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CHICAGO TO SEE DERBY DERBYMore More Than Ever Before Going to toLouisville Louisville to Witness Running Runningof of Kentucky Derby Chicagoans are going to the Kentucky Derby in larger numbers this year than ever before Estimates of Chicagoans who will travel to Louisville for the great event range from 10000 to 20000 the almost endless procession of motor cars adding its thousands to those going by rail It is said that more than twenty special trains will leave here the first departing Wednesday evening fol ¬ lowed by others on Thursday and Friday FridayIn In addition to the different railways the Pennsylvania the Monon and the Big Four that are running special trains to Louis ¬ ville many of the big clubs here will have their annual parties made up and have already booked passage on special trains of their own Groups from the C A A the Illinois A C the Hamilton and other clubs will be represented Joe Coffey Charlie Essig and others who annually run specials down there will again be represented representedE E J McCabe is taking a party of close to one hundred down for the big event Those engaging transportation with him are as follows Miss Itlanche Savoie Los Angeles Calif CalifMrs Mrs E P Ilyrne St Louis Mo MoK K C Long Aurora 111 111Mrs Mrs Frank Halloran Philadelphia Pa PaHarris Harris Galpin and party Muskcgon Mich MichAmong Among those from Chicago and its im ¬ mediate vicinity who will make the trip on the McCabe special are Arthur II Iirnungbara Thomas M Mellale Gruham Itcedy Mr and Mrs James J JCullen Cullen CullenMiss Miss Marie Voodaril Hep Charles II Weber County Assessor Gene GeneOliver Oliver OliverT T 1 Lynch II T Hollingshead Dr Otto Kolar Frank J Arado Frank J McDonald Otto C Voerter Mr and Mrs X C CSeh Seh i Mo MoDr Dr O Nelson Mr arid Mrs Thomas J JKigney Kigney J 15 Crane Joseph A Rate Tony Itarrctt Dr L K Eastman Edward damage Mr and Mrs Henry HenryG G a mean meanFrank Frank J Carroll Mr and Mrs Herbert HerbertDauter Dauter Djvul LjiJanou Mr and Mrs George GeorgeA A Murphy Matt Itunyan Mrs A K Kichardson Eugene T Sullivan Thomas Malow C J ODonnell James Morton Mr and Mrs John JohnThompson Thompson William Longway Charles K Driscoll Mr and Mrs Joseph J JSpain Spain Mr and Mrs Frank E ENlhbe Nlhbe NlhbeMiss Miss Agnella Taylor Edwin J Nelson Albert Lambert John J Flanigan Abe Shlffmau John T Faliey Mrs Itiehard Walsh Edward Stabell Elmer Olson Dr L IJ Joslyn Michael Irauci K I Gorey Mr and Mrs George GeorgeKerns Kerns