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i | [ i | 1 I 4th RclCG *"* Mlle 3-year-olds and apward. laiminir. Aug. 15, 1924—1:00— 2 — 117. Index. Course. DIst.Time.Track. Odds.Wt.St. «i Str Fin. Jockey. Started. Order of Finish. CHILE, b. g, 6 104 By Dick Finnell — Starland. by Star Shoot. Trainer. H. E. Drown. Owner. H. E. Brownl. Broeder. Murphy and Shropshire. 00597 Hungton 5 S l:02Vast 1 10S 3 2 2* I* C E Allen 7 Lotto. Machiavelli. AmnSoI.ller 00565 Hungton 5-S l:02good 21 105 5 5 51 5» S Trench 1 8 KirkLady, Brandeis. LittleBetty 00509 Hungton 5-8 1 :03slow 15 100 4 6 6=1 87 S Trenchd 8 Lavinia, Sq.McM trs. Sent. Tmie 95651 Akron 6 f 1 :264hvy 14 11116 6 P.up. P Power 6 Uncle Velo. Fell rah. Johnlloshor »4854JWhling 1 1 16 1 17 103 1 7 714 710 T Thrkill 8 Kechabite. Threnody. Sta-e Star 93776 Toledo Ab 3-4 l:14 ihvy 9-10 107 3 3 3= 2" S Steele 7 Zero. Briar Sweet, Star Time 93125 Toledo 3-4 1:11 fast 16-5 108 7 7 5*1 4*1 S Steele 8 LittleP.-il, C.Ericanto, Lky Pearl 91470 Akron 51 f l:09%good 18-5 108 6 4 4*1 1 S Steele 10 Marchiavelli. Targe, WterMack HARRY B . ch. g. 9 " 109 By Jim Gaffney — Flying Frances, by Flanudea. Trainer, S. Varian. Owner, Four Oaks Stock Farm. Breeder. D. W. Scott. 00504*.Mobile lm70y 2:03V shvy 81 109 8 2 2s 2J C Sanchez 8 Cromwell. Mi * Aji. Cus R. 00359 Mobile Ab 5-S l:04Vinvy 22-5 116 1 2 2h 3=1 V Murphy I LesterP-octor. Peterpecoy. Theo 00298 Mobile 6J f l:3l*ihvy 10 111 5 2 3» 5= L Momery 6 Ombrace, Remnant. Babblins 00108 Mobile Ab .".-8 1:02 mud 8 118 6 11* l" L Momery 8 Servitor, FrankSumpr. II Majoi 97157 Churchill 6* f 1:22 slow 27 110 5 4 61 5" W Pool 8 B. Addre. Mauna Loi. Ven. Day 97054 Churchill 6Jfl:22%slop 20 111 4 4 5*1 650 W Pool 11 Atossa. Sister Josella. Surprise 96348 Latonia 3-4 1:14 mud 32 111 7 8 S21 8»! W Fronk 8 Volt. Cobweb. Miss Mischief 95912 Latonia lm70y 1:48 slow 12 110 1 6 7» 715 S Griffin 7 O. Spring, MidtRose. Col. Wagner 95861 Latonia 11-16 1:52 hvy 11 108 1 3 5T 67» S Griffin 12 Sasper. Lighter. Oueen Asnes 95613 Latonia 3-4 l:14?tslow 25 107 9 6 6»J 5" J Guy 12 Lit.Jimy, Capt.Donan. PIMicoa 95503 Latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 28 110 7 8 6»1 771 J McCoy 11 Volt. Royal Miss, Widgeon FUTEN. b. g, 7 113 By Meridian— Daruma. hy Solitaire II. Trainer. A. Mott. Owner, Chapman and Mott. Breeder. K. F. Carman. 00625 Hungton 5-S 1 :0»»slow 13-5 109 5 5 3s 2l G Morrow 7 Uncle Abe, Satana. Pueblo 00502 Mobile Ab 3-4 1:27 hvy 13 117 4 2 21 3i F Murphy 7 GnyClayton, NthnStar, Padlock 00426 Mobile Ab 5-S 1 :05%hvy 9-10 Ho 4 5 5l| 41 E Hileman 6 PeterBrush, Million. llelenMajor 00335 Mobile Ab 0-8 1:06 hvy 37-10 115 2 5 4=1 ll E Hileman 7 HenMajor, NthnStar, Col.Tlor 00239 Mobile 61 f 1:34 hvy 8-5 122 4 1 2 3*1 E Hileman 8 Gen. Cadna, BlkAir. Simplefn 00206 Mobile Ab 5-8 l:04%hvy 1-2 111 2 2 2» 1 E Hileman 6 BethmSteel. BlueBrh. Pit.Patr 00159 Mobile Ab 5-8 1:04 hvy 71 115 5 6 4J 31 E Hileman 8 Padlock, Million, Ask Jessie 99975 Jefferson lmTOy l:45%fast 13 105 1 5 6» 5»1 G Johnson 9 Emancipation. Lorena L., Wuhu 99877 Jefferson lmTOy l:47%slow 51 107 8 7 6» 7l* G JohnsonlU C.reenHills, Viennese, SisterSue 99804 Jefferson 3-4 l:17V4mud 17-5 112 8 5 5»1 5Ji C Hooper 10 Blenrhast. G.Clayn, T.Witchet 99544 Jefferson 51 f l:07Hfast 78 102 11 7 21 2J G Johnsonl2 K. Princess. Cinnamon. Runpride 99160 Jefferson 51 f l:08ttslow 46f 108 9 8 7* 6» P Grooa 11 HidnJewel, CaveWn. JohnFinn LITTLE ROMPER, hr. g, 8 104 By Don Johnson — La Veita. by Kingston. Trainer. J. 8. Baldwin. Owner. 