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HARVEY AMES, Inc. EARLE BLDO. BROADWAY AT 52D ST. NEW YORK CITY RED ROCKET .00, Won On Thursday, last, was the last "Harvey Transaction" advised. Nothing was advised yesterday, Friday. The record since the formation of new connections It as follows: Ont of eight horses advised, set en won and one finished second at odds ranging from 3Vfe-l to 10-1. Needless to say. It takes the best of connections and plenty of financial assistance to make a record such as the above possible. "Harvey Transaction" Today Subscription, 00.00, In advance, by telegraph or in person. Early subscription is strongly aid Used. Subscriptions received without street address will be ignored. TELEPHONES: CIRCLE 2591-2592-2593-5749-1434-1435 T. STEVENS 35 South Dearborn, Room 708, Chicago, III. TERMS— 0.00 WEEKLY— TWO HORSE PARLAY DAILY 8TRICTLY TWO HORSES EACH DAY— NEVER MORE BIG WIN PARLAY TODAY I Yesterdays parlay a winner and a second. We advertiss our losers as well as our winners. Today is our day, and connections have been completed. Both horses should win in the easiest fashion. Real big- odds should be paid on these two horses. Our terms are 0.00 weekly. Strictly two horses each day released to everybody immediately. No waiting. No delay. Prompt and courteous service to all— out of town and city clients alike — no exceptions. Call in person, or remit via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. New York Office: 206 Pulton Street — — — — — | TURF WEEKLY [] fl Sold at All Newsstands— 35c Jim NEW ISSUE OUT jssJs* | ANOTHER REAL WINNING ,000 FREE CODE TODAY: BOWIE — Brazil-Glass-Cotton GET ISSUE NO. 110 TO DECIPHER THIS CODE This is another one ju«t made to order for you. Your Bookie will surely sigh today. We know that this baby is just fit and ready. Nothing has been left undone, and plenty of money has been this transaction. We look forward spent to perfect to real big odds — 6-1 or more. LAST SATURDAYS ,000 FREE CODE: THE ROLL CALL Won SOME OF LAST WEEKS WINNERS: Jacobean 7.60 Rose Roberts 4.00 Rasuli 0.10 Nat ETens 0.30 Hot Pepper 2.80 Settee 2 » Rachel Potter $ 9.60 Koala 0.40 Atomin 2.20 Range King 100 Wilton Flanna .. 0.00 Vanishing Boy... .80 Hilarity 9.40 Felicitous 6.40 Wee Toddler 0.00 John Finn $ 8.40 AND MANY OTHER WINNERS Where smart horse players gather you will always find Clocker N. Roge.s Weekly. Follow the crowd that knows— buy Clocker N. Rogers Turf Weekly at your newsdealer— only 35 cants — and get reliable information that cannot te equalled. We ha»e imitators — but not competitors. •YOUR DAY IS TODAY" CONFIDENTIAL RELIABLE PARLAY: THIS PARLAY TODAY SHOULD AT LEAST J PAY $ $ 50-1 $ $ $. I ONE HORSE GOES AT BOWIE— THE OTHER AT TIJUANA. We cannot go into further details or mention any further facts connected with this parlay, being honor bound. We know that both horses are just ready and fit to win. So get yours today. SPECIAL TERMS FOR THIS PARLAY— .00 IN ADVANCE. BY SUBSCRIPTION OR IN PERSON SEND OR WIRE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IMMEDIATELY AND CELEBRATE THIS MELON -CUTTING TODAY. ROGERS PUBLISHING CO. 1672 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY E;fl ILRF WEEKLY IM ■■ .INGLE ISSUE. 35c— 10 WEEKS, i.3 |i| " SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS | $ LIMIT SUPREME PARLAY GOES TODAY $ $ Here is another opportunity for all wise and intelligent turf fans to participate in one of the surest parlays we have handled this season. Our clocker at Maryland, who is known for the long ones he is producing at Maryland, sends todays horses up labelled extra strong, and will tow-rope its field from start to finish." The other is a long one we have been anxiously awaiting for a long time, and gretaway day. TODAY, at Orlando is the time elected to shoot to the sky with this dark one. This parlay goes today. Terms, .00. TODAY— Big ,000 Tijuana Special Goes — TODAY Our clocker at Tijuana, who has been making turf history with his success in putting over his specials, has dug up what he terms a Dynamite Special that goes today and should WIN to a certainty; 0-1 is the price this special should pay today. So. by all means, do not fail to get this special today. Terms. .00. This office is open at all times, and always ready to dispense its information. City clients, call. Remit