Suffolk Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1949-05-31

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Official Racing Charts I SUFFOLK DOWNS Copyright. 1949. by Triangle Publications. Inc. i EAST BOSTON, MASS.. MONDAY, MAY 30, 1949-SUFFOLK DOWNS 1 MILE. Twenty-sixth day of thirty-three-day meeting April 30 to June 7. Eastern Racing Association, Inc. Automatic starting gate. Photo-chart Camera. Weather cloudy first two races; showery thereafter. Steward representing Massachusetts State Racing Commission, A. 0. Gallagher. Stewards, William Almy, Jr., and Lee ODonnell. Placing Judges, 0. E. Pons, Kenneth Mcintosh and Edwin Welch. Patrol Judges, James But-well, R. Romanelli. J. Cunningham and W. J. Canning. Paddock Judge, George Clement. Clerk of Scales, Arthur Hunt Starter, Robert Frend. Timer, George Fritz. Racing Secretary and Handicapper, J. P. Turner. Assistant Racing Secretary, 0. E. Pons. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Eastern Daylight Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1948, .37; current meeting, .31. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries run as one; no field horses. Mutuel take, 12 per cent State 5 per cent on first 00,000; 6 per cent between 00,000 and 00,000; 7 per cent between 00,000 and 00,000, 71 per cent over 00,000, plus daily license fee. Three lbs. apprentice allowance claimed. Five lbs. claimed. Seven lbs. claimed. W Whip. S Spurs. B Blinkers. In claiming races price appears after name of jockey. Complete finish of each race confirmed by Photochart Camera FIRST RACE 3-4 MILE out of chute. Appealing, July 26, 1937 1:09 4 117. Rurse ,000. 7 ft H 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 4-year-olds, 120 lbs.; older, 122 lbs. Non-winners J O J U since April 1 of two races allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs.; one race since March 1, May 30-49 Suf 9 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. Net value to winner ,250; second, S400; third, 25; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 05,262. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St . Va Vz Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 751413 ROMULUS w9119 7 7 74 61 5 14 F Solimena 2500 F J Hammond 2.70 66301 ETERNAL MISS wb 5 110 3 5 62 5 2nk 2 F Fernndez 2500 Mrs Metcalf and Ber-Mar F 9.80 751414 BE PROUD. wb 5 114 6 4 4 41 4i 3"k V Ternova 2500 Mrs D Harrison 11.70 74041 ISLAM PRINCE w6113 2 10 KM 10 62 4nk A Stone 2500 Mrs F C Dunn 4.50 73657 SMART EVE wb4111 1 8 83 8 92 5" H B Wilson 2500 E Anspach 20.40 75141 ARIEL BRIGADE wb4111 12 3 1nk 1 1 6n G Hettinger 2500 C C Boshamer 9.80 74215 DOIT EASY wb 5 108 10 1 32 34 31 7h R Delpidio 2500 G Colella 25.90 749273 YARMTH FLAREwb 4 106 9 9 91 92 72 83J E Viary 2500 A Cataldo 8.40 56303 NATH wb 6 113 11 11 11 11 11 9h P Milligan 2500 Mrs F C Whitcomb 50.10 L 744283 ANOTHER BEL wb7113 8 2 2"" 2 83 103 F Zehr 2500 Mr and Mrs W W Waters 4.20 74926 TEN OAKS w7113 5 6 5" 72 101 11 D Madden 2500 E F Dyleski 74.40 73714 ALANA WOOD W4111 4 Dwelt. F Tobin 2500 J G Nathan 89.10 Time, :23, :47, 1:14. Track fast. z Mutuels Paid- , Odds to i . in- ROMULUS " 7.40 4.40 3.40 2.70 1.20 .70 Mutuel Prices? eternal miss 8.00 5.80 3.00 1.90 C BE PROUD 6.60 2.30 Winner B. g, by Cohort Dismal, by Display, trained by D. G. Matz; bred by Horace N. Davis. WENT TO POST-2:06. OFF AT 2:06 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate for all but ALANA WOOD. Won driving; second and third the same. ROMULUS improved position steadily on the outside, rallied when set down and drew clear in the final sixteenth. ETERNAL MISS was kept close to the pace on the inside and responded under pressure, but was not good enough. BE PROUD, a forward factor from the beginning, closed determinedly under