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6tll RSICC * M-° 4* ,ar-0,ds and upward. laiminir. March 27, 1926— 1 : 4. ■ •/-.— - Index. Cooree. Diat Time Track. Odds. Wt St »i 8tr Fin. Jockey. Started. Order of Finiah ADMIRER, b. h. 6 114 By Prince Hermis — Fannv Kemble. by Semproniua. Trainer. F. C. Frisbie. Owner. Concord Farm Stable. Breeder. G. L. Blackford. 00593 orlando ll:51"ifast 1-8 H* 4 1 1» 1* A Tryon B Vanglloy. M nbrook. Hopalong 00543 orlan.lo I 1 4S-fast 11-5 115 I 3 :. 2 A Tryon 7 Shindy. EveningStar. Moonbrook 40457 orlando 1 1 50Hhvy 13-10 110 4 1 1* 1 A Tryon 7 Conscript, llienol. Felicitous 40355 orlando 1 1 16 1 66*»hvy 9 111 6 4 4-14; J Walker I St. Don d. Trajanus. Hugboiirni 00263 orlando 1 1-16 l:56Shvy 1-2 109 1 1 1* 1 A Tryon ■ Felicitfius, NettieMay, PeteFoy 00204 orlando 1 1-16 l:58Hgood 33-5 105 1 2 2» 2*1 J Walker 5 Goldmark. Cabin Creek. Gee OOI53 Orlando 1 1-1S158 slow 10 107 3 2 2* 5»1 A Tryon ■ Bucko. Mac OBoy. Sword 00093 Orlando 11:46 fast 12 lo5 3 4 3» 3* A Tryon 7, BreSmile, MucOItoy. D.Adam* 99755 Mian.: 1 1 16 l:48Sfaat 14 107 4 1 *»| S;l J CallaltanlO Duckling, Shanghai, Mintsli, k j , • : 1 I ! • FAST BOY. b. g. 6 111 By Meridian— Tootsie, by Hessian. Trainer. J. V. Pons. Owner, A. Antoniadea. Breeder. Mrs. R. F. Car mm. 00648 Orlando 111 WjfclJ H-10 114 2 4 3-12 L Aron « Hopalong. SeeltTlirougli, Marble 00590 Orlando 3-4 121%fa«t S 5 109 I 2 2" 1* L Aron U S o«taneoun. Merry OX, Marble 00543 Orlando 1 1 :48%fast 71 110 Wheeled. L Aron 7 Shindy. Admirer. Evening Star 00419 Orlando 5Jf 112%fast 9-5 111 2 7 6*1 5*1 C Eames 8 Merry O.. EveningStar. Jacobean 00350 Orlando 51fl:13Hhvy 3-2 112 1 3 3 Is C Eames 7 SeeltThgh, DaLutz. W.OWynn 00264 Orlando 1 l:51%nvy 13-5 110 2 1 1» 1» C Eames 7 NorthPine, Dr.MacMillan. Merry 00203 Orlando 1 l:51«igood 11 109 2 2 21 21 L Aron « Moonbrook. JailFord. /oie 99968 Tampa lm70y 1 :46sfast 26 110 9 9 9° 95 W Anrson 9 Norseland. Gentry. Bonfire 99802 Tampa ImTOy 1:48 fast 23 101 8 8 S" S« F Merimee 8 BIkMask. Madstown, Repeatet 99420 Tampa 5-8 1:03 hvy 19 110 6 6 6" 6" L Geving i II. Priests, RoyalDick. BelleF:i* 98778 F.Grnds lmToy 1:49 hvy 21f 110 1 10 12ll12-7 G Ellis 12 Lardi. Escarpolette. Try Again JACOBEAN, b. g 8 106 By Poiymellan— Jacob*, by Jack Atkin. Trainer. C. Parsers. Owner. C. Parson*. Breeder. W. R. Coe. 00559 Orlando 51 f 1:12 fast T 107 4 2 2» 3- G