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CHURCHILL DOWNS LOTTISVIIXE KY WEDNESDAY MAY 12 1926 Churchill Downs 1 Mile Fourth day Kentucky Jockey Club Spring meeting of 20 days Weather clear Stewards Charles F Price S C Nuckols T C Bradley and Elijah Hogg Placing Judges AV II i Shelley N H McClelland and E B AVebb Racing Secretary AV H Shelley Clerk of Scales N II McClelland Starter AA Hamilton Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago time 300 p m AV indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track iccord age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 34 Mile May 24 1921 111 6 128 Purse 1300 3yearolds and up ward Claiming Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AAVtlPSt 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqiiiv Odds Strt 014252DRY MOON WB 8 111 711 71101427BROOMSTER 93 2 lh is S Stcele G F Croissant 130100 01427BROOMSTER WSB 7 113 S 1 11 1s 21 21 E Pool L T Cooper 770100 01202J G DENNY WSB 5 112 1 3 31 33 34 3 E Benham J H Brown 490100 t 01073 LUCKY DRIFT w 4 110 11 C 8 5 4l 4 J McCoy J AV Bell 1450100 8814l SPECD BEAUTYwB 4 99 4 7 43 41 C1 5 R Finnrty AV S Heaton Heaton6h 14860100 OU99 = PURE DEE WB 6 113 2 S 6h 91 5i 6l E Scobie T Sanford 760100 99794 JEB WB 3 103 3 10 11 11 8l 7h 1 Fischer Audley Farm Stable t7SO100 97349 SCAMPAWAY w 3 102J10 4 T 8Z 91 S J Kederis Longridge Stable 3140100 874 IS POCKET MOUSE WB 4 109 65 S 6 7l 9 D Frogtte C C AVright 3250100 95127 LITTLE GLORY WB 3 100 5 9 10 10 11 10h R Jones M Lowenstein t 97447s CLONASLEE WB 3 103 92 2l 7Z 10l 11 D Dubois L Gentry 1130100 tMutuel 1130100tMutuel field Time 231i 47 113 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Dry Moon 460 straight 320 place 240 show Broomster 580 place 5380 show J G Denny 320 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking cdds Dry Moon 110 to 100 straight 60 to 100 place 20 to 100 show lifrooinster 190 to 100 place 90 to 100 show J G Denny CO to 100 show showAVinr AVinr it s by Olambala Honeymoon by Matchmaker trained by L A Connor bred by Mr Bichard T AVilson AVilsonAVtns AVtns to pu t it 201 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same DRY MOON raced as if much the best was away poorly and raced wide for the first half mile but raced past the others with a rush in the stretch and held BROOMSTER safe through ths final sixteenth BROOMSTER raced into a long lead before reaching the stretch and finished gamely but tired slightly near the end J G DENNY raced close up all the way and finished well LUCKY DRIFT ran a good race SPECKLED BEAUTY tired CLONASLEE was done after going the first quarter Scratched quarterScratched 014C93Smacker 102 OOW94 Lawless 109 99732 Aalley Light 110 96383 Loyal Legion 99 Overweight 99Overweight Scampaway 2i pouuds SECOND RACE 4 12 Furlongs May 21 1921 52 2 110 Purse 1200 2yearolds Maiden Colts and Geldings Allowances Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 U Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt SPORT TRAIL w 116 54 I1 13 I1 J McTagt E B McLean 240100 240100011G6JGOLD 011G6JGOLD MINT w 11C C 6 51 31 2 F Quinn Gorham Bros 540100 01166SSWORDSMAN 54010001166SSWORDSMAN w 116 87 7 5 3 E Benham H P AVhitney 890100 01468 FLORIDA GOLD w 116 1 1 2H 21 4 E Pool If P Headley 210100 01468 SNIPER w 11 43 4 G 51 E Legiero Keeneland Std Stublo 4630100 FRANK 4630100FRANK HAAVLEY w 11C 7 5 61 74 C = M Garner M Lowenstein 2730100 98087 HOLY FRIAR w 116 2 8 8 8 7 D Frogtte Southland Stable fT 40100 01468 SUN DANCE w 116 22 3 4 S J H Burke J N Camden 690100 Time 690100Time 23 47 i 54 Track fast 2 mutiiols paid PiK rt Trail 680 straight 180 place 340 show Gold Mint 180 phici 410 show Swordsman 560 