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I cf- IxJIC** 5 -- Furlongs. 3-year-oliIs and ui w;ird. Mil id ens. April 26, 1923 — *0 - *.**x* iim% t ma Index. Courae. DiitTinicTrack. Odds.Wt St. K Str. Fin Jockey. Started. Order of Finish. GENERAL SETH. ch. g, 3 M 103 By Seth— Cutaneous, by Farandcle. Trainer. E. E. Maior. Owner. E. E. Maiorl. Breeder. B. A. Jo?es. 00321 Tampa 3-4 1:19 slop 8 112 4 4 G» 67 P Taul-l!e s Dr.Cdenas, Endicott, Ceo.Dever 00254 Tampa 3-4 1:19*shvy 9 99 3 4 4»J 6s B Hebert « Hullo. Curland, Odd Seth 00082 Tampa 01 f 1 :07 fast 25 99 6 4 3J J» S Hebert 8 Corset, Queeiia Mario. Hidalgo 00024 Tampa 3-4 1 :14*sfast 21 112 3 3 3 52 P Taulelle 12 Dlphi, ErVesJane. I p andAt Km 99833 Tampa 61 f 1:13 hvy 41-10 100 4 2 3l 4° C Barnett 8 SunHor. HomedOr. NtExpresu 99608 Tampa -01 f 18 110 2 6 35 3al J Shanks 9 Sunllathor. KrcesJano. Ragdad 99349 Tampa 5-8 1 :03*ifaat 81 110 6 3 Sl 6» .1 Shanls 8 Keaolani. Sir Olen. l.agdad 99187 Tampa 51 f l:18!4mud 7 112 7 7 51 5«1 J Shanks 7 Prodigal. Woody, Cncle Pill 98573 F.Grnds 3-4 1:li good 16 116 4 10 llMl-- W Garner 13 Seventh Son, Cliff. Clance 98017 Jefferson 51 f l:07*ifast 38 115 9 6 5s 89 A M*tensnl2 Prickly Heat. Lou Shank. Cliff 97773 Jefferson 5J f 1:09 hvy 18 115 7 11 9«1 9» F Horn 12 Powder, Lou Shank, Hike 97681 Jefferson 51 f 1:08 good 291 100 8 6 S" 8* C Barnett 8 Uolton, Ritter, Plain Dealer VAGRANT DITTY, b. f. 3 M 101 By Kingship— Vashni, by Bowling Brook. Trainer. G. X. Allen. Owner. G. K Allen. Breeder. Mrs. L. A. Livingston. 00651 Hungton H f l:l"ilivy l.s-." 10514 2 2" 3 A Wliams 7 H.oflroj. ShainkKIr, Cenosity 00544 Hungton S-S 1 M.«ond I 10?i S 4 23 2- A Wliams • I/inhcrJack. Rei|iiest. Kosetn-rry 99978 Havana ..ifl:0S fast 3 101 S 7 7:7iM Skyrm 8 Tidllit. D.ofMarlh gli. ontidor 99588 Havana 51 f l:10/sfast M 96 10 10 10TilO4 .1 Feeny 12 Silvrll k, My in n, SkipLle.Nn 99292 Havana 6-8 1 :06Hslov 5 93 3 5 6* 7" G Morton 7 F.a::dWarnn-r. Stnianat. Shindy 99201 Havana 51 f 1 :ll*5.slr w 6 97 7 7 V* 7-« G Morton 7 T. Dicta tor, AcililalL, Alniir nto 98312 Havana 3-4 l:27hvy 7 97 2 4 3i 2 H Callabn S Clean. Donnavideo. Kelley 98025 Havana 51 f l:10*igood 7 5 99 3 3 31 3* A Yerrat 0 Mad Fire. Kelley, M Liia t7896 Havana 5-S l:0SV4hvy 2 104 4 a 5*1 o41 D Holbert 8 Myrrh. Merry, Frames Jane 97810 Havana 5i f 1:10 fast S-5 106 3 3 I* 2s S Banks 6 Holly Girl, Grotto, P.Ia. k Tom GALUSHA. b. g. 6 M 108 By Ogden— Coy Maid, by Kingston. Trainer. N. B. Davis. Owner. Mrs. N. B. Davis. Breeder. H. H. Hewitt. 