Mth-ws I Trapeze. Antilles, Pokey Ja»e 00538 Orlando 5J f l:12fast IS 107 6 6 6» 5*1 V. Mthews 7 Oill.ady. WilnFlanna. Ormzli;h 00494 Orlando 2-4 1:21 mud 63 10 107 6 4 5*1 514 G Mth ws7 Shindy. Shine On. Evening Star 00419 Orlando 51 f l:12«,andfast 7 106 8 6 2» 3 G Mthews S Merr; .., SfaMaris 00:81 Orlando 51 f l:13%hvy 23 112 I 1 1* ll G Mthews 7 Ormzlgh, AllThere, PokeyJani 00288 Orlando H f l*U%CMt 9S 104 6 5 4" 5" G M thews 1 IIoi«aloiig. Oil I_ndy. Shine On 00259 Orlando 51 f 1:11 hvy 13 105 4 I 3» 4«1 A Mthewj 7 Deanll.. Wilton Flanna. TlieAlly 00169 Orlando 6-8 l:09%hvy 23 109 4 6 5* 5!| D Holbert 8 MerryO.. WeeToder. SiK ntanui 99770 Havana. 3-4 l:14*ifast 6 105 4 6 61 6*1 D Holbert 12 SuuuyCirl, Knot Grass, The Ally ROOM MATE. ch. g. 4 111 By Aeronaut — Metsmate. by St. Amain. Trainer. B. Mock. Owner. B. Mock. Breeder. 6. D. Widener. 00623 Orlando 1 1 :522%mud 57 106 I 2 Is H ■ T Moore 8 SuperLy, MarieMim, Blmllst 00564 Orlando ll:49V,fast 49 112 6 I 5*16" E T Moore t LelIorx. Dr.McMiln, Vangltoj 00492 Orlando 51 f 1:15 mud 38 112 6 6 5" 4« E T Moore 7 HappyHobo. Parvenu Doral.uta 00330 Orlando HIM slop 60 105 6 8 S» S» A Anrson S Spntns, HvaEltc. BegPdn MM! Havana lm70y 1 :4S fast 8 107 6 3 7s 7«J R M thews 9 Bounce, Diversity. Fondle Me 99365 Havana 51 f 1:11 slow 15 101 7 8 54 5" P Cogan 8 Somerby, Rir.TinTin. L.Ntown 98983 Havana M 1 :02 fast 7 104 4 6 21 li D Holbert 12 Hughie. Iluttontrope, Lindaita 98582 Havana 51 f 1 :"S* 7 112 5 5 6* 6* J Kellum 7 Somerby, II ptta.Lady. Almirante WISE GUY. b. g. 6 111 By Sager — Lady Keeveena. by Harvey Barbor. Trainer. J. M. Murphy. Owner. C. Drake. Breeder. R. AUman. 00592 Orlando 1 IS JMlSVsfast 61 111 4 1 2» 3 C Eames •"« NorthPine. Conscript. Grandson 00355 Orlando 1 1 16 1 :r.6"-5hvy 19 113 4 6* 6* C Eames 0 St. Don d. Trajanus. HugbesCrro 00294 Orlando 1 IS 2M%fUt 21-5 114 1 I 3s 3*1 C Eames »i Sword, I.e ;iorieux, tabinCreek 00234 Orlando 1 1:47 fast 7 112 2 3 5« 551 C Eames ." tiraceMayers. Bucko. DnaSanta 00152 Orlando 1 l:50- sslow 12 113 4 3 2» lh C Eames I MargrtCaiit. Shghi. Ilpaln- 99838 Tampa 1 1-S _.-i3 hvy 10 110 6 6 6" 6»1 I Gordon G White Shepherdess, Gee. Fehrah 99801 Tampa lm70y 1 :47*ifast 22 111 7 10 10°10" I Gordon 11 Crosswise. Unota, Dusk 99462 Tampa 1 1-16 1:57 slow 51 113 5 2 21 l" S Holicko C Wish I Win. Zoie. Nettie May HOPALONG, ch. g. 4 111 By High Noon— Edith Baumann, by Prince of Melbourne. Trainer. F. Betcbelheimcr. Owner, Sunflower Stable. Breeder. H. D. Bonsteel. 