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GAIUT RACING FORM £#f CHARTS -Jandfggl BOWIE Copyright. 1926. by Daily Racing Form Publishing Co.1 BOWIE. MD.. FRIDAY. APRIL 9. 1926. -Praam Geercea Park il Milol. Eigh»h day. Sontliorn Mary land Agricultuial and Fair Association. Spring meeting of 11 days. Weather clear. Steward Representing Maryl;ind Staff Racine Commission, Oeorge lirown. Jr. Judge at I-arce. Carlos M. il OMMttfl. Inspector General. V. Bradley Carr. Stewards. 1. .1. Miles. Baker Waters and ieorge Brown. Jr. Judges. John I. Turner. J. H. Anderson. Joseph MeLennan and John 1!. Campl ell. Starter. James Milton. Racing Secretary. Joseph McLennan. Lacing starts at 2:30 p. in. iChicago time. 1 :30 ;.. m. I W indicates whip. S spurs, B blinkers. Fig-ares in paretitneses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. •Indicates apprentice allowance. ff£** f7 FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. April 5. 1924— :474s— 2— 109. Purse ,200. 2-year-olds. Maid-VF"Ot_ 4 ens. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt ; Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 00477 FLORIAN w lis !» 4 ?, Lnk || i. Mi Atee H 1* Whitney 150-100 0040:: COLON PENNANTw US 7 S 4- 4- 2 t J McTagt H P Whitney t 98904 Mi DONOFGH W US S 2 PI V V D Krogtte P Butter 3485-100 O040S -MASTER WILLIAM w IIS ;; 9 t*| 5* 4 P Smith A J Ga b-k 395-100 S9194 BOBBY JONES w US 5 1 |i 1 53 C Robson Capital Stable 7685-100 S914S RLFE DIAMOND w lis | 6 61 6- 6* R Carter It Hyaras MC-MI 00403 YORTEX w IIS 4 T 7l 1*1 71 W Harvey R W Carter +1240-100 ltKST HOIl! w US 1 3 0 SI a* A AVardy R W Carter t 99897 FOUNDATION m lis I 8 SU 9 9 W Smith Breckenridge Eong S4SI-100 tOoupled as II. P. Whitney entry; JR. W. Carter entry. Time. £•%, :50s. Track slow. mntoeK p:1id H. P. Whitnev entry. .00 straight, .00 place. .40 show: McDoiiough. $"..10 show. i:«iuivalent honking odds-H. P. Whitney entry. 50 to 100 straight. 4.". to 100 pacc. 20 to 100 show; Mi Itotuiuch. 155 to ICO stiow. Winner- B g. Iiy His Done Florence, hy Macdonahl II trained by F. Hopkins; bred by Mr. Harry Payne Whitney I. Went to |»ost at 2:.".l. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. KI.ORIAN. dose up from the start, came fast through the stretch and. passing BOBBY JONES, finished fast. OOLDEN PKNNANT was outrun for the first three-eighths, hut finished fastest of all. MeDOXOCGH was much used forcing the early pace and tired near the end. MASTER WILLIAM was in close quarters after the start and forced to lie taken up, then ran a good race. BOBBY JONES showed the most early s|iced, hut tired in the stretch. Scratched Frank Andrews. 118. 4f-/"»Q2 SECOND RACE— 7-8 Mile. Nov. 23. 1925— 1:2615— 3— 104. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds. vUDOO Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % g % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt i0552 7.KOD W ll." 6 4 2» ■■- 3 1- 1" I Tamaro M J Cremert 1255-100 •Nil "SKXATK wb 11". if V 2- 2» 2 O Balls 9 M Kelley 750-190 00441 DUBRIC wb 115 3 :: 6 6 f. 4i 1*1 R Beach J P Richardson :"..",-in0 00441 DIGNIFY wb 110 1 | 1*1 2*1 1* S*| «• P Smith S Rosa 11 Ml W75I5 BARNEY WELLS w W 5 C 5- 4"k 4h f.s 5« D Progtte J K Real 20,0-100 00552 -FRKRS AHEAD «n 115 I 1 41 5- 6 ti H Shillick W J Kennelly 590-100 Time. :24*5. :4935. l:172i. 1:31«5. Track slow. mut lies paid Zeod. 7.10 straight. 