urging. ISLAM PRINCE broke slowly, was unable to make up ground until the final turn, then closed with good energy along the inside. SMART EVE had no mishap. ARIEL BRIGADE showed good speed for five furlongs, then tired. DOIT EASY was used up forcing the pace. ANOTHER BEL tired after staying with the pace to the final turn. ALANA WOOD dwelt at the start, then galloped far back of the field. Scratched 74837 Master, 113; 74927 Ring Curtain, 108; 750273 Red Rob, 104; 750272 Princess Laura, 106. Overweight Eternal Miss, 2 pounds; Smart Eve, 2; Alana Wood, 5. SECOND RACE 5-8 MILE. Hygrohour, June 27, 1942 :58 2 117. .Purse ,500. 2-year-olds. 75 ft 1 Claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of three races allowed 3 lbs.; two races, J O J I 6 lbs.; maidens, 10 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. May 30-49 Suf Net value to winner ,500; second, 50; third, 00; fourth, 50. Mutuel Pool, 22,904. Index Horses EgtAWtPPSt ft Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 75451 H. T. PERRY w114 5 1 I" 2 2 I" C Picou 6000 Mrs C A Cope 3.90 75245 BYRONIC w 111 6 5 5J 63 4 2h P Milligan 6000 Graham and Byrum 7.30 752453" WOLF WHISTLE wb 109 9 4 24 13 13 3J R Delpidio 6000 0 Clelland 1.70 74831 ROFFIE wb111 3 2 42 41 31 44 W M Cook 6000 Arnold Stuart Stable 3.60 74305 MEDDLESOME w 110 7 7 61 3" 53 53 R Williams 6000 Audley Farm 64.20 74559 TAX LIEN wb111 2 9 11 11 82 62 H B Wilson 6000 W Cogswell 17.00 75451 CHIP w110 4 8 8 81 71 73 G Hettinger 6000 C C Boshamer 14.80 75340 REDEAL wb110 8 3 34 51 62 8h J Pollard 6000 J E Hughes 64.80 75340 JO-ANN HEATH ERwb 107 10 10 9101 101 911 a Stone 6000 Point-A-View Farm . 13.00 720444 DYNAFLOW w 110 1 6 7472 94102 J Robertson 6000 B A Dario 111.10 74929 WISE VICKI wb 107 11 11 MM 9411 11 A Carvalho 6000 L Salvatore 152.60 Time, :23, :47, 1:01. Track fast. r2 Muluels Paid N , Odds to , in fH. T.PERRY 9.80 4.80 3.20 3.90 1.40 .60 Ml utuel Prices! byronic 7.00 4.00 2.50 1.00 l WOLF WHISTLE 2.60 .30 Winner B. c, by Bole Miss Whiskaway, by Whiskaway, trained by C. A. Cope; bred by Mrs. Gertrude Friedberg. WENT TO POST 2:35. OFF AT 2:35 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. H. T. PERRY broke alertly, was steadied after losing the lead, rallied after being straightened for the drive and was up in the final strides. BYRONIC closed stoutly along the inside in a good effort. WOLF WHISTLE opened a clear lead soon after the start and saved ground, but shortened stride and was tiring. ROFFIE was well placed and had no mishap. MEDDLESOME tired in the final sixteenth. TAX LIEN lacked early speed. CHIP went evenly. JO-ANN HEATHER showed nothing. REDEAL quit. The others were outrun. Scratched-755544 Eternal Sickle, 111; 74831 Los Lunas, 102. Overweight Redeal, 3 pounds; Dynaflow, 3. .-r?Sgifc. Wolf Whistle claimed by J. J. Nash. r--.- Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 9.00; Double Pool, 06,120. THIRD RACE ABOUT 1 MILE turf course. The Drone, May 21, 19491:454107. Purse q C O ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 4-year-olds, 118 lbs.; older, 120 ibs. 7j- D O D JL Non-winners since April 1 of two races allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs.; one race May 30-49 Suf since March 1, 9 Ibs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner ,500; second, 50; third, 00; fourth, 50. Mutuel Pool, 56,535. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va Vz Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 748323 CAROLINA STAR W4109 3 1 H 14 4 4 1h G Hettinger 4000 C C Boshamer 4.60 748324 LUSMORES w4109 1 3 5 4" 3" 21 221 D Madden 4000 R M Duville 5.50 75344 MINUTES w4110 5 7 61 6 61 3 32J C Mullins 4000 Fantasy Farm 8.40 751424 GRIAN W6111 7 5 22 21 2 41 4h W Prehm 4000 S Bernstein . 