Daily Racing Form Charts: Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-10

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! ! i ! | 1 1 TIJUANA TIJUANA. MEXICO. FRIDAY. APRIL 9. 1926. 1 Mile. One hundred and sevetit. I nth day. Tjuana Jockey Club. Winter meeting of about 125 days. Weather cloudy. Pn siding Steward, F. Nelson. Associate Stewards, J. W. Coffroth and L. J. Rose, llacing Judgea, ;. W. Schilling, J. S. Rothert and F. M.Eennej . Starter, Marshall Cassidy. Racing Secretarv, C. W. Schilling. Racing starts at 1:40 p. m. Chicago timp, 3:40 p. m. W indicates whip, S spurs. B blinkers. Fig-tires in parcnthi ses following the distauce of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. *Indicates apprentice allowance. AilfiQ FIRST RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. March 23, 1924— :53V5— 2— 118. Purse 00. 2-year-olda. VvOuO Claiming. Net value to winner 90; second, 40; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Va Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str t !9332»SHASTA GRANDE 107 4 3 2J 2J 1 D H Elston llrn Ssta Stk Fin Sta 340-100 00601 ClLIACAN 102 3 4 B 1 2* 2n Q Philpot T Horning 400-100 00601 ♦CHAB1. IE MIRRAY 110 6 6 P% f*| 3» 3s H White Syufy Bros 14O-100 00272 FOKT WAYNE 110 2 1 6 6 6 4n F J Baker Mrs G H Abbott 620-100 00272 BEANIE 110 1 2 3 4J »* 5" A Prgrass E P D nny 1520-100 00601 ♦SILVEIt MAPLE 306 5 5 41 3= 4h 6 D Neal S Polk 660-100 Time. :24 /5. :49«5. :56%. Track muddy. mutuels paid Shasta Orande. .80 straight, .20 place, .00 show; ulia.an, .60 1 la.-e, .00 show: Charlie Murray, $.3.40 show. Kquivalenf Uioking odds Shasta irande. 340 to 100 straight. 160 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Culiacan. 130 to 100 pace. 80 to 100 show: Charlie Murray, 70 to 100 show. Winner Ill, f, hy Solomon Harriet, by Celt trained by W. A. Carter: bred by Mr. II. D. Brown. Went to post at 1:44. At |H st 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. SHASTA QBAKBB raced forwardly from the start and passed ClLIACAN in the stretch to win going away. The latter showed the most early speed, but tired and barely lasted to be second. CHARLIE Ml RRAY closed a gap and finished with a rush. FORT WAYNE was shjrply . ut off soon after the start and his rid« r was forced to pull up to keep his mount from falling. SILVER MAII.E and BKANIE tired. Scratched 00601 Shasta Irish, 100. /k/kETQ SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. March 7. 1926— : 59— 6— 114. