Official Racing Charts: Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-12

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j Official Racing Charts » f Churchill Downs L||y " Convriffht. 1950. bv Triancle Publications. Inc. — — ■ LOUISVILLE, KY., MONDAY, MAY 11, 1959-CHURCHILL DOWNS 1 MILE. Fourteenth day of nineteen-day meeting April 25 to May 16. Churchill Downs, Inc. American Totalisator. Puett Starting Gate. Film Patrol. Trackman, J. N. Lyon. Weather clear. Steward representing Kentucky Racing Commission, Lewis Finley. Stewards, Jack G. Goode and Lincoln Plaut. Placing Judges. Ray Hoertz, Charles L. Triplett and Lawrence Lacey. Patrol Judges, Patrick McDonald, Emil Roehm and Frank Muth. Paddock Judge, Thomas Oliphant Clerk of Scales, Charles J. Gormley. Starter, James Thomson. Timer, Francis Poole. Racing Secretary and Handicapper, Allan W. Lavin. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Central Daylight Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1958, .40; current meeting, .30. Percentage favorites in the money, .66. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries run as one; no field horses in Daily Double races. Mutuel take, 14 per cent State 4, track 10. Superior figure following jockeys name indicates apprentice -allowance claimed. 3 Three lbs. claimed. 5 Five lbs., etc. In claiming races price appears after name of jockey. Complete finish of each race confirmed by Kuprion Kamera. Length of stretch from last turn to finish, 1,2342 feet. FIRST RACE 5 FURLONGS. Delamar, May 5, 1956, :58%. 2, 119. f*D 0*Q Purse ,500. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of two races V-L/ ~ *-*-yjy allowed 3 lbs.; maidens, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. May 11. 1959 Net value to winner ,625; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 0,081. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St and % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 1918CD —Walter B. b 114 8 4 52 43 24 11 J Preston 4C00 MA Moss Z40 1921CD — Lukeace b 114 3 2 V 12 12 231 L Hansman 4000 W E Hall 11.90 2244CD —Pennies Colled 111 4 7 72 6J 52 31 S Armstng 40CO L K Haggin 23.90 2220CD —Pas Dessert 111 2 1 2h 32 43 44 R Dever 4000 Colmn-Clr Spgs Sta Inc. 4.50 2244CD —Star Toy b 111 10 10 6* 72 62 51 R Parrott 4000 Mrs L Hilton 40.60 1922JnD —Popocatepetl b 114 6 3 3h 2h 31 6« W B Wilms 4000 P Madden 7.40 1973Kee —Taxi 106 9 9 9h 94 83 7"° R VincifraS 4000 I C McMahan 35.30 2244CD2— Alfred John b 114 11 6 81 8» V 8 C Meaux 4000 P Shawhan 3.60 1939CD —Pappy Carter 114 1 8 1V 105 92 9and J R Adams 4000 Mrs F Alvey 27.60 1918CD — Prilaris b 120 5 5 42 5r 101210M J Trahan 4000 W B Stone 23.00 —Etude 111 7 11 10411 11 11 D Brumfld 4000 R D Prewitt 6.60 Time, :23, :47, 1:00%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers 3j , — Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to I n • 9-WALTER B 6.80 4.60 3.60 2.40 1.30 .80 Mm. uruel rricesj 4-lukeace 11.60 7.00 4.80 2.50 - 5-PENNIES COLLECT - 9.80 3.S0 Winner— B. g, by Rippey— Bradleys Gift, by Bimelech, trained by W. H. Bradley; bred by H. H. Knight. IN GATE— 2:05. OFF AT 2:051 