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j I | 1 ! 1 1 /f/lfl iv5%CG ItihhoiiNe oirse 239 fret less than 1 mile. 3-vear-olds and upward. "**"■ •»■■■!■ n 1 laiming. Martlt 30, MM— ltlS% I Mft.1 Index. Course. Dist Tint .Track. Odds. Wt St «i Str.Pln. Jockey. Started. Order of Finiah. j RANGE KING, ch. g, 4 108 By Paicines— Sourire. by Flint Bock. j Trainer. E. Harrill. Owner Babv Shoe Stable. Breeder. F. J. Kellev. •00516 Tijuana S-4 l:H%raM 3 110 8 8 6 63 ■ F worth S Pennon. Whiff. Cancellation 1 00432 Tijuana S-4 l:13%Uat 41 p.9 S 1 l1 1- B Fs» orth ft Alicel. rane. tCnTFryer. Ninaol 00304 Tijuana :: 4 1 :14.last tl-C 10". S B 4J 2» ■ F sw rth S Fr-OFie, Tolicha. Iterr.oreiui : 00212 Tijuana 2-4 1:14 Tast 4 103 It 6 7: 61 H White 11 TexsRnger. Sptsmn. I rBKies 1 00131 Tijuana i| f I4S%SsbsS 21 K4 7 7 7- 4J W Mundenll Singapore. N.wPink. tienlFryer 98296 Tijuana 5-8 7if 101 11 9 9" 9" E FvcioU I det.uise. A Harvey. Huslleir 98009 Tijuana 3-4 l:l-*ifast 20f 102 14 14 14-«14-» K Fworth.14 Norfield, Mouxie, Bthel Brown i CONFLUENTE. b. g. 4 108 By Royal EC— Melus. by Polymelus. Owner. J. Mossj. Breeder. J. Livingston 1 00397 Tijuana 1 1:42 fast 1J 10? 1 4 fi"i JJ R Peternlll Julia U-e. Ijilisha. CreatFini-ber 00245 Tijuana 7S . -V-jfast 10 111 5 3 4* 31 A PeternellO Is. Marine Corps, i.l.-nzar 11 j 00073 Tijuana 5i f 1 : r. fast 49 112 6 6 i,:5"C K.sing.rO Hilarity. Querulous, Vilna : 99368 Tijuana l:n7H 1 4S"-fast 11-10 105 5 1 11 l1 H White 8 Krekzunas. Met adden. Latisha j 99297 Tijuana 1 1 :43*ifast 2 105 3 1 1" 4J W Mundenll little Phil. Mel.hoir. Planet I ! 99-!0* Tijuana 11:44 fast 13-10 103 4 2 «»1 7:4 H White I JustUare. Sen Donlan. BlueDale 198934 Tijuana lniTOy 1 IS fast 7 107 7 2 21 24 R Creese I M CM, Olds Light. Marine Corps 0, 98761 Tijuana lm70y 1 48imud 31 106 8 7 8*1 8" A Pternellll Qiii;:haiii. Betty Maloney. Zealot j 98703 Tijuana lmTOy 1 . ISHfast 14 110 7 2 2 3-1 A Peternel 9 Mart Bunch, tiold Boy. Polities 0] ,1 98644 Tijuana 1143 fast 18 107 I 3 431 4* A Peternel s Pretty Mally Zealot. Kicuse Me ,| 98588 T .u.ana 54 f 1 Ki,rast Si 106 13 10 1. l.R lish r 14 Cuba. Balefull. Apricot i DELHI G.KL. b. f. 4 101 By Delhi— Tres Ms, by Inspector B. Tra ner. E. C. Ervin. Owner. G W. Williams. Breeder. T. Pistt. W0577 .ijuana lm7»y 1:48 slop IS-. 99 2 :: ."."J S*| F Taylor 7 Hayseed. Peterl"r-on. H.Warreo 0047 1 Tijuana Al. 1 1:38 faat i» 100 4 3 2* 3| B Jones ft Blue Kale. Boonevillc, June Ily j |Mfl2 1 ijuana 3-4 1:14 tast 33f MM 11 11*J *•* T. Tt-W 11 TexsRnger. Sptsmn. 