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and up-VvOtlt/ ward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 30; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi .and Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 005C1 DOROTHY POP wb 6 111 12 V 1J 1- l"i F J Baker Mrs E P Denny 1140-100 99370 BIG INDIAN w 9 108 8 3 31 2- 2s 2- J Sylvia ■ K Buchanan 620-100 00573 * ASSENT w 2 99 5 7 7 6- 4J 3" D Neal li Kaplan 400 100 00603 LI VALENTINE ws 4 116 2 1 2 3i 3 41 1 Marnez C Sawyer 230-100 00132-GOLD CRUMP ws 4 113 7 6 6-17- 6* 51 W Renn F Grace 1940-100 00574 -SHADY BKOOK w 4 113 3 5 54 4 5 6» A Prgrass K L Heavilin 300-100 00072 DEEP BLUE wb 3 96 6 4 O 51 7« i« K Jones W S Heath 910-100 005*3 PIGMY wb 3 104 4 S 8 8 8 8 H Jackson T Martin 2060 100 Time. :24»5. :49%. l:02"i. Track muddy. mutuels paid Dorothy Pop, 4.80 straight, .80 place, .40 show; Big Indian. .80 place, .40 show ; Assent, .40 show. Equivalent booking odds- Dorothy Pop. 1140 to 100 straight, 390 to 100 place, 370 to KM show; Big Indian. KM to 100 place, 70 to KM show: Assent. 120 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. m, by Towtou Field- Dixie Jen, by Admonition trained by E. P. Denny: bred by Messrs. Ilaner and Cross. Went to post at 2:00. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: se.-ond and thin! driving. DOROTHY POP showed the most speed, soon took the lead and held the race safe for the remainder of the way. BM INDIAN raced forwardly and finished well. ASSF.NT closed a gap and was on the outside most of the way. LORD VALENTLNK and SHADY BROOK tired. SoiaKhed 00630 Swift Iidy. 9 : 00602 Rosa Atkin, 100; 00573 Coombs, 108. Overweights- Assent, 1 pi u ml . Pigmy. 2. rkAtQaRsTs THIRD RACE— 7-8 Mile. Nov. 16. 1916—1:25—3—115. Pun,© 00. 3-year-olds and up-WOO" ward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 30; third, 0: fourth, 0. Index Hors.-s AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str t 00603 M.KMORECAFUL w 7 110 2 1 F* li 1- I2 1*1 B Jones J C Moore. lMO-100 00603 "PLENTYCOOS w 6 115 1 2 S* 3* 2* 2» 210 J Sylvia E E Watson 200-100 00630*1. AMSTEDT w o 110 5 6 2 2" 3» B 3»k D Neal H E Neal 450 -100 O00OJ MONOPOLY w 5 115 S 4 41 4J 4 43 4»k D Fowler A Warner 3090-100 00631 *HAMP wb 4 108 4 9 8- 8:: 7* 51 5=i H White Mrs G E.lison 1120-100 00513 HECTRS ALLEY W 3 97 3 3 7l 6h 6i 6- P A P*rgr:.ss Strito and Valentine 610-100 J0047I*1IE w 9 105 6 5 9 9 9 7* 7« G Philpot T B Lilybridgo 4360-100 00603*HIDEN MONEY ws 4 108 9 8 6 7" 8* 9 S1 H Jackson T Martin 2370-KD 00574 FALSE ALARM w f» 115 7 7 5 5 ;" " W 9 K M.Hugh L B Rica 1740-100 Time. :2535. :50%, 1:16, 1*M%, Track muddy. 5.2 mutuels paid Bemon-careful, .80 straight. .40 place, .60 show; Plenty.. mis. 0.80 place, .20 show: Unaatoat, .40 show. B«iuivaleiit liooking idds Beniorecareful. 240 to 100 straight, 170 to 100 place. .10 to 100 show; Plenty.oos. 440 to MM place, 00 to KM show; Ijnnstedt, 70 to 100 show. Winner- B. g. hy North Star 111. - Stumpy, by Handsome trained hy W. II. Moore; bred by Mr. Edward R. Bradley. Went to |M st at 2:24. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily ; second and third driving BKMOREt ARKFII. led from the start and easily held PLKNTYCOOS safe. The latter finished gamely, but was easily outpaced. LAMSTKDT tired, but outstaved MONOPOLY. FALSE AI.AKM quit badly. Scrat.h.d 00574 Clenzar. 