3.10 place. .80 show: Senate. place. $:!.40 show ; Dllliric. .30 show. • Equivalent hooking odds Zeod. 1233 to 100 straight. BS3 to 100 place. 140 to 100 show: Senate. ::S0 to MS peace, 70 to HHI show: Rubric. 15 to 100 show. Winner— h. g. kg /.em — Marie Odile, by Star Shoot trained by M. J. Cremcii: bred by Mr. Gifford A Cochran I. Went to post at 2:50. At post 1 minute. Start good ami slow. Won driving: second and third the same. ZEOD raced lose up under restraint to the stretch, then moved up fast when called on and passed SENATE into th" lead, but tired badly in the final ■treaty yards. SENATE raced into a long lead and. after being passed, came agaiu at the end. DlKRIC was allowed to drop far back and was ridden wide t hroughoiit . but finished fa-t and would have won with I better ride. DIGNIFY raced well The others had no mishaps. !"-/■£? OQ THIRD RACE— € 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 17. 1924— 1 : 19— 6—109. Purse ,200. 3-year-clds UUOOll and upward. Claiming. Not value to winner 50; second, 00: third. 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt i "5 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str t O0404 FRENCH LADY w I Ml .". 7 7- V Ill" W Mun.len .1 McCann US-MI 005531OOR SPORT wb 6 112; ! « 4 t* 23 2| A lia*— ** Flamingo Farm Stable R M 110557CAMOFKLAGR wb M 102 4 1 PI pa | 35 y stott W Constantino lsO-100 07457 RODANZKT w I 107 i S I 0- H fi*. 4" W Smith C L Magruder :.",5-lo0 MMI FOLK STAR wb 4 10S ". 9 I |ak7 |S ■ Read: J F Richardson 4".40-Hr» MMS UTAH wb T MB r, 3 1*1 : 51 ti-»k .1 .Josiah J Manley 174SO-100 9«4i2*T. CLKMNDF.R w 7 MS 7 S S 9 I 7J B Thpson Evergreen Stable 9745-100 0044S iMACQlKS wn S 11:; 1 4 5 7 Si 81 J Tamaro W S Murray Hi Mil ! MMl*OBLJQCE wb 3 K 2 I 1- 2- .".- I o Brown C Pierce NK-M* Time. :24*5. 50!5. l:tT%, 1:23!5. Track tlow. S2 mutuels pa D Freneh Lady. 11. :!0 straight. 2.70 place. $."... V» show: Poor Sport. $"..00 place. $:;..• • show: Camouflage. $:;.K» show. Equivalent Ixmking odds French Lady. 1.163 to KKt straight. 333 to 1 K place, 17.7 to 100 show ; Poor Sport. 24.". N KM1 place. M to 10 show: amotiflage. TAI to 10 » akaw. Winner B. f. Iiy Wrack Mademoiselle Maime. by iolden Maxim trained by J. McCann: bred by Mr JoM-ph E .riffithi. Went to iKtst at :!:.!0. At i ost 4 minutes. Start good and slow for all but POLE STAR. Won driving: second and third the same. FRENCH LADY was outrun to the stretch, but improved her position best through the lavt quarter :iinl not up to win in the final stride. BOOR SPORT made up ground fast after entering the stretch and finished gamely CAMOUFLAGE passed OBI.HilE b-fore rounding the ;-tretch turn mid tired badly in Ihe final drie. BOBANZKY closed up some ground. POLE STAR dwelt at the start ami was as good as left. tTAH and lltl.It.U E Ixqh quit. JACUlES raced i oorly and in the deep-st goiilK. tiverweights Ioor Sjiort. 2.. jiounds: Iiodanzky. t_. : Pole Star. 1: Itah. 2: The Clockmender. 3. fififiifi FOURTH RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 17. 1924—1:19—6—109. Blossom Seeley Purse. WOtc" Pirse .20. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00. third. 00. fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % M- Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 00582 "■•BFTTF.RCl F wit 9 M I 6 6* MIS 1» O Brown A S hiro r.O-100 — lltHOBHON wr t 110 7 1 ?i lakja la I Frotte W C Trover ::0|-1 M 975S1 COONCAN wsk 7 Ml ". 