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PIMLICO Copyright 1926 by Daily Racing Form Publishing Co rnOJCO MD WEDNESDAY MAY 12 1926 1 Mile Tenth day Pimlico Jockey Club Spring in re ting of 11 days Weather clear Steward Representing Maryland Racing Commission G Brown Jr Stewards G Brown Jr P J Bryan end A G AVcston Judge J 15 Campbell P G Kiggs and H P Cockling Starter J F Milton Racing Secretary F J IJryan Racing starts at 2150 p m Cliicago tinio 230 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance 4 KKf FIRST RACE 2 Miles Emerson Steeplechase Purse 2000 4yearolds and upward V JLOOV Allowances Net value to winner 1400 second 400 third 200 Index Horses A Wt PP St 4 8 12 13 Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 97249 BIUDGE w 4 140 6 6 1J 1 1s Il R Neander J R Macomber 95100 01363 DGON DE VRTUws 4 133 3 3 5s 4 25 2 2 F Preece Winburn Stable 395100 95277 ASCETIC w 5 147 1 5 3 3J 3 3 3 0 C Jones J E Widener 465100 465100ei3972OYSTER ei3972OYSTER BED ws S 149 416 C 4 4 4 ° A AVliams Winburn Stable t 01274 ON HIGH w 9 147 5 2 4k 5 5 5 6 W Keating R Pending 3300100 01397 BURTON II w 7 149 2 4 23 23 L rider L Cheyne I Dominick 610100 fCoupled as Wiuburn Stable entry entryTime Time 353 Track fast 2 mutiiels paid Bridge 390 straight 300 place 250 show Winburn Stable entry 310 place 220 show Ascetic 260 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Bridge 95 to 100 straight 50 to 100 place 23 to 100 show Winburn Stable entry 55 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Ascetic 30 to 100 show showWinner Winner GerryAVent K g by Wrack Cue by Cyclades trained by W Booth bred by Mr R L Gerry AVent to i ost at 228 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving BR1DCE outran and outjurnped the others for the entire race and was under restraint at the end DRAGON DE YERTU closed a big gap and easily passed ASCETIC on the last turn of the field The latter raced well and was under restraint for the first turn of the field then was eased up when he tired BURTON II lost his rider at the tenth jump SECOND RACE 4 12 Furlongs May 10 1921 53 2 118 Purse 1300 2yearolds Maidens Fillies Net value to winner 900 second 250 third 150 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 61368 ORANGE GLOW w 118 97 5 3i 1 G Fields Hamilton Farm Stable 740100 740100HIGH HIGH ART w 118 2 4 I1 lk 2 C Lang Audley Farm Stable 2120100 98123 FALLEN LEAF wn 118 11 85 8i 3 L Schaefer Nevada Stock Farm Sta 3710100 3710100O1398alIUSH O1398alIUSH SMILE w IIS 11 S 6 5i 41 L Morris Foxcatcher Farm Stable 383100 383100SELFISH SELFISH w 118 46 9 9 P P Marnez F G Gilroy 3980100 81435 COMPENSATION w 118 53 4 24 6 J Shanks J E Davis 1490100 9897 GLORIOUS w 118 6 9 12 II1 J 7 J Callahn Mrs W M Jeffords 2280100 01433 FIRESIDE TALES w 118 7 11 J0 12 Si F Colletti K E Hitt 2170100 2170100GOLD GOLD J1S5100SAPIN BELLS w 118 12 G 3 7 J 91 E Smwod Pastime Stable J1S5100 SAPIN w 118 10 12 llLKHi 10J P Walls A C Bpstwick t 61433 CHARLOTTE HALL w 118 3 2 2 41 11 V Stott Revilo Stable 3035100 3035100LEDA LEDA w IIS S 10 7i Ci 12 G Dyson J E Davis J tUutuel field JCoupled as J E Davis entry entryTime Time 24 48 55 Track fast 2 miituels paid Orange Glow 1080 straight 900 place 640 show High Art 1930 place 1250 show Fallen Ix af 1890 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Orange Mow 740 to 100 straight 350 to 100 place 220 to 100 show High Art Sir to 1OO place 525 to 100 show Fallen Ieaf 845 to 100 show Winner 1 f by Campfire Orange Lilly by William the Third trained bv R A Smith bred by Mr Richard T Wilson WilsonAVent AVent to post at 1504 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving ORANGE GLOW began very slowly but worked her way up steadily on the outside and taking the lead with a rush in the stretch drew far away in the last eighth HIGH ART began fast and showed the most early speed then finished gamely for second place FALLEN LEAF shuffled back in the first sixteenth came again after saving ground when entering the home stretch GOLD BELLS raced v ry wide on all the turns turnsScratched Scratched 013C4 Lustre Hour 118 Cuckoo Messenger 118 Cast By 118 THIRD RACE 1 116 Miles May 10 1922 144 3 107 Strathmore Claiming Han dicap Purse 1300 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 900 second 250 third 150 Index Horses AAVtPPStU J Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt OI4343AVAR 47510001401BRICE MAN w C 110 4 3 2 23 2 2 lh J Chalmrs AV C Trover 475100 01401BRICE WB 5 113 2 1 I11 I3 15 I1 2 k J Callahn AVHS Martin 380100 380100Ol32fisGATEVOOD Ol32fisGATEVOOD w 3 95 5 4 3 3l 4 S 3i AV Mcltre Audley Farm Stable 2525100 2525100r 01239 DR OMARA r 5 110 3 5 5a 4t 3b 4 4 F Colletti J Farreil 590100 01033 AUCILLA v v r 3 98 1 3 44 5 5 55 R Peternel C C Smithson 525100 013673SIR 52510001367JS1R LEONID w C 111 7 7 7 C C 6 C P AValls E P Summerfield 495100 01434 PIXOLA wu 4 110 C C C 7 7s 7 78 B Thpson R T AVilson 1260100 01434 ZEEBRUGCE WB 4 110 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 L Schaefer AV L Hernstadt 1010100 1010100Time Time 23 48 114 140 147 Track fast 2 inutuols paid AVar Man 1150 straight 3CO place 380 show Brice 5 0 place 470 show Gatcwood 910 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds AVar Man 475 to 100 straight ISO to 100 place 90 to 100 show Brice 175 to 100 place it5 to 100 show Gatewood 355 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner B g by For Fair Pianette by Peter Pan trained by AA C Trover bred by Mr H M Jewett JewettAAent AAent to post at 3r4 At post 3 minute Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same AVAR MAN forced the pace from the start and moving up gamely after rounding the last turn outgamcd BRICE at the end The latter set a good pace and racing next to the rail all the way withstood a challenge from AVAR MAN at the head of the stretch but tired and succumbed in the last Kixtrcnth GATEWOOD ran well and outgamed DR OMARA in the final drive SIR LEONID began slowly and ran poorly poorlyOverweight Overweight Sir Leonid 1 pound ft CT CT Q FOURTH RACE 4 12 Furlongs May 10 1921 53 2 118 Tenth Running SPRING VAOtfO JUVENILE STAKES 5000 Added 2yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 4840 second 1000 third 500 fourth 250 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 01275STHE HEATHEN w IIS 33 I1 1 In J Callahn C II Pierce 703100 14 75 CASTING w 118 5 C G 4 2 2 P AValls A C Bostwick 83100 14353PETER FIZ w 118 65 4l 2 2 = 31 A Johnson Brookmeado Stable 843100 013C8J1M CROW AV US 14 2J 31 4s 4i F Colletti S Ross II IIOI400SPOLANTE OI400SPOLANTE WB 125 4 2 CJ C = 5 5 k L Schaefer Nevada Stk Fm Sta C30100 C30100OI4783TAM1AMI OI4783TAM1AMI TRAIL w 118 7 7 77 C 6 J Butwell Beacom Manor Stable 2580100 0147CFOREGONE w 118 2 1 31 5 7 7 AV Crump H G Bedwell 21UO100 21UO100Time Time 23 47 54 Track fast 2 mutiiels paid The Heathen 1610 straight JOO place 550 show Casting 27O place 250 bhow Petir Fiz iK show showEquivalent Equivalent Iraoking odds The Heathen 705 to 100 straight 130 to 100 place 75 to 100 show Cast ¬ ing 35 to 100 place 25 to 100 show Peter Fiz 95 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner It r by Dcmnacoiia Buda by Sweep trained by AV R Midgley bred by Mr J H AVhite AVhiteAVent AVent to pot at 410 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow AVon driving second and thin the same THE HEATHEN began well and netting a fast pace withstood a challenge from PETER YIY after rounding the fur turn but barely managed to hang to the lead lung enough to win CASTING began very slowly and dropi cd back in the first eighth then closed a big gap and finishing fast was wearing the winner down at the end PETER FIX raced well but quit in the last eighth after moving up while rounding the far turn JIM GROW showed si ed but tired tiredScratched Scratched O1TJ8 Hunter Boy 118 01400 Maid of Orleans 115 01554 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile May 6 1924 l10 i 6 116 Purse 1300 3yearolds Al ¬ lowances Net value to winner 900 second 250 third 150 Index Horses AAVtlPSt Vt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 01436 MONTKEKRAT WB 115 61 I1 1 1 1i F Colletti Sajramoro Stablo 993100 00891 AVELSHOT w 120 7 2 2 4 31 21 J Chalmrs A G Wen ton C33100 01325 FIRST AID WB 113 46 5 2 23 3 J Callahn K E Hitt 2333103 2333103n n 120 1 3 4 C3 4 4 A Johnson Brookmeado Stablo 0100 0100KNAVMEGNOME KNAVMEGNOME WB 115 35 6 6 6 5 L Schaefer S L Burch 6705100 6705100007883ORESTES 007883ORESTES II w 118 34 31 3 53 64 C I anK AV R Salleo 303100 303100GAIPG GAIPG SOUVENIRw 113 57 7777J Taylor R L Humphrey 16160100 16160100Time Time 23 47 113 Track fast 2 mutuclfi paid Montfcrrat 2190 straight 760 place 510 show AVtlshot 020 place 440 Bhow First Aid 720 