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BOTANIC A SURPRISE Furnishes Upset in Taking the Chief Offering at Downs Staunchly Backed Devon and andMary Mary 0 Fail to Get Part Partof of the Purse LOUISVILLE Ky May 12 An overnight purse race served as the chief offering of the Churchill Downs program this afternoon and it furnished an upset by the victory of the newcomer in these parts Botanic which suc ¬ ceeded in outstaying Princess Pan by a short ihargin with Alleghan in third place and Devon and Mary O the staunchly supported ones failing to get a part of the purse purseThe The race was replete with rough riding Devon and Mary O being the outstanding sufferers and it contributed to their fail ¬ ures The stewards had J McCoy and M Skyrm before them for interrogation about the jam and there was a belief that a dis ¬ qualification was imminent but the officials confirmed the race according to the finish finishIdeal Ideal weather and the steadily increasing numbers of visitors here to witness the Ken ¬ tucky Derby next Saturday was responsible for an immense attendance again While there were no outstanding attractions offered this afternoon the racing did not suffer to any appreciable extent for most of the finishes were of he close variety and results in doubt until the closing strides stridesG G Frank Croissants colors were successful in the opener but Dry Moon his representa ¬ tive had to be much the best to win for Steele got away poorly and she was in last place during the early stages and apparently out of it She began moving up steadily just before reaching the stretch and overhauling Broomster just managed to win Broomster holding pn well beat J G Denny for second place placeE E B McLean scored his first victory of the present meeting when his Sport Trail son of The Porter Ruby Hyams led home a good band of youngsters in the second race Gold Mint finished in second place The lat ¬ ter was probably the best for he was away slowly and raced extremely wide from the start He came with a great rush to dispose of Swordsman Florida Gold and Sun Dance raced disappointingly here hereJohn John Lowes Mickey Free was victor in the third race and his success can be attributed to Joe Moran the parade leader who pre ¬ vented Mickey Frees runaway when the horse became unmanageable for the diminu ¬ tive Dubois Mickey Free had almost at ¬ tained top speed when Moran managed to reach him with his mount and after an ef ¬ fort stopped him and brought him back to the post Mickey Free wore down Mukloon with Bradleys Toney in third place placeWidgeon Widgeon furnished the surprise in the fourth in which lie led for the entire way and won handily from the erratic Ramkin with Mac O Boy in third place The race was over a mile and a sixteenth and brought a dozen starters to the post