2 4- 4- 4i :; W Smith C Turner 1010-100 99741 »i AYE WOMAN w S lie; S 3 I] F li 4i F IFstings T Sullivan 510-100 J»053l LIEFTT FA RM.Lw B 5 IF, 1 4 2 :; ak KJ J McTaUXI Mrs A Davis :tS5-100 O0552 SWEPT w 11 1 M 4 I 5" rt5 i i ~J W Mumlen A .1 Cadek lii:;5-10o MM? MURIEL S w :: 9:: 2 1 7 7 7 7 1, Kdwrds B K Brvson «7S0-!W ! Time. :24. :49. 1:16.. 1:22«5. Track slow. S2 miitiieN pa i,l Butler.iip. .01 straight. $.!10 pl::ee. ..40 show: HoIimiu. $::.kl pla.e. . .Ml -how: iMincati. .."i t aaww. Equivalent b.oking odd~ Butter up. 150 to 100 straight. 53 to 100 place. M to 100 show: H.,b-on. 8" to UMI plaeo. 45 |« UNI li,nv: Coon. -an. 125 to UNI slow. Winner - ■ B. r. b l!itterg«dd Butterflies II.. by King .lame- trained by A. P.. Maguire; bred by Mr Walter J. Sainoin. Went to po-t at too Al |x -t 1 ininute. Start good ami slow. Won driving: second and third tie- ana?. Bt "TTER* 1 1* «a- oulpiced in the early running, but steadily improved her position en the cjilside and. fini-liin with a rush, yot up to win in 1 lie last stride. IIOIiSON was a forward contender through ,iit ami KafMaafci gamely to hard riding, but began tiring right at the end. COONCAN raced proinilieiitlv from Ihe start and look the lead at the sixteenth B— t, then tired. CAYE WOMAN was i-usheil into the lad and set a good pa. e. Inn quit badly. LIE! TEN A NT PARRELL m in the deep gong and tired. s.rati lied nm;u; Gem. CMmm, US. Ovcrueight- 0011. an. 1 iK:iind. tave Woman. fa Swept. 1. f£C* I "I FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Nov. 25. 1915—1:48—4—116/ National Vaudeville Artists VrvrO-!-!- Handicap Purse ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,000: second, 00: thud. 50: fourth. 0. Indev Horses AWtPPSt » .. s, Sti Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt j »»40ii forecaster wb 1 li" 5 r i° l5 1* 13 w Hanrejr T w OBrteai .100-1001 1 MMS UIOLDN BII/WSwb 0 Ml .. * ::nk " 2 2- 2- J Tamaro F A Tansor JM 1MI : Mill l»R OMARA W $ Ml I 4 l»l «V 5- 5- ::■ V Wmttia J Farrell Jr , 970-110 I j n05:;: prCK hamlet wb ."• 110 2 i ; 4 4 :: 4- w Smith h i Bed well 1 ::.-,-i w, O0555 I1:YSFN wb I 110 4 l L- P V 41 V C Ralls F M Kelley 232S-H* Mill PAXDO8T0 w I MB 1 I 5. I ». I C, W Mumbn A W Koivuht 710-101 1 ; Time. :24 :49s-,. 1:15«5. 1:44. 1:51. Track slow. j SJ mutuels p.ii.l SI. 00 straight. I2.M pla.e. S2..".o -how: Galiea Billow-. .S.I.IO [dace, S2 40 itanr; Dr. OMatra, shear. Equivalent boekiag eMa ■Weraeter, Uio t- 100 straight. 45 to 100 place. 15 t„ urn show: GeUea ■ BlUeam, B5 to Uhi place, M la i"o show: lir. tr.Mara. 105 to Uni saaar. Winn-r Pa .. b. flaileaa Bisaaaale, ajr Matta Santa trained by .1. o. Bartteeaell; bred i.y Mr. I ! T W. II linen. Went to po-i :il 4 J.i At po-t 1 niiniite. Start good and dew. Won easily: se, ond and third! j iriving lollEi ASTi:it rai ed into a long lead while rounding tin- lir-t turn and. holding it under re j atialaC, won la « raaler. «. til HEN BILLOWS ran well .mil leiaoaatel ganwl.v arkea .ailed on. nit i OMARa aaaa rare* w.ll and Lni-hed gamely. PRINCE HAMI.ET quit. FEYS1N had no aUaaaaa. Sciat.lMMl 005S5 I ll.lg. -lie!. IK; I I fKfkf* |0 SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Riles. Nov. 25. 1915— 1 48— 4— 116. | Purse ,200. 3-year-olds1 WO"4l and ur.ward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 00; fourth. 