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving. WALTER B. unhurried early, was sent along outside on entering the. stretch to •engage the leaders, wore down LUKEACE with a rush and was drawing out at the end. A stewards inquiry into the running revealed no cause for. altering the result. LUKEACE had his speed, raced slightly wide and was clearly best of the others. PENNIES COLLECT was never a contender. PAS DESSERT gained ? position along the inside at once, swerved out abruptly into POPOCATEPETL under left hand whipping in the early stretch and dropped back steadily thereafter. POPOCATEPETL was eliminated when bumped by PAS DESSERT in upper stretch. ALFRED JOHN was always outrun. DEE DEE KAY WAS ORDERED EXCUSED WHEN SHE FAILED TO ARRIVE AT THE PADDOCK AT THE PRESCRIBED TIME AND ALL MONIES WAGERED ON HER STRAIGHT, PLACE, SHOW AND IN THE DAILY DOUBLE POOL WERE ORDERED REFUNDED. Scratched— 2220CD3 Better Depth, 1929CD Dee Dee Kay, Grandviews Pride, 1927CD2 Bow Dero, 2220CD Leos Town Gal, 1929CD3 Bright Way, 2236CD Growing Pains, 1929CD Thumb Nail, 1939CD One Flier. SECOND RACE 5 FURLONGS. Delamar. May 5, 1956. :58%. 2. 119. CT * 07fi* Purse ,800. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special weights, Weight, 119 lbs. u ~ *-*-/J Net value to winner ,820; second, 60; third, 80; fourth, 40. May 11. 1959 Mutuel Pool, S33,674. « Index Horses cgtAWtPPSt and % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 2203CD —Miss Dogette 116 3 24 23 21 1"° W D Lucas Brumfield Bros 96.10 2238CD4— Andrew B. W. 119 4 2 3h 32 33 22 J* Heckmnn Mrs K I Weil 3.40 2222CD2— Cuvier Relic 119 7 1 11 11 11 3 2 J Parsons S I Crew 1.80 2222CD —Charlies Admiral b 119 10 9 51 4» 43 44, W B Wims Florida Shores Stable 6.10 2222CD —Capitol K. 119 5 7 84 83 51 531 D Dodson Clear Springs Stable 24.50 1501 Hia —A Dragon Hank 119 9 4 42 5| 62 6* J Combest Mrs S H Sadacca 14.10 — Estival 119 3 and 101 S5 84 72 C Meaux Crabgrass Stable 5.70 —Forty Grand 119 2 6 6 62 74 83 L Hansman Minosa Stock Farm 6.50 1914CD — Valois 116 15 72 72 9 5 9« D Brmfield L M Cox a-38.60 —Miss Lula 116 6 11 93 112 103 1Q3 F Kaelin E K Gray 72.80 —Carmine 116 12 12 11« 102 112 112J R Dever G A Cavanaugh 65.70 2227CD —Miss Errad 116 8 10 12 12 12 12 L Forde M Carter . a-38.60 a-Coupled, Valois and Miss Errard. Time, :22%, :46%, :59%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers ii , — Mutuels Paid — n , Odds to v. in* f10-MISS DOGETTE 194.20 40.80 13.60 96.10 19.40 5.80 Mm. uruel rricesj 4-andrew b. w. 4.80 3.20 1.40 .60 - 7-CUVIER RELIC 2.60 .30 Winner— B. f, by The Doge— Corday, by Carrier Pigeon, trained by H. K. Stevns; bred by W. P. Little. IN GATE-2:37. OFF AT 2:37 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good for all but CARMINE. Won driving. MISS DOGETTE was quick to settle into stride, raced wide throughout and was fully extended to gain a narrow decision. ANDREW B. W., never far back, moved from between horses to gain command between calls in the stretch and just failed to last. CUVIER RELIC tired after showing the way to midstretch. CHARLIES ADMIRAL raced wide in an even effort. ESTIVAL was allowed to drop far back at the start. MISS LULA attempted to bolt on the turn. CARMINE broke in a tangle. MISS ERRAD attempted to bolt on the turn. Scratched— 1984Kee Hoppys Eddie, 2227CD Ranastream, 2227CD First Doe", 1978Kee Doublette, 2222CD Oil Wick, 2227CD Bay-B-Lin, 1937Kee Kitchs Joy, 2254CD Old Soggy. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 01.20— Double Pool, 9,816. THIRD RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Bornastar, Sent. 27. 1958. 1:423/.. 5, 119. fTl 00*71 Purse ,800. 3- and 4-year-olds. Maidens. Special weights. 3-year-olds, 110 lbs.; „ Ku " *-*■ 4-year-olds, 122 lbs. May 11. 1959 Net value to winner ,820; second, 60; third, 80; fourth, 40. Mutuel Pool, 542,710. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 1969Kee — Thelka Rose 4117 9 7 2J 22 25 1h ink j sellers L Aitken 4.70 2225CD4— Stan Gray b3110 5 4 1i 14 14 25 V K Church Hasty House Farm .60 2242CD3— Halt Katy 3 100 1 1 62 6* 53 3* 31 R VincifraS J M Hart 10.10 2225CD — Shibill b4122 8 8 53 52 31 J 44 4 D Brmfield Valley View Farm a-8.00 2228CD — Quatty b 3 110 2 2 72 81 61 51 51 J R Adams L G Jones 10.40 2253CD —Myrtles Boy b3113 4 9 8J 72 9 63 64EGrosst J G McAtee 22.50 2242CD —Bennington Gal 3 107 6 5 9 9 81 7 1 72| J Preston P Shawhan 52.90 1S19CD —Louis S. b 4.122 3 3 31 32 4h 81 8 R Parrott Mrs P Recker 30.80 2225CD — Mt. Auburn b 4 122 7 6 42 41 71 9 9 W Carstens _Val ley View Farm a-8JX a-Coupled, Shibill and Myrtles Boy. tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :23%, :48y5, 1:13%, 1:39, 1:45%. Track fast Official Program Numbers — Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to xA . ln . 8-THEKLA ROSE 11.40 3.40 2.80 4.70 .70 .40 Mutuel Prices? 6-stan gray 2.40 2.20 .20 .10 . - 2-HALT KATY 3.40 .70 Winner— B. f, by Rosemont— Elsewhere, by Alibhai, trained by B. G. Collins; bred by A. Roberts. IN GATE-3:03. OFF AT 3:031 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving. THEKLA ROSE forced the early pace while in hand, moved along the outside to engage STAN GRAY entering the stretch and proved narrowly best in a long drive. The latter made the pace under a well-judged ride, saved ground and was easily best of the others. HALT KATY passed only tiring horses. SHIBILL was never a contender. MYRTLES BOY clipped the heels of HALT KATY midway of the second turn and stumbled. Scratched— 1939Kee Count Mighty. Overweight— Quatty, 5 pounds; Myrtles Boy, 3; Bennington Gal, 2. Corrected weight— Louis S., 122. FOURTH RACE 6 FURLONGS chute. Delta. May 5. 1956, 1:09%. 4. 121. n 9977 Purse 52,700. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of two races in *■*"- ~ £.1-1*- 1959 allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Mav 11. 1959 Net value to winner ,755; second, 40; third, 70; fourth, 35. Mutuel Pool, 4,487. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Va V2 Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 2250CD4— Getahead b 112 6 5 73 72 61 1| R Vincifra5 6000 Crafton-Daley 1.80 1966Kee2— Round Circle b 109 48 8 8 8 2h A Popara 6000 E Kitchen 14.60 2250CD — Subgal b 115 8 2 31 32 31 34 J Heckmnn ECOO P Calhoun Jr 5.20 1933CD1— Gallasway 112 3 3 22 1h 14 4h E Domguez 6000 Mrs T Thompson 3.50 2248CD —Mr M J. 109 1 7 52 51 4h 5"° R Duran5 6000 M J Schmitt 28.80 1933CD4— Davids Pride 112 5 6 andh 62 7J 621 J Sellers 6CCO E A Deangelo 14,30 2202CD— Bless My Heart 110 7 1 42 4h 52 74 K Church 6000 J G Brown 5.60 1S87Kee —Cobbs Boy 117 2 4 4 24 22 8 J Parsons ECOO S L Crew 8.C0 Time, :22%, :45%, 1:11%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers i • t—S2 Mutuels Paid — . , Odds to , k . . -. . / 7-GETAHEAD 5.60 4.00 3.00 1.80 1.00 .50 Mutuel Prices? s-round circle 9.60 5.60 3.80 I 1-SUBGAL 3.80 .90 Winner— Dk. b. g, by Guillotine— Toto, by Amphitheatre, trained by C F. Bowles; bred by A. W. Grafton. IN GATE— 3:32. OFF AT 3:32 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving. GETAHEAD, far back to the stretch, came "wide to make his belatandd bid and was up in the final sixteenth. ROUND CIRCLE, also outrun to the stretch, rallied from between horses and finished full of run. SUBGAL gained a striking position at once but lacked the necessary closing rally. GALLASWAY and COBBS BOY were used up in dueling for the early lead. Scratched— 2202CD2 Schoolmaster. Overweight— Bless My Heart, 1 pound. Bless My Heart claimed by Mrs. A. M. Creech, trainer B. W. Creech. » FIFTH JtACE 6 1-2 FURLONGS chute. Doffoon, Nov. 5. 1957, 1:16, 5, 121. f*n 9973 Bourbon Lass Purse. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Non-winners of Vrfl/ ~ X-Z.M J ,625 twice other than maiden or claiming. Weight, 119 lbs. Non-winners of ,625 May 11. 1959 allowed 3 lbs.; ,680, 6 lbs.; S1,3G0, 9 !bs. Claiming race not considered. Net value to winner ,275; second, C0; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 6,575. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 718961 —Addie Belle 119 5 1 4 1h 12 12J j Sellers Mrs LSchwitzer Jr 2.40 2240CD1— Out Sail b 113 1 4 4h 34 2J 2?! C Meaux T A Grissom 2.30 2207CD1— Wedlock 119 4 3 21 24 34 3? D Brmfield P Shawhan 2.S0 2205CD — Marcy Belle 114 2 6 32 42 42 42$ R VincifraS Gleeson-Ellis Farm 3.80 1658FG — Briarwood b 113 3 5 6 52 52 5*1 L Hansman H Racivitch 21.60 1922CD1— Bluffing 116 6 2 5* 6 6 6 W B Wims Mrs C F Morriss 12.90 Time, :23%, :46%, 1:10%, 1:17%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers , — Mutuels Paid — , Odds to , n • G-ADDIE BELLE 6.80 3.60 2160 2.40 .80 .30 Ml uruel rricesj i-out sail 3.40 2.40 .70 .20 l 5-WEDLOCK 2.40 .20 Winner— B: f, by Charlie McAdam— Bink, by Busyridge, trained by J. J. Greely, Jr.; bred by Mrs. L. Schwitzer, Jr. IN GATE— 4:C0. OFF AT 4:00 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving. ADDIE BELLE had speed from the start, raced slightly wide while disposing of WEDLOCK and was hard pressed to hold her commanding lead. OUT SAIL, in hand early, came unnecessarily wide into the stretch and was clearly best of the others. WEDLOCK was used up early. MARCY BELLE was outrun. . Scratched— 2205CD Wild Music. SIXTH RACE 6 FURLONGS chute. Delta, May 5, 1956. 1:09%, 4. 121. f"*D 997A Princequillo Purse. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Non-winners *" ~ *-*-iLr of a race other than claiming, starter or optional in 1959. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-May 11. 