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RCINO FORM CHARTS JAMAICA Copyright 1926 by Daily Racing Porm Publishing Co NEW YORK N Y WEDNESDAY MAY 12 1926 Jamaica 1 Mile Thirteenth day Metropolitan Jockey Cluli Spring meeting of 20 days Weather clear Stewards W S Vosburgh J K Cowdin and O II Bull Steward Representing the National Steeplechase and Hunts Association J E Davis Judges E C Smith and C Cornehlscn Starter Mars Oassidy Assistant to Stewards at the Start E C Potter Racing Secretary F Rehborger Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p m V indicates whip S spurs 15 blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance 0153 ft ETOrT FIRST RACE 58 Mile May 16 1923 58i 2 111 Wcodside Purse Purse 81000 Index Horses 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P 0109GSAXON w 119 1 1 1 J1S1 = 1 G Ellis Grecntreo Sta 710 45 35 14 out 00810 MINIATOR w 117 22 2l 2l 23 2l L McAtee H P Whitney t 4 4 91013 9101301420MASTER 01420MASTER WlLLIAMw 11J G 4 5 5 3J 3 E AmbrseA J Gadek 677 8512 00988 WHISKEY RUN w 113 3 3 4 i 4h 4j 4J p Werner E It Byers 20 30 30 S 4 01188 CAPTAIN KETTLEwB 113 5 5 3 Si 5 i 5i W HarveyH P AVhitney 3 4 4 910 1 01420SPOP BELL wu 113 4 C C C G 6 R Carter Mrs J Sciacluga G 10 10 2J 1 1fCoupIed fCoupIed as II P Whitney entry entryTime Time 23 47 595s Track fast fastWinner Winner B c by Broomstick Homely by Sea King trained by C Phillips bred by Grecstree Stable StableWont Wont to post at 231 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving SAXOX away fast and showing high speed set a great pace saved ground where possible and InIll MINIATOR safe in the final drive The latter raced in closest pursuit throughout and made a game rush after entering the stretch but was outfinished MASTER WILLIAM was badly outrun for the first threeeighths and lost ground when entering the stretch but finished fast WHISKEY RUN ran fairly well CAPTAIN KETTLE quit after going a half mile mileScratched Scratched Oil SS5 Arrogant 113 1 STOO SECOND RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Kay 15 1925 141 4 124 Purse 51000 3 JLtFOO yearolds and upward Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt y V = Str Fin Jockeys O II C P 01357 VELERO w 3 115 1 1 lh I1 11 1 1s E AmbrseLilane Stable 344 G5 25 01272 CAPE HORN wn 3 115 4 3 45 4 4 4 21 T McTagtXewtomlale Sta G 8 5 S5 35 3501419BOMBARDIEH 01419BOMBARDIEH WB S 110 5 42 2nk 2 2 i 31 E Barnes J Butler 751152 71013 01227 PADDY HYNES wn 3 105 2 2 31 3s 3J 3 4IJ F Reilly J Wilson S 12 12 4 2 01270 SWEPT wn 3 103 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 W HarveyMrs D Buchanan 3 3J 135 45 13 13Time Time 23 48 114 143 146 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch c by Under Fire Evening Song by Hamburg trained by J S Healy bred by Mr Thomas Piatt PiattWent Went to post at 254 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving VELERO was away well and taking the lead at once set a good pace under strong restraint and drawing away from BOMBARDIER when called on won with speed in reserve CAPE HORN was outrun to the stretch then worked his way up on the inside and finishing fast on teamed the tiring BOMBARDIER The latter was much used in forcing the pace and tired badly near the end PADDY JIYNES ran a good race and had no mishaps SWEPT raced poorly THIRD RACE 34 Male May 21 1925 111 3 120 Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Maidens Allowances Net value to winner 703 second 200 third 100 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys O H C P 0112G3HARDWOOD wn 5 115 42 2 in 1J 1 E Barnes G D Widener Widenerw 01232 CRYSTALLITE w 3 115 2 3 4 4 3J 21 L Fator Rancocas Sta 3 4 If 0139G ALLEY OOP wn 3 110 5 4 32 31 4 3 G Ellis Greentree Sta 5 S 8 2 45 01390s PALESTINE w 3 110 3 1 li 25 2l H Richds Snf dSfilFmSt 1 1 45 1C out 014C2 GLADSTONE w 4 118 1 5 5 5 5 G R Carter Mrs L M Cono 15 30 30 10 2i Time 23 47 113 Track fast fastWinner Winner B c by Broomstick Duckshot by Gallinule trained by A J Joyner bred by Mr George D Widener WidenerWent Went to post at 321 At po t 1 minute Start good and slow for all hut GLADSTONE Won driv ¬ ing fUHond and third the same HARDWOOD forced the pace from the start and racing PALESTINE into defeat took the lead but just held it long enough to outfinish CRYSTALLITE The latter dropped back after the start but worked his way up on the outside and finishing fastest of all would have won in another stride ALLEY OOP ran well and had no mishaps PALESTINE set a fast early pace and quit badly GLADSTONE was as good as left leftScratched Scratched 014H3 Vie 110 01357 Brookwood 115 