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PIMLICO TURF NOTES BALTIMORE Md May 12 12Gwynn Gwynn Tompkins has arranged to ship the Brook Mead horses from here to Belmont Park on Friday FridayM M Gorman purchased at private sale of J P Jones the twoyearold Eda C She will be shipped from here to Toronto TorontoJockey Jockey Maiben left for New York last night Johnson leaves for Louisville tomor row night as does Coltiletti ColtilettiJohnson Johnson will motor back to New York after the running of the Derby His plans are to reach there by Tuesday to fill an engage ¬ ment daySubtle to ride in a stake run that day Subtle was claimed yesterday from M J Dunleavy by M Grant GrantFrank Frank J Bryan received a wire from the Ontario Jockey Club requesting him to notify horsemen that plenty of stalls were avail ¬ able at Thorncliffe and that free motor van service would be maintained by the club between the two tracks tracksMatt Matt Brady acting for J E Davis dis ¬ posed of the plater Knight of Merci II to George Phillips PhillipsOwen Owen Pons has engaged jockey F Smith to ride the twoyearold Fly Hawk in the Victoria Stakes to be run at the Woodbine track Smith contemplates riding as a free lance in Canada Albert Songer besides making his engagements will look after jockey J AValker