by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Supreme Pub. Co. 799 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY Monthly Form Book Is On Sale DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 PLYMOUTH COURT - CHICAGO, ILL. HUB Weekly 35 Cents Daily Specials OCCASIONAL— A WINNER New Weekly Out And Once Again. Get Ready for Todays 00 FREE CODE BOWIE Parch Niche Mount Lament — Albany - - - - This is one of the RIPEST THINGS to be uncovered at BOWIE, so rush right now and GET the NEW WEEKLY. TODAYS Occasional Comes from the Sams Sourcs That Slammed Over THURSDAYS OCCASIONAL: Miss Rosedale, 2.00, Won I tell you. you simply can not afford to let this trick get away from you. They expect it will Pay a Good Price So. by all means. GET THIS ONE. Ask your newsdealer for the Master Clockers Occasional DETROIT— FOR SALE Triangle Newsstand — Griswold and Lafayette Blvd. Family Theatre Newsstand — Cadillac Square. ST. LOUIS— Wm. Laser. 711 Market St. OMAHA. NEB. — Meyer Coren. 1411 Farnum St. HAMILTON— Halperin. 338, High St. ST. LOUIS — Foster. 410 Washington St. CLEVELAND. 0—0. Schroeder. 212 E. Superior. KANSAS CITY— J. A. Foster. 6 East 9th St. MILWAUKEE— Reed. 304 Sycamore St. AKRON — Schwartz Newsstand. CHICAGOANS— FOR SALE Arcade News Store — 84 W. Madison St. Drug Storo — Randolph and Clark Sts. High Ball — State and Quincy Sts. 47th St. "L" Station. Newsstands Madison and Clark Sts. Mikes and Brunos Newsstand— Cor. State and Van Buren, and all other newsstands. ZEOD 7.10, Won Above was the only horse I gave yesterday. WIRE MY SHARE. BOYS— ANOTHER GOES TODAY. I send only one a day and a good one. My terms are: Wire to help expenses and wire winnings of after horse wins. No other terms accepted. I have given honest service for 15 years. EXPECT 10-1 TODAY. WIRE AT ONCE E. FLETCHER JAMAICA, . Y. Weekly Racing Guide WEEKLY RACING GUIDE is sold strictly on its merits as a publication that picks the winners. Iti regular features include HORSES READY TO WIN SELECTIONS. CLOCKERS" SPECIALS. BE81 WORKOUTS. TIMELY PICTURES. DAILY CODE SERVICE and other valuable data for race followers. FREE CODE SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY: BOWIE — Timer-Fini?h-Bugle ORLANDO — Starter- Drive-Finish TIJUANA — Handicapper-Breeze -Mile WKKhl.Y n.i ; UUMMf 25 Cents a Copy ON SALE AT ALL LEADING NEWSSTANDS DAILY RACING CHART, Inc. rriti.iMiKits i»! Utl oiiul Street -New York, X. Y. PARLAY JOE "The Shrewdest Turf Manipulator — Amongst Turfmen for the Past Twenty Years" TERMS — 5.00 Daily— Two Horses Daily— 25.00 Weekly My special proposition of ten winning days for ten dollars has been extended for a period of •ne more week— April 10 to April 17 included. Owing to the request of thousands of clients who desired to take advantage of this offering, and were unable to take advantage of it for diverse reasons — this proposition now is in forca. as mentioned above. REMEMBER — My Information at Your Service Now 10 WINNING DAYS FOR 0 You have tried the rest. Now try the BEST. A service that lives up to all guarantees. Honesty is the best policy. Yes. I am proud to boast of this. Honest dealing leads to the road of success. / Successful men in all kinds of business are those who are speculators. No man can claim he is the best in the world, of whatever ability he may be possessed. That is up to others to judge. My following has by this time rendered their judgment, for they can tell you that PARLAY JOE possesses sufficient ability to supply the racing public with excellent winning information that yields better returns than any investment you may make. YESTERDAYS PARLAY: Tribune, 5.50, Won Buttercup, $ 5.00, Won ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS And that is what I have been giving to each and every client. Action, and lots of it. You can see for yourselves. Surely, I should not be doubted. See what my clients received yesterday. My parlay yesterday was a boomerang, and the bookmakers were shaken like an earthquake shakes a community it visits. My information is of such caliber that I do not care to boast too much about it in my advertisements, because many of you who are skeptical will doubt me. My clients do not doubt me, because they have given me a trial and have found out what I say is the truth, and e3ch and every one has been rewarded. Today I have another parlay. This parlay should win and make all of you realize that I am the Prince Do Lux of all the service distributors in America. Do not fail to subscribe for this one today, as it will be a hum-dinger. and should bring home the bacon. ACT NOW, DO NOT HESITATE. SPECULATORS, GRASP THIS OPPORTUNITY. FOR YOU CANNOT GO WRONG. If you desire todays information, rush your subscription fee at once, and enjoy the fruits of this big special. MY PAST RECORD IS A GUARANTEE FOR THE FUTURE THURSDAY S PARLAY: MISS ROSEDALE. 