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12 Furlongs Sycnrolils and upward Claiming April 23 1923 10516 7 104 Inder Crs DSsTime Tr Odds VtSt i StrFin Jockey Started Order of Finish JOHN JOSEPH ch f 1 1Trainer 107 By Gloncairn Caraqnet hy Bryn Mawr Mawri Trainer C E Davison i I Owner C E Davison Breeder J Marrone 1557 Col 5Sfl09ft 51 100 2 3 3J 3 = J Ar Lamon 7 SirGlen lOSYaneolOSMatineeldol 110 01482 Col 51 t l70Sft 4319 10 107 5 E 3 31 W Lbson 7 Oneidn 107J Herbert 107Cicpronian 108 01441 Col 61 f l03Hift 165 65 106 S 2 3J 4 J AV Murphy 7 Voorflor lOSErsk Dale IOC Mat Idol 1 OS 01405 Col 61 f l09ft 4310 4310009G6 110 10G1 G 3 S1 3s W Murphy 7 LucRussell 107MyMars lOSBBrown 113 009G6 Col 5S l03 = shy 5 103 5 4 4 4 i J Judy G AVineJug 113LafelI113MitziMcGec 102 00913 Col 51 f 110 ft 61 111J 2 1 Il 2 L Lee 9 Barriskane 107Mighty 112Mandy 109 00871 Col 5S I01 = irt 21 110 6 5 64J S J L Lee 7 AlbertL110BigSapp 113RockIottoin 110 95139 Oma 51 f l07ft 20 107 8 6 6 i 71S F Sremha 8 TCampbell 107TubbyA105Dovesrst 112 94375 Col 5 f lOSft 8 110 8 5 41 71 F SerembalO AVarGarden lOOHaran 112Kcrnandos 103 4220 Col 51 f 103 ft 12 12MEEBY 114 6 2 2 i 3J F Sremba 8 BillMcCloy 114VarGarden lOOIIaran 100 MEEBY MAES ch g 6 6Trainer 112 By Yalcain Merry Saint by St Leonards LeonardsOwner Trainer P F Brown Ow Owner P F Brown Breeder E P Smith Jr 1405 Col SI f l03ft 10 IDS 2 2 2l 2l J Johnson 7 LuloRsl 107JJspli lOGJBrBrn 11 01289 Col 51 f llOV ft 17 1001 9 6 9 S J H Garner 9 AVHFlanna 107UncVelo lOOHopeful 101 01207 Col 1 f l10Hft 14 1011 4 3 41 CJ H Garner 8 SirGlen lOOKentucyRose lOCYanco 108 01078 Col 51 f 110 It 3 MO 103 5 G Cs 5 AV Lamon 8 MissEmson lOOISirGlen llOHnniuk 103 97284 Col 5S 113 hy 15 103 9 3 11 2s D Fowler 10 Xacoraee lOSJetsain 104 Jacobean 103 97070 Col 6S 110 m 60 93 0 9 8s 8 i AV LamonlO BryAnnie 102Burne 107CarP nccs 105 9C754 Col 61 f 117 m 20 101 5 7 8 S AV Lerson 8 Ilelenllajor 104CPtKs 103Slvce 112 88329 Hav 51 f l07 ft 75 112 4 7 7 = 6 = D Prible 9 BegPdn 112DthyRyan 112Haran 112 112WINNIE WINNIE DAVIS b f 4 110 By Eoyal II Angeline by Dick Welles WellesTrainer Trainer W Miles Owner Picrco Miles Breeder J B Eespess 61483 Col 51 f l10ft 4710 1101 X 4 = Cl G Young 8 Request lOSKinburn lllUlucCaddie 105 01288 Col 51fll J ft 13 10S 1 2 4 7 = G Young 7 Frtiersman 112Intakc 103Antilles 108 91743 Rac Hfl09 gd 43 95 7 7 7l ° S L Steinht 