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_— Entries and Past Performances HUNTINGTON : SATURDAY, APRIL 10 WEATHER CLOlDYi TRACK HEAVY. The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1. 1925. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 986S7 IS FIRST IJJDEX OF 19*6. 00403 IS FIRST I DEX OF APRIL Raefetg starts at 2:.t0. p. m. Chicago time ■£•. ® Superior mud runner. x Hood mud runner. :-:Kuir mud runner. M Maiden. • Apprentice allowance. The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made: +Akron Ak tKing Edward Ki Aqueduct Aq Lagoon Park Lg Aurora An Lansdo wne Park LP Belmont Park BP Latonia La Blue Bonnets BB Laurel Lu Blu Grass BG Lexington Lx Bowie Bo tLong Branch LB Brighouse Park Bs Maple Heights MH tBrooklyn Park Br tMarlboro Mb Churchill Downs CD Miami Mi tColumbus Co tMohile Mo Coney Island CI Mount Royal . MR Connaught Park CP tNiagara Falls NF tConneaut Lake CL Omaha Om Dace Park DP Orlando Or tDelorimier Park Dl tPhoenix Ph Devonshire De Pimlico Pm Dorval Do Raceland Rd tDuf f erin Park Du Reno Re Empire Em tSalt Lake SL Fair Grounds FG Saratoga Sa Fairmount Park FP Tampa Ta Fort Erie FE Thistle Down TD Hamilton Hm Thorncliffe Th tHastings Park HP Tijuana Ti Havre de Grace HG tTimonium Tm Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana Hv United Hunts UH Huntington Hu tWheeling Wh Jamaica Ja tWillows Park WP Jefferson Park JP Windsor .•. Wi Kemp ton Park KP Woodbine Wo Ke nil worth Ke tYoungstown Yo ■Designates half-mile track. Huntington Mile Track. First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Allowances. Track record: April tt, 1923 - 1 :0.".«i -.V 109. Ind. Horse. Wt.Rec. A.Wt.Han. 00321 Ceneral Seth, 7 Ta 99 1:07 3 103X720 00651" Vagrant Ditty. 3 Hv 101 l:M% I 101X720 90090 ;alusha, 4 Mil 111 1 OS fi 108..715 00629 Request. 2 4 10K..710 00544 Soanso. I 3 101.. 705 00597 Miss illoamiiiu. 1. 5 100. 700 95782 Henry of New kirk. 6 I1M..M Second Raoe — Futurity Course. 170 Feet liess Than 3 4 Mile! Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Thecal record: April 7. 192»» 1:12-5-111. 006253 Thleee. 7 9 104x72.-. 09695" •Cassius, 8 5 104x720 00625 Peter Lee, 3 I 109 .715 00550 Itlue Wrack. § ... 9 109x710 00335 Clad News. 10 . . . -7 107x705 00569 Hir.doostan, 9 ... 10 109-700 00571 Sea Mime, 4 9 107X095 00567 Spearlene. 5 11 109 • 01K 96258 Col. Marchmont, 2 1S109..6S5 00624 Pierre Rhue M. 1 7 109 r..M Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: April 20, 1923 1 05"i 5-109. 00597- Lotto. 9 JP 101 l*W% 4 106x725" 905971 Machiavelti. 1 ... S 100x720 00426 Helen Major. 20m 108 l:13,ili 7 111X715 00544 •Crown Derby M. 7 To 109 1:08-, 5 102.710 00567 •Corenne. 5 Hu 109 LOS1.. fi 102X705 00599 •Ambulance. 4. .Hv 110 1 :08% 4 102x700 00625 Day of Pcaec,3Hv 103 IM% $ 10i*x»r, 00502 Padlock. 8 ...Ke 105 1 :09f. 4 1I3..0S0 00624 Vodka, ij Lu 110 1:07 11 MVXWI Fourth Race— 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-ol ls and upward. Claiming. Track record: Aug. 15, 1924 1 :C0 2 117. 00597 •CHILE. 7 He 108 1:02*5 6 104x730 00504i- Harry P., 4 !l 109x720 00625- Knten, 1 Hu 109 1 :04*5S 7 113x715 00624 •Little Romper, 5 Hu 109 1 03i S 104X710 00600 KI Astro, I « 109x705 00600 Mary ;.. 3 ...Hu 105 1:02 « 107x700 00596 Miriam Wood. 2 Om lit l:01!i 5 107x695 Fifth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse .Ml i. 3 year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: April 20, 1923 — 1:05V 5 109. 00502 Cuy Clayton, 5. .IP 108 1:11 4 112:i:725 00600 Harberrv. 1 . . MH 107 1 :07:. i 104.. 720 005981 Wine lag, 3.. Mil 100 1:07--, 4 107x715 00598 *Sea Net. 5 Hi! 107 1:08*., 3 96.. 710 00568 •Itomping Iad. 2NK MB 1 :0S % 4 104x705 00549 Tommie McCoomb, 4 Uv 102 1 10-5 " 103 .700 Sixth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 01. .".-year-olds and upward. Claiming. ira.k record: Oct. 17. 1923-1:4:1 — 1 107. 00629 San Hedron. 7 JP 107 l:47i 7 108 725 00651 Cenerosity. 3 ■ 108-720 00629- •Chestnut Cirl, I Hu 99 1 :5.V.,m 5 101 X713 00652- I.ottie Ixiraine. 1 TD 110 1:47 7 101x710 00549 Runic-. 4 Ail 102 1:40*5 4 111.X705 00624 Kame. 6 7 10*.. 700 00651 Fanny Courtin, 2 ¥*i 97 l:55m 3 91 X» 95 Seventh Race — Futurity Course. 170 Feet Less Than 3-4 Mile. Purse . 3 year olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: April 7, 1926 1:12 — 5 111 0O225 Torcher. 5 3 109X725 00570 Mriinetb. 7 4 111x72» 00626 Ploy Lillie, 3..Hu 10S 1:12-5 4 111. 715 00627- Slow Time, 0 3 97x710 00570 Kraukmaii, 8 ■ 111X705 00570- Quaver. 2 I 105 X 700 00241 Apology. 4 ft 111: !95 95908 Just Fine, 1 3 103. .090