18.30 754554 SAM NORRIS wb6112 8 6 41 52 4 4 52 53 P S Boyle 4000 E Vito 4.60 75344 OLIO wsb4115 6 8 75 78 720 740 61 J Molbert 400O Mrs Metcalf and Ber-Mar F 2.90 751474 FRENCH LURE w6106 4 4 3431 5" 62 750 A Stone 4000 H G Bedwell 4.90 753394 DEVOTEDLY wb 5 110 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 D Deason? 4000 W W Waters 17.60 Time, 1:46. Track fast. r Mutuels Paid , Odds to v in "CAROLINA STAR 11.20 5.60 4.20 4.60 1.80 1.10 Mi. utuel Prices! lusmores 8.00 5.00 3.00 1.50 .MINUTES 5.80 1.90 Winner B. g, by Oddesa Frank Star Blossom, by Zacaweista, trained by E. H. Gaines; bred by Cary C. Boshamer. WENT TO POST-3:07. OFF AT 3:071 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. CAROLINA STAR assumed the lead as DEVOTEDLY went wide, was kept on the inside negotiating turns smartly until the final turn, then drifted out but recovered quickly and outfinished LUSMORES. The latter remained close to the pace along side, challenged the leadering straightening for the drive and pressed to the end. MINUTES saved ground in the late stages to threaten the leaders. GRIAN forced the pace, went wide with the leader on the final turn and failed to recover. SAM NORRIS was blocked when he attempted to move on the far turn, then showed nothing thereafter. OLIO showed nothing. DEVOTEDLY was moving to the front at a fast pace and went to the outside fence on the first turn, then galloped far back of the field. Scratched-75455 Ted Wes, 117. Overweight Lusmores, 5 pounds. FOURTH RACE 3-4 MILE out of chute. Appealing, July 26, 1937 1:09 4 117. Memorial Day ft Purse. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Weight, 122 Ibs. Non-winners in 7 D O D 5 1349 of three races allowed 3 lbs.; two races in 1949 or ,000 at any time, 6 lbs.; May 30-49 Suf one race in 1949, 9 lbs.; maidens, 12 Ibs. Claiming races not considered. Net value to winner ,800; second, 75; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 99,252. Index Horses EgtAWtPPSt Va Vz Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 75146 PETEY COTTER wb119 1 5 1n 12 12 13J d Madden A P Cotter .40 751464 BEARING CLEAR wb116 5 6 61 31 24 23 G Hettinger Mr and Mrs L G Bedwell 5.80 748353 DUKES GAL 114 3 3 24 21 34 3h J Robertson Darling and Sims 18.60 75031 FRIENDLY FRANK w 113 7 1 51 52 4J 42 A Stone D A Rosenbaum 21.60 74851 NASOPHAR wb108 6 2 44 41 52 5" C Picou C V Whitney 9.80 749873 MAGNA CHARTA wb 113 4 7 7 7 68 615 K Scathom B Broun 8.10 53155 BOLO MACK w 113 2 4 3nk 61 7 7 R Williams Mrs C A Cope 49.20 Tune, :23, :4, 1:12. Track fast. r2 Mutuels PaM , , Odds to , I n PETEY COTTER 2.80 2.40 2.20 .40 .20 .10 M, utuel Prices! bearing clear 3.20 2.60 .60 .30 t DUKES GAL 3.40 .70 Winner B. c, by Saint Andrews Scrambled Eggs, by Upset, trained by H. C. Wolfe; bred by Kenneth Murchison. WENT TO P0ST-3:40. OFF AT 3:41i EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won ridden out; second and third driving. PETEY COTTER was under early pressure to gain command before a quarter mile, drew clear readily and was roused entering the stretch, then moved away from the contention. BEARING CLEAR, steadied for three furlongs, was rushed boldly when set down, but was unable to menace the leader in the final furlong. DUKES GAL forced the early pace and held on gamely under a drive. FRIENDLY FRANK raced in spots. MAGNA CHARTA was not persevered with when beaten and went out a slow mile under pressure. NASOPHAR was unable, to keep up. BOLO MACK flashed brief speed, then quit badly. FIFTH RACE 3-4 MILE out of chute. Appealing, July 26, 19371:09 117. Purse ,500. 