1959 winners of two races in 1959 or ,500 in 1958 allowed 4 lbs.; ,275 other than claiming in 1958, 7 lbs. Net value to winner ,950; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 50. Mutuel Pool, 2,888. Index Horses EqtAWtfPSt V*. V2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to Si 2249CD3— Mr. Fantastic b 6 122 1 5 22 13 12J 12 d Brumfld G S Killpatrick 1.50 1915CD1— Prince Torch b 5 118 2 4 4h 3J 22 24 W Carstens F H Stark Z50 2205CD3— Red Baby 4113 4 2 52 51 33 33 W B Wilms T-L Anderson 4.80 1942CD —Cardinal Sin 5 122 8 7 61 61 54 4J L Hansman W J Sprow Jr 7.40 2249CD —Second Fiddle 5118 6 7 74 74 4h 52 J Heckmnn Mr-Mrs *A P Richards 6.10 72198 —Kentucky Star 5 122 38 88862R Parrott A Wooster 44.80- 2212CD3— Upsy Daisy 4113 7 6 3J 42 62 V J Preston Mrs N J Hernandez 32.20 2239CD —Mr. Crack- - 4115 5 3 1h 2h 71 8 J R Adams Mrs A Roth 79.30 Time, :22%, :45/5, 1:10%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers , — Mutuels Paid — , Odds to » n • 1-MR. FANTASTIC 5.00 3.00 2.40 1.50 .50 .20 Ml uruel rricesj 2-prince torch 3.40 2.80 .70 .40 I 4-RED BABY 3.20 .60 Winner— B. g, by With Pleasure— Blue Hedda, by Beau of Mine, trained by W. P. Smith; bred by G. S. Killpatrick. IN GATE-4:28. OFF AT 4:281 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving. MR. FANTASTIC engaged MR. CRACK at once, put that one away when ready to draw well clear, commenced swerving in the upper stretch and was under pressure to the end to hold his lead. PRINCE TORCH came wide but could not seriously menace the winner. RED BABY went evenly. CARDINAL SIN was outrun. Scratched— 221 8CD Pym, 65255 Kings Image, 2233CD1 Chance Gauge, 2239CD1 Pipit. SEVENTH RACE 7 FURLONGS chute. Shan Pac, May 1. 1958, 1:22. 4. 115. f*n 997*1 Sysonby Purse. Purse ,700. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-•J ~ L.L.I J winners of two races in 1959 allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,5C0; May 11. 1959 if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner ,755; second, 40; third, 70; fourth, 35. Mutuel Pool, 2,779. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V* V2 Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to S1 2204CD —Iranian b 5 116 8 2 63 51 32 12 E Domguez 5500 M Pinto 5.50 709511 — Bearsee 4111 9 1- V V- 13 Zi A Popara 5500 A B Canning 14.10 . 1971Kee2— Big Sweep b 6 119 1 5 21 22 2 31 C Meaux 5500 T A Grissom 2.80 2061GP2— Le Tocsin b5119 10 10 10 7h 62 44 R Parrott 5500 T T Carwardine 6.10 1923CD3— Ginger Brown b 5 113 5 3 32 44 44 54 W B Willis 5000 P Durfey 10.10 2204CD —Full Flight 8 116 6 8 1 84 72 61| J Heckmann 5500 Valley View Farm 49.30 2233CD3— Jedu b4 116 7 4 52 3J 5* 7h W Carstens 5500 L-P Wells 3.80 2212CD4— Tuditious 41114 7 9J 105 8h 81 J Lynch 5500 E J Grosfield 5.90 2204CD — Postin 4119 3 9 81 9410 91 D Dodson 5500 G A Cavanaugh 13.70 2061 GP Gipsy Scholar b 5 116 2 6 4J 62 91 10 F Kaelin 5500 R F Behlow 58.20 Time, :23, :46j/5, 1:11%, 1:24%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers , — Mutuels Paid — . , Odds to » n • 8-IRANIAN 13.00 6.40 4.00 5.50 2.20 1.00 Ml utuel Prices? 