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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesCHURCHILL CHURCHILL DOWNS THURSDAY MAY 13 13WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TUACK FAST Tho figures under the heading Rec in tho entries below show tho best tima of each horse at tho distance sines January 1 1935 m matter whero it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track con ¬ ditions 9SOS7 IS FIttST IXDEX OF 1926 011S6IS FIKST IVDKY OF 3IAY 3IAYHairing Hairing starts at 200 p in Chicago time 300 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceThe The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made madeAkron Akron Akn King Edward KE KEAqueduct Aqueduct LagAurora Aqu Lagoon Lag Aurora Aur Latonia Lat LatBelmont Belmont Park Bel Laurel Lrl Bluo LrlBluo Bonnets BB Lsxington Lsx Blue LsxBlue Grass BG Lex Colored Fair LF LFBowis Bowis Bow Ling Brahch LB Brooklyn LBBrooklyn Bkn Maple Heights MH MHChurchill Churchill Downs CD Marlboro Mar MarClarksbare Clarksbare Cla Miami Mia MiaColumbus Columbus Col Mobile Mo3 Colwood Mo3Colwood Park CIw Mount Royal MR MROoney Ooney Island CI Niagara Falls NF Connaught NFConnaught Park CP Orlando Orl OrlDado Dado Park DP Omaha Oma OmaDelorimier Delorimier Park Del Phoenix Phx Devonshire PhxDevonshire Dev Pimlico Pirn Dor Baceland Duff erin Park Duf Reno Empire Emp Salt Lakj ErUnger Erl Saratoga Fair Grounds FG Tampa Fairmaunt Park FP Tanforan Fort Erie FE Thistledown Hamilton Ham Thorncliffe Havre de Grace HdG Tijuana Havana Hav Timosium Hawthorne Haw Toledo Huntington Htn United Hunts Jamaica Jam Wheeling Jefferson Park JP Willows Park Juarez Jua Windsor Kempton Park KP Woodbine Kenil worth Ken Youngstowa Churchill Downs 1 Mile MileFirst First Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1200 3yearolds anil upward Cla Claiming Track record May I 1911 111 6 12 128 128loaay loaay noB PoKtP Vr UPC AWMInn Sandalwood 15DP 115 113 S lirX72 Nimrod S Tdn 101 11313 11313Pyx r 110X720 Pyx 2 Thf 103 l15 l15Charcoal l15s = s 9 109X715 Charcoal 5 CI 105 l135is 4 109X710 llitsy Bee M it 3 94 710 Taudlanc 10 CD 102 114 4 104 710 Al Stebler 21 FP 113 l17 l17sm sm 0 109X710 Winding Throtigh 20 CI 100 Il4 m mMassey 7 99X701 Massey 13 CI 102 113 Ji 3 103X705 Little Cook 0 3 100X705 Irresponsible 11 Lat 10S l23h Quren Navarre NavarreM M 14 Lat 102 l14 ni Frederick Raphael RaphaelM M 1 Mia IIS l155 l155Lucky Lucky Donna M 3 M 111 11713 11713Omniu 3 100 700 Omniu 4 FP 104 l17 l17sm = sm 3 105 700 01504 Bootsie M 7CI SO 89113 l13i 3 89X700 01210 Op She Goes 9 3 95 700 0103G Jane 0 10 3 94 700 01505 Modna 12 JP 105 l15 l15s = s 7 104X700 86383 Loyal Legion M 17 Lat 112 l14vs 3 105 700 01281 Ethel K 18 CI 101 114 = 3 4 99X700 99X700Second FurlongsPurse Second Race 4 12 Furlongs Purse ClaimingTrack 1200 2yearolds Maidens Claiming Track record May 21 1921 522 110 01282 Vev y 14 Lex 110 55 i 105 725 01425 Kdna Mac 5 CD 110 55 = i 105 720 01136 Lady Pennant 6 715011C6 Lor 00 55i 110 715 011C6 Candy Hock 12 Lex 11C 55 i 114 710 01426 Wood Xyuiph 13 CM 116 5Gli 108 710 99388 Golden Laura 15 Tij 107 55s 100 705 00029 Circus Iady S 107X705 01282 Monte Rosa 7 Lex 110 riO 3 IOC 705 01245 Majoe 4 Lex 111 57 = i 110 700 Edna