2.00, Won RED ROCKET $ 9.00, Won WEDNESDAYS PARLAY: NAT EVENS 0.30, Won BLACKSMITH ....$ 8.10, Won TUESDAYS PARLAY: MUNGO 3.80, Won CARE FREE 1.90, Won MONDAY S PARLAY: JOHNNY JEWELL 1.10, Won TITINA $ 9.00, Won SATURDAYS PARLAY: ATOMIN 2.20, Won JULIE 4.10, Won FRIDAY S PARLAY: CLIFF 3.80, Won NIGHT SHADE ....$ 7.80, Won THURSDAYS PARLAY: HOT PEPPER 5.20, Won CARE FREE $ 7.80, Won WEDNESDAYS PARLAY: NORTHERN STAR, 1.20, Won ATOSSA $ 8.20, Won TUESDAY S PARLAY: LITTLE TOKALON, 6.60, Won LARDI .1.40, Won MONDAYS PARLAY* DR. CARDENAS . . 1.80, Won BROWN BETTY . . 7.10, Won If you are interested, rush your subscription of ten dollars 0.00 for ten days service, by Western Union or Postal Telegraph, with correct name and address. * Parlay Joe " 151 West Forty-Second Street, Suite 1218 New York, N. Y. T. Ross, President Wm. Kelly, Secretary J. Sherman, Treasurer FAMOUS TURF BUREAU gjTerms: 0.00 for Six Winning Parlays-f§ ALL CLIENTS MUST RECEIVE SIX WIN PARLAYS FOR THEIR TEN DOLLARS-NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE WHATSOEVER. STRICTLY TWO HORSES EACH DAY TO ALL CLIENTS, WHETHER IN THE CITY OR OUT OF TOWN. WE HAVE OPENED A CHICAGO OFFICE FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF WESTERN SUBSCRIBERS. FRIDAY S PARLAY: Zeod, 7.10, Won French Lady, 9.30, Won The above two horses are positively the only horses released yesterday to all subscribers. THURSDAYS PARLAY: Red Rocket .00, Won Miss Rosedale 2.00, Won WEDNESDAY S PARLAY * Nat Evens 0.30, Won Macbeth .30, Won TWO BIG WINNERS TODAY Todays two horses at Bowie should both win easily at very liberal odds. These two horses have been working out secretly in the early mornings. Their true form is not known to the handicappers or dockers. Disregard past performances. Play both horses the extreme limit to win only. Superior turf information. No guesswork. If in Chicago, call in person. If out of town, wire ten dollars via Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive six win parlays a losing parlay doesnt count. Our Chicago office is open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. FAMOUS TURF BUREAU ASHLAND BLOCK, CORNER NORTH CLARK AND RANDOLPH STREETS, CHICAGO. ILL. OFFICES IN NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE Earl Gregory PIIOVE DEARBORN 3»0*.391«-3»4* Suite 920, 123 West Madison Street, Chicago, III. YESTERDAYS TRANSACTION: | WON ! ! | I hi result of I hi sixth nice again proved to the many .resrory clients the real value of this sert ire. Attention Is drawn to the fact that this horse finished next to last the last time ont and proves that it pays to know the day. NOTICE— "GREGORY TRANSACTION" TODAY— NOTICE This office was advised that there would be another transaction today that should win at very liberal odds. This horse has worked exceptionally well and when the barrier is raised the result should never be In doubt. As "today will be the da,* etery precaution humanly possible has been taken to assure the result of toda s release. The" terms for todays release will he .00, payable in advance, by telegraph or personal subscription. Out of town clients, use Western I nlon or 1ostal Telegraph sen Ice. Subscribe I at once, as to hesitate may cost vou the pleasure of winning a nice wairer. hicasro clients call at my office and receive the name of todays transaction upon receipt of subscription. PHONES DEARBORN 3942, 3916, 3902 You Can Beat the Races Write TODAY for a copy of "How to Pick the Horse That Carries the Cash." It tells you all about the tame and explains the New Superior Method of Handicapping, a thirty-two page hook, which will show you how to pick winners with surprisinr regularity. Write for it today. SUPERIOR PUBLISHING COMPANY Munsey Building Washington, D. C. GARS WEEKLY For Sale at All Newsstands. 35 Cents TODAYS S50 FREE CODE: BOWIE — Maine-Sea-Brick-Sea DAILY RACING GUIDE HAS THE WINNERS