30 Froth 102Spontaneous 101 Balefull 111 90855 Aur 5S l00ft IS 97 4 3 4 S11 L Pichon 8 Expressive HSCliarlnat 107GayBoylI113 90802 Aur 5S lOOV ft 30 303 9 7 lO lO1 R Yelton 10 LitAlfred lirAVineJug 99MOJane 102 90285 Aur 5S 101 lift 21 10S S 4 5T1 G11 L Pichon 11 HardGuess HGRotarian llORalDick 111 BILL SHAFFEE b gr 4 112 112wner 2 By Smoke House Morning Hours by Yankee YankeePood Trainer F Wood Oi wner Mrs T Wood Pood Breeder E P Marshall 01482 V 1 51 f lOSft 27 108 1 3 4 5 M Brodicb 7 Onoida 107JIIerl ort lOrJohnJoseph 107 01289 Col 51 f laort II 105 4 5 6 = 1 9 9J L Aron 9 AVflFlanna 107UncAelo lOOnopeful 105 01139 Col 68106hy 28 113 6 2 51 7s 73 J Ford 9 BlkAnRel 1021rinJane lllHorinBa 111 01007 Col 51 f l13sl 8 105 5 1 31 4s 45J AV Murphy 8 Aristotle 10SJ Ciceronian 113Pickens 105 00913 Col 5 f 110 ft 23 107 8 9 9 9J J 9 P Power 9 Barriskane 107JolmJoseph llliMighty 112 008G8 Col 51 f l09ft 91 110 5 S 4 J 4 J J Johnson G Jolinlloshor 107Liborio lllPMoody 111 00814 Col 5S f l10ft 15 111 7 6 S l S1 8J J Johnson 110 lledWecd JOSBigSapp lllBlkMask 113 9G94G Col 58 111 hy hyEDITH 28 97 4 7 9 gis 91 giu y LamonlO Redwoodll3Kivulet lOSMargEHope 103J EDITH CLIFFOED br f fTrainer 3 105 By Short Grass Misty Queen by Kings Proctor ProctorOwner Trainer J Eenihan Owner J Eenilian Breeder Short Grass Stud 01483 Col 51fl10ft 14 103 4 7 71 71 J Ponce 8 Request lOSKiiiburn lllBlueCaddic 105 0140G Col 61 6ifl24 f l24 ft 17 1061 245 5 J AAT Murphy G DeGrado llOMissKtiKene 10311lJane 102 10271f 01338 Col 51 f 110 ft 71f 107 9 7 6 551 J Ford 11 TIIEveritt 1090neida 107Cicernn 109 01080 Col 5 51 f l09ft 86 103 10 10 10SJ10 AV MurphylO PvatcSeth 112BfkySue 102PrBrush IOC 01050 Col 5i 5ifl10 f 110 ft 41 105 2 4 4 3 4 = J J Johnson 7 Merry 1091HappyHobo 112EdGibson 110 9G945 Col 51 f 113 hy 24 96 3 5 61 5 3 AV Lamori 6 NvonsAbie lllrrivSethllOKHtyBllO 9G757 Col 6SlOS m 17 1041 C 5 671 5 3 C Corbelt 7 PrBrush 111 Rebeck lOSEdGibson lOOi 9G272 Aur 34120 hy 10 105 C 6 6 6 R Bloya if G EarlCombs 10STazewell 104Viking 113 BILLY WELCH b c 4 4Trainer 112 By Horron Vava by Stalwart StalwartOwner Trainer C H Morrison Owner C H Morrison Breeder J B Gorham 01483 Col 51 f l10S ft 33 1101 5 S G5 6 1 J Picrillo 8 Request lOSKinburn lllBlueCaddie 305 01337 Col 5S l02ft 303 8 7 8 3 6 P Powers 12 LseAVagr ICCBlkFriday 109Huzzas 30 01173 Col 51 f lll ft 56 111 2 7 7 i S9 G Young 9 PtecostsLt 