ103200 77 Di Shoals 113.Sk.DeeP118 Sg oWar 12 Apr20-43 Jam 3-4 1:12% sy 6 111*5 5 5° 5: Thburg.1 3500 82 Hpyl.ark 117.SkiiiDpl26.ScchTrap 7 AprJ0-431Jam 3-4 1:14%ft 9i 116*2 4 54i 33 ThburgJ* 3000 79 SkinDp 118,SchTrapl26.FI*gTpedo 9 Nov 14 427Bow Mlmil 4i 113 4 2 3TJ 4* Zufeltl" 3500 64 N vy 116,Chl,lonHethl09,RghPass 9 June 20-Bel-34tt l:15h June 17- Bel-l 2 ft :50h June 16-Bel 38ft :39h Vain Prince 197 B- 9 *• by v"n Bachelor— Crystal May, by Crystal Pennant. Xi-i- Breeder. Casitas Ranch Co. 1943.9 2 0 3 ,925 Owner, Mrs. Clyde Phillips. Trainer, Clyde Phillipi. 1942 28 4 11 6 1 980 Jun.12 43rtAqu 7-81:24 ft 7 112 8 4 5i 7 :i MrtensW3 Stks 93 DvilDiver 126.Mai i igell8.Doublrb 10 Jua 5-437Bel 3-4mc l:10%tt 10 112 9 5 5: i 33 MrtensW3 H.p 93 WithRrds 120.ArielLadl06.Sun.Again 11 Ma 31-437Bol 7-8124 ft 16-5 119 4 3 3| 1- MtensW* HcpC 89 Wt aBitll5.BullRgh 108.ZacaRosa 9 Ma 25-43"Bel 3 4n,cl:12 ft 3i 114 7 6 4i la* MtensW2 HcpC 85 ArielLa. 117.Coklusll4.ScotrdLight 7 Ma18-43iBel l,Vl:43%ft 4 116 2 3 l« 3-2 McCrvC* AluC 87 GreatRush 116.SoldierSonll3 Enter 10 MaJ15-43,5B,.l ll:36%ft 18 102 3 9 lill11 McCrrjC* Stks 80 DvilDivr 117.Marriagell6 Thbslp 11 Mayl0-43«Bel 3-4wc 1:10 ft 15 104 10 8 41, 42 McCrryC9 Stks 94 DelDivi 116.V.Regdsll8.ThbsCp 12 May 6-434Jam 3-4 l:12%ft 14-5 117 2 3 33i 3-J LongdenJ1 AlwC 86 Flaught 120,Generous 110 Gre Wing 8 Apr26-43;!Jam 3-4 l:12%ft 20 110 7 7 6»i 711 MtensW* HcpC 78 Kingfisher 115. Pompion 122,Fiaught 8 June 24-Bel— lm ft l:41h June 21— Bel-3 4 ft l:13h June 19 -Bel-l 2 ft :54%h Flatiaht lift Cn- c * b* Pirethorn— Flying Hour, by Galetian. ■ ■ *° Breeder. Walter M. Jeffords. 1943 10 3 0 3 ,235 Owner. Mrs. Ethel D. Jacobs. Trainer. Hirsch Jacobs. 1942 29 6 6 3 6 355 Jun.22 43fiAq.i 7-8 1:24 tt 6i 116 6 1 l]i li WritWD1 HcpC 96 AirCurt 111. Wt aB,tll7 Smt Torch 10 1ay28 43:-Bel 3 4n,cl:13 ft 13-10 4118* 1 4 3*4 l1 R.eririD* 6000 80 Geners 109.Hpj Notel20.FeWarden 5 V,a 22-437Bel lrVl:44%m 12 117 5 3 52i 71* GrohsO* HcpC 71 OurBootsl22,C"permanl09. Wait aBit 7 Ma 15-435Bel3-4mcl:ll%ft 16 5 106 4 4 433 64i LindbergH* Hep 82 WithRegards 122.Ditll4.TheRhymer 8 Mayl2-43rBel 3-4mcl:12%sy 16 5 4120 13 3* 3i McCrrvC4HcpC 79 BritWlie 122. H Notell4.SorrSong 11 May 6-434Jam 3 4 l:12%ft 13-10 4120 5 2 1* l2i BrooksS* AlwC 89 Genert llO.VnPrince 117,GryWini 8 May 1 -435.lam 3-41:13 ft 12 106 5 3 3*J 31 LindbsH* Hep 85 Ovdrwn 109,DoubIrbl30.W Regds 7 June 12-Jam— 12ft.... :50%b Juna 9-Jam— 58gd 104b