untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-10


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I Monthly Form Book I I FOR MARCH | Now on-Sale | I THE I MONTHLY FORM BOOK | |p is issued during the first week of each month, with complete p |P charts of the previous months racmg in North America. Each g| issue now carries an index showing each and every start of p 0 all horses in training, with firsts, seconds, thirds and track p gp conditions designated. By means of this arrangement it is || |I possible for the user of the MONTHLY FORM BOOK to in- m gp stantly determine a horses ability to run on any sort of track g|| gj| concerning which information is desired, as shown in the fol- ||| |p lowing examples: jp CANTER, ch. c. 2. by Wildair— Virginia L.. by McGee ... J. E. Griffith P iSS7;:,i .S8M9 rsxy:, fltfif* Usoan mt4£ loir.oo fM89a ; i919CT fSSSBBsa 92202 S93S17- 9,327 l9iJ06- J 195417 »96S3sU %and 0%5i n97099h "97J79 p BEST PAL, br. h. 8. by Helmet— Padula, by Lareno. . . . «S. N. Holman X |p 187426 187667 J87723- J87799* "87918* 18S094 S8320a jj|j *BTJETTISTE. b. g, 18. by Ethelbert— Dulcibella. by Tit- §|| honus J. E. Widener S..X Z%£ ■%and a£91U "90170 «9037U "9USX* «9J60.T «9693J»h g|g KING WORTH, br. g. 14, by Kenil worth— Mitten, by gfp King Eric C. O. Beed ® gags 87263 S87555 "S7S13 S8048-S e88196=s 883Sl J«S8451lsy J8S49S P h8S567m r8870S "88S35 191495 »-91733 19212S 93879- J93S955 P MAD PLAY, ch. c. 4. by Fair Play— Madcap, by Bock s||l %gi Sand Bancocas Stable X %% 0 P8920S* PS932i» ■ 89507 PS9672 r90172* 1905,3s "90797 iV109!~- 4Z2Z P 9/;im T9260G2 "92837-a 9382, *9i328 p P PRINCESS D0REEN. b. f, 4, by Spanish Prince II.— %% |gp Lady Doreen. by Ogden Audley Stock Farm Stable p jggg Ls87J[« "88951 rS9//is P89488- 89678* P8998S* P90502* J90721 P 1911051 "91194- r913l3 P9t6i7 l91982 P926S7l -9.T02y»s 9.1,, p » 93821,* i9iC5b P9i921 i 95231 r97/00sy "97329 »97i« ■87488 % g|P SARAZEN. ch. g. 4. by High Time— Rush Box. by Box. . Fair Stable X ||ff ggg J 888117 r891li,s ■•MM 9/22/ 9.i5l "92837s 195003 Jf.O* %% ZZZ 19732S »97kG8 %%% %?£. SAN0LA. b. f. 4. by Sain — Anola, by Sempronius J. Hedderman X Jgp egg S9570» 1S9761- 188881 k88S8B J912*_7 95404 J95072» 97763 p 97921- J979tiS 198055m p p WESTW00D. br. h, 8. by Honeywood— Roselawn, by Or- P gggg sini C. Houbre : g "86939 JS7039 •87177- ii87429 ■87546 187670 487889 ISS097- fSSlSO "8S276 »-8852-2 i8858S- rt 88682 i8S769- iV 809 "S9323 Vzjk P P89508 91309 i92669h P92S43 r93015 93553 j Index numbers in parentheses indicate winning races, |p seconds and thirds are designated by superior figures and the |p ip conditions of the track is shown by the designations follow- ||| |p ing the index numbers as follows: "s" for slow, "sy" for sloppy, "m" for muddy and "h" for heavy. When not other- |i| wise designated, fast or good track conditions prevail. S ||| W, indicates that the horse has run in steeplechase and hurdle §p |p races. *Fair mud runner. xGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. "Imported. Disqualified. ||j Index figures in italic face type "W" indicate stake [ff race- W Before each race number in the index below an alphabet- H |p ical sign is prefixed, which shows the distance at which the ||| J race so numbered has been run. They key to these distances ||| is given below: g|f ||| 1.4 and 5-8 Mile A 1 Mile h |p p S 1-2 Furlongs B From 1 Mile SO Yards to 1 Mile ?J» 1-2 MHe "D 100 Tarda o P 4 1-2 Furlongs F 1 1-11 Miles p |P 5-8 3Ille O 1 1-8 Miles q 5 1-2 Furlongs H 1 2-16, 1 1-4 and 1 fi-10 Miles B |P 3-4 Mile J 1 1-2 and 1 2-8 Miles 8 p HP 6 1-2 Furlongs K 1 *-8 and 1 2-4 Miles T %0 7-8 Mile L 2 to 2 Miles ij Jj ; 1-2 Furlongs M 2 to 4 Miles y |j 0i In addition to the complete charts of all races run on jp Ip North American tracks during the month, comprehensively 0 Jp and correctly indexed, the MARCH book contains the 0 |j§ following pi I NEW FEATURES: I 0 Calendar Table of April Racing Dates |j p Complete Index to Stakes Run Since January 1, 1926 p 0 Thirty Leading Owners Since January 1, 1926 jj P Thirty Leading Horses Since January 1, 1926 l| 0 Track Records for All Distances m 0 Stake Dates for April Alphabetically Arranged p 1 Price, Per Copy, .50 I Hf If by mail, 10 cents additional. |p 0 Single copies by mail must be sent as registered mail, jf§ 0 with an extra charge of TEN CENTS for registration. The M B publishers are in no wise responsible for books sent by mail J ip without registration. |p I DAILY RACING FORM PfJBLISiilQ CO. I 1 441 Plymouth Court Chicago, III. m 0 157-159 East Thirty-second Street - - New York, N. Y. m H 320 East Third Street Cincinnati, Ohio 0 0 50 Richmond Street, East - - - Toronto, Ont. J m 305-307 Decatur Street New Orleans, La. H 0 2014 Miami Court, N. W. - - • - Miami, Fla. |

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926041001/drf1926041001_13_3
Local Identifier: drf1926041001_13_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800