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A Challenge Made in 1922 1922withstood withstood the test and is now repeated My advertisement last appeared before the public orer foar rears ago The act that It has been nnnccessarj for me to advertise for clients since should be sufficient proof to the most skeptical mind that I hare been delivering the winners as I still bare on my lists most of those who joined me foar years ago and all bare Increased on several occasions the commissions paid me for my service serviceDie Die to the tremendoas increase In the cost of obtaining Information cansed by the many shifting events which of coarse are carefally guarded secrets to the general public It has become necessary for me to extend the scope of my operations in order to defray the additional overhead cost I have known this would be necessary since the opening of the Kentucky season bat have Intentionally postponed offering this opportunity to new clients until I dag up what was in my opinion unquestionably the safest and best betting proposition of the season I have found It and be goes for all the money on MONDAY MAY 17 in a race which could not salt him better This horse has worked a half mile in 47 fiat threequarters In 113 wlthoat taking a long breath A jockey who has beea galloping him in all of these private trials will have the leg up Monday and the price should be good but of the price I cant speak as positively as I can that he should WIN WINIf If yon arc one of those birds who has tried all the others and failed and dont believe a square gay exists who can do what he says he can then I challenge yok as I did my present clients In 1922 Come In with me on the following proposition propositionTelegraph Telegraph me Immediately dont write your letter might not reach me until late Monday giving me your word as a gentleman that you will bet fifteen 1300 dollars for me Monday and send the proceeds by telegraph within twentyfour 24 hours after the race also that yon will continue to place fifteen 1500 dollars for me on the next three S or four 4 horses I send you I only have one or two plays a week and after yo are 10000 winner on a flat play of thirty 3000 dollars yoa will then doable year wager for me meYou You will not have another opportunity to join my gang after Monday If joa play races and have the brain development yoa are entitled to possess you mast realize yom are only throwing your money away when yoa play wlthoat knowing the conditions and angles surrounding the race yoa are Investing your good money in Would yoa bay m house withoat knowing any more aboat It than yoa do aboat some of the horses yom wager on Yoa woald not You would seek all the information obtainable before yo lavested I am offering yoa Information on a particularly good thing Monday and subse ¬ quently one or two a week Do yoa want It It Is up to you If yoa will agree to the terms outlined above no other propositions considered then telegraph me at once onceKING KING R HOLLAWAY 142 SOUTH THIRD STREET LOUISTILLE XYi