3rd Race [3rd Bowie, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-10

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1 j I | i ■ | I j I i j | I 1 ! | I I j j I I *•*■ l|*f| ***- fxrifi? 5 "- Furlongs. Fvpectatioa Purse. S-joar-olils. Allowances. Nov. 25, 1925— l:06=ff.— 4— lis. Indez. Course. Dist. Time. Track. Odds. Wt.St. ?i Str. Fin. Jockey. Started. Order of Finish. *TIMMARA. blk. c. 3 112 By Westy Hogan— Plureen. by Pluvious. Trainer. J. 0. Burttschel!. Owner. T. W. OBrien. Breeder. L. C. Sloan. 00405 Bowie 5j f 1:11 hvy 9-10 112 6 1 l*| 1*1 W Harvey 8 Rao lure. H. ySte.lman. I •] l.ind 97540 Bowie ll:42Tbfast 1C ." 117 8 4 213i 1 Butwell M Bi*a Star. IiiL-rid. Nomad 97488 Bowio 7-8 1 :26%fast 7-10 112 4 1 1= l« H Thuiber 0 Light View. llighStai. SilvrSnng 97425 Bowie 61 f l:21fast 7-5 U6 4 4 32 2* H P.rning S Acmstic. Beviner. Nomad 737l limlico 3-4 1:135imud » 106 11 8 7"! 0=1 11 Thurberll CandvKid. Mi.P.pp. I.nekvPlay 9G441 Jamaica 3-4 l:12%slop 2 119 3 2 31 43J II Thurber 4 Sarmaticus. Crossfire. Espino 96268 Jamaica 3-4 l:13sifast 5 109 2 1 l1 1 II Thurber 9 Sarmaticus. Flat Iron. Kspino 95973 Jamaica 51 f 1 :0SMiinud 17-10 120 2 2 11 Is H Thurber 4 Heviner. Sport Roial. I.oml.ardo 95847 Jamaica ii f 1:00 fast 15 115 5 4 3* "- H Thurber 0 Cutitout. Anaconda. P.anton 94093 Saratoga 3-4 1:13%fast 6 120 3 5 bcl 43 11 Thurber fi Ply I eaf. Caiet.v Cirl Barcola ,93903 Saratoga 3-4 1 :12V4tast 10 117 7 6 5T1 5« H Thurberll Macaw, r.ageiibaKXHjje, Tea Nominated for Kentucky Derby. PHANTOM FIRE. ch. c. 3 110 By Campfire — Fantasque. by Disguise. Trainer. J. R. Pryce. Owner. W. J. Salmon. Breeder, H. T. Wilson. 97466 Baasia 3-4 1:13 fast 41-10 104 4 5 31 1» P. Thpsonll Acrostic. Deviner. SiH.-r Lane 97326 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast 10 113 2 1 1- F J Maiben 11 He.-. Middle Man. Olympic 9G767 Empire 51 f 1 :07%fast 7 115 8 7« 7« J Maiben B Polar Light. Moso.11. Araby 95792 Jamaica 51 f 1 :07?sfast 6-5 118 2 2 2 2* J Maiben 9 ComrCabill. K gtonl.ad. Daleho 95605 Aqueduct 5-8 69%fast 50 110 I 4 4s 4» J Maiben 8 Banton. Sr.ndstorm. Nichavo 91697 Empire 51 f 1 :07*ifast 18-5 118 7 10 9" 9" J Maiben 14 Rasuli, Tea Ball. Tempest 91444 Empire 5-8 1:02 mud 10 115 5 7 7= 8= J Maiben 11 Tmara. Clio.-. Soldier. Hot Time 91350 Aqueduct 5-8 1:00 fast 15 115 8 7 752 715 J Maiben 14 Flat Iron. Timmara. Prodigal 89394 Jamaica 5-8 59*islow 4 113 3 4 4 * i10 L Fator 13 Chance Play, Theodore. Pecora WELSHOT. b. g. 3 107 By Wrack— PnriUa Girl, by Yankee. Trainer. R. Mitr-h-.! Owner, A. G. Weston. Breeder. Hancock and Shreve. 00532 Bowie 3-4 1:14 fast 3 3 10S 2 2 |a* IP 1 Maiben 7 Adieu. CroeuBla/cs. Mend nllill 97168 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 mud 51 112 4 5 6» 6«i L McAtee 7 Clapt p. P.e of Wales. Caffsman 96836 laurel 51 f l:09Mihvy 41 114 I 0 l"k lJ J Maiben 9 SeaRocket. Traffic. Centrifugal 96612 Laurel 3-4 1 :1614slow 23-10 108 6 7 8J C» E Ambrse N Paavo. Son Ami. Creen Dragon 95561 H.deGce 3-4 1 :12%fast 11 106 2 4 38 2T E Ambrse 7 Macaw. Crusader. Sea Rocket 95472 II UeGce 3-4 1:14 fast 18 112 2 2 2" 21! E AmbrselO Dress Parade. Marengo. Nabisco 89405 Pimico 41 f 54%good 14 118 4 4 5 4-1 E Scobie B SilverFinn. Skipalong. Ro. kMan 89301 Pimlico 41 f 54ifast "1 119 3 2 !