7 c a C A 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 3-year-olds, 114 lbs.; 4-year-olds, 122 lbs.; c D O D older, 124 Ibs. Non-winners since April 1 of three races allowed 3 lbs.; two races, May 30-49 Suf 6 lbs.; one race, 9 lbs. Claiming price, 0,000; if for ,500 allowed 3 Ibs. Net value to winner ,500; second, 50;, third, 00; fourth, 50. Mutuel Pool, 95,348. Index Horses EgtAWtPPSt Va Vz Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 74730 GRACIE SON wb 5 118 5 8 8 71 63 ink q Moore 10000 R Metcalf 20 753432 0. G. KELLEY w 5 118 7 2 63 41 21 21 H B Wilsnt 9500 J H Carr 4.00 75030 GUNNISON wb5113 4 4 21 22 12 31 F Keene 10000 Reynolds Bros 5.30 747303 SHAKO wb7113 2 7 5"" 53 5 4 42 P S Boyle 9500 W Hinphy 2.80 K, 75341 GERHAM wb5 107 6 3 31 31 31 521 R Humphs 9500 I J White 10.60 3 75341 PAPER MILL wb7112 1 5 4" 61 72 62 F Fernandz 9500 A Cataldo 11.70 r 74731 ANDANTINO wb 6 115 8 6 71 8 8 7h R Sisto 10000 0 C Roy 44.00 - 75030 CADET DAN w4 108 3 1 .4 I" 4"" 8 R Delpidio 10000 J Mattiello 38.70 - tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. 3 Time, :23, :47, 1:13. Track fast. : r2 Mutuels Paid N , -Odds to s : Li . In f GRACIE SON 6.40 3.80 3.00 2.20 .90 .50 Mutuel Prices! o- g. kelley 4.20 3.40 1.10 .70 c v GUNNISON 4.00 1.00 - Winner B. h, by Balladier Saving Grace, by Economic, trained by R. Metcalf; bred by Raymond Metcalf. WENT TO POST-4:14. OFF AT 4:15 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. ; Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the. same. GRACIE SON, sluggish during the 3 early running, moved stoutly when roused, saved ground on the final turn and wore down the leaders with a determined rush. 0. G. KELLEY raced welj placed along the inside, responded when roused and just failed to - last. GUNNISON moved close to the pace in the first quarter of a mile, came to the outside and lost ground c during the the drive, then weakened nearing the finish. SHAKO threatened nearing the final furlong, but was r not good enough. GERHAM tired after forcing the pace. PAPER MILL showed nothing. ANDANTINO was S never a serious factor. CADET DAN set the pace for a half mile, then drifted out rounding the final turn and J tired badly thereafter. - Scratched 74643 First Sentry, 115. - Gerham claimed by Circle K. Farm. 5 SIXTH RACE 3-4 MILE out of chute. Appealing, July 26, 19371:09 4 117. Peabody 7C O C C Handicap. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. D O D D Net vaue lo winner 10O; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. May 30-49 Suf Mutuel Pool, 87,762. - Index Horses EgtAWtPPSt Va Vz Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to - 75343 OIDENASAI wb5116 5 2 2 34 32 4 G Hettinger Mr and Mrs L G Bedwell 2.60 jj 753434 AGRARIAN-U w 7 120 7 3 33 21 21 21 F Fernndez J L McKnight a-1.50 75557 MR. BUSTER wb 4 109 4 1 12 4 4 34 W Prehm J L McKnight a-1.50 74432 SCIPIO wb4115 3 7 5" 44 44 44 R Sisto Bar-Sue Stable 40 75557 DAILY DIP wb5 103 2 6 6" 62 5" 5h A Carvalho H G Bedwell 34.50 74303 REBORN w 4 1061 6 4 7 5 62 64 A Stone D A Rosenbaum 13.50 75343 DOCKSTADER wb7111 1 5 44 7 7 7 P S Boyle G T Babin 10.90 a-Coupled, Agrarian-U and Mr. Buster. Time, :23, :46, 1:12. Track fast. , Mutuels Paid t Odds to in OIDENASAI 7.20 3.20 3.00 2.60 .60 .50 M. UtUel PriCeS AGRARIAN-U a-Entry 3.00 3.60 .50 .80 I MR. BUSTER a-Entry 3.00 3.60 .50 .80 Winner Ch. h, by Transmute Miss Mars, by Mars, trained by L. G. Bedwell; bred by J. E. Mitchell and W. K. Coleman. WENT TO POST-4:49. OFF AT 4:50 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. OIDENASAI broke alertly, was steadied within striking distance of the pace, moved on the outside when roused, lugged in repeatedly, hampering the rider, but was straightened in time to outfinish AGRARIAN-U. The latter improved position gradually, was under stout pressure in the drive, but was unable to cope with the winner. MR. BUSTER opened a commanding lead at once, saved ground when overtaken and held on gamely to the end. SCIPIO moved between horses to enter contention on the final turn, but lacked a late rally. REBORN had no mishaps. DAILY DIP was outrun. DOCKSTADER raced very wide on the final turn. Scratched 75033 Flag Drill, 117. Overweight Reborn, 11 pounds. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Whirlaway, July 15, 1942-1:481s-4-130. Twelfth running THE 7 ft K A TOMASELLO MEMORIAL HANDICAP. 0,000 added. 3-year-olds and upvard. D O D O Gross value, 2,350. Net value-to winner ,175; second, ,500; third, ,000; fourth, May 30-49 Suf 00. Mutuel Pool, 37,957. Index Horses Egt A Wt PP St Vz Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 75033 FANCY FLYER wb4108 5 1 21 24 21 1"" lij P Milligan Graham and Byrum 8.20 750334 FIRST NIGHTER wb 4 112 6 9 8"" 7" 42 2" W M Cook Cherry Oca Stable 2.80 750332 COLUMN W5H6 2 4 63 61 73 54 31 J Robertson Marlet Stable 4.40 750333 MESMER wb4117 4 6 32 343421 4nk F Fernandz Honeywell Farm 6.60 752734 MOTHER w 5 108 7 8 9 9 9 6 4 51 C Picou C V Whitney 6.10 r 75033 FLAG DRILL wb6111 9 2 14 14 14 31 64 F Zehr C Hartwick 18.10 75343 MISLEADER wb6111 3 7 71 82 81 71 72 E Gross Circle K Farm 19.50 75033 RABIES w 6 109 1 3 41 4- 4" 82 81 G Hettinger A J Ryan 11.00 75033 GRAND ENTRY wb4109 8 5 51 53 51 9 9 C Mullins Fantasy Farm 6.70 Time, :24, :48, 1:13, 1:39, 1:52. Track fast. in FANCY FLYER 18.40 9.20 5.20 8.20 3.60 1.60 Mi. utuel Prices! first nighter 4.60 3.00 1.30 .50 .COLUMN 3.80 .90 Winner B. c, by Sky Raider Bellitas Babe, by Upset, trained by R. S. Byrum; bred by Byrum Bros. WENT TO POST 5:26. OFF AT 5:28 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. FANCY FLYER broke alertly, moved to the inside and was steadied close to the pace, rallied when roused to take command nearing the furlong pole, drew clear and was under pressure to the end. FIRST NIGHTER was kept along the inside while outrun early, moved readily after six furlongs, came between horses to loom a threat entering the stretch, then bore in sharply, hindering his rider, was finally straightened, but was unable to catch the leader. COLUMN was never far off the pace and closed with good energy on the outside. MESMER worked his way up gradually on the outside, drew on even terms with the leader nearing the furlong pole, then flattened out. MOTHER was outrun to the final guarter, then passed tiring horses. FLAG DRILL set the pace under restraint for six furlongs, held on gamely when roused, but tired in the final furlong. MISLEADER was fractious at. the start and never threatened thereafter. RABIES weakened when put to pressure. GRAND ENTRY flattened out badly Scratched 75697 Sneak, 110; 75698 Leamour, 105; 7383Q4 Mr. Chairman, 106. EIGHTH RACE 1 1?8 MILES. Whirlaway, July 15, 1942 1:4875-4 130. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds 7r Q C 7 arid upward. Claiming. Non-winners of two races since April 1. 4-year-olds, 118 lbs.; D O D I older, 120 Ibs. Non-winners since May 7 allowed 3 lbs.; since April 1, 6 lbs.; since May 30-49 Suf March 1, 9 Ibs. Claiming price, ,500. Net value to winner ,250; second, 00; third, 25; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 76,842. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va Vz Va Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 7525012FLARES DURBARwb5120 5 1 4 11 11 1"M"k W Prehm 2500 C C Boshamer 6.60 74429 MR. DODO wb 5 1121 3 8 8 5" 51 31 21 J Molbert 2500 T R Queen Jr 4.20 75452 SEERSUCKER wb4109 4 5 5" 64 2 22 31 G Hettinger 2500 E Siravo 3.70 74932 WHAT NIGHT wb7120 6 2 31 31 3" 41 42 D Madden 2500 Prisjoe Stable 21.50 746452 HOMESPUN wb6107 7 7 7"k 7"k 72 53 54 T Spencer 2500 Mrs J H McTague 2.90 74833 GILA WATER w5115 2 3 64 8 6 65 641 R Delpidio 2500 D F Harrington 4.80 74546 CUNNING wb4118 8 6 2 24 41 72 73 H B Wilson 2500 Mrs W C McDermott 13.10 75250iJOHNNIE C. wb 