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Entries and Past Performances ORLANDO SATURDAY, APRIL 10 WKATUi LOI DV; THACK HKAYY. Tti* figures under the heading "Eec." :n the entries below show the best tima of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1925. no matter where it finished. In cases wnere record was mace on other than a fast or rood track, abbreviations show track conditions. 0MIS7 IS FIRST INDEX OF 102C. 00403 IS FIRST INDEX OF APRIL Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 1:301. ; ® Superior mud runner. x flood mud runner :!:Fair mud runner. 51 Maiden. • Apprentice allowance. Pie following abbreviation"? are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries wore made: tAkron Ak tKing Edward Ki Aqueduct Aq Lagoon Park L« Aurora An -Lansdowne Park.... LP Belmont Park BP Latonia La Blue Bonnets BB Laurel Lu Blue Grass BG Lexington Lz Bowie Bo tLong Branch LB Brighouse Park B* Maple Heights MH ♦Brooklyn Park Br tMarlboro Mb Churchill Downs CD Miami Mi +Columbus Co tMobile Mo Coney Island CI Mount Royal MR Connaught Park CP tNiagara Falls NF tConneaut Lake CL Omaha Om Dade Park DP Orlando Or Delorimier Park Dl tPhoenix Ph Devonshire De Pimlico Pm Dorva 1 Do Raceland Rd - Duff erin Park Du Reno Re Empire Em tSalt Lake SL Fair Grounds FG Saratoga Ba Fairmount Park FP Tampa Ta Fort Erie FE Thistle Down TD Hamilton Hm Thorncliffe Th tHastings Park HP Tijuana Ti Havre de Grace HG tTimonium Tnt Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana Hv United Hunts UH Huntington Hu tWheeling Wh Jamaica Ja tWillows Park WP Jefferson Park JP Windsor Wi tXempton Park KP Woodbine Wo Kenilworth Ke tYoungstown To tDesignatog half-mile track. Orlando* Mile Track. First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Pnrsc QO. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: March 27, 1926-1 :10i— 3 lot. Todays Ind. norscandPostPos. Wt. Iter. A.Wt flan. 005881 Sally Jones Ml. . W 107 1:11-. 4 IM..TS3 OC618 »Pokey .lane ...Hv 102 1:0745 9 103X730 00644 Skip IJttle Noon M| Hv 107 1 :0S4f. 3 105. .725 00649 Ormzleigh Kc100 1:07*ts fi 113x720 00618 •Jim Daisy 8 108X715 00649 Marble Om 114 1:08 4f, 7 110XT10 00619 Black Monkey. Hu 112 l:09f. 6 110X705 00645 *V.c Toddler . . Rd 100 1:08!5 ■ HWX700 97543 Soviet 0 1 10X » !»• 00644 Huskv Belle . . Mi 100 1 07and I MIXW 00645 Necklace M..IIv 110 l:10.i 5 103..0S5 00644 Hami.tou IjidviM Hv 104 1:00 4 103. .0H I ! 00619 Country Life. TD 112 1:08*:. t 103x675 J ! « 00533 Cobham Hv 110 1 :0H*3 5 103. 670 I Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 1926.sh00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming;, i Track record: Mar. h 27. 1926 l:tt%— »— 100. , J 00588- »Beg Pardon . .MH 10S 1 :08% 8 111x735 ! 00646- Oil Ixulv Hv 106 1 :07:V. 4 111:j:730 I I 00649 *See It Through. La 109 1:08% B 108x725 , j I 00590 Merry 0 Mil 100 1 M% 4 100. .720 I 00647 Scotland Forever Hw 117 l:07r. 3 102X715 . 00620 Outward Pound. Mi 115 l:08i 3 107x710 Third Race— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Juvenile Purse. j Purse 1926.sh00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. i No Track lettrt. 00561 Seths Hope 115X735 ; J 00617 Caplingcr 115. .730 • 00617- Nestle Ml Mi 115 :50.-. 105.. 725 J 006173 Atropos M . Mi 115 :55V. 105.. 720 00561 Natrolight Mi 115 :56ri 118x715 -, 00591 Mary William ... 10 105X70J I Fourth Race — 5-8 Mile. t Purse 00. 3-veil r olds and upward. Claiming . Track record: March 20. 1926 — 1:04% — 6—102.1 . 00591 Porto le Oro . .Ti 116 l:01i 5 110X735 1 j 1 005601 Hughes Craham TD 113 1:01% 6 104X730 • 00540= Keaolani Mi 115 1:03.-. 5 107X725 00496- Brown Bock ..Au 109 1:00% 8 110*720 f00492 Happv Hobo ..1114 1:02% 3 109x715 I 006473 Boosting TD 1 11 l:02%sy 3 109X710 MM Maddenstown 4 113X705 1 00591 Mary William ... 10 105x700 HI Race— 1 1-8 Miles. t Orlando Morning Sentinel Purse. ! Purse 00. 3 year olds and upward. Claiming, • j Track record: March 27, 1926 2:02% 7 109. I 00562 TRA.1ANIS . .La 107 1 :56V, 7 100x740 I 00622- Shindy BB 109 1:57% 5 104x730 1 00202 Overlook ■ 100.. 725 00460" Margaret Caut .. I 06x720 00591- Donna Santa ..To 112 1:54% 4 105x715 Sixth Race — 1 Mile. Purse 00. 4 year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: March 27. 1920 1:45%— 7 103. 1 00593 Admirer AVi 110 1:45% 6 114X735 00649- Fast Hoy Ti 108 1:42% 5 111X730 00559 Jacobean 8 106*72.. 00623 Koom Mate . TD 105 1 :50s 4 111.720 00592 Wise Guy DP 115 1:42% 0 111x715 00619 Hopalong Orll0 1:52%s 4 111. .710 00542 Harp of the North Or 109 1:48% S 106x705 00592 Attractive Or 105 1:51% 5 109*700 Seventh Race — 1 Mile. An Revoir Purse. Purse 1926.sh00. 3-vear-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Manh 27. 1920—1:45% 7—103. 00592= Conscript Or 109 l:50%h 5 113x735 00564 I r. MacMillan.MH 101il:39% 4 106x730 | 00,96 .Moonbrook MH 102 1:30 4 105*725 j 00623 Blossom House. BB 105 1:43% 7 107 X 720 1 00646 Benita 4 103.. 715, ! 09564 War Idol 01 96 1:40 10 105. .710! i 00850 Zoie Ta KM 1 :45% 10 108. .7tt5 j I 00354 Madam Vennie.Ti MB 1:42% 5 108X700 j