103. Overw eight He. tors Alley, 2 pounds. liislrkl FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile. Jan. 20. 1924— lj— 5— 90. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and ■ VFvFJPXJF JL upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 30; third, 0; fourth. 0. Indev lli.rvs AWtlISt , *, % Str Fin Jockeys Owners E piiv. Odds Strt 00632r,*CAI.VHS w 5 107 4 1 l1 I* F F li R Jones J Kern 390-1O0 00576"BOONE ILLE wslt 9 P2 1 2 a- 53 45 4« 2- B Creese L T Whit-hill 2.«-loi 00602 "CONG It KSS HALL w 4 107 3 3 01 :: 9* 9J ?.* J Smith W J Murphy 1940-100 00577 -*lETEIl PRSONwsB • 99] 6 5 9" 2- 9*1*1 4« G Philpot P A Cornwall BB-198 00577*HAKHV MAXIM wb 7 110 I 6 6l 6* 6" 5« 510 VV Hbuin A F Dayton 1120-100 00214*00111 BOY .vb 4 107 7 7 7 7 7 7 9* J Crgmilc K onlan 610-100 00633-*DARE w B 7 107 C 4 I* 4» 5" 6J 7 11 Whit- W.r.d.-l .t Me.],,,- 910-100 Time. :25"5. :50. I:9J*%, l:433b. Track muddy. mutuels paM Cadmus. $:i.80 straight, .20 place, .20 uhow ; Booneville, .W pace, $.3.20 show : ongress Hall. .80 show. Equivalent liooking Klds- Cadmus. 999 to KM straight. 110 to 100 place, M to 100 show; Booneville, 80 to KM plaee, 60 to KM show; ongress Hall. 240 to 100 show. Winner- It. g, by Yoorhees l.eggogal, by Dr. Leggo trained by J. Eern: bnd by Mr. Adolph B. Spre.kelsl. Went to post at 2:45. At pae* 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. CADMIS took the lead at the start and was never headed. BOONKV ll.l.F. .losed a big gap and finished gamely. CONMtKSS HALL ra.ed well all the way. BETKK IIKKSON wus ■ark used in trying to overtake tfce winner and tired in the stretch. DARE quit. HARItY MAXIM was far ha.k all the way. Scratched 4Mm;33 Lady I.ongridge. 110; 00522 Dan Hogan, 107: 00300 Mannikin II , 115. Overwcighl Congress Hall. 1 pound. AsftftRsS*? FIFTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. March 7. 1926— 59— «— 114. Purse 60. 3-year-olds and up-Vl/UUA ward. Clainanjr. Net value to winner 90; second, 40; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt i Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odd- Strt 005H0?»BAGGAGE KING w 3 96 6 2 9* Ill* 1» J Sylvia CSawvn f300-100 .005H01HK OA9T wsb 6 112 S 7 4J ?,» 3h 9*4*9 B nn A W Beam 450-100 »8K94 BATHILDE SKTI1 w3 M 11 1J 21 2i 3 B Jones J Bernard 930-100 OOlid" MS B. BKOWNwa T B 2 3 91 6J 51 4- H White u Marmet 150-100 00590 -ltoTARI A.N mSlM 7 4 3h 4-1 4J 5= G Philpot Q TTTiaaill 610 100 999*9 *QUBKN BESS w I 10s 4 6 5s 5s 6" 6» J CrgmiW K Barnett :|060-100 1 00004 • : BGK STARRwb 11 98 3 5 S 7» 7« 7* 1 Neal C S;,wv.r f 003r.7-*llBlol.S BILL w 6 106 5 8 7 8 8 8 H Elston Co.ikly and K.ll.y 1320-1W ICoupled as . Sa»cr entrv. Time. :23V :48V 1:01V Track muddy. •*2 mutuels paid C Sawyer cnli . -S.Ki straight, BL99 place. H slow; The tiaff .20 place. 