014C4 Wishing Stone 115 ft K A A FOURTH HACE 34 Mile May 21 1925 111 3 120 Twentieth Running NEW UJLOTCJ TOWN CLAIMING STAKES 2000 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to win ¬ ner 3200 second 500 third 250 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners OHO 013r 8EUCLID wn 3 109 3 3 1 2J I3 I1 L Fator Rancocas Sta 12 12 25 15 out out01127BASQUAISE 01127BASQUAISE WB 3 108 2 2 3 i y 2 k 215 H ThurberJ F Richardson 8 13 12 3 75 01229 TRAVELLER WB 3 109 5 G G G 5s 3l E Barnes W J Salmon 6882 710 013 0 GNOME GIRL wn 4 115 G 5 2 lh 3J 4 B BrningrJ L Holland 30 40 20 7 3 01300 EVERGLADE WB 5 122 1 1 53 4l 4 J 53 L McAtee Mrs A Swenke G 12 12 3 G5 G599GOG 99GOG THE VINTNER WB 5 117 4 4 4 5 = G 6 J ThomasGreentreo Sta 10 12 10 2i 1 1Time Time 23 47 112 Track fast fastAVinncr AVinncr II c by The Finn Mrs Scwall by Masctto trained by S C Hildrcth bred by Mr W W Darden Went to post at 355 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving EUCLID sot a fast pace from soon after the start and after being headed briefly by GNOME GIRL raced the latter into defeat and taking the lead again held it to the end BASQUAISE was forced back after leaving the halfmile post but finished resolutely when clear TRAVELLER was out ¬ run for the first half mile but moved up fast on the outside and closed a big gap GNOME GIRL ran well and had no mishaps EVERGLADE was pinched back after going an eighth and worked his way up on the inside but was in close quarters at the end THE VINTNEH ran poorly poorlyScratched Scratched O1404 Lachen 100 01300 = Sarapion 109 0539 = CrystaHite 109 97043JHullabaloo 117 01407 Profemor 109 01424 Mayne 109 01127 Brosc Hover 109 01497 Zuker 118 118Overweight Overweight Basquaise 2 pounds f4 Ktt FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards May 15 1925 l41 i 4 124 Purse 1000 4 VrJLOdbJL yearolds and upward Claiimng Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U J2 i Str Fin Jockeys O II C P S 01125 BETTER TIMES wn G 120 3 3 I 1s 1J I2 1 II WakoffG Koningswold 4 G G 2 1 O131G WILL WELLS WB 4 109 G 4 21 21 21 2J 2 W HarveyR Newman 35521 35521OOG72 OOG72 GOV SMITH w 5 113 2 3 41 3 3s 3 3 W Smith A Arana 3 4J 1G5 G5 35 35O14GG O14GG GALA NIGHT wn 4 109 1 1 G G 5s 5 41 F Reilly G Boyle 3 G G 2 1 1010G4HANKY 010G4HANKY RICE w 4 112 5 6 5 4 4 4i 5 F HstingsP H Sims 21 3 854525 854525OI3C1 OI3C1 CORK ELM WB G 110 4 5 3 3 5 G G G F HerdezF Williams 20 30 20 7 3 3Timo Timo 23 48 113 141 145 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch g by Berrilldon Bounty by Celt trained by F L Moore bred by Mr W Garth GarthWent Went to post at 417 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily sccoud and third driving BETTER TIMES drew away into an easy lead soon after the start and won casing up WILL WELLS raced in closest pursuit throughout and made a game finish GOV SMITH was in close quar ¬ ters while racing to the first turn but could not get to the leaders when clear GALA NIGHT was crowded against the fence when going to the first turn and knocked back HANKY RICE began in a tangle and being much used in getting into fourth place tired and quit quitScratched Scratched O1320 Rusovia 115 01542 SIXTH RACE 58 Mile May 16 1923 58 2 111 Purse 1000 2yearolds Maid ¬ ens Fillies Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses Vi Str Fin Jockeys O H 0 P 1i I1 li li T McTagtNewtondale Sta 2 135 85 710 13 00785 GRAYLlGS LADYwn 117 G 3 2 3 4 2li R Carter H K Bliss G 5 41 85 710 710WEDDING WEDDING BELLS ws 117 3 5 5 4k 3 3 G Ellis J Butler 3 4 185 G5 35 00903 NARRATOR w 117 54 3k 2i 2i 4 F Weiner L Waterbury 88521 88521ACQUITTAL ACQUITTAL w 117 1 2 7 GJ G 5i E Barnes G D Widener 21 6 G 2 1 01321 HOCICSAL w 117 7 G 43 5 = 5s Ck F Sharpe J A Harper 20 30 30 10 5 5BONNIE BONNIE KHAYYAMw 117 2 7 G 7 7 7 H Richds Clovelly Fm Sta 10 15 15 G 3 3Time Time 23i 48i l01 l01s s Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch f by Omar Khayyam Raindrop by Maintenon trained by N Tallman bred by Mr C W Leonard LeonardWent Went to post at 442 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same ARABIA set a good pare and drawing away into a long lead saved ground where possible but tired and just lasted long enough to outfinish GRAYLINGS LADY The latter worked her way up steadily and finishing fasl was wearing the winner down WEDDING BELLS met with early in ¬ terference but blipped through next to the rail and finished fast NARRATOR ran well throughout and finished on his own iourage ACQUITTED and BONNIE KHAYYAM were knocked out of contention early earlyScratched Scratched 01499 Mijigado 117 Jumbo 117