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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XXXII inncBEB iso Entered as secondclass matter April 2 1890 at the postoffice at Chicago Illinois under Act of March 3 1S79 W J HcXurray Publisher and General Manager Daily During Winter Months MonthsDaily Daily Esiept Sunday lialance of the Year YearA A telly reflection of the American turf by telegraph DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO ILL 157159 EAST 32nd ST NEW YOKK CITY N Y SO RICHMOND STREET EAST TORONTO ONT SCO EAST THIRD STREET CINCINNATI OHIO S05S07 DECATUR STREET NEW ORLEANS LA TI1BPI1OXK 20S7 HAItRISOX For liiKinrss nd circulation purposes only This telephone has no connection with the HCTTB or e ltorjal departments and cannot be used to communicate with them srnsruipTiox HY FIRSTCLASS MAIL MAILMay May to November inclusive 500 per month monthDecember December to April inclusive COO per month monthOne One Year COOO COOOPAYAIIU5 PAYAIIU5 IN ADVANCE KACK NTMIIEUS BY MAIL 13 CENTS EACH To lx ronsiilereO and answered all queries to Daily ISacIn Form must be sent over the full name a ml with the address of writer The names nnd niMrrssos are subject to a local and foreign directory test 98087 is first index of 1926