21 show; Bathide Seth. 20 show. Equ.Kil.nt biH.king o bls C. Sawjer entry, .100 to KM straight. 60 to KM place, 99 to KM show; The Caff, IK to KMI plaee, 110 to 100 show Balhilde Selh. MMI to KMI show Winner Ch. . by Blind Baggage King Belle, by King Olympian trained kl C B. Irwin bred b« Mr. C. B. lrwinl. Wi-nt to |xsl at 3:00. At p ist 1 minute Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving BA ~4*A«~fl Kl.M; caught and passed r.ATHILDE SKTII after going a quarter ami drew away into a long lead in the stretch. THE t.AFF rao-d well and finished resolutely BATHI1.DK SKIll set Us early pae*j kal Uaal in the tr.■tch. .1 amks r.. brown was i.a i! aa*raa for th, first hair but finished fast. ROTARIAN in .1 FlltDM S r.11.1. rtnMH »t IBti start and :i-ain when turnkr.: Ml of Hm back stretch. Overweights ;.-orgc Starr. 1 pound: Furious Rill. 1. |~|Aftii* SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 19. 1925— l:10«s— 4— 120. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and WOOO upTird. Claiming Net value to winner 90; second. 40; third. 0. Index Horses AWtlPSt U . Str Fin IsxtSjni Owners Kqiiiv. Odds Strt ©0636»CI.KRMONT .IK w " 105 1 6 V P 1J 1* II Jones W C WkMktal 290-100 10402 lKKss n.MlKF.LLw 3 !i7 :; 1 1" 1" P 2 D .Neal P Wilkerson W. M O0609 nUKND JOK w :i 107 2 4 4* 41 41 3» J Sylvia G P McNeil 420- 0 t9214»SC.N.Y MAID w 3 97 4 5 6 5 31 4» T Hexham Mrs R C Sebiirn M0-100 OOlgSCYTHKRBA w I M ti 3 :: « 5 J .V J Smith Mira Mte Stk Km St.i S00-10O ©04753 •CHRISTINA w 3 102 B 2 P 32 6 fi I Philpot p Heigel 20e-100 Time. :23*5. :48%, 1:15. Track muddy. mntu.lv |i;iid Clermont Jr.. .80 straight, .80 plan-, iO show; Princess Darn-ll, .60 place, 80 Bhow; Friend Joe. .00 show. Equivalent Ix.oking odds Clermont Jr.. 290 to 100 straight. 90 to 110 plate, 30 to 100 show; Princess Dan-ell. 180 to 100 i la -. 4i to 100 show: Friend Joe. 30 to 100 show. Winner — th. c, by Clermont Helen Ford. I, tesarion trained by P. .Anderson: bred by Mr. I*. A. Klipstein. Went to post at 3:20. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. OUntMOXT .IK. came fast when approaching the streteh and. getting through on the inside, look the lead and won going away. PRINCESS DABUU set a good pace and raced CHRISTINA into defe:tt. but was tiring at the end. FRIKND JOB out gamed BURNT MAID for third place. CI THKKKA tired CJIK1STINA quit badly in the streteh. tlvei weight Prineess Darrell. 2 pounds. Cyth.rea, 1. fififift 4 SEVENTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 19. 1924— l:04«i— 4— 106. Purse 00. 3-year-VvUUI olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 90: second, 40; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt IJj U Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 00435 MA.NZANA vb 4 HI I 1 2- P Pi 1« C Ksinger J C MoGill 190-100 00434= CROSS BOW «B SIM 1 4 3" 3i 3 2« W llcnn A A Haroni 470-101 0043.". STAR DUST w 3 J! I 2 l« 1J 2i 3= 1 Neal A N Freeman 200-100 00435 INClTOIt villi 2 I 8* 41 4» 4" . l efor.l MarsiKn and ArgaU 91C-1IK. »C81«-HROVN SKIN WB I 96 4 .. 