untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-12


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ltetefe and nnMW7ivvfriii?ii?i f?i/ifFirv? - tP HARNESS RACING NIGHTLY £y/fy?zl7~. -Mr-r-randjlfffl wiUI Rv J HBmJBB Harness racing every weekday night no racing Sundays through jffflf- JW3! /~ Tr HH!!SR% May 30th. Pari-Mutuels, Daily Double, Stake Races. Finest horses Wmf--w!lm 0andlll7m * WHPkrvflk competing on the Midwests fastest track. Post time, 8:40 p. m. uVim V H W %? /7 Jf IfcS? I" u"" SH|R|aMA Admission .50 Grandstand, .00 Clubhouse, tax included. Easy to III if felkT • J 0y fffi HnC/- ■VfTBvf reach by car, bus or limousine, n/ V 7 i -L/ j. JS NORTH AVENUE 1600 North and RIVER ROAD 8600 West. Jtlo»M. llilW Yandi?W4M. PLENTY PARKING TRACKS1DE. DAILY DOUBLE CLOSES 8:30 P. M. X- " tPAM-JiftfWEtS F°R RESERVATI0NS CALL MAnsfield 6-4816 Faster Track + Finest Horses + Feature Race Nightly 7

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959051201/drf1959051201_16_1
Local Identifier: drf1959051201_16_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800