90090 Brooklyn hB41:11 fast 18-5 107 2 6 ti10 «• W Habjan 8 Thos.Piatt, Milliei;. lr Siak NNI Brooklyn 3-4 1:17 fast 42 115 1 2 2» 2 W Dellow T J.C.P.ickcl. DeiihleVan. Seai;r n 89888 M lights t| f 1 :iM3*ifast IM 114 7 7 V* 8"J B McGraw 9 Perroiuet, Millie G.. Ijther 89629 M lights i| fl:07 fast 43 111 6 4 4" iS J Petreeea 8 Hill Shaffer, Chloe ! .. Comiioaer REQUEST, b. g. 4 iM 108 By Iron Cross II. — Galinda. by Galveston. Trainer. J. R. Riley. Owner, F. P. Wilson. Breeder .Williams Bros. MM Hunton lin70y l:u4*5mud 13 108i I fi 5° 57 F Kehit » Rustproof . C tnutCirl. Sai.Ile.rn 0059" Hun gton r.-s 1 :02*5fast 5J 108 5 7 5s 5» f Kehrt 7 Chile. Lotto. Ma.hiaelli 10544 Hungton n-S 1 :o3goo«l 2i 113 4 I 3J r.J W Kehrt .» Liini.lack. Vag.Dittv. Hoseherry 00507 Hungton ".-8 l:04%slow 26 1 9 6 4 7*1 7«1 F Kehrt 8 SCaMaris. Rcvr. Hp nth Vh 95289 Iitoiiia "4 l:lt7t,slow Jl 9716 6 6" 654 W Garner 0 Ciipltcarer. l.rierllill. iipniin. » 95174 Latonia lm70y l:44«,»fast 138 102 9 10 10510-3 J Guy 10 R.IVnnant, S Slippers, A.Moore 95073 Latonia 1-4 l:15Vthvy 121 10-17 7 7« 7" B Griffin 7 RysTone.i . MargieK . Kedlent 91986 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :53Vihvy 68 103J 6 C 72« 7»4 B Griffin 7 S. Alibi. Dr.Tanner, Dandybrush 94757 Coney Is. Im70y l:l2*sfast 107 M9J 5 C 6:l 67J B Griffin 0 Sweepstakes, I auto-he. Contact 94716 Coney Is. Im70y 1 :i::ifa.«t 36 102 2 6 ti» 6" S Griffin C SilrSliprs. Uo-abella. DrTinr SOANSO. b. c. 3 M 101 By Orpiment — Elevation, by Love Wisely. Trainer. N. B. Davis. Owner Mrs. N. B. Davis. Bred in England by Maj. J. S. Cope. 00544 Hemstee i-tl:MHCeei It 108 2 7 CJ ;;J W Taylor 9 1aMMlieil. Vag. Ditty. Ke,|u«st 98629 F.Grnrls lni70y l:4ff%i*at 79f 107 8 10 111»10--H Gott rup12 Dinne. I.ess lc aim. i.rejsloui- 98488 F.Gr nils ." 4 1 :14*5good 44f 107 10 9 10" and" A I.acastell I, slnferno. I nlucky. IheMissim 98195 F.Grnds 3-4 1 :193imu.l 128f 109 12 11 9,S7*H GoFrupl2 Mite, WhileShep .hss. I n.le l.ill 98089 F.Grnds 3-4 1 10*sbvy 146 100 7 8 8,; 8=5 H Gofrup S NettieSwp. lrklyHeat, Alhorak MISS GLOAMING, ch. m. 5 M 106 By Gloaming— Flathead, by Flatlands. Trainer, R. H. Campbell. Owner. Willie tc McDonald. Breeder. G. L. Zimmerman. 00597 Hun gton C S 1 o-fast 30 106 ti 0 ti- ti»J IJ Prib.e 7 Chile, Ijtto, MachiavellU 00549 Hamstee 1 l:M%cee4 "0 HO I S I.up. J Berry 8 Smart Cuv. Garish. Tul» HFNRY OF NEWKIRK, 108 By J. Garfield Buell— Eugenia Graves, by Namtor. ch. h. 5 Ml Trainer. M. Allen. Owner, M. Allen. Breeder. G. B. Swift. 95782 Saltl.ake 41 f frtiSfnst 245 112 7" Dubray I Klvglrincess, Lit lliw. .lurgen MT*IS SaltLak. I.t 1~M1afeel M HI Sia Dubrav 8 CoJ. Snider. Char Smith. DarrelJ. 93422 Saltl.ak - f.-S 1 or fast "j8 109 7» J Stevens 8 Sen. Crow. Asuncion. SpKloxaom 93353 Satl.aKe 44 f 08 fast Vie H/7 3* J Stevens 8 Dr.S. t, WehbsChce. II ofN kk