6 6 5* 54 A Prgrass G P Sherman 1440-100 00527 SAUCY MISS vn 4 109 | | fa -5- C • A Vessel i R W Carman 550-100 Time. 24. :48=.,. 1:0125. 1:07V Track muddy. mutuels paid Manzana. .80 straight, .00 pla.-e. .00 show; Cross Row, . CO place, .00 show: Star Dust, .40 show. Equivalent hooking odds Man/ana. 190 to 100 straight. SO to 100 place, 30 1o 100 show; Cross Row, 130 to KHI plaee, M to 10O show: Star Oust. 20 to 100 show. Winner Ch. g, by Rroomsi k Mai:/.anita. by Meddler it lain. .1 by H. Pnna; bred bj Mr. Harry Payne hitney i. Went to post at 3 50 At iKist 2 minutes. Start good and slow for all bnt. SAI.CY MISS. Won driving: second and third the same. MAN/ANA, showing improvement in the going, passed STAR DOST and earn, gamely through the stretch to outfinish CROSS BOW. The latter finished with a great rush and would have won in another stride. STAR DIST set a good paee, but tired in the stretch. SAICY MISS was squeezed back at the start, then ran into fourth place, bill ran wide on the turns and tired. Scratched 00435Mron Mask II.. 104. tlvcrweighl I.row n Skill. 4 pounds. AAOO pr EIGHTH RACE — 5-8 Mile. March 7. 1926—59—6—114. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and "UODt upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 30: third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtlPSt % i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bnuiv. Odds Strt 00575 MKIMM.G SKTII wb 5 109 I 2 1J 1= 1J Is W Renn Suhr A Reattio 310-100 ■BUS CKDRIC M • 109 f 6 «3 «s BJ 2i AY Molteis YY M Ititt.r ftOO-100 0000H l.ITTI.K I.KSS wsit 7 109 7 5 3» P 2l 3- 1 Neal K K Field 300-100 00004 MAI.ACIIA w 4 107 C 7 7° 75 7» 4i V, Htam. r YV YYalker .1360-100 00002 IDOCI "R TUBBB wb 7 109 4 1 4" 4l p 5 H White Miss H Yern.m 4140-100 00123 , Mi: RCRY w 4 109 I 4 §» t Ji H Klston Drumheller 310-100 0036U T1HHY A. wb S 109 2 I 2l B . 4h 7» J Roberts H BOCbatt 820-KH IBMTQDICK TBRPIN w I 112 IS • 8 8 8 F J Raker Allen Bros 810-100 Time. 241;,. :49V 1:02«5. Track muddy. mutiiels paid Meddling S.-th. .20 straight. 00 place. .00 show; Cedric, .00 place, SO show; Little Iess. .40 show. Kqnivalenl looking odds Meddling Seth. 310 to 100 straight, 100 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show ; tedrie. ISO to 1H pla.e. !I0 to IdO show: Little Less. 70 to KHI show. Winner- Ch. g, by Seth Meddling Hannah, by Rede.k Drained by B. Suhr; bred by Mr. Renjamin A. Jones*. Went to jwist at 4:18. At | ost 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: se.