Alphabetical Index to Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-12

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Alphabetical Index to Entries A ! Aberdeen— 6th Pim Acceleration— 6th Bel Ace Mar— 5th G.S Adapt— 4th Pim ! Adolphs Joy— 1st Bel Aegean Cruise— 3d Bel Air Romance— 6th Spt Air Waves— 1st G.S Ak-Sissy— 4th Spt Alaksar— 2d Pim Alans Babe— 1st Bel Allspice— 2d Spt Alter Ego— 2d Pim Amazon Gal— 1st Suf Amber Sands— 8th Suf Amite City— 8th Spt Amrei— 3d G.S Andys Courage— 7th Suf Andys Son— 4th Spt Angel Breath— 7th Spt Anitas Folly— 3d Pim April Five— 5th CD Arctic Discovery— 3d G.S Ardent Trick— 8th G.S Ar-Searrach— 3d CD At Sunrise— 1st Bel Aunt Sally— 3d Suf Azalea Town— 9th Suf B Babe Page— 3d Pim Bachelor Club— 9th Suf Ballingarry— 4th Bel Balus Banner— 1st Pim Bank High— 1st G.S Banksie— 1st CD Battle Chant— 7th Suf Battle DWite— 1st Bel Bay Leaf— 4th Spt Bay Scene— 6th Spt Beau Amour— 5th Spt Beau Fils— 7th CD Beau Fond— 8th Bel Beau George— 2d Spt Becky Lou— 4th Suf Beesabuzzin — 6th G.S Belfaster— 1st G.S Belle Peg— 6th G.S Belleharr— 1st CD Better Goods— 9th Spt Big Ability— 8th Suf Big Bill— 2d G.S Big Bonus— 2d Suf Bill Daly— 2d CD . Big Freeze— J st Bel Big Line— 8th Pjm Bills Wish— 7th Spt Billy Brier— 4th G.S Biack Heart— 5th Pim Blarney Bill— 2d CD Bleak— 8th CD Blonde Dudess— 1st Spt Blonde Sorceress— 1st CD Blossom Maid— 2d Pim Blue Bully— 2d CD Blue Circle— 9th Suf Blue Crest— 9th Spt Blue Crooner— 6th CD Blue Jim— 6th Suf Blue Pledge— 8th Spt Blue Trail— 1st Spt Blue Tune— 6th Spt Bold Statesman— 2d Suf Boldest— 2d CD Bolinda— 5th Spt Bombs Up— 8th Pim Bonne Bout— 1st G.S Bonnie Style— 6th Suf Boots Baby— 8th CD Boss Craig— 1st Pim Boxwood— 2d Bel Brass Bel le — 4th Suf Brass Treasure— 2d Suf Brenton Reef— 7th Suf Bright Charge— 1st Suf Bright Sal— 6th Spt Brother Joss— 7th Spt Bubbles Pick— 7th Pim Bullitt County— 2d CD Bullslinger— 8th Bel Bureaucracy— 3d Bel Buregges Boy— 6th CD Burnt Child— 1st Pim Busterina— 1stCD c Cable Jack— 1st Bel Cable Lead— 3d Bel Cagi— 8th Pim Cameo— 6th Suf Campos Jr.— 5th G.S * Canard— 8th Suf Candace— 3d Bel Candy Davis— 3d Pim Captain Dick— 4th Spt Caraudjo— 1st CD Carlyn Sarah— 7th Bel Catch Fire— 7th CD Challborre— 1st Spt Charm Bar— 5th Spt Charming Prince— 7th CD i Cheaten Bill— 9th Spt Cheryl K. — 4th CD Choicell— 3d CD Choosey Co-ed— 4th Suf Christain— 1st Bel Chucks Image— 6th G.S Classic Charm— 4th Bel Clear Call— 3d Bel Close Array— 3d Bel Coindot— 6th G.S Col. Carter— 5th CD Cols Daughter— 2d Spt Commo-Miss— 4th CD Confab— 3d G.S Conga Way— 9th Suf Connie Lou— 5th Spt Corfel— 2d Pim Correlator— 8th CD Cortam— 1st G.S k Cosmic Dust— 9th Pim Country Fair— 8th Pim Court Trial— 5th G.S Crack ODawn— 1st Suf Cranberry Joe— 2d Suf Creole Coquette— 6th Bel Crowing— 7th Spt C-Stripe— 3d CD Cubic— 4th Bel Cue Passe— 1st Pim D Dance and Play— 8th G.S Dandy B.