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Sport Trail 240 to 100 straight 140 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Gold Mint 140 to 100 place 120 to 100 show Swordsman 180 to 100 show showAVinncr AVinncr Ch c by The Porter Ruby Hyanis by Orlando trained by J F Schorr bred by Mr Edward B McLean McLeanAVerit AVerit to post at 231 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving SPORT TRAIL began fast and showing the most speed raced into the lead with a rush and holding it well under hard riding held the race safe to the end GOLD MINT began slowly and was raced wide all the way but came fast in the stretch and was wearing the winner down SAVOKDSMAN also began slowly and finished fast FLORIDA GOLD gave way in the last eighth SUN DANCK retired after going threeeighths threeeighthsScratched Scratched 00431s Ait illeryman 110 i 9382 = Handys Bend 110 01200 Little Guinea 110 OI20T King Basil 110 01458 Senator Fiddler llfi 011203 Jock 116 990S3 Captain Applejack 116 OU912 Fred Jr 116 Tim Gleason 116 AVood Lore 116 THIRD RACE 34 Mile May 24 1921 111 6 128 Purse 1300 3yearolds and up ward Claiming Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses J4 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 99805 = MICKEY FREE WB 3 9910 5 55 31 11 1i D Dubois J Lowo 390100 012023 MULDOON WB 4 112 7 2 2 i lh 25 2 1 R Finnrty G McCarthy 350100 00994 BRLEYS TONEYwB C 116 S 11 91 S1 54 3 S ODnell R Gentry DOO100 01285DUSTY DOO10001285DUSTY MARY WB 5 102 9 3 4 4 4s 4 D Neal J H Downing 2680100 01425MASSILLON 268010001425MASSILLON WB 3 102 11 1 2 3l 51 AV Garner J N Camden 3ir0100 01199RODRIGO 3ir010001199RODRIGO WB 3 107 6 S 7 6i Ci C N Barrett F J Kelley Jr 390100 98461 BRUNSWICK w S 112 5 t T 5 7l 7l E Pool Cincinnati Stable 570100 99769 CAPTAIN HANEY w 5 111 4 10 10 10 10 81 N Burger S AV Grant 10020100 95500 = TAMALE DICK vr 3 102 1 fi S1 9 S3 9 F Maguire J AV Healy 13750100 01425 MISSION CHIMESwu 3 106 8 9 G 71 91 105 J Kenpcl C Harrigan 7SIO100 UNREASONBLE 7SIO100UNREASONBLE WB 3 103 2 7 H 11 11 11 J McCoy Burt SanCidffo t tMutuel field Time 23ls 4714 l13 l13s s Trtck fast 2 mutuels paid Mickey Free 980 straight 480 place 3CO bhow Muldoon 460 plaro 300 bhow Bradley Toney 380 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Mickey Free 390 to 100 straight 140 to 100 place 80 to 100 show Muldoon 130 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Bradleys Toney 90 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner 15 c by Polymclian Athlone by Charles OMalley trained by J Lowe bred bv Mr AVillSam R Coo CooAVent AVent to post at 302 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving MICKEY FREE began well but was forced back soon after the start then raced into the lead in the stretch and won going away MULDOON raced prominently from the start and took the lead briefly then raced well through the last sixteenth BRADLEYS TONEY began slowly anil came from far back in the last quarter DUSTY MARY tired RODRIGO was far back from the start MASSILLON set the pace briefly and quit BRUNSAVICK ran poorly poorlyScratched Scratched O0376Iittcr U8 OlliK Hats Up 110 01283 Little Cook 99 01425 Robert Maxwell 112 Overweight 112Overweight Mission Chimes 4 pounds ft K4f FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles May 24 1922 144 4 113 Purse 1200 4ycarolds Vr JLO JLOTcO TcO and upward Claiming Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AAVtPPSfU Str Fin Jockey Kquiv Odds Strt 01260 AVIDGEON wn 7 101 It S I I 1 I3 I3 D Neal J M Hubba Hubba00489RAMKIN 1220100 00489RAMKIN w 8 103 7 10 10 6 41 2 AV Garner C C AVrigh 920100 00202 MAC OBOY w 5 101 2 3 51 4 2h 21 33 S Steele D Ale Dud u 12130100 01103DESPAIR w S IOC 4 1 2 2 3 31 4 D Frojrtte I