-ond and third driving. MBDDUKti SKTII set a good pa.e all the way and won going away. CEDRIC closed a considerable gap and finished fast. LITTLE LESS raced gamely, but was tiring slightly at the finish. MALAC1IA made w,i some ground. MR. Rl BY was never dangerous. TUBBY A. tired badly. Scratched 00004-Judith Fairview, 107; 00007 Runleigh. 10! : 00515 Singapore, 109. FETES LEE. br. g. 5 109 By Peter Quince— Mary L« Bus. Vy St. SsyIh. Trainer. X. Reiser. Owner. A. Gassenheimer. Breeder. A. L. Ferguson. »0625 Hungton 5-8 1 OIHslnw IS 108 6 V 5« H Zander 7 Uncle Abe. Futen. Satan* 00341 Mobile lm70y 2:01 hvy 6 106 6 6 6» « H Garner « C.en.Cadorna, Padlock, Richelieu 00301 Mobile 1 1-16 2:08/4hvy 51 114 2 3 M 25 « Mangan I MasterBlue, Drumnd. FortyTwo 00270 Mobile Ab 3-1 l:2i" livy 3 116 1 2 34 314 G Mangan 5 Horinga, -TomMieks, The Fenian 00209 Mobile 1 1-1S 2:03V£hvy 14 108 7 2 3»l 3«i G Mangan 7 KortyTwo, HicheliiMi, RichardY. 00155 Mobilo Ab 5-8 l:03Sivy 5 115 7 fi 6S1 oJ H Garner 8 llelenMajor, Horinga, BlueBrush 0074*2 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:52sIow 17-6 103 3 4 8»l 8« W Garner 12 Thenol. Emancipation. Knnionin ■MM Jefferson Ci f 1:07 fast 45 106 7 7 5» 6" H Thomasll Sylvanis. Stay On, tlydella 82044 K worth 1 1-16 1:48% fast 4 103 4 5 4*1 4» G Mangan 8 Cote dOr. Dr. Mayer. Dust proof BLUE WRACK, b. g. 9 109 By Wrack— Ocean Blue, by Star Shoot. Trainer. A. T. Cia;*:n. Owner. Mrs. A. T. Cragin. Breeder, J. E. Madden. O0550 Hungton f.-S l:fl3Vfcgood 40 109 Left at post. J Moran 7 My Kiddy, Little lfcwnper. Fame 06113 Akron 3-4 1 :23Vsh.vy 10 108 Wheeled. J Dolin » Hughie. Ruiiehief, Double Van 05830 Akron BfM fast 66 108 Wheeled. H White 10 Salvage, RingLad. CryslVennie MMI Wh ling H] f 1:25 fast 76 111 7 5 5* 61 C PishmonlO Needy. Serbian. Fictile 04849 Whling Ab 5 S 67%fast 20 110 1 7 5» 5"" J Dolin 10 Moon Winks. Zoona. Mahony GLAD NEWS, ch. m. 7 107 By Atkins — Duchess Philippe, by Sam Phillips. Trailer. M. Sar.ders. Owner, M. Sanders. Breeder. J. R. Locke.. 00335 MaMta Ab 5-S 1:06 hvy 62 111 7 7 63 67 L Neal 7 Futen, llelenMajor, NthernStar MMI HadePk. ll:40%fast 91 101 1 7 7« 7» W Charles 7 PearlBts. BelleFay, TboraasPii ! 3024 Tli. Down 1 1:45 slow 24 107 9 7 j 7" 7"- J Judy 10 May Prosper, Thor, Spinning 02870 TkuDovra 1 1-S 1:55 fast 81 104 9 9 JlJlll R Bloys 12 Dnstproof. ColdLeaf, Tomahoi 02 582 Th Down 5-8 1.01 fast 89 104 12 12 M**M*I It Bloys 12 BrBrown. M.Maxim. W.Garden HINDOOSTAN. ch. p. 10 109 By Rey Hindoo — Graciona Dame, by Bannockbura. Trainer, E. Stillman. Owner, J. W. Wachtler. Breeder. R. 3. Mackenzie. OO5C0 Hugton lm20y l:46*sgood 6 112 1 5 7-5 7:» I- Saucier 7 Dustproof, Meiiiei. Chestnut «irl 0C181 :n.