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DAILY RACING FORM SELECTIONS CHURCHILL DOWNS The horses which seem best in todays races are areTrackmans Trackmans Selection 1 Charcoal Taudlane Up She Goes 2 Miss Chiniquy Majoe Sophronia Fair 3 Eager Pretty Politician Sun Hathor 4 Gay Hallie Eden Melting Star 5 SuperfrankC Laveen Buck Superfrank C Mary Kinkcad Disciple Bookbinder XTRA Broad Axe Prodigal ProdigalJ J L Dempsey DempseyDally Dally Racing Form Selections 1 Sandalwood Nimrod pyx Charcoal 2 Vevey Rock CandyRock Edna Mae Lady Pennant Candy 3 Eager Belzoni Sun Rajah Sim Hathor 4 Eden Gay Hallie Rosetta Stone Porn Pornpano pano 5 LAVEEN Buck Spanish Lay Bolton 6 Bookbinder Bulletin Anona Disciple 7 Blue Sprite Broad Axe Xtra Prodigal ProdigalDick Dick Welles Selection 1 Pyx Taudlane Up She Goes 2 Miss Chiniquy Majoe Candy Rock 3 Belzoni Eager Pat Calhoun 4 Eden Gay Hallie Melting Star 5 LAVEEN Buck Spanish Lay C Ruth Gold Bookbinder Mary Kinkead Broad Axe Xtra Lady Lynn LynnConcensus Concensus 1 Pyx Taudlane Charcoal Sandalwood 2 Miss Chiniquy Majoe Vevey Candy Rock 3 Eager Belzoni Pretty Politician Sun Ha ¬ thor 4 Eden Gay Hallie Melting Star Rosette Stone 5 LAVEEN Buck Spanish Lay Superfrank 6 Bookbinder Mary Kinkead Ruth Gold Disciple 7 Xtra Broad Axe Blue Sprite Prodigal JAMAICA The horses which seem best in todays races are Trackman Selection 1 Gov Smith The Seer Play Hour 2 Camilla Zero Hour Camouflage 3 Irish Marine Blue Hill Red Pennant 4 VESPASIAN Lachen Claptrap J5 Mary B Espanol Vie C Tricolor Sweepster Dumnorc DumnorcC C J Connors ConnorsDally Dally Raclns Form Selection 1rGov Smith Play Hour John Marrone II Blackstone 2 Zero Hour Camilla Camouflage Donna video = 3 Blue Hill Irish Marine Wildlane Watts 4 LACHEN Cutitout Vespasian Briar broom 5 Mary B Foreman Anaitis Espanol 6 Black Panther Drummer Boy Porto Bello Gold Tricolor TricolorSweeps Sweeps Selection 1 The Seer John Marrone IT Meridian MeridianHill Hill 2 Camilla Zero Hour Camouflage 3 BLUE HILL Irish Marine Watta 4 Vespasian Croyden Lachen 5 Mary B Glorianes Espanol 6 Sweepster Black Panther Tricolor TricolorCouensn Couensn 1 Gov Smith The Seer Play Hour John Marrone II Camilla Zero Hour Camouflage Donna video 3 Blue Hill Irish Marine Watts Red Pen ¬ nant 4 Vespasian Lachen Cutitout Croyden 5 MARY B Espanol Foreman Glorianes GlorianesG G Tricolor Black Panther Sweepster Drum ¬ mer Boy PIMLICO The horses which seem best in todays races are Trackman Selections 1 Kathleen Crosby Happy Birthday Con ¬ tract 2 Balto Gnome Second Tommy Foster 3 DIGNTJS Handclasp Math 4 Sun Pal Joy Smoke Gold Stick 5 Marche Militaire Fire Rock Son Ami 6 Modo Duckling Zeod 7 Aragon King ONeill II Foreland ForelandT T K Lynch LynchDally Dally Racine Form Selection 1 Contract Fred Dubner Happy Birthday BirthdayCobra Cobra 2 Over Lord Matilda B Tommy Foster FosterOsman Osman 3 Dignus Handclasp Forenoon Math 4 Joy Smoke Sun Pal Golden Spire Gold GoldStick Stick 5 MARCHE MILITAIRE Son Ami Hec HecSport Sport Royal 6 Martingale Modo Roxana Jacques 7 Triumph Aragon Foreland Galatia GalatiaSweeps Sweeps Selections 1 Contract Lady Bountiful Dream Maker 2 Over Lord Tommy Foster Matilda B 3 Dignus Handclasp Maid of Orleans 4 Joy Smoke Gold Stick Sun Ial 5 Marche Militaire Son Ami Fire Rock 6 Martingale Modo Zeod 7 ARAGON Foreland Triumph TriumphConsenan Consenan 1 Contract Happy Birthday Kathleen KathleenCrosby Crosby Fred Dubner 2 Over Lord Tommy Foster Matilda B BBalto Balto 3 DIGNUS Handclasp Math Forenoon 4 Joy Smoke Sun Pal Gold Stick Golden GoldenSpire Spire 5 Marche Militaire Son Ami Fire Rock RockHec Hec HecC C Modo Martingale Zeod Duckling 7 Aragon Foreland Triumph King ONeill ONeillII II COLUMBUS COLUMBUSThe The horses which seem best in todays races are Trackman Selections 1 Golden Dust Queen of Sheba Vood VoodFair Fair 2 Herbert Sinvona Towtons Choice 3 Pinch o Snuff Reel Foot Dr Lowry 4 John Joseph Merry Mars Bill Shaffer 5 Air Mail Log Fire Australette C MERRY John Hoshor Maddenstown 7 Coach Whip Fame Uncle Velo VeloF F J May MayDnilyRaclBg DnilyRaclBg Form Selection 1 Nestle Golden Dust Queen of Shcba ShcbaWood Wood Fairy 2 Sinvona Herbert Towtons Choice Dicks DicksSeth Seth 3 Southern Pacific Sandy II Orphelin OrphelinReel Reel Foot 4 John Joseph Merry Mars Winnie Davis DavisBill Bill Shaffer 5 Air Mail Australette Log Fire Happy HappyHobo Hobo G MADDENSTOWN Silent Lillian Merry MerryJohn John Hoshor 7 Uncle Velo Hopeful My Lorraine Coach CoachWhip Whip WhipConsensus Consensus 1 Golden Dust Queen of Sheba Nestle Wood Fairy 0 Herbert Sinvona Towtons Choice Dicks Seth 3 Pinch o Snuff Southern Pacific Reel Foot Sandy H 4 John Joseph Merry Mars Bill Shaffer Winnie Davis 5 Air Mail Log Fire Australette Happy Hobo 6 MERRY Maddenstown John Hoshor Si ¬ lent Lillian 7 Uncle Velo Coach Whip Fame Hopeful JUAREZ The horses which seem best in todays races are Trackman Selection 1 Little Reb False Alarm Forewarn 2 Neg Douglass H Johnston Danie 3 The Nephew Lloyd Brown W P Mont ¬ gomery 4 Korbly Ginger Pyle Marcclla Boy 5 Full Moon Colando John D G PUBLISHER Polly mara Black Prince 7 Jolly Cephas Day Time Eleanor W WP P Clark