-M st Suf Davenport— 4th Bel Debater— 3d Bel Dense Wood— 5th C.D Deo Delight— 3d Bel ! ! i Depth Play— 7th Pim Destined Hour— 1st Suf Devilbird— 6th Pim Dharjet— 1st C.D Diamond Traveler— 2d C.D Dirce— 9th Pim Dixie Dynamite— 7th C.D Dorothys Best— 2d Pim Dottilian— 4th Suf Doubloon— 3d CD • Doug B.— 2d CD Doural— 3d Bel Down to Earth— 2d G.S Dusky Ram— 3d G.S Dust Bag— 1st C.D Dynamo Dave— 1st Spt E Eagle Gem— 7th Suf Easter Music— 7th Bel Easy Flier— 9th Bel Edict— 1st Spt Eds Spy— 3d C.D El Humor— 6th C.D El Oued— 1st Bel Ellie Dear— 6th Spt Elliotts Honey— 9th Bel Elliotts Jewel— 6th Bel Emerald Girl— 4th Bel Epic Dancer— 3d Spt Equitack— 1st Suf Erlens Joy— 6th Spt Esquill— 6th Bel Etta France— 1st G.S Every Hour— 2d Suf F Faded Amber— 2d Suf Fair Herod— 5th Pim Fair Lina— 2d C.D Fairconero— 5th Pim Fairly Pretty— 4th Suf Faithful Hilt — 4th C.D Farm to Market— 5th C.D Fashion Model— 3d Spt Fast Brush— 3d Spt Fickle Nick— 6th Pim Fiesta Fair— 2d CD Fighting 0. K.— 1st C.D Fine Chance— 2d Pim First Asking— 7th Bel First Breath— 1st Suf Firstkin— 3d Spt Fishers Joy— 3d Spt Fiston— 7th Spt Flamboyant B.— 2d C.D Fleeting Day— 1st Pim Flopnicht Mere— 5th Spt Flower Picture— 5th Suf Framed— 2d C.D Free Sleep— 8th Pim Freighter— 8th G.S Fresh Bet— 5th C.D Friendly Ellen— 3d Pim Forbid— 3d C.D G Gal-Age— 9th Spt Gallows Hill— 6th G.S Gambia— 5th Suf Game Called— 5th Bel Game Style— 2d G.S Garrulous— 5th G.S Gay and Fancy — 6th G.S Gay Top— 6th Bel Gay Widow— 1st C.D Gees Dena— 5th Pim Gendero— 2d Bel Genial Gem— 1st Q.D Ghost o War— 5th Pim Giant Patch— 4th Pim Ginas Pet— 9th Suf Glens Pick— 6th G.S Gold Band— 3d Suf Good as Gold— 7th Bel Good Grade— 3d Suf Good Joy— 4th Spt Good Sign— 1st Bel Grand Opera— 7th Pim Grandherst— 5th Pim Grannys Image— 8th Pim Greek Count— 4th C.D Greek Guard— 2d G.S Grey Treasure— 7th G.S H Haddecord— 2d G.S Hail Fellow— 2d Suf Half Rate— 5th Spt Haljomo— 4th C.D Halloween Imp— 8th Pim Hannibal Star— 3d Spt Hardy Admiral— 3d Bel Har-Lo-Mc— 2d C.D Hartigan— 1st Pim Haskell Chief— 7th Spt He Will— 1st Suf Hello Ace— 7th Suf Hello Bobby— 2d CD Hello Pop— 1st Suf Here-We-Go— 8th Suf Hetros— 