0. laaal aaaiaaa AWtlI-st 4 ■_■ •I4 Str Fin Jock.-ys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt • MMSTRIBVKE wm I M I I 1- 1- l« 11 t| w Maaaaaa 3 J Carcaraa UTS-Ra ! Mill »FORNOVO w-B I i"-l ■"■ " 1*1 4 V 2 2 stott W J Eraaaer 7i-pi 00387*SANDl,M.i: w 1 M ■• 5 f, . ». 4- M I. Edwni- O !.•••• 9SS MI , 00478 P.tIS P.I ill AN Nw-B i 107 4 ti 51 5 M :.i 4 B Thp.son C Tint HI IK «»719l OONDOLIEB w 7 lot 1 1 :■ M 5" 5 j ;,« i Frogtte C N PHetfel lla-Ma 011552 JIMMY BROWN era a M I 4 M 21 41 6 I o Btraara J ■ Real M7hBM»l Time -2b-i. :51*». I:1S%. tS%, I:aS%. Track flow. $:: nuitiiels pataV TrMaaae, ?-_5.."4i straight. $»i.7o aaace, fj ,SS aaaw; Varaara, .00 plan-. .::ti show, $: 4:i -how. Baaiaaleal aaaalag aaaa Trlaaai . 1175 H MM straight. 233 t.. umi plan-, mi 1,, uni show: far— ta. uo to uhi pla.e. 15 io uni s!,,e. Maaaialle, 7o to Kmi -how Winner P. g. bv Jim Uaffaej Ameeras, bv Florist Itraiue.l l.v E I.. Snyder: breil bv Mr. Oeorge J Ling j Went to p.. -1 at 4:5!i. At p..-t 1 minute. Start g«»l lad daw. Won easily; ate mil and third: ilrirlug TR1UI E raced beta I long l.-ad at once and. making a g.«.d aaee under reslraint. drew a.vayj ; :md aaja a] 1 -:if- aaaigla FORXOVO was under Bteat restraint until on the far turn, then worked his araj through ea lae laaeie and fini-hed last and wa- -lowly griining aaj the winner. SANUPII.E swerved out slightly in the stretch, hut outgamed RIUOOS BFCHANAN. The latter had no mishaps. JON-HOLIER raced JIMMY BROWN into defeat and tired in the final eighth. Scratched .17457 lord Wrack. 102.. Overweights Fornovo. U pound: Condolier. 1. fifkftAt SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Nov. 25, 1915—1:48—4—116. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds ""vftO and upward. Cla:ming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00: third. 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt1, F. % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 07457 MYSTIC w 7 M I " ."- " V |a l| W Smith W T Magru.ler 1KV,-100 00587 -•MARY CONTRRYw 5 9»i 2 2 44h 4V 51 2 AY Mumlen J J Corcoran 70-100 0058i*Sl.ATE wb 4 M .: 1 F. I| M 8J V L Kdwrds V P Robio 1SW-100 98007 HICKORY a? I M 7 I fi2 •.« fi M 4-* L Lang ,T W Wat.son 2775-100 00557 SAM SMI Til wb I 10fi fi 4 2- 2 :. * 4- l 51 J Tamaro P E Kane .".980-100 I 974!.0ROXANA w it 5 105 4 7 7 7 $» 1 fi= D Krontte C Smithson MS-MI 00587 BKN HANDLY w ■• 94 5 5 5" 5J 7 fih 7 O Brown J D Wilson M SM Time. :25. :51, 1:18s,, 1:46s. l:53«s. Track slow. S3 mutuels paid Mjratte, R4S.10 straight. .!I0 place, 0.00 show: Marv Contrary. .S0 place. SSL3S show: Slate, .00 show. Equivalent looking odds -Mystic 4S55 to 100 straight. 815 to 100 place. 400 to 100 show; Mary Contrary. 40 to 100 place. 15 to 100 show: Slate. 250 to 100 -how. Winner h. g. by Magic II. — Sobrauje. by Polymeltis trained by W. T. Magruder; bred by Mr. Willis Baarae Kilmer 1. Went to post at .V.IO. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. MYSTIC, showing unsuspected speed, raced cose up from the start and. taking the lead on the last turn, held it gamely to the end. MARY CONTRARY came through the stretch with* a rush under an excellent ride. SI. ATE set a good [Mice, but tired in the stretch drive. HICKORY finished well. SAM SMITH showed speed, but tired. Overweights— Mystic. 2 pounds; Sam Smith. S, =3