1 rBlues IfMIS T-juana I 1-H l:l%k 11 « 1 8 S» 7" D Neal 10 H.Warren. IlyMaxim, Bnerille 99208 Tijuana 11:44 fast 2S 141 8 7 7" «" F Taylor I JtistClare. Sen Donlan. BlueDale 99020 "Tijuana 1 18 1 18 slop 81 1*1 3 8 7» "* F Taylor 9 tiold Boy. Planet, Olds Eight OJ i 98969 Tijuana lni70y I:47%T«at 7 101 1 7 6T1 4« F Taylor 11 Tent an. Rare tirit. The Desert j I 98890 Tijuana 5i f IM fast 3" 109 10 8 6» S*| H Paden 10 Woodery. Full Moon. ;old CrumD J 97844 Tijuana 4i f SS%fsM 54 108 9 9 9»« 9« F Dyson 10 Serena, Furious Bill. Excuse Me MISS PAIGE, b. m. 6 108 By J. H. Houghton — Ailsa Paige, by Ossary. 1 Trainer, E. B. Carpenter. Owner. E. B. Carpenter. Breeder. J. A. Blackwell. II j 00365 Tijuana UsMj 1:41 last IS 116 1 4 S*1 6" P Martinez 7 Kr.Itiu-s, Slurtldv. Nona.Uane 410306 Tijuana Al. 1 1:77 fast S 109 :: 6 ti-; ."." R Jones 10 Msourilt jy. I.atisha. Mrinet p- 10213 Tijuana lm70y I :46-ifast 51 107 2 1 P 1* H Jones 8 Hamp. Sen rKonlan. Step bvStep Oj j 00043 Tijuana :: 4 Ill-fast S 10S 6 6 4 | 7si P. Jones 10 Bugler. LreneeMn g. False.Vrm 99665 Tijuana 7-S 1 ::""islow 7 110 1 5 4 SJ It Jones 8 MarnNorth. MH ad n. Plenyca 99297 Tijuana 1 1 4 3 Vast ISf 103 2 3 7»;10:i V Wallis 11 little Phil. Mel.hoir. Planet ! 99208 Tijuana 11:11 fast 17 106 5 7. 4« 4 J Sylvia 8 JtistClare. Sen Donlan. BlueDale [MMI 1 juatia 3-4 1 15~fast M Hi 2 7 7«1 7" II Klston 14 -Mr. Pat. Little Phil. Cohmore 1 98643 Tijuana I I 11t%rart 25 lit 9 9 12!ill* H Klston 14 Bardalid. Sing On. Blue Miss |98472 Tijuana 51 f 1 07Sfast 14f 115 7 lo 11"11" II Klston 13 Mala.ha. Broncot.trl. l»ove»roost 96133 SaltLaU" 7 S l:.a slow It 109 l1 W Moltero S Jay Roberts. Lucy J.. Black Pat 96210 altl.a:.- 74141 9 109 4*i W Molters 7 T. Saunders. Be* Voting. TbeWit 95596 6i f 1 :LVVivy j.i m in p Martinez 7 Neg, t hirkRarkley. Doe deCuise MS1I Sa!:iike 7-8 1:33 fast 14 113 3-1 J Sinali.% d 6 J Painell . C. Barkli v. Town eii«» GOLD CRUMP, cli. g. 4 102 By Ed Crump— Goldfish, by Goldfinch. Trainer. F. Graco. Ownji. F. Grace. Breeder. J. A. Buchanan. •MM Tjuana :.- 1 2s-.nui.l 19 113 6 7 f.«J S*| W Renn 8 l»..rot li Pop MS Indian. sS4-nt [••ISt Tijuan 1 !in7H IITifaM 1] Plb I 1 3- !« K Ka liss 9 Colonel Ut. Four O Fire. Polite OO01:; Tin. ,11. 5-4 IHVaM 27-10 118 7 7 7-J 6i II Klston 10 Bugler. L r.-n. .-Mng. FalseArnt 99019 Tijuana S| I I 00 last S. M7 ii G u3 t»| P. Pelletlerlt l.ofStyle. S ga|tore, MissKra at;. 99666 Tijuan . 7 S 1 :V. slow Ll :, 1o7 7 - ?.■ ",!l It Creese 8 Is. Boone v. II.-. Miss KtiiTiia . 