-!ha lm7i*y 1:51 hvy 19 109 11 9 9" 9° E Xeal 12 White Haven. Napan, Alamour 05888 ■ imaha lm7oy 1.62 hvy 6 112 6 6 MIT** H Paden 0 Walterll.Pearce. Bronston, Clip 05834 Omaha 1 l:433sgood 7 113 6 4 4« 47 H Paden 8 NewRival, WiseGuy, P.lueBrush 0564 4 On-.aha 3-4 l:lShvv 18 113 7 5 M| M* T Thrkill 7 Missl/hton, Ira.vson. ArcticKg 05584 Omaha lm70y 1 :."1 slop 8 112 4 4 6i 6» T Thrlkill 7 MarnNorth, TisSeth, BlueBrush _ 05421 Omaha 5-S 1:05 hvy 6 112 3 7 7* 7" H Paden 8 OrtOtU, Voorflor. FoxsChoice 04708 Colwood 3-4 Hlikfast 6 112 610 W Tribner 6 B.Rndolph, Frnkl.L.. R.Bdley A SEA MIME, br m. 9 107 By Seahorse II.— Mimesis, by Ogden. i Trainer. M. Jordan. Owner. M. Jordan. Breeder. J. T. Gwathmey. 00571 llunftnn 5 -8 1 :C3%good 11 111 3 4 4T 47 J Connors 7 Dr.F.T.Ams. H.ofTroy. TmbVa 00505 Hungton 5-S IrMfsfjlMf 15 109 8 S S" S2 J Connors I Air Mail. Melvina. Pueblo C 73469 Trim Ml 1 1:47 slop 12-5 113 34 M Mntain 6 Wireless, TactlsII., CanyLady 73392 Wh.eling 1 1:49 hvy 11-10 113 31 O Atwell 6 Dalrose. Wireless, Dewitt 0 73366 Whim- lm70yl:54 slow 3 113 l2 O Atwell 6 LaKross. Miss IJankin. Dalrose 0 € CPEARLENE. b. a» 11 109 By Spearmint— Mare by Cylleae— Thimble. a Trainer. T. Beyer. Owner. E. Smith. Bled in England by H. De Waldei o O0567 Hungton 5 f l:09good 14 113 0 7 717 I Dolin 7 Melvina, Wild Deuce. Air Mail 9 08068 Jef fi rson 1 1-16 1 :54?5hvy 93 106 4 10 WW* L Bazier 10 St. Donard. Invictus. Settee J 07837 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:53Vsslow 25f 112 9 10 10 »10-« C Hooper 12 Article X.. Marble. Yibra ,J 0766 ". Jefferson 3-4 1:17 hvy 358 110 9 9 9" 9:T W Imig 1*1 Spats. St. Charles. Settee 80273 o.naha ll:42slow 23 112 6»J II Clemts 7 StarCioudy, BillHead. Doub.Van * 80240 Omaha 1 1-16 1:55 mud 71 112 47i D Frogtte 7 John Arbor. Docod. Bill Head COL. MARCHM0NT. b. g. 18 109 By Marchmont II.— Nina F.. by Ben Strome. J Trainer. E. Rogers. Owner. Johnson and Rogers. Breeder J. W. Fuller. " MMIOM l-70 1:4S*ssl 5 108 1 5 4« 5» A P"rgrass 7 MnightSts lOS.Anamary lOO.Simple 103 ■ L5889 Orna 1-70 1:51 hy 17 112 6 6 6» 5"i H Paden 7 Cong. Hall 103. Ken. Smiles 10J. PI. Steel 112 8 95307 Om.t 1-70 1:47 si 22 107 3 C 6:J 5» II Paden 6 LittleCIair 106.NebkaLad 102.Spirea 108 ! 05080 Om.i 1 l:42ft 20 114 7 4 o7 5«J P Parker 7 Walter Dant 114. Jay Mac 100. ;ienn 114 ■ 03500 S.L 1116 1:53%ft H-5 114 1| P Kelley 0 T.Saunders 114, Monopoly 114.S.reurII.115 ■ PIERRE RHTTE, ch. g. 7 M 109 By Glenvarloch— Stay Away, by Disturbance. j Trainer. J. J. Kenny. Owner. J. J. Kenny. Breeder. J. J. Kenny. ■ 00624 Hungton 5-8 1:05 slow 31 108 2 7 7«J 75i F Kehrt 7 RapidStride. Lit.Romr, BlkArt 00550 Hunglon 5-S l:03V»good 41 110 4 5 ti5 0«i J Berry 7 My Biddy, Little Romper, Fame l 81332 Kcmpton 5-8 1 :05 t.s1ow 50 115 6l» P Madeira 8 Festivity. Mher sDay. KvgStar 81053 Kempton 5-8 105%fast 40 115 6» I, Jenkins 8 Sandab. Bud Fisher, CarrutlierB Jj 79671 Kempton M 1:08 fast 14 MS Pulled up. K McAley G Skywards, JoeGatti, Fan. White J

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926041001/drf1926041001_8_2
Local Identifier: drf1926041001_8_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800