3d C.D Hi Fi Gal— 5th Spt Hi Starmond— 9th Spt Hidden Mirth— 5th G.S High and Dry— 3d Suf High Tan— 2d Suf Highland Brigade— 3d Bel Homeland— 7th C.D Hopeful Lou— 2d C.D Hustle— 3d Bel I I Hope— 1st Suf Imperial Guard— 2d Spt Imperial Jade— 5th C.D lmpressionable=-2d G.S Indian Lady— 9th Pim I nf on lea— 2d Pim Insomnia— 9th Suf Intrusting— 3d G.S Irish Mud— 8th Spt Is a Toy— 4th Spt J Jaunty Lady — 4th Spt Jay Vee— 1st C.D Je Suis Me— 3d Suf Jerrys Gem— 1st Pim Jets Reward— 7th Bel Jo-Clare— 8th C.D Joe R— 1st Bel John B. P.— 9th Suf John Gesture— 8th G.S Johnstim — 4th Pim Joyce Roberta— 4th Spt Joyrin — 6th Suf Joys Daphne— 1st Bel Judy Jump-Up— 7th Bel Jungle Maid— 3d CD Junior Jay— 2d Spt Justified 1 1.— 6th G.S K I Keadron— 1st Suf J; King Flush-4th G.S King Venture— 4th G.S Kings Cutie— 5th Spt Kitty Fleet— 7th Spt Knife-9th Suf Knockavoe— 6th Pim £ Koko Dozo— 1st G.S Ky. Chick— 5th Spt £ *" F La Comparsita— 7th G.S p Laddette— 7th Pim F Lady Basco— 6th G.S p Lady Ponder— 1st Bel p Lady Rippey— 8th Pim c Larry Wolf— 2d G.S Lastborn— 7th G.S f Lalth— 2d Pim [ Laughing Loon— 5th Spt r Lauras Flame— 8th Pim r Le Bluizard— 3d Bel Lea Stream— 3d Pim r Leap Tide— 8th Bel Lee Cole— 5th Spt j Lejo— 1st Spt r Level Dell — 3d G.S Lift the Latch— 4th Spt Likewise— 6th Spt Lil Rascal Eli— 2d Pim Little Art— 4th G.S Little Bouquet— 4th C.D Little Chatter— 2d Suf I Little Ferd— 5th Suf I Little, Fishook— 1st Suf Little Knoggin— 3d Suf . LFvalittle — 8th C.D Local Clover— 2d Spt Long Sword— 7th Pim j Long wood— 2d Pim ; Lord Jan— 4th G.S ; Lord Northbrook— 8th CD Lot of Win— 6th G.S M i Madre— 4th Bel I Mamowlee— 3d Pim I Marching Step— 3d Spt Mark Ed— 8th Pim Markai— 1st CD Market Spy— 3d G.S Marlow— 7th CD Martins Gold— 9th Pim Mary Dike— 2d C.D Matchless Scene— 2d C.D Maybe Best— 3d G.S McDermott— 8th G.S Medow Fox— 8th Pim Meiwaki— 9th Suf Melody Jane— 3d Pim Melody Magic— 9th Bel Mendwell — 2d Pim Mercedario — 1st G.S Meredith— 8th G.S Miche Colleen— 1st Pim Mid Evening — 4th Bel Mid Pacific— 6th Bel Midshipman— 4th G.S Mikebob— 2d CD Mikes Image— 2d Bel Mint Branch-7th C.D Miss D. A.— 3d Spt Miss Dalhart— 4th Suf Miss Eva— 5th Spt Miss Fayebee— 3d C.D Miss J. B.— 8th CD Miss Munster— 5th Spt Miss Murano — 8th Spt Miss Turner— 8th Spt Mister Storm— 2d Spt Mister Tibbar— 3d G.S Molly Bell— 2d Suf Montana— 5th G.S Mordeels— 1st Spt More Jack— 2d G.S More Scotch— 2d Pim Motor Pool— 9th Suf Moulette-4th Bel Mountain Holly— 5th Suf Mousy B.— 3d Suf Mr. A.— 6th G.S Mr. Pennant— 2d Pim Mr. Tee R.