00648 Orlando 3-4 I IWjIllJ I 111 1 1 1" l1 A McDald I FastBoy, SeeltThrough, Marble 00593 Orlando 1 1 :51-V,fast 43 111 2 2 34 4° A McDald 5 Admirer. VangBoy. Moonbrook 00541 Orlando 2-4 llsfast 12 114 1 4 4» 6*1 A McDald ■ St. Donard. First Call. Viking 00455 Orlando H t l:13*ilivy r.1-10 110 I 4 4* 4 J A Trvi-n 5 Froth. Oil Iady, Beg Pardon 00288 Orlando 54 f l:llfast 23-10 109 1 1 ll ll A Tryon 7 Oil Lady. Shine On, The Ally 00230 Orlando 61 f l:13andfast 12-5 111 1 2 2« 1J A Tryon 9 Chef. D.ofMlborgh. HptonLdy 00152 Orlando 1 l:50%slow 14-5 110 2 2 :;• 4" A Tryon I WiseGuy, MargrtGaut. Shghi 00087 Orlando D-S 1 :0t=ifast 91 107 3 2 2* 2» A Tryon 9 Kendall. Oil Lady, Hav.Eiectric HARP OF THE NORTH, b. g, 8 106 By Bard of Hope— Mamie K.. by Peep o Day. Trainer. J. A. Parsons. Owner, J. A. Parsons. Breeder. P. M. Walker. 00542 Orlando I l:483andfast 5 109 1 I ■ 4*1 G Mthews 8 The Ally, Quota. Super Lady ,100493 Orlando 3-4 l:22%mud 6 5 116 5 3 3* 4« W Varley S tlldTop. ApresMoi. LittleRomner 00352 Orlando T I 1 TTUfcll 16-5 115 7 7 7*1 6»1 H Clments 8 Mdensfwn. JimDaisy. Vangltcy .100041 Havana 1 1-16 1 :47%fast 7-5 112 1 1 1 1 J Berry I LadyColito, Country Life Fictile 99959 Havana 51 f l:10slow 2 115 2 4 2* 2» W Varley 12 Superanna. Ikase. Occidenta 99882 Havana 3 4 l:20«4mud 7-5 112 4 2 2* 21 J Kellum 8 Mediator Jr., My Boy. Chow 99716 Havana 11-16 1:49 fast 4 107 2 1 ll 31 P Cogan 11 Lady George. Hutchison. Fictile 99591 Havana 1 1-16 1 :al.ifast 31 100 4 2 31 31 G Morton 8 Caribe, Wida. Grenadier II. ATTRACTIVE, cb. m. 5 109 tsj Manager Waite— America, by Voter. Trainer. J. Carvallo. Owner. R. Guicardo. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 00592 Orlando 1 1-S 2:0S*4fast 21 106 3 3 4"1 5» H Glick 5 NorthPine. Conscript, WiseGuy 00543 Orlando 1 1 :48%fast 63 105 6 6 67 6-1 W Rausser 7 Shindy, Admirer. Dvening Star 00459 Orlando 11-16L5S hvy 14 104 2 4 4* 51 W Rausser 6 Kimax. Gee. Grandson 00385 Orlando 1 l:19"hvy | 115 5 5 512 5» W Murphy 5 Warldol. KoyalAirman. Cottager 00294 Orlando 1 1-8 2:02%fast 12 104 4 6 615 6" W Murphy 0 Sword. Le Clorieux. Wise Guy 00130 Havana 1 1-4 2:0SMsfast 4 103 8 5 4» 4s P Cogan 11 NanoRonan. Vulgate. GrenarIL 99887. Havana 1 1-16 2:00**mud 3 99 1 2 1 1* P Cogan 8 St. Paul, Receiver, Le Bleuet