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international Olympic Group Opens Confab in Paris Today PARIS, France, June 8 UP. — Sixty delegates from 3 countries open the 50th International Olympic Congress here Thursday. Main topic on the agenda of the 11-day session will be a final .decision on whether to hold the 1956 Olympic games at Melbourne. j The meeting of the International Olympic Committee, to be held June 13-17, will be the main event of the congress. Unofficially, it was believed that in spite of the opposition of many top delegates to Melbourne,* nothing relating to the 56 games would be changed only one year ahead of time. The second most important decision will be the choice of the 1960 sites for winter and summer Olympic games. For the summer games it was expected that a close competition would take place between Tokyo and Rome. The other candidates were Brussells, Budapest, Detroit, Lausanne and Mexico City. For the winter games Saint Moritz; Squaw Valley, Calif; Innsbruck, Austria;, and Garmisch are the official candidates.