109Glenn liriLuleRusl 111 01082 Col 370119 ft 49 106 4 4 7ts 7o J Judy 8 Illustrator IWiNtieMay 109MissVaal 105 01007 Col 51 f l13sl 11 112 1 4 GT GJ L Lee 8 Aristotle lOSiCiccronian HSPickens 105 97258 Col 51 f l20Vihy 13 112 1 2 10 10 L Lee 10 GenCadorna llllSwim 102Sunborn 100 97214 Col 58113 hy 11 115 3 2 3 3 L Lee 10 PEvans 107Pirouette 102MissBanana 1011 96803 Col 5S 110 m 9 103 3 2 C L Lee 7 Scajawa 103Brgoyne lOSlctrEvans IOC ST GEEAED GEEAEDTrainer b r 5 M MP 112 By Pebbles Sunno by Solitaire II Trainer P Bailey Owner F FSS103 Bailey Breeder A Johnson 00939 Col SS103 ft 2S 110 S S5iri 9 S S AV McCabe 9 CpnBnrns HOPMdy llljMillieG 108 00898 Col 5iri ft 16 132 4 468102ft 4 4 1 71 A Yerrat 11 Hootch HOAustralette 100Ncverlessl07 94224 Col 68102ft 27 1C9 6 651fl03i gtz 710 H Paden 10 MkDenzio 114LkyLou 102FrccsShp 307 93536 Col 51fl03i ft 10 lit 7 7 7 1 71S H Garner 8 Fntiersman lllMaudina 102Dkvood 100 93173 Col 51 f l107isl 17 111 5 4 4 1 T A Yerrat 7 MEmson 109Ftiersn lllDHJston 102 9120G Akn 34117ft 40 103 10 1010B T ThrkilllO Martharose lOOTigcr lOiTHEveritt 97 90787 Yen 34117ft 125 103 Cl A McDuld G Freeholder 112TakeAll lOOCheeron 109 003C8 Yen YenNOLAWN 34 l17 ift 7i 109 2 T Thrlkill 7 Helen ofTy 95CirfCIark lOOComedn 108 NOLAWN b E 11 112 By Sir John Johnson Onagra by Clifford CliffordE Trainer E Hauehn Owner E Haughn Breeder J E Madden MaddenGS 01174 Col GS l02ft S5 3091 S S S S J Kessner 8 RAVecd HOPcessJaiio lOSlLitBetty 309 3096Sl05 0090G Col 6Sl05 = hy 26 1131 C 6 611 6 L Lee G AVineJug 113LafeM llSMziMcGec 102 1026S 97283 Col 6S llShy 17 10S 1 3 3 410 C Corbett 8 Paten HSDancer lllHutcliison 108 97258 Col 61 f l20Vihy 40 107 7 3 3s 5 C Corbett 10 GenCadorna 1111 Swim 102Snnborn 10G 10G5S 97214 Col 5S 133 hy 13 103 5 7 710 7 R Bloys 10 PctEvans 107Pironette 102Bly AVelch IIS 95802 Col 68110 m 35 11215 7 6 1 610 E Hileman SCPnntages lOSMalvado lOCBillyWalz 10G 10G6i 9GGG5 Col 6i f 11S hy 65 103 5 6 5 5 AV Lamsn 7 Day ofPeacc 107lPassport 103Swim 10G BILL AINSWOETH b g 3 M 107 By Erskine Dale Neddie by Hilarious HilariousTrainer Trainer C Moorman Owner Y B Campbell Breeder V B Campbell 01370 Col 5 f 110 ft 84 106 1 9 7 3 S3 H Johnsonll Xevthless 10T ButyYan 108m ert 306 01247 Col 61fl13MSl CO 107 2 5 5s 6eJ P Johnson 8 SoclTea lOriMsEmern HOOnBurns 111 00910 Col GS 102 ft 21 102 7 7 7 7 W Lamon 7 Clrte HORylGrge 112Australette 110