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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesJAMAICA JAMAICA THURSDAY MAY 13 13TVEATHER TVEATHER CIEAIt TRACK FAST Tho figures under the haading Rec in the entries below show the best time of 19 5 nj matter whoro it finished In cases ivhero record was mode on other than a fast or gccd track abbreviations show track con ¬ ditions DSOS7 IS FIRST IXDEX OF 1926 01 ISC IS FIKST INDEX OF 31 AY AYRaring Raring starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 Superior mud runner X Hood mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceTin Tin following abbreviations are used to designate tcfcn nt which time records shown in entries AVITI made Akron Kin Edward AkronAqueduct Aqueduct Lagoon AqueductAurora Aurora Latonia AuroraBclmont Bclmont Park ParkBlua laurel Blua Bsanets BsanetsBlue Lexington Blue Grass GrassHowies Lx Colored Fair FairJv Howies Jv ng Branch HowiesBrooklyn Brooklyn BrooklynChurchill Kaple Heights Churchill Downs DownsCiarhsburg Marlboro Ciarhsburg CