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1st Iv3CC s1 Milr SvcaroIils and upward Claiming May 24 1921111 C Index Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt i StrFin Jockey Started Order of Finish SANDALWOOD ch g 8 115 By Luke MeLuke Duchess Kathleen by John o oGaunt Gaunt GauntTrainer Trainer J Robson Owner J B Cloher Breeder K en Schorr 97402 Lex fc l15by 5 112 3 4 4 = 4J W Fronk 9 FlaglJeutenant 107Hohson 114Pelion 107 37241 CD 34 l15Hm Si 110110 6 6 3 4 J W Fronk 10 HatsUp 100 Hullo 107Atossa 100 37159 CD CJfl2vtsl 1S3 111 7 3 2 2 W Fronk S KLieutenant 107LGipsy OOStumpJr 105 36972 CD 34114 hy S 105 S 8 7 7 = G Noel S Cobweb 103AgnesCall 9SJHatsUp 110 96446 FP 5J f 109 si 1110 111 6 4 2l I1 L Momery S MissEiumt 105Mulciber HOElleuJane 1041 96380 FP 34 llG hy 7J 115 953 = 4 L Momery 9 Lubeck 111 Gee lOtfIIollyBoy 110 96301 FP 51 f l09sl 4310 114 2 7 4 4 i L Mmery 9 Uproar 114Fausto 115 Lubeck 113 NIMROD b g 5 110 By Under Fire Adore by Trap Rock RockTrainer Trainer P Stanton Owner P Stanton Breeder Gallaber Bros 01505 CD 34 l14gd 24 104 15 10 10H10 = M Skyrm 15 MedMattie 100 UrielHill IHTaleqtia 107 00128 Hav 51 f 107 ft C5 104 2 5 51 51 G McCann Dextrose 90Boosting 89Wildrake 111 00011 Hav 51 f l07 ft 3 IOC 2 2 2 2i A Pickens 0 Levulose OSSftMissLizzie lllKufiya 108 999S1 Hav 34 l15 isl 3J 103 3 1 1 1 = G McCann 6 UccMatu lOSHGrham 104BkPrince 109 99813 Hav 34 113 ft 6 103 4 2 33 3 = 3 S Dudley 6 Delecablc 102Skebite 10Hs raham 105 99751 Hav DJ f l07ift 2J 105 4 4 5 5 A Pickens C Kufiya HIMissBabe 102Mahaley 99 98841 Hav 51 f lOSSft 6 103 7 4 2 2l S Dudley 8 DrllaUobbia 102FirstLt lOlSkcbite 100 Hidalgo lOSAudresito lOODonSanta 101 PYX FlannflesTrainer br b S 109 By Ptaud Okitau by Flannfles Trainer W F Poison Owner W F Poison Biceder J E Madden 94535 CI 34112 = ift 24 109 3 C CJ G L Ceving fi SarahDay lOOUncleBert 114JollyBoy 114 93766 CI 51fl10 = m Ci 111 1 7 7 J 71 J McCoy 7 Charcoal 1031iuBolt lOOBnicellarr 103 93385 FE Cl f Il2 m 5 114 4 3 2 2 = H EricUsn 7 HeleuBuck 107SisterSue 07Admrer 110 93307 FE Dlfl09iigd 75 115 2 3 2 11 II Ericksnll BlueTony 11 2 La goon HOUrkClIniber 107 93226 FE 51 f lOStgd 1G5 117 4 4 4 3 = 1 H Erickson S Hcleiiltiick 103Hevolt IlOQuecnIIess lOt 93038 FE 5iri07ift 31 110 0 C G C32 P Walls 11 Revolt 104HoyalPearl lOOFlorceDoen 103 103CHARCOAL CHARCOAL ContwtorTrainer blk K 4 109 By Tho Finn Ta by Contwtor Trainer L M Holmes Owner Mrs L M Holmes Breeder Himyar Stud 01504 CD 1 116 l4SiS l 30 10S 4 S 10 12 D Frogtte 12 PatCalhoun 1021 Andry 00 QnYjnies 99 01072 