5 120 1 4 44 41 8 8 8 A Carvalho 2500 F H Wegener 13.30 Time, :24, :48, 1:14, 1:42, 1:55. Track fast. 11. in f FLARES DURBAR 15.20 6.60 4.20 6.60 2.30 1.10 Mutuel Prices! mr. dodo 4.40 2.40 1.20 l SEERSUCKER 3.40 .70 Winner B. g, by Flares Maridel, by Durbar II., trained by E. H. Gaines; bred by Arthur B. Hancock. WENT TO POST 5:59. OFF AT 6:00 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. FLARES DURBAR assumed command at once, was under light restraint while saving ground to protect the lead, responded when roused and lasted to hold MR. DODO safe. The latter worked his way up between horses, was steered to the. outside entering the lane and closed willingly. SEERSUCKER, reserved off the pace for six furlongs, moved rapidly when set down, drew to the leader, then faltered. WHAT NIGHT was well up throughout and had no mishap. HOMESPUN, outrun to the far turn, found racing room on the inside to reach contention, then failed to gain. GILA WATER was outrun. CUNNING tired after forcing the pace. JOHNNIE C. was under pressure to keep up early, then flattened out. Scratched-74833 Quasi, 107; 75034 The Drone, 113. Overweight Mr. Dodo, 4 pounds; Homespun, 1. Homespun claimed by Dijack Stable. NINTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Accolade, July 3, 1 946-1 :41V-6 120. Purse ,000 7C o C Q 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 4-year-olds, 118 lbs.; older, 120 Ibs. Non-J O D O winners in 1949 of three races allowed 3 lbs.; two races, 6 lbs.; one race, 9 Ibs. May 30-49 Suf Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner ,250; second, 00; third, 25; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 55,036. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va Vz Va Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 751444 FANCY FUN wb 4 1061 5 6 31 32 42 23 4 P Milligan 2000 Graham and Byrum 5.50 749323 STAN TRACY w6120 7 7 5" 2 13 12 2h G Smitht 2000 Mrs W Thomasson 1.30 74309 MISS LENA wb6104 2 9 9 8" 74 44 34 P S Boyle 2000 G Kadra 5.10 75450 AWAY w 11 111 8 5 82 61 63 52 44 J Robertson 2000 B Chumra 5.30" 74645 MY DISCOVERY wb5111 6 2 41 44 31 31 54 C Picout 2000 F Beloin 10.40 75345 FLAMING DANCEwb 5 106 1 8 61 52 51 64 621 R McLalini 2000 Pinehurst Stable 28.60 75249 PRIVATE HOWIE w9111 9 4 73 72 88 71 731 D Madden 2000 J R Dwyer 12.20 74304 MERRICK BELLE wb 6 106 3 3 12 11 21 815 815 A Stone 2000 E Vito 61.30 74543 FOXY BEA w 4 104 4 1 2 9 9 9 9 W M Cook 2000 J Cohen 40.50 tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :23, :48, 1:14, 1:42, 1:47. Track fast k i . 1 n . FANCY FUN 13.00 5.60 3.60 5.50 1.80 .80 Mutuel Prices? stan tracy 3.40 2.60 .70 .30 I MISS LENA 80 .40 Winner B. f, by Hash Bibboo, by For Fair, trained by R. S. Byrum; bred by Byrum Bros. WENT TO POST-6:31. OFF AT 6:32 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. FANCY FUN was steadied close to the pace, rallied in the late stages to gain a slight lead and won drawing away. STAN TRACY moved stoutly in the early stages, was forced to take up when shut off on the first turn, recovered quickly and worked his way up on the outside to take command, saved ground, but tired in the late stages. MISS LENA came from far off the pace and closed with a belated rush. AWAY weaved between horses in the late stages and closed well. MY DISCOVERY flattened out in the drive. MERRICK BELLE quit. Scratched-75034 Magic Chief, 112; 751442 Shucklns, 106; 75456 PebNes Habit. 111; 754563 To To Light, 106; 66596 Shifty Sue, 106; 74310 Iced Over, 109; 75249 Olney Miss, 109. Overweight Fancy Fun, 21 pounds; Miss Lena, 3; Flaming Dance, Attendance, 36,680; Total Mutuel Pool, ,643,017.

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Local Identifier: drf1949053101_39_1
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