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DALLY SPECIALS 1 AT ALL NEWSSTANDS OCCASIONALS 2 A WINNER WINNERHURRAH HURRAH HURRAHAGAIN AGAIN WE WON YESTERDAYS 1 SPECIAL SPECIALDry Dry Moon 460 Won WonYes Yes sir the only one that we gave on the 1 SPECIAL WON If you want winners get the MASTER CLOCKER CLOCKERTODAYS TODAYS 2 OCCASIONAL OCCASIONALConies Conies to me extremely strong and I KNOW not a single detail has been overlooked We expect it to be a 151 Shot ShotSo So rush right now to your newsdealer and ask for the theMASTER MASTER CLOCKERS 2 OCCASIONAL OCCASIONALTODAYS TODAYS 1 Special 4th race raceChurchill Churchill Downs should win as easily as did yester ¬ days SPECIAL DRY MOON so under no con ¬ sideration fail to get this one Ask your news ¬ dealer for the theDAILY DAILY MASTER CLOCKER 1 sent 2 weeks 9 DALLY 1 SPECIAL and 2 OCCASIONAL sent 1 week 10 Remit to toMASTER MASTER CLOCKER 440 S Dearborn St Chicago HI HIDETROIT DETROIT FOR SALE SALETriangle Triangle newsstand Griswold and Lafayette Family Theatre newsstand corner Cadillac Square CLEVELAND O 0 Schroeder 212 E Superior ST LOUIS Win Laser 711 Market Street CHICAGO Arcade News 84 Madison Street and andTurf Turf Shop 72 W Van Buren St and at all allnewsstands newsstands