Lex 170147 ft 51 110 1 1 7 1 7 D Frogtte 0 llalu lllTheSpa 112Cherebu 112 00095 JP 1 11C l51 m 165 105 3 1 1 1 = D Frogtte 7 IslandFairy SSTeuderSh 1031henol 105 00002 JP 1110147 ft 10 109 2 1 2 2 D Frogttel2 Yorick lOOArraposa 107UichardVloa 99911 JP 51fl071 ft 16 10711 7 J G D Frogttel2 Uemnant HOScrvitor lOJmieTrlnz 103 99652 JP ClflUO m 135 116 H 7 5i 2 T Bonhaml2 LdaXinda HOAskJessie IlSMHsAji 103 98278 FG 1 1S 200hy 72 104 7 7 7 7s s 6 J Colen 7 Gajly 107Settee HODoiighnut 108 08222 FG 1 116 lMlihy G 102 a 4 4 = 4 W Garner 6 Settee 107Druinmond 105MayFly 94 BITSY BEE b f 3 M 94 By Bezant Grandess by Cesarlon CesarlonTrainer Trainer J Umensettcr Owner J ONcil Breeder M F Mannion 94033 Col 5S 102 1 41 105 1 2 2l 2i J Berg 0 Alvoros 105Litlarl a lOOEdhCfd 105 03704 Col 58 0 gd3310 105 2 2 21 31 C E Allen S HsAllcy 107LlVbara 105EClifd 105 92867 Tdn Cl f l07fcft 37 112 6 G 4 C C K Allenll Charhsta 112ChickUp 115ndsito 115 32105 Tdn 68103 si 15 100 3 7 9 = 11 C E Allenll GoMyllrt lOOLevulose 105ApsMoi 100 TAUDLAJIE StalwartTrainer cb g 4 10J By Pataud Utopia by Stalwart Trainer F Rector Owner C H Knebelkamp Breeder Spencer Wiggins 01502 CD 34 Illgd4310 102 G 3 3 21 R FinnrrtylO Adallackjk 100 Iyluez 102 Allcndn 112 09999 JP 51 f 1 071if t 23lOf U1 4 3 31 31 C Lang 12 OldTop 102Slzzle 103ThoSpa 111 08732 FG 34111 ft 23 105 7 4 7 7l T Grnhowll Clanuie Ii2nrkstone 103KovalIk 111 98487 FG 34 l13Vigd 77 10311 9 9 J1011 J Jones 12 NewIIope 105lYnSixty HOHoleCard 10 89566 CD Clf 121 lilt 35 10S a 6 11 lOl D Jones 15 ICfulAde 102BlahStoue I03SVicte 112 88318 JP 34117 si 13 103 2 3 31 S D Jon s 11 DrHkiiian 115TWitchft 120SUln 100 88246 JP Olfl07 = ift 30 107 C 2 3 4s B Tiner 7 Uodco HOAlexWoodliffe llOBrinklcy 113 113AL AL STEBLER b g 6 109 By Golden Maxim Lily Mac by Plaudit PlauditTrainer Trainer C R And rson Oiner C C Wriicht flr der T M ilurnhr 97418 Lex 1 1S 200il yC9l 110 4 2 3 4 S Steeie 8 BProof 115Uesonancc 07ColWasu r 10J 07388 Lex FC l15iliy 5 110 1 4 3 n i Geving 10 Atossa lORDownTown IfttJuneDay 101 1019736B 9736B Lex 1 116 l54iliy S5 10S 1 4 3 3 L Ocving 10 PrsTom KKSC Wagner 102CdOcuvre 109 97338 Lex 1 116 l47 = jft 11 IOC 3 4 41 5 I Geving C IffnlAddii KCtUPrlnirH 101 C Wagner 05 97267 KP l70145ft 7 107 3 3 5 451 U Dludau 8 HolIyBoy 110Uiap UOBelario 105 3711 FP 1 llCl47 ift 27 107 2 2 2 3 = II Ttludau 12 IllllyStar 112SuperKiiig lOSFrkman 10i 97024 KP 51fl07ft lOf 10512 S 9JIl1 R Dludau 12 Ctrtprbk 112MKUos dale lOlMy Valet 105 1059C22 9C22 KP 34 l17im 7 113 1 1 1 = 1 11 I31udau t Jtajah 118Mnlcilier 113Scttee 113 j WINDING THROUGH ch chTrainer m 7 99 By Vandergrift little Slam by Goldcre t Trainer W L Drake Owner H W Younrl Breeder F H Hawkins Hawkins9f 01103 CD 34 lllgd 9f 9S 2 9 S6J 7J D Xcal 15 MedMattie lOCBricrllill IMTalequn 107 00485 Tan 31 125 sy 41 105 2 1 2i 3 C Uameti 0 Atomin lOGKinsman 115Uo ainond 106 00222 Tan 34 l10sl 41 100 3 2 3 6 1 C Barnctt 9 Galatia lOOMcKenna HOAtossa 111 99993 Tan 51 f 107 ft 15 103 3 1 2J 2 J Walker 8 Uocking lOCropango lOOMadllarvey 107 99761 Tan SI f lC9gd 4 10S 2 1 I1 1 J Walker 12 PcheneeBIellOBkAVl lOOUlDick 107 99645 Tan 5Jfl07ft 10 9 2 2 S51 54J C BarnettlO HiddcnJewcl lUUunall 102Blkstone 108 99537 Tan 5J f 109 ft 15 107 3 1 lt 33J K Finnrtyl2 BrnUetty 112BFktone 112McKenna lit 99457 Tain TainMASSEY 41 109 1 1 21 4 J Shanks 9 Antilles 102GcnCinocklo 109Kclani US MASSEY br f 3 3D 103 By Zeus Lassie by Knight Errant ErrantE Tminer D T Wnrris Owner Ownerfc E J Holland Breeder M W Williams 01240 Lex fc l13Jshy 225 ICS G Gfcl10 3 5 41 W Pool 9 MallyJane HOUedllead 07MusicSliop 105 00906 Lex fcl10 fcl10BK BK 49 94 10 9 10IO J Kyan 11 Uodrigo lOSMallyJane 9SBroomstcr 103 90783 CD 34 l13ft 2S 102 1 1341lG 8 64J 5 1 G Noel 15 Uittcr 107Sntlcr lOSIraa 111 96518 Lat 341lG m 6 U5 1 2 1 = lt G Noel C DdyAnnc lOOMissDeMina lOSUitter 108 9G227 Lat 34113 ft 11 104 9 934113V4gd 9 SJ1 8 i A Mtensn 0 LadyStonc laiDianella 104SutIer 107 95803 Lat 34113V4gd 32 9S 9 8 7i S10 L Lewis 10 Disciple 102Estin OOPitclifork 110 05074 Lat 51 f l03a hjr 7 96 1 1 1 1 G Noel 8 PyBledsoe lOOBlGranite 112MyraM110 04754 CI 34 l121ift 102 2 25i 6 77i 75J L Schaefer 8 BobsBest lOSScrioiis 95QueenClara 109 94616 CI 5i f l06ft 9i 110 4 5 3J 2J G Noel 7 Serious OSSnllebccca HOSIowTiuie 95 LITTLE COOK b g 3 100 By Theo Cook Yecmanette ty Voter Trainer J M Hukill Owner Lair Parrish Breeder Xalaca Farm 01283 Lex fc l10igd 3J 9G 9 3 4s 4 i E BenhamlO Keegan llOMyDestiny 105BattleOn 105 97440 Lex fc 111 ft 12f 105 4 1 I1 4 G Johnsonll SpanisliLay lOOTalladega 95TomP 106 97434 Lex fcl10 sl 21 10G 7 9 ll ill = G Johnsonl2 Uosebcc 10SMcolniBIr HSDPhtom 108 97351 Lex fc l13m 4 39 3 1 3 J 31 G Noel 12 Huntsman 102IodriRO OOSpanishLay 109 ° 1 1 = 1 G Johnson 7 BroadAxe 105ScotForever HOAnona 102 6 62GJG Ncel 7 LStone imAccumulator lOOPitchfrk 103 IRRESPONSIBLE OrmondmleTrainer b g 3 101 By Wormleighton Silky Lady by Ormondmle Trainer W L Lewis Owner W L Lewis Breeder W L L H Lewis 01165 Lex fcl10 = ift ISf 37 4 4 5 = 1 5 1 E Benhaml2 Valence lOOUpSheGocg 9CWhy 107 01070 Lex fclll ft 59 102 5 S 9 J 9 W Garner 11 MallyJane 