— 8th Suf Mt. Brilliant— 1st Pim Museful— 8th Spt Musical Star— 2d Pim My Dare— 6th Suf My Eddie— 1st C.D My Pleasure— 1st Pim My True Love— 4th Suf N Natural Count— 8th Pim Natural Shadow— 3d Suf Nature Trail— 2d Spt Nature Walk— 5th Bel Negro Minstrel— 8th G.S Nero— 6th C.D Net Ball— 8th Bel New Prince— 8th Bel c New Valor— 7th C.D Nile Melody— 4th Suf Nina Girl— 2d Pim _ Nirfren— 5th G.S Noble Empress— 7th Suf Noble Thought— 6th CD Noorsaga — 1st Bel Normas Baby— 9th Suf North Pass— 6th Bel o Oak Cluster— 4th. Bel Oalo— 5th Suf Objective Moon— 8th Pim Occasionally— 6th Bel Ocean Pilot— 6th Pim Oildorado— 4th Pim Old Milton— 8th C.D Omar H.— 6th C.D Onaga— 1st G.S Opera Date— 1st Bel Orrtrack— 9th Spt Osceola— 5th G.S Our Bob— 4th Spt Our Boy John— 4th C.D Our Rea— 5th Spt Our Sweet Wendy— 1st Bel Out of Tune— 2d Bel Oxford Road— 2d C.D P Panabelle II.— 7th Bel Parapet— 3d Bel Parsons Cupboard— 8th Pim im Parti Quiz— 1st Pim Partnership— 5th C.D Patagonian— 9th Bel Pats Day— 5th C.D Patsy Kelly— 7th G.S Pattys First— 1st Spt I J; £ £ F p F p p c f [ r r r j r I I . j ; ; i I I _ Pim im Pawhuska Sam— 6UYC.D Pebble Bold— 6th G.S Pellita— 9th Bel Penny Star— 4th G.S Pensive Sun— 5th C.D Pepina Mia— 7th C.D Peregrinator— 9th Suf Persian Claw— 5th G-S Petiole— 1st Pim Petulance— 5th Bel Pharakin— 3d Pim Pharis Dan— 3d Suf Picafriend— 7th Spt Picmar— 8th C.D Pinch of Heaven— 3d Pim Pine Echo— 6th Suf Pinebroke— 9th Bel Piney Woods— 1st G.S Pink Silk— 6th Bel Pio— 3d G.S Pioneeress— 7th Bel Plum— 4th G.S Pokey T.— 4th G.S Post Office— 2d G.S Postpone— 7th Suf Princess Joy— 5th Spt Priscilla C— 1st Pim Prize Day— 4th Bel Pro-Brandy— 1st G.S Puzzle Palace— 8th Pim Q Queen of Battles— 9th Pim Quick Dollar— 5th Suf Quiet Power— 1st Pim R Rabbit Face— 1st Pim Racie Lady— 4th C.D Radio Rome— 1st Pim Raid— 2d Suf Rakahanga— 6th Bel Ramsey King— 2d Suf Ranastream— 5th CD Rare Legend— 1st Suf Ray Beaudet— 9th Bel Real Lord— 1st p.D Rean— 3d C.D Rebel Call— 2d Suf Recommendation— 6th Bel Red Geranium— 6th Spt Reds Five Aces— 4th Spt Rem W.— 4th Spt Replenish— 6th Spt Requestfully— 6th. Bel Respond— 7th Pim Restful— 8th Spt Ricoroma — 4th CD Right at First— 6th G.S Ripping Lie— 2d C.D Roan Nancy —4th Suf Rob the Rich— 8th G.S Rock Creek— 3d CD Rocky Bond— 1st Suf Rogation— 1st-Pim Roman Image— 7th Suf Ronald J.