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Montfcrrat 905 to 100 straight 280 to ICO place 155 to 100 show AVel Khot 210 to 100 place 120 to 100 show First Aid ITX to 100 show showWinner Winner H c liy Mal oul Constance dAntiochr by Phoenix trained by J II Stotler bred In France by Count Marois MaroisAVcut AVcut to K rt at 441 At post 1 minntr Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driving MONTFERRAT began fast and quickly taking the lead won all the way but was tiring at the end AVELSHOT saved ground when entering the home trvtrh and ma l a fast finish FIRST AID tired after making a challenge at the head of the home utretch FLYMAN wa always outiKirid and ran a poor race with his rider hard at work on him most of the way UKKSTKS II quit quitScratched Scratched 015ijsSon Ami 11X 00801 Lewie 120 01326 King Carter 111 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Nov 3 1923 142 3 110 Arundel Fan Purse 1500 3vearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 1000 second 300 third 200 Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFia Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 01434GOLDEN SPIRE w 4 114 1 a 5 5 4 3 Il G Fields Sunnyland Stablo 01236 POSTILLION w 5 107 4 4 1J Il I1 I1 2 J Leyland International Stable 875100 01237 BY HISSELF WB 4 119 5 5 4 3 3 4 3 k F Colletti AV M Jeffords 460100 00989 NAT EVENS w 3 99 3 3 2 2 2h 21 4 V Munden C C Hall 90010 01326KOREAN WB 3 99 2 1 31 4 G 6 B J Callahn K E Hitt 293100 293100Time Time 23 48 113 139 144 Track fast 2 mntucls paid Golden Spire 470 straight 320 place 250 show Postillion 610 place 350 show By Hissclf 300 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Golden Spire 135 to 100 straight 60 to 100 place 25 to 100 show Pos ¬ tillion 205 to 100 place 75 to 100 show By Hisself 50 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner Ch g by Golden Broom Glorymaid by Glorifier trained by It A Smith bred by Mr and Mrs AValtcr M Jeffords JeffordsAVent AVent to post at 514 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving GOLDEN SPIRE was far back until after passing the halfmile post then was taken to the outride and coming with a rush passed POSTILLION and won going away POSTILLION set a fast early pace but tired in the last eighth BY HISSELF moved up gamely on the turn out of the back stretch and finished well KOREAN quit and was eased up NAT EVENS pulled up very lame SEVENTH RACE 31 Mile May 6 1924 110 6 116 Purse 1300 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 909 second 250 third 150 Index Hones AWtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt i 01477 ROLAND WB 5 109 7 6 4 4 I1 R Peternel Mrs R I Miller 690100 69010001198SGYMKHANA 01198SGYMKHANA w 4 104 3 2 3 2 23 23 W Munden E F Whitney 190100 01369 HVEY STEDMN WB 3 108 24 6 5 5 31 V Stott Mrs W J Howard 1993100 199310001328DIZZY 01328DIZZY BLONDE w 3 105J 4 1 I1 I1 I1 4l G Fields Sunnyland Stable 280100 280100011003TAMARIND 011003TAMARIND w 4 113 1 3 2 3 3J H Ericksn Seagram Stable 315100 01102 DERONDA w 5 112 8 8 8 8 7 6JU Tamaro F Scrio 6640100 97537 GREAT ROCK w 4 107 5 7 7J 7 6 7 J Chalmrs D Raymond 7370100 75424 SKIRMISHER wu 5 110J G 5 4i C 8 S AV Crump J B Rausch 14835100 14835100Time Time 23 113 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Roland 1380 straight 510 place 370 show Gymkhana 340 place 260 show Harvey Stedman 620 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Roland 590 to 100 straight 155 to 100 place 85 to 100 show Gymkhana 70 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Harvey Stedraan 210 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner B c by Sweep Tapiola by The Commoner trained by M Simon bred by Mr Harry F Sinclair SinclairAVent AVent to post at 548 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow AVon handily second and third driving ROLAND began slowly on the outside but gradually improved his position and moving up rapidly after entering the home stretch swerved over to the inside and finishing with a rush won going away GYMKHANA was much used in forcing the pace and tired in the last sixteenth after passing DIZZY RLONDK HAKVEY STEDMAN finished gamely DIZZY BLONDE set a good pace to the stretch and tired TAMARIND quit quitScratched Scratched 01513Leonard G 114 01477 Uralite 98 01554 KnowMeCnome 95 95Overweights Overweights Dizzy Blonde 1 pounds Skirmisher 3A