104SusinKilVa lluSntlpr 104 97419 Lex fcl14hy 20 110 1 10 10 911 D ConnlylO ScotrdFvcr liriAdrloWlOOJMtGaut 107 97333 Lex fc l12ft 5 115 4 1 I1 I1 D Connly 8 Specialist 107Sgravo HOArchibald 110 91884 CI 58101 ft 43 99 3 1 lh 4 i W Garner 6 Longport 107BnyCstle lOJlBrnleaf 09 51fl07sft 41 lit 6 4 7 J 7 G Fields 7 Longwth 114 IVyCastle lllKidBoots 114 QUEEN NAVARRE b f 3 M 93 93Trainer By The Porter Margaret Ogden by Ogden Trainer J F Schorr Owner E B McLean Breeder E B McLean 01036 Lex fc l10ft 45 99 10 5 4s 5 2 J Ryai 37472 Bow 51 f l07 ft S9 115 4 7 S 9 n Wlianisll Duration lliUollv with aPast 115Vi 115 96459 Lrl 3ll17in 12 102 9 9 M10IS E Fewell 12 PayGirl HOBillyMsnii lOSltarLiglit 110 96389 Lrl i f lOSigd IS 116 5 4 4 6 = K WHams KarlyVote HCImaWay llOMarygraci 110 91103 Lat 5Jfl07ift 6 115 4 3 61 C R WHams 9 Pern 115CirmsMirg IL GoMyllt 115 115FREDERICK FREDERICK RAPHAEL b g 3 94 By Prince Pal Grace Me by Tho Commoner CommonerM CommonerTrainer M Trainer G Land Owner F Grabner Breeder T Piatt 01165 Lex fcl10ft 15 10310 9 7 SIS P Jones 12 Valence lOOUpSheGovs OCWhy 107 99753 Mia alfl07ft G 110 1 2 3 = 1 3 H Thurbcr 0 Tempest 114 Panola 110Esianol 112 99639 Mia 170 l45ft 57 112 5 G 5 1 51 II Thurber 6 CDeMurs 11211erkert 112Cerulean 112 99502 Mia 51fl07ft 13 116 2 2 4J 4 = K Noe 10 SwtMoney lllSmackover lOSCuUGirl 105 99379 Mia 5Jfl06ft 15 110 365 5J B Pool 12 SplAcct HODinwiddie 112SwtMony 100 99150 Mia 51fl07sft 17 110 2 6 3 3 J II DurkelS IxMiShank lllOliliqiie HSOverlook 110 98998 Mia 5J f l07ft G 113 3 7 8 9T C McCrsnll CTidante 109IxiiSliank 105IIome dOr 114 114LUCKY LUCKY DONNA ch f 3 M 100 By Donnacona Lucky Liz by Ivan tho Terrible TerribleTrainer Trainer H T Fleming Owner G Collins Breeder W W Darden 01134 Lex fcl10sl 31f 105 3 9 11 11 = J McCoy 12 PccCharlcs HOFyLore lllClorCly 110 97347 Lex fc l15m 42 115 6 4 5 1 5 J AlcCoy 9 Shcnanign 1150spda 115FrkAfk 115 97199 CD 341l gd 171 112 6 7 1010 L Steinht 11 Mayfair 1121eaclies 112Slipuanigan 112 1129709C 9709C CD 34 I16r5sy 40 112 C 6 6 = G = = L Stcinhrt 7 BigSweep 115ClaricoU112Skivesdale 115 96781 CD ulflOSft 12f 11313 15 1315 L Steinhrtl5 Pandy 113MariaBarton 113KoseH113 90238 Lat 3S l00i ft 102 115 7 S 9IS 9 = J Howard 12 FlorenceMills 1150nClara 115Spices 115 115OMNIA OMNIA ch c 3 105 By Von Tromp ETerything by Plaudit PlauditTrainer Trainer J Hanover Owner E B Elkins Breeder J L Tarlton 01469 CD l70146gd ICC 104 7 7 S S W Bogski S Sea Drift 101 Prodigal 9S Smacker 111 97235 FP 5JflOSVSft 24 107 S 5 4 II5 R Bludau 12 Lavigne 115GiIniore HOGentry 