3. S. Baldwin. Breeder, H. Dewolf. 00624 Hungton 0-8 1:05 slow 6-6 10715 3 3* 2* G Webb 7 Rapid Stride, Black Art. Fame 00550 Hungton 5-8 l:03%good 16-5 109 1 1 21 2*G Webb 7 MyBiddy, Fame, Pentest sl.ast 00506 Hungton 0-8 l:02%slow 21 109 6 3 3* 35 O Webb 8 Stella Maris, Quota. Re.eirer 96619 Ygstown 3-4 1 :21»4hvy 7-5 108 7 2 l1 HID Holbert 7 TisSeth. Sagamore, LdVarjjrave 96536 Ygstown 3-4 1 :lS7sfast 12-5 106 6 6 IM D Holbert 6 Black Ruler. Sagamore. Execiitn 96476 Ygstown 61 f 1:25 fast 61 106 1 1 V l" D Holbert 7 P.Hampson, Fehrah. Out of Sight 96318 Akron 61 f 1 :27%hvy 31 109 2 1 21 21 H White 6 KmpgLid, RylSprg, lmp.illa EL ASTRO, br. g, 6 109 By Star Shoot— Elmaha. by Ogden. Trainer, T. J. Abrams. Owner. T. J. Ahrami. Breeder. Xalana Farm. 00600 Hun SifPOSft 20 107 7 3 4* 4» G Webb 7 DtFlower 101. Bberry 103. CwdBoy 108 98630 FG 3-4 1:14%ft 20 103 11 5 5» 6« F Marmilel2 Lupine 104.Sizzle 104. WildHeather 117 98111 F.G l-70 1:49"4sl 27 100 10 8 91J 919 F MarmileLI Invictus 105,Liigs 1 OH. Boy From Home 101 98066 J. P ll-16 1:36%hy 91 103 6 2 3* 4*1 F Marmile 9 Driimmond lOS.Spandor 102,Lugs 100 98032 J.P 3-4 1:13 ft 63f 105 10 11 10« ll19 F Marmile12 Fretwell lll.MabelC. 10."j.Jad 100 97902 J.P 1-70 1:50 el 32 106 6 9 10«*10" F Marmilel2 Waratah 105,Dui,tproof lOC.Cromwell 10C MARY G.. ch. m, 8 107 By Golden Maxim — Trappist, by The Friar. Trainer. M. H. Jordan. Owner. M. H. Jordanl. Breeder. J. Greenberg. 00600 Hungton it f 1 :08V5fast 1S-5 10913 5 6*1 76 J Connors 7 DustFlower, Bberry, CwuHtBv 00545 Hungton 5-8 l:02jgood 12-5 111 1111 21 J Connors 7 Pueblo. Bills Hope. Toombeola 00509 Hungton 5-8 l:03%slow 31 P* 2 1 2» 4s J Connors 8 Lavinia, Sq.McMtrs. Sent.Tmie 97313 Beulah 5 f 1:21 hvy 8 105 1 7 773 7" J Mann » LnssWhite. CnPantaes, Fleer 97176 Beulah 51 f 1:21 hvy 17-5 106 1 4 3» 5«1 W Murphy 8 L.White. F.C.loriosus, Sponteous 96710 Beulah 3-4 1:23 hvy 3 104 2 5 4* 4j W Murphy 0 Rock Court. CntyTimes. Hughie 96582 Eeulah 51 f 1:13 mud 9-10 108 111= ll W Murphy 7 LottieLoraine. Expressivf . Bab MIRTAM WOOD. b. m. 5 107 By Opera Glass— Fledgling, by Peter Fan. Trainer, H. Frazer. Owner, See A Frazer. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 00595 Hungton 5-S 1:02 fast 22-5 111 1 1 1" ll L Saucier I Orphelin, Cassius, San Hedron 00547 Hungton 5-S 1 :02%good 15 112 4 3 4* 4« L Saucier 7 Old Top, Hoover. Cassius 97230 Lagoon 5-8 POlfast 31 114 2J H Hay 12 JamesB. Brown, NickKlein, Jago 97186 Lagoon 41 f 51%fast 10 111 5« D Hum 10 Runpreserve. B. McCloy, Ruby 97000 Lagoon 5-S l:01%fast 3f 110 21 H Hay 12 Subtle, Angela, Quinine 96253 Omaha 5i f l:09Vsslov 17-5 102 2 4 21 2- D Neal 9 M.Miiliahy, M.Wood. PaulineM. 96178 Omaha 51 f 1:10 hvy 8 107 1 3 3i 451 E CpenterlO Cornflower, Runaway, CannyLy