■* 2* A Johnson 9 Gavotte. Display, flicker 89111 Pimlico 1-2 491sslow 8-5 115 1 2 2s 1" A Johnson 12 Shampoo. Foretell. Imnos 88865 H.deGce 41 f 53 fast 13 116 2 4 41 47J J TTalaanTf Fiddlestks. Cefngal HTnliaze [ T0YLAND. ch. c. 3 107 By Peter Pan— LueratiTe. by Mordaat. Trainer. S. Judge. Owner, R. 0. Egan. Breeder. Himyar Stud. 00534 Bowie 3-4 l:13sfast 12 I 111 2 4 3J 1 W Munden 7 Basqiiais. . Haze. Ltaaaaa 00405 Bowie 51 f 1:11 hvy M 103 I 4 3» 4* Wallis S Timmara. Raplnre. Hcj Ste.lmn I 98848 Tijuana 3-4 1:13 good 6 96 I 1 5* 4;S R Peterne! S Sunnyld. .IkFairmaii. Kscapader j 98791 Tijuana 3-4 1:11 hvy 15 105 4 9 9" 9" F J BakerlO Sd.vMan. Rus|i;»rdiicr. Flicker 97914 Tijuana o!fl:06%fast 7 111 5 2 11 2" F J BakerlO RuthCold. HdChief. Mlaal aaH I I 97411 Bowie 61 f 1:22 slow 17 112 4 9 972 910 R OBrien 10 Centrifugal. Blackamoor. Arabv ; 97104 Laurel l| f LOSslop 31 115 2 3 3« 3* R OBrien 7 P ce cfWales. t cut fimal. Tovld 196742 Laurel alfl:0SHslop 39-10 108 5 5 3J 3"! E Barnes 6 Flyleaf. SonAmi. Ch lateSolilier j 9C612 Laurel 3-4 l:16V*slov 13 107 4 6 541 5» B OBrien 8 Paavo Son Ami. Otaaa Hragou NAT EVENS, ch. c. 3 107 By Flittergold— Mint Drop, by Irish Lad. Trainer. G. E. Hall. Owner. C. C. Hall. Breeder Himyar Stud. 00584 Bowio 3-4 1 :15ihvy 41-11 104 4 1 l1 11 W Mun.len 6 Rapture. An. ilia. Colden Mm 197166 Bowie 3-11:13 fast 14 113 S 9 ll*J10" A Schugerll Pliant.. niFire. Acrostic. Deviner 96034 Laurel M l:lTBjalaai 3 10S1 2 1 1» 2* E Barnes C Flyleaf. SonAmi. Prince ofWales 90570 Laurel 3-4 l:15slop 6 109 4 5 511 6" K Barnes 7 Caffsman. Blond in, Ilimm 96460 laurel 51 f IsBttjaaai 11 108 a 2 2 2 E Barnes S Paavo. Flyleaf. Carden Rose 191778 Ft Erie 51 f 1 4SUa*4 31 111 4 a 541 55 P Walls 8 Display. Caffsman, Mulligan 91241 Hamilton 5-8 1 :00rast 27-10 118 2 2 2 21 J Butwell 8 BdlTr aaai. /.epp«-lin. Foreiand 89587 Jamaica 6-8 1:00 V» fast 21 111 6 3 2 11 R Carter 10 Cunny Sack, .lanis D, Belfield 88787 H.deGce 1-2 4S good 13-10 116 3 11* 1»| R Carter 15 MissBhize. Wra.kalte, BuCicui 8806." Jefferson 1-2 47fast 4 116 6 3 52 54 J Butwell 7 Irresistible. Alleghan. Mazetta 87888 Jefferson 1-2 4Sfast 21 118 3 11 1t| F Sharpe 8 Bombshell. B ketPicnic. Fl.tlirl 87149 F.Grnds 3-8 35%good 8 118 10 5 71! f Shaipe IS P.lab.Mouth. Sil.Finn. North. Miss 1 Disqualified. CINEMA, b. f. 3 107 By Sweep— Magic Lantern II.. by Le Sagittaire. Trainer. M. Smart. Owner. S. Ross. Breeder. S. Ross. 00405 Bowie 51 f 1:11 hvy I 1»7 4 .", .",« 71 I Rami. 11 B Timmara. Kapiure. HejStediiin 97488 Bowio 7-S 1 :26%fast 11 112 1 | 8*1 8" ■ Barnes 6 Timmara. LigiitXiew HighStar 197280 Pimlico 3-4 1:13?sfast 10 100 3 I WW 1 Callahanl2 S.Norris. LicutentlL. Courag s 197167 Pimlico 3-4 1:13 mud 17 108 8 Pulled up. E Barnes B SingleFoot. WComisello:. Kid 197039 Laurel 5jfl:07 fast 13 113 2 2 31 3J B Barnes S Friar si ar-e. Tattling. Patri. .1. ,95511 H.deGce 51fl:06Sfast 13-20 115 1111 2:1 E Barnes 7 Corvette. Cupid Cs... 1; dciiKoM» 95417 H.deGce 3-4 l:12«tfast 14 112 14 S S«» 7 • E Barnes 15 Canter, lieiiuine. Macaw 93429 Saratoga M llllTUnj 6 112 3 1 Ill1 E Barnes 13 Asinia. Ruth.nia. Flv Leaf 93204 Saratoga 5-8 1:00 fast 7 113 1 1 l 1 E Barnes 14 Rapture. Carden Rose. Sabine PALMIST, b. c. 3 104 Bv Golden Sun— Palmella. by Lemberg. Trainer. W. Cor.stantine. Owner. C. P. Winfrey. Bred in England, by W Raphael. 98380 F.Grnds lm70y l:4B%faat 30 102 i 7 B*| 8»» W Harvey 7 Rag. nl.agge. Fn. . Pri.kHH.-at 98918 FGrnds 3-4 l:14tfast 3 116 3 2 11 P W Harveyl2 Crejstone. l.eifhton Kinslev 98432 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14Hgood 87 102 12 8 8» S7 II Got rupl2 Mi-s Magg.e, Pandy. Bptaaa

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926041001/drf1926041001_4_4
Local Identifier: drf1926041001_4_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800