107 96645 FP 34116755 13 107 S 6 7 7 R Bludau 0 MMaggie 10 tIslFairy lOlXatlicMc 107 96341 FP 34110 m 15 101 122 5i R Blandau 8 Alita Allen 110Bot h llODr Carl 100 96050 FP rSl05m 47 10S 2 3 4s 5 R Bludau 11 AtLaura lOOGGiuockio 103irpylol 110 110BOOTSIE BOOTSIE HandseLTrainer ch f 3 M 9 By Boots and Saddle Pearl G by HandseL Trainer J J Flannigan Owner J J Flannigan Breeder T M Murnhy 01504 OD lllGl4Sfcgd 29 85 5 9 9 = 10 = ° E Benham 12 PatCalhoun 1021 Andry 00 QnAgnes 90 01329 Lex fc lllVbrt 33t 8910 7 743 4 = 1 E Benhaml2 Dkedoiu 113BBelv Me 104CSciri r 111 1110103G 0103G Lex fc l10ft 2Sf 102 S 4 10 011 M Skyrm 12 Gladrags OOBoblieShpa 112Seerets 00 95801 Lat 51 f lOS75gd 12 113 6 8 9 8 = A Mtensnll Dianclla llPandy 115PcttyC115 95614 Lat 51 f 11 114s 11 107 83 lh 21 A Mtensnl2 CandyJar 107TurntT 115Prrcedcnoo 112 95504 Lat 51 f lOGft 15f 11212 12 1212 J A Mneyl2 Estin lOlShampoo lOlGaytliorn 101 94827 CI 58101ft 11 111 7 4 41 6J J Wallace 8 LMiss lllElishaLce 1141IamptonMR 106 94710 CI 51 f 107 ft 9 103 6 6 54 4 J J Wallace 6 Exchequer 114Spocialist 971dMcisc 114 94574 CI 34112ft 15 89 5 7 41418 Hebert 8 Estin I05BanbnryCrovs 102PBledse 103 94440 CI 5ifl07ft 16 101 6 5 4 = i 3 = 1 S Hebert S JoyPridc lOlMrBrfn llOHamMs 101 101UP UP SHE GOES br f 3 95 By Hue HueTrainer Huon Peep o Dawn by Peep o Day Trainer J H Downing Owner Million Downing Breeders Million Swan 01240 Lex fc l13 ihj 81 101 3 7 71 7 D Neal 9 MallyJane llOUedHcad 37MnsIiShop 105 01165 Lex fc l10ft l10ft9454C 10 6 5 4 i 2 D Neal 12 Valence lOOAVliy 107JTriplett 03 9454C DP 3S S 101 ft 12 111 1 1 11 23 W Pool 8 Murky HSCappic lOOlOnlyStar 114 94282 DP 58 8 101 ft 18 109 3 4 4 4 = 1 W Pool 7 XadicMe 102AsMoi 04GenGckio OS 93936 DP 581OOV ft 15 105 6 6 G 6 = E Blind CliickUp 103Pccorn l Neatness 100 93579 DP 58 l00ft 23 10G 4 6 4Ti 410 E Blind 8 Pccora 109MthaKosc 115AtiAlIen 100 92655 Rac 41 f 54ft 2 100 3 C G 6 K Bliiul 7 RpnKckto HOSobrose OSPaniUoma 102 92301 Raf 12 4Sft lOf 112 3 1 1 1 J Picrilloll Vdell 112UHackwth 112Bcllft 112 JANE C blk f 3 94 By Dick Finnell Marbles by Lissak LissakTrainer Trainer J M Goode Owner J T Looney Breeder T Piatt 01036 Lex fcl10ft 81 95 6 2 3 G72 G Johnsonl2 Gladrags OOBclliiShca 112Serrets 90 97419 Lex fc l14hy 21 102 9 G 9 10 = G JohnsonlO ScotlWvr 115AdcIi W10fiMGaut 107 97377 Lex fc l15hy 24 106 6 1 6 G GJ J R Zcchinl G GdnMy 105TallalcKa llOMgtGat 105 92993 Rac 41 f 55fc 12 10S 2 1 1 = 1 = F Murphy 4 OYnchaSan 105SrDiana 103Servant 08 92875 Rac 58 l00ft 6 109 3 3 3s 4 = E Blind 5 PaniKoma 104BUwIIorn