Mitchell 2 CD 10S 50 50Lucky Lucky Mistake K CD 11G r8 r8Little Little Guinea 9 Lex 1IC 5G i iMiss Miss Chiniiiuy 1C Lex 110 57s 57sWolfy 112 700 Wolfy 1 113 Mandolotto 10 100 Sophronia Fair 11 102 Third Race 1 116 Miles Purse 1400 3vearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 24 1022 V44 4 113 01069 = Kicer 0 Haw 110 l4Sls 107X725 107X725f G0085 BLlzoni 2 Haw 102 lMi f 112 720 01504 Sun Hajah 1 Mia 114 1473 5 105X715 00450 Smi Hathor 10 Tarn 07 1511S 01504 Pat Calhoun 11 CD 10214SS 01505 Pretty Politician Politiciany y Mil 100l45s 01546 Willow Tree 7 Tij 97 1483 S 108X705 108X705r 97299 Black Gracklc K Cl 108 145 r 981705 96930 Phidias 3 Lat 104 l47 = i 5 108 700 01425 llcnlstiian 4 Emp 108 149 4 103X700 01335 Hegal Toy M Mia 101 146 = 2 4 108X700 Fourth Race 4 12 Furlongs FurlongsAnchorage Anchorage Purse PursePurse Purse 1300 2yrarolds Fillies Allowances Track record May 21 1821 52 HO 01105 Kden 3 Mia 115 54 115 725 01473 Gay Hallie 2 CD 110 55 115 720 01473 Hosctta StoncM 4 CD 108 56 110 715 99416 Pompano 1 115 710 710Melting Melting Star 5 J10 Little Borah C 110 Fifth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsCrescent Crescent Hill Purse Purse 1800 3yearolds and upward Allowance AllowanceTrack Track record May 30 1919 141 1 110 01471 LAVEEX S CI 102 l42s 5 100 735 01429 Uuck 1 Iit 10U 143 5 Iiic725 01472 Spanish Lay 9Mia 95144 = 3 3 97 720 01472 Bolton 2 JP 113 1443 3 101XL 01429 Superfrank C CI 100 142 4 115X710 011U8 Buttress 7 Lat 00 143 3 4 1O1X710 j 97133 Cupids Curse 5 3 88 705 97434 Barbara 3 3 00X700 98406 Alleviator 4 4 105 700 700Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1500 3yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record May 24 1921 111 0 128 01470 Bookbinder 13Mia 99Jl121i 113X725 91648 Bulletin S 110 720 97362 Anona 3 Lat 107 1143 93X715 93X71599754s 99754s Disciple 1 Mia 97 l12s 105X710 105X7100580S1 0580S1 Pitchfork 15 Lat 110 113 107X710 00001 = Aileen P 14 FG 105 l13i 93X710 93X7109S840 9S840 Shampoo 19 CI 105 113 95X710 01545 Massillon 17 CD 10311133 102X705 97449 KeKourecful OCI 111 113 101 705 01425 Marengo 5 Haw 105 1143 110 705 70596S67 96S67 Pani Hoina 11FP 105 110 03X705 99566 Lonl Mcise 2 Mia 112 114 98X700 00218 Kuth Gold 4 Aqu 115 114 04 700 82840 The Uovc M 0 105 700 00225 Mary Kinkead 7 Lat 124 l14Vi 103X700 97493 Tlie Engineer 10 Lrl 111 l14Vi 108x700 01104 La Sabina 12CD 96 113 107 700 00488 Fire Under IGMia 112 115H 103X700 97449 Snow Man IS CD 106 l16s 100X700 100X700Seventh Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsPurse Purse 1400 3vtarolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record May 30 1919 141 i 110 99903 = Blue Sprite UMia 104 1403 97X725 01427 Broad Axe lOLex 110 147 102X720 01474 = Xtra 4 CD 80 147 107 15 01469 = Prodigal 1 CD 08 147 107X710 00689 Assent 15 07X710 01427 Lady Lynn SJP 102 1451 03X710 00032 Emancipation 2 JP 85145 02X705 00414 Dr Cardenas 0 112705 01427 Capt Sam ISTani 90 147 102 705 01543 Sea in panay 18 105 705 00058 Atascador M 3 07 700 01281 Lonpport 5 107X700 01504 Frances Louise 7 05 700 97375 Sally dOr M 9 97 700 01284 Kajaba M 12 Lex 101 149 102 700 01504 Mytrh 14 Lex 105 146 100 700 01604 Ureystone 10JP 103 l44Ji 104 700 01427 Grand King 17 OS 700