S Fount 420100 00002YORICK Fount00002YORICK w C 103 1 3 71 7l 7 C3 5 = G Philpot J Randolph 520100 LowoOI20B 01427THE Randolph01427THE LEOPARDwi 9 101 9 6 4 53 4 i C3 D Dubois J Lowo 210100 OI20B PRUDY w 4 90 5 4 31 3 51 7 73 E Benham AV F Polso 1990100 00829 = SAVAY w 10 107 10 10 9l i Si S3 S R echini Mrs AV D J 3CSO100 00054 STAR SAVEEPER VB 4 K 7 8 i 91 10 103 9 A Mooro R If Cover 3CSO1007SGO100 7SGO100 01427 HtlMORETTE wit 5 102 S 9 6 6 9 9 10 R Finnrty AV S Hcato 7SGO100C90100 C90100 00002LIRUT Hcato00002LIRUT RUST w 4 101 12 12 12 II3 11 H 11 C Lynch Southland i C90100t C90100t t 94499 AVILLOW TREE wn 8 106 fi 11 It1 12 12 12 12 F Maguiro J It Cloher t tMutucl fitld Time 24 48i lMi l4iys 148 Track fast 2 miitiiels paid AVidgeon 2040 straight 1580 place JOO sliow Ramkin 9U place 700 how Mac OBoy field 780 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Widgeon 1220 to 100 straight 690 to 100 place 350 to 100 show Ramkin 380 to 100 place 250 to 100 show Mac OBoy field 290 to 100 show AVinncr Hi g by Star Shoot Wide Eyes by Hamburg trained by J M Iluhbard bred by Mr Montfort Jonen AVent to post at 334 At post 2 minutes Start good astf Io non easily errand and third driving AVIDGEON raced into a good lead at once and easily held awiy for the fiitlrt T RAUKIrf i was far back for threequarters but came with a rush through the trcfch MAI OBOY iivid niticlk ground where possible and finished fast DESPAIR tired IltfUY ran well THE LEOPARD tird Scratched 01 287 Resonance 101 Oir02 Boys Believe MP 101 00490Johri Kinn IOC 92207Sngle lund 101 01504 Norseland 102 OH74 Rosa Greener 102 Overweight Sway 1 pound M t KTf rT FIFTH RACE 6 12 Furlongs Oct 17 1921 117 4 112 Oakdale Purse Purse V JLcP ± 4 1600 3yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 1200 second 250 third 150 Index Florses 14 V Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Slrt 94927BOTANIC 94927BOTANIC9740G w 109 4 7 2 2 2 = 11 M Skyrm L Bloom 900100 900100WB 9740G PRINCESS PAX WB 102 62 1 l i lh 2 J McCoy Keenelana Stud Stable 150100 150100WB 61333 ALLEGHAN WB 112 34 3 3s 31 5 G Johnson J T Looney 400100 400100w 81429 DEVON w 112 2 25 5 7 51 41 45 E Pool J N Camden 120100 120100WB 61135 ALI BABA WB 109 7 1 E 41 5 51 51 D Frogtte Mrs L M Holmes 3030100 3030100BlZHft 3030100w BlZHft 1285MARY MAKY O w 102 1 3 4 6 6 6 E Benham J C Milam 370100 86795 DIANE SABATH w 100 5 56 6 6 7 7 7 F Maguire I Weil 21330100 21330100Time Time 22 i 46 i 113H 120 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Itotanic 2000 straight 020 place 520 show Princess Pan 1400 place 020 bow Alleghan 380 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Botanic 000 to 100 straight 3CO to 100 place 1GO to 100 show Princess Pan fiOO to 100 place 210 to 100 show Alleghan 00 to 100 show showWinner Winner B by Braxtcd Auctioneering by Le lilizon or Hawkfinch trained by Lw Bloom bred Jn England by Mr S R Bastard BastardWent Went to post at 400 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same BOTANIC was closest up from the start and wearing PRINCESS PAN down steadily in the stretch won drawing clear PRINCESS PAN showed the most speed from the start but tired slightly in the stretch drive ALIECHAN raced close up all the way but tired and just lasted to hold third place DEVON was almost thrown in the first sixteenth and forced to the rear but came with a rush near the end MARY O also Buffered much from interference Vg K A C SIXTH RACE 4 12 Furlongs May 21 1921 52 2 110 Purse 1300 2yearolds VJLtF ± O Claiming Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses VI Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 01282IRENE ROHAN w 103 10 5 51 3i J Heupcl R Levine 610100 610100F RUANE w 10S 11 6 F Chvetta Bloomfield Stable t2040100 t2040100E 99083 SIXTEEN SIXTY vr 113 5 3 31 2i 3 E Legere H P Gardner 230100 230100E 01334A B BENSINGERw 116 6 1 21 4 4s E Scobie J C Milam 160lff 160lffM 01473 MYIITLE CALDWLLw 100 S 2 4 5 5h M Skyrm Shady BrookCl Brook Farm Sta 4140100 4140100J 01430 THE CODE w 110 3 10 Cl 6 J McTast E B McLean 4270100 4270100E 01334 SOLO w 10S 4 4 7 7 7a E Pool J N Camden 147010J 00022 HOY ROYAL AIi RALLY w 108 111 91 8 S W Bogski Harned Bros 1540100 00342 SLEEPY DICK WB 112 3 7 10 9 91 V Swansn Mrs C S Ormsley 15070100 9674 AKHAMOUK wn IOC 7 8 S1 101 101 L Pichon Green Briar Stable t tIP IP w IDS 2 9 11 11 11 R Zcchini Audley Farm Stable 7760100 7760100fMutuel fMutuel field Time 24 48 54 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Irene Rohan 1420 straight C 0 place 380 show Ruane field 10GO place T GU Miow Sixteen Sixty 340 show showEquivalent Equivalent Itooking odds Irene Rohan CIO to 100 straight 230 to 100 place 00 to 100 show Ruanc field 880 to 100 place ISO to 100 show Sixteen Sixty 70 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by Sweep On Long Ago by Previous trained by W Perkins bred by Mr L A Moseley MoseleyWent Went to post at 430 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same IRENE ROHAN began from an outer position and was clear of interference and coming with a rush on the stretch turn and finishing gamely outstayed RUANE The latter also away well and hard ridden showed the most speed but tired near the end THIRTEEN SIXTY had no mishaps and tired in the stretch A 15 BENSINGER began well but tired and his rider eased him up before reach ¬ ing the stretch but he finished well when ridden hard hardScratched Scratched 98208 Beauty Star 04 pounds Sleepy Dick SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards May 30 1919 141 4 110 Purse 1300 3 yoarolds and upward Fillies and Mares Claiming Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPStU 4 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 96974LORA BROOKS w 4 105 7 3 3 2 2 2 11 W Garner Miss L Brooks 01425 DOLLY BAY w 3 100 3 1 I1 1J 1s 1J 2 F Maguire J T Weaver Weaver01042MRS 01042MRS MOORE w 3 99 4 11 S1 7 61 3 = 3s L CanfielU WE Applegate 01242 ALLAIRE w 3 93 6 8 4 6 61 6 51 4 D Dubois H Oots 98515 FRANCES ROCK w 3 100 2 9 71 4 4l 61 51 L Woods J D Walker 00347 SPANISH ROSE WB 5 107 8 2 2 3 3l 4 Cl M Skyrm SkyrmSi Mrs J Dreyer 01171 MAUlLi BARTON w 3 9211 6101 S Si 8 7 71 S Steele Green Briar Stabli 01331 MY DESTINY WB 4 105 5 4 5 5 74 81 8 II Finnrty M Andrews 0 1 106 FLYING SPARK WB 3 95101011 11 9 9 9 n Jones G Watts 4000100 124fl DTWOD BLAZE WB 3 99 9 7 6 10i 11 10h 10 L Pichon Mrs L M Holmes t 012051 DELECTABLE wn 5 112 1 5 9l 9 10 n n K Scobie W Tobias 2200100 2200100tMutuel tMutuel field Time 23i 48 113 140 l44 l44j j Track fast 2 mutuels paid Ioretta Prooks 4300 straight i00 place 1040 show Dolly Bay 740 place C20 show Mrs Moore 000 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds lx retta Brooks 2050 to 100 straight H80 to 100 place 420 to 100 show Dolly Bay 1 ° place 210 to 100 show Mrs Moore 230 to 100 show showWinner Winner IS f by Ralph Tliaka by Sir Huon trained by R I Bvooks bred by Mr George J Long LongWent Went to ix st at 103 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the sanie IORHTTA BROOKS moved up steadily after going threequarters and finishing fast outstayed DOLLY BAY through the final seventy yards DOLLY BAY showed the most speed for nearly the entire race but tired slightly MRS MOORE closed a big gap in the last quarter AL LAIRE raced well SPANISH ROSE tired tiredSciatched Sciatched 07194 Botch J 01508 Fair Rowena 107 107Overweights Overweights Marial Barton 2 pounds Driftwood Blaze 4