KKIHebeck 10 92757 Rac 51flOSft 6 10S 4 1 11 57 F Murphy 0 UncleBob lOOUebeck lOCJFIorianka 104J 92408 Rac 5S l01ft 61 103 5 3 G1 G Gs s J Picrillo 7 MabSh llOAgnesAyns 101HapIVb 106 92179 Rac 41 f 5S hy 34 10G 3 2 2 2 J Picrillo 8 Sobrose 07WatchMe lOOMnsicShop 105 MODNA br m 7 li By Sain Belle Scott by Contestor ContestorTrainer Trainer R Williams Owner S W Grant Breeder G J Long 01505 CD 34114gd 9f 106 14 14 1414 = 6 N Burger 15 MedMattii lOCPricrllill IMTnlcrma 107 99999 JP 5 fl07Vift 14 104 G 10 1111 4 N Burger 12 OldTop 102fJizze 103TuiilIanc 1101 9942 D JP 34112ft S3f 10511 11 II1 X Burger 11 Kindred lOOCalicuIa HOHoleCard 110 110D4652 D4652 Haw 1 116147 ft 10 111 6 8 S S N Burger S Sincere 107KlibTid lOOlftifulAddie 109 94096 Haw 34114 ft 10 105 6 7 7IS 7 N Burger 7 IdleSeth 109AnntioMillen HOParlLad 104 92973 Haw 34 l12ft 30 107 8 8 8 8 = N Burger S GdMount 107MgMittiir 105I Marca 103 80733 Lat 34 l12 ft 9 102 4 6 G G II Long Guvnor 105UapidDiy KMDnstFlower 100 80453 Lat 34 l12ft 19 10210 4 71 Gel J Wood 12 Brunswk OSHapidDay 112Sdalwood lOt lOtLOYAL LOYAL LEGION br c 3 M 105 By Jim Gaffney Lady Hamstead by Fatherless FatherlessTrainer Trainer R Goose Owner P Laffoon Breeder A B Hancock 96383 Lat 34117 m 65 11511 4 4 = 4 S Griffin 12 MyDsfn llOMarlIfton 1121cavain 110 96085 Lat 34 l13ft 54 112 7 C 6T G S Griffin 8 CenlHost 112UecolVtn 112Yonarf 112 95911 Lat 34 l15sl 7 115 2 3 35 3 S Griffin 8 Bstllate 115U colVfn 115WdCrt 115 95735 Lat Cl f 107 ft 57 11511 6 76J 61 S Griffin 12 Iraq 115Bunipkin H5Youare 115 95408 Lat 51 f l07ft 93 113 6 8 S 7 2 S Griffin 11 SpshLay 115Bnikin 115UVrcfn 115 ETHEL K b f 4 99 By Mont dOr II Oicant by Ormicant OrmicantTrainer Trainer E Davis Owner O WatU Breeder G Watts 01281 Lex fc 34 111 gd 3S 100 5 9 10 ° 10l L Pichon 10 Wpnooa HOCritMonit OlMMettie 103 97430 Lex fcl12si 17 11318 11 97J10 E Martin 12 Escape lOOWildlMll 101 Don nTown 104 97348 Lex fcl14 m 23 110 3 6 6 i 7 D McAffe S Fgltenant 107WgTl rli OSKdafn 101 96876 CD 61fl23ihy 20 103 5 9 93 91 K Hglandir TAmcan 112FinsCalI H2JQKelly 112 96451 Lat 34116im 51 94 1 5 5 15 1S Steele C MMiscf 102MHosodale llOWgThh 104 96348 I at 34114 m 175 103 5 7 7 7 J McCoy S Volt HOCobweb lllMissMisehief 103 95855 Lat 34116 hy 10 10113 1 1 21 J McCoy S McCulloch 102Mighty OOCarpcnter 105 93766 CI 51 f l104tn 17 102 4 5 G3 5J N J Bnes 7 Charcoal lOSIJtnllolt lOOUnicellarr 1031 93216 CI l70147sy 19 96 o 3 4 5 = G Johnson 0 KublaiKhan 97Bassorah lOOFretwell 109 93094 CI 51 f l06ft 49 102 8 7 7 1 9 1 W Garner 10 Ice 94Deceitful lOOThcCount 106