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FOALS REGISTRATION The foals reported for registration with the Breeding Registration Department of Daily Kacing Form on April 9. are as follows: SNEED STOCK FAKM. Ralston. Neb. Feb. 81 ClieHnut - rft, by Ijo Dinosaure Cold-feat her. by March 81 Itrown filly, by l e Dinosaure Flossie P., kj N.alon. Manli M Hrown filly. by Ip Hinosaurc — Iron Jiieen. by fast Iron. P.ree.Ier of above foals. Dr. lias. P. Sneed. B.ANC0CAS STOCK FARM. Jobstown. N. J. Mar.h 7 Hay or brow 11 colt, by Crey llg Neva Cook, by Theo. C00W. Man -b 7 Chestnut colt, by Lu.ullite- Kowesold. by All Cold. I.reedei- of alio»e foals, H. F. Sinclair. *._