— 8th Suf Roscoe Maney— 8th Bel Rough Fellow— 3d G.S Royal Bouncer— 2d Pim Royal Cain— 6th Pim Royal Marge-th Bel Royal Reep— 6th Pim Royal Voyage— 4th Pim Royal Wrath— 5th Bel Run Riot— 9th Suf Russ-Marie— 5th Bel Rustic Billy— 2d Pim s Sallys Buddy— 3d Pim Salmon— 9th Suf Sals Marble— 4th Spt Samaria— 4th Bel Sana Donna— 2d Spt Sara Anne — 4th Spt Sassetta— 6th Bel Sayasea — 4th Bel Scotts— 1st C.D Screwball— 8th Suf Sea Venture— 3d Suf Sempre— 5th G.S Sera DEsta— 6th G.S Sextet— 3d Bel Shady Spot— 9th Bel Shanksy— 4th G.S Shape Up— 1st C.D Side Kick— 4th Pim Sids Sister— 4th Suf Silky Golsteen— 5th Pim Sinus Rhythm— 1st Spt Sir L liver— 6th G.S Sis Mango— 3d C.D Sister Antoine— 6th Bel v Sister Rusty— 7th G.S Sizzle— 4th Suf Slamstown— 5th Bel Slide Ville — 2d G.S . Slider— 1st G.S Smiling Rip— 1st C.D Sneeze Ann — 4th Suf Solar Clipper— 9th Spt Solid Threat— 8th Suf Son o Doge— 1st Bel Soundn Fury— 2d G.S Soundproof— 6th Suf Southern Pomp— 1st G.S Spanish Dandy— 7th Suf Sparky Solero— 1st Spt Speedy Chap— 3d Spt Split— 3d Suf Spree— 1st Bel Stansway— 7th Spt Star n Garter— 8th G.S Star Spangle— 1st G.S Staretta— 4th Bel Slarnik— 4th Spt Steamfitter— 5th Suf Steerforth— 6th Pim Stolen Secret— 3d G.S Stop Ringing— 5th Bel Stretch Drive— 4th Bel Suave— 1st Pim Sugar Imp— 3d Pim Sugarfoot— 2d Suf Summer Shah— 3d G.S Sun Bark— 2d G.S Sunmah— 6th Pim Sunny Stream— 8th Pim Sunset Strip— 3d G.S Sure Proof— 1st G.S Swig— 2d Bel T Tacketts Pride— 6th Spt Tactical— 2d Spt Tally-Ho— 1st G.S Tamboro— 5th C.D Tanfran— 6th Suf . Tarella— 6th Bel Telegrafo— 7th C.D Tenex— 1st C.D The Chosen One— 3d C.D The Hon.— 9th Spt Think— 5th Suf Third Strike— 4th Pim Thistle Silver— 6th C.D Thoughtful— 2d Pim Three Bobs— 6th Suf Threep— 9th Bel Thurston— 3d C.D Tien Shan— 9th Pim Tiglon— 5th-C.D Timberlane— 3d G.S Tims Chic— 1st C.D Tims Joy— 3d C.D Top Rating— 6th Suf Trading— 9th Pim Trock— 8th Bel Tropical Miss— 5th Spt Tus Beau— 3d Spt Twenty Penny— 3d C.D Twinberry— 2d G.S Two Star Final— 6th G.S - u U.S. Jet— 4th G.S Ufo-5th G.S Un Ami— 5th Pim Uncle Hilly— 2d Bel V Valgay— 7th Suf Vaternish— 2d Bel Verdi— 7th Suf Vinegar Hill— 1st Suf Vir-Marie— 7th G.S w Wallys Pride— 4th Spt War Sage-i-8th Pim War Tax-3dSuf Warlike— 6th Bel West Rock— 8th Pim We-Ten— 2d G.S Whata Relief— 1st Spt Whirl Dust— 5th Suf Wild Delight— 8th G.S Willie the Whale— 5th Pim Willys Pal— 1st Bel Win With Win-4th Pim Wind Drinker— 4th G.S Winslow— 3d G.S Wise Tod— 1st Bel Wishing Bone— 3d Spt Woody Glen— 9th Pim X Xalapa Boy— 7th C.D Y Yildirim— 8th Spt Young Howley— 4th G.S

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Local Identifier: drf1959051201_51_1
Library of Congress Record: