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STARS IN TORONTO CUP Display and Sarazen Among Those Named for Woodbine Stake Fortyseven Entries Received for forO O J C Fixture Leading LeadingStables Stables Represented TORONTO OnL May 12 The 10000 Toronto Cup a handicap for threeyearolds and upward at a mile and a furlong to be run on Monday May 24 at Woodbine on the second day of the Ontario Jockey Club meeting has attracted fortyseven entries and the horses nominated promise one of the themost most interesting contests that has ever taken place for this rich purse This will be the thirtyfourth running for this stake and the theentry entry list for this year is unique inasmuch as it included among the candidates the win ¬ ners of this event during the last three years 1925 R T Wilsons Wilderness 1924 Seagram Stables Digit and 1923 H P Whit neys Spot Cash CashThe The first two are running in the same colors as before while Spot Cash is entered by A C Bostwick who also has two other entries in tha same race Hamadan a four yearold brown colt and Marche Militaire Militairethe the sensational Light Brigade threeyearold colt which beat Canter and other good ones four lengths at Pimlico on Saturday six furlongs in 112 flat flatSKAGHAMS SKAGHAMS POWERFUL ENTRY ENTRYThe The Seagram Stable has a powerful entry for this stake Edisto twice stake winner this year in Maryland Harass stake winner at Miami and Maryland Candy Kid sensa ¬ tional sprinter of 1925 Gaffsman the Cana ¬ dian champion twoyearold of 1925 and Kedstone with two seconds to his credit this year are all eligible to carry the black and yellow yellowThe The great Sarazen owned by the Fair Stable is among the nominations while a sure starter in the Nevada Stock Farms horse General Thatcher a great favorite at Woodbine R T Wilson will have Pixola as well as Wilderness in the race J H Shreve has the speedy mare Thomasine E F Whitney will be represented by Joy Smoke and Mr Pepp the Sewickly Stable has entered Harrovian winner of the Ontario Jockey Club two and onequarter miles race last fall Walter J Salmon has the good threeyearold Display winner of the Preakness Stakes which also ran some great races on the Canadian circuit last year and Punjab another threeyearold Donat Ilaymonds Sir Martin colt Goldbeater is among the eligibles He gave great promise as a threeyearold threeyearoldMrs Mrs A E Alexandra has also entered Care Free which was the most consistent horse in training in America last summer but which went sour during the winter cam ¬ paign He is being freshened up at Wood ¬ bine and may be sent for the rich prize though the distance is not altogether to his liking likingJ J K I ROSS NOTABLE ABSENTEE ABSENTEEA A notable absentee from this event is Com ComJ J K L Ross whose great threeyearold threeyearoldPcnstick Pcnstick went amiss several weeks ago in inMaryland Maryland Mr Ross has never won the theToronto Toronto Cup but this is the first time in inBorne Borne years that he has not had a nomina tion tionTORONTO TORONTO COP Handicap for threeyearolds and upward A sweepstakes of 10 each starters to pay 40 additional to the winner with 10000 added of which 1500 to second horse 500 to third and 250 to fourth Weichts to be an ¬ nounced Tuesday May 18 at 12 oclock noon Penalties accrue from that date Winners of 1000 after publication of weights to carry three pounds extra One mile and a furlong furlongAlexandra Alexandra A E Care Free ch g 7 by Colin Domino Noire NoireBedford Bedford Farms Dangerous ch c 4 by Nesofol Fair Atalanta AtalantaBclair Bclair Stud ARE Khan br h 5 by Omar Khayyam Lady Carnot CarnotBclair Bclair Stud Sir Konald b c 4 by Ambassador IV Robolink II IIBclair Bclair Stud Amberjack b c 3 by Ambassador IV IM Dclivrance DclivranceBostwick Bostwick A C Spot Cash br h C by Broomstick Payment PaymentBostwick Bostwick A C namadan br c 4 by Hourlcss IA lUyoucttc lUyoucttcBostwick Bostwick A C Marche Militaire b e 3 bj Light Irigadc Margaret Ilampson IlampsonBrannon Brannon Mrs J L Nine Sixty b c 3 by Delhi Lady MeCee MeCeeCarlton Carlton Stable Mothers Son br or b ff 5 by Torloisk Per Marc MarcChilhowce Chilhowce Stable Cliilhowee b h 5 by Ballot Ilourbon Lass LassDayton Dayton J W Sea Fairy ch T 4 by Sea King Fairy iodmother iodmotherFair Fair Stable Sarazen ch g 5 by High Time Rush Kor KorFlfischoiann Flfischoiann Chas R Bov Chaib br h 5 by Jacob Ia Buire BuireFrancis Francis Thomas Hot Pepper cli s 3 by Berrill don Angela K KCreon Creon Briar Stable South Wind b f 3 by Golden Bloom Summer Brwze BrwzeGrpcntrce Grpcntrce Stable Iledgefcnce ch g 4 by Whisk Broom II Homely HomelyZllrarh Zllrarh Max King Solomons Seal b 5 C by King James Himation HimationJoaquin Joaquin Stable Bontaud b K 5 by Pataud Bonetto BonettoJoyce Joyce Hon P F Harry Baker br c 4 by bySunstar Sunstar IVonavis Kelly F M Oppcnnan b g C by Pataud Dancing Wave Kelly F M Feysun b h 5 by Sun Briar St StFey Fey Kilmer Willis Sharpc Alladin b g 3 by Allumeiir White Dinah Larocque J It Kings Ransom b g f by byCrimper Crimper Kings Oak Livingston Jefferson Son of John b c 4 l y Sir SirJohn John Johnson Water 1C Nevada Stock Farm General Thatcher br h C by bySweep Sweep PolUtena Bayinond D Goldbeater cii c 4 by Sir Martin The Gleamcr Salmon Walter J Punjab br c 3 by Brown BrownPrince Prince II American Beauty Salmon Walter J Display b c 3 by Fair Play Cicuta Seagram Stable Candy Kid ch c 4 by Peter Pan Matinee MatineeSeagram Seagram Stable Kdiato b c 4 by Johren Tunnin Seagram Stable Gaffi maii br c 3 by Jim JimGaffney Gaffney Filatite Seagram Stable Digit b h H by Uitimus Miss MissValcn Valcn Seagram Stable Harass br K 3 by Wrack Star StarLady Lady Seagram Stable Redstone ch e C by Decision Aunt Maud MaudScwickely Scwickely Stable Harrovian b S C by Nassoviau Ijtdf Brendan BrendanEhccdy Ehccdy Thomas Tiber b g 4 by Stormawar Sigtioriixlli Slireve J II Thomasine ch m 5 by Superman Tha mar Sunnyland Stable Golden Spire ch g 4 by Golden GoldenBroom Broom Glory ma id Whitney Kdward F Joy Smoke eh g K by Sir SirMartin Martin Sweet Briar Whitney IMwanl F Mr Pepp br c 4 by Luke LukeMcLuke McLuke Dividend Whitney II I Blondin b c 3 by Broomstick Balancoire II Whitney II P Acrostic b c 3 by Broomstick Vexatious Whitney II P Backbone cli g 4 by Whisk WhiskBroom Broom II Stamina Wilson II T Wilderness ch h C by Campfirc GembtaWilson Gembta Wilson it T Pixola b p 1 by Glnrihala Pixy Wright W H Jean Crest b f 1 by Sobioski Mss Jean