untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-12


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mmM0 Yours for the Asking! lllf/5* THIS 20-PAGE BOOKLET explains the i;ij RdiCIDff jmJ[prffl tM meaning of every symbol, abbreviation MT and fisure in Daily Racing Forms supe- JSSSl rior past Performances. The most com- %i4 I~£l i~A K *vf Plete analysis ever compiled on these MiAfH subjects. Yours by return mail for only pyZlJ- .andand. ." vlpVr five cents in stamps do not send coins Lf- jandJp to cover mailing and handling. Only ons Wand MiWtiRsii f copy t0 eacn person-FUI m c°up°n below; E# THIRTY jDAVT SI rDATLYRACINGFORM. I £and lJll/Hlili?#f lUlji 5t/£i 731 Plymouth CL, Chicago 5. IIL *"4 linnilAnif Ill/nnCI *£$ Send Please sena me your booklet "How rrnl I H/lli m % x to Read Charts and Past Perform- IJUlUWIUllrlHifULl band $% for ances.** I am enclosing fiv« cents r 5£ fya * . j in stamp*. 0g$%%14130andim TodaY Addresi MmmMmMlM I City Zone No.. .Stall....

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959051201/drf1959051201_40_2
Local Identifier: drf1959051201_40_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800