9-bearsee 13.40 7.20 5.70 2.60 - 1-BIG SWEEP 3.20 .60 Winner— B. h, by Abadan— Padreen, by Golden Cloud, trained by W. W. Morrow; bred by J. Moore Ireland. IN GATE-4:56. OFF AT 4:561 CENTRAUDAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving. IRANIAN, brought to the inside early, continued to save ground while making his belated bid and was up with a rush in the last sixteenth. BEARSEE tired from his early efforts. BIG SWEEP was used up in dueling for the early lead. LE TOCSIN found his best stride too late. JEDU was always outrun. Scratched— 2218CD Pym, 65255 Kings Image, 2233CD1 Chance Gauge, 2239CD Pipit. Iranian claimed by Valley View Farm, trainer E. Wyatt. Le Tccsin claimed by Mrs. A. M. Creech, trainer B. W. Creech. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-16 MULES. Bornastar, Sept. 27, 1958. 1:42%, 5. 119. r*t 997£ Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners in 1939. Weight, 118 u - X-t/O |bs. Claiming price, ,500. ~~ May 11. 1959 Net value to winner ,625; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 7,665. Index Horses EqtAWtPP-St Va V2 % Sir Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Ooas to SI 2234CD2— Ocean King b6118 2 3 44 32 2i 12 14 J Heckmnn 2500 P F Ternes 1.80 2234CD4— Trust Allis b4108 9 9 93 94 81 54 2 " R Vincifra5 2500 D Ford 3 60 2219CD2— Senorita Rica 5113 12 8 101104 94 32 31 R Parrott 25C0 R F McMahan Sr 17.30 1943CD2— Sleepy Brook 6118 6 5 22 24 1 4 24 43 L Hansman 25CO Buse-Cleveland 5.40 1912CD — Big Fitz b4118 7 7 61 5h 62 61 51 J Parsons 2500 J C Hauer 28.90 2234CD — Atellor 6118 4 2 1* 14 32 4* 64 C Meaux 2500 J L Paddock 7.90 2243CD— Kays Choice 5108 10 10 82 74 5* 71 7 " R Duran5 2500 J M Hart 31.10 2219CD— Ariel Flush b4118 8 6 52 61 71 84 8 1 W D Lucas 2500 H K Stevens 9.20 2226CD4— Valiance 5118 3 1 31 41 4h 92 9*1 W B Wims 2500 J R Williams 11.30 2221 CD —Exhibition Run b4 118 11 11 114 11? 11? 104 108 r Behrens 250O L S Pailet 68.20 2226CD —Tango First 6118 5 4 7h 81 101 115 112 j R Adams 25C0 J F ONeil 84.40 1660FG —Open Lake b7118 112 12 12 12 12 12 W Carstens 2500 R Fortune-Son 92.00 Time, 23%, :48%, 1:13%, 1:39%, 1:46%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers i/ , — Mutuels Paid — % , Odds to , n • 2-OCEAN KING 5.60 3.40 2.60 1.80 .70 .30 Ml uruel rrices? 9-trust allis 3.60 3.00 .so .50 C 12-SENORITA RICA ,. 5.80 1.90 Winner— Dk. b. g, by Ocean Wave— Silverstar, by Gay Monarch, trained by J. Bartlett; bred by T. E Mueller. IN GATE— 5:23. OFF AT 5:23 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won ridden out. OCEAN KING, never far back, moved along the outside when ready to wear down the leaders in the upper stretch, lugged in thereafter and was ridden out to draw well clear. TRUST ALLIS raced wide while finding her best stride too late. SENORITA RICA slipped through along the inside to make her belated bid. SLEEPY BROOK was used up early. Scratched— 2237CD Lord Northbrook, 2235CD Dashing Deby, 1943CD Mr. Dan L, 2226CD Capital Ace, 2221 CD Warning Light, 2229CD Fancy Souvenir, 2234CD Boots Baby, 68008 Old Milton. Attendance, 7,000 Estimated; Total Mutuel Pool, 80,675.

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Local Identifier: drf1959051201_12_1
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