99177 iijian, 1 !44-; 4 KM $ 4 4- 5«j 11 Klston 12 Kk/.uiias. Monopoly. KkvSmileo 9921.". Tjii.ui. 7 s 1 9 fast I M 2 3 2- 2 H Klston 7 Runleigh. Barrel J . Shasta Sol |99I74 l.juani 41 f SS%olvw 9 111 I 6 4« It Klston 11 Jud hFr w. I. altine. C.Spsor 99018 I una 1.1 Sj f l:SQ%olooj 51 111 6 4 441 4« H Klston Ut.ralian. Rad tl.ight. lLotWikp 98890 1 iuari. ..; r IM last 8 111 4 3 3- V II Klston 10 Woodery. lull Moon. Blue Belle 98760 Tjiana 51 f 1 :09»mud 11 109 1 C 61 5* II Klston 14 I-assWhitc. Br. " • !. DeepBlue j 98613 I •juaii.. ::i lllifust 27-10 113 and 4 4 4»V Wallis 14 Bsiiialid. bSbcOB, Bine Miss I 98544 Ti.uaai *■ f " 11 117. 7 4 2 M II Kton 13 laywood. Montebello, Lth.Browo I 98146 5- 1 OlHfatit 15 110 5 C 6«1 ."•• II Klston 10 Blak Sand. C.JOinbs. Little Hope 98:..".8 Tijuana 3-4 1 :14V»rast 52 111 1 2 I4 2« H Klston 14 Jack Idi. Full Moon F.tta D. CANCELLATION b m. 5 113 Bv Liberty Loan— Anna Mea. by Borjhael. Trainer. M 3. Haves. Owner. Emerv..lIo Stabl- . Breeder. B. Snreckels. MMI Tijuana 1 1 Si sloj, f. Ill 4 « 7s* T" H Fdston 7 Mr Pat. lo, KineUe OO. I« Tijuani ■■ 4 I lltast 14 111 4 3 W%9 U Kiaton H Iennoo. Whitf. KionceOlil 004:.:! liju.ii.. I-SiaS fast 9 105 I 3 V 2* B Peternel 7 SUver lltate. Tarain. Kinctle •Mil Tun...,. 1 1 - -:SCfast IS SI 2 2 -.* !• Ii J.m»» 7 WSerMrfit. Wklane. Composer •0248 Tijuana S-4 l:tS%fks| 17 196 7 6 11 Hl O Philpot 11 Br s Band I. t ofStyle. ElUirsl 00116 Ttl— * S-4 1:14 Vast G-I-IO 114 1 1 1 1» K Peternel • HyFinn Sportsmsii 00045 Tiuiarn 1 1:13 fast 7 108 7 « 7*17" R Peternel 7 Runleigh. SUoi lane. Is 199934 Ti.iai.a S4 lzMfctMl 3 114 7 4 9-4 9" D Neal I SlkoiSkw M . |n.||u tien Frrer I I DOCTOR BLUES, b. g. 9 lib By Blues— Fay C. by Casus. I Trainer. W. Bitter. Owner. W. M Bitter. Breeder. F. B. CulTerson. •0576 Tijuana lniiOy l:4vs«slop 14 1!5 1 4 4 C 3 I" Crimes 7 Kcala. St»r Cloudy. Bonneville • •0519 Tijuana Ab 1 lfcfast 12 11. 7 6 6=i .VJ H Klston 7 My Daddy. Mr. Pat. Brass Hand I ••365 Tijuana Im70y 1:46 fast ft 5 108 5 2 1" !• H Elston 7 Start Vdy. NonsMaric. II.Mavim! i •0212 Tijuana C-4 1:14 fast a 115 g I and 2* T Grimes 11 TcxisRngr. Spshn. 1 t by I ■ 99934 Tijuana 3-4 l:14*ifast 12 111 9 7 41 2 T Grim-s 9 MisaEm.G.. Con. Fryer. NewPink - j 99857 Tijuana lm7 y PCSgood 13 11* 9 10 10 »10-i T Grimes 10 Trapnet. Fineastle. Full o Fun I 97226 lagoon lmTOy l:47%faat 2jf 11 2 T Grimes 12 Proservator. Bl. Belle, SnowCap i 97191 I-agnon lmTOy 1:47 fast 29-10 114 31 T Grimes 7 II. of the North, Zing. BULlaJi s • 7005 1-agoon 1 1 16 I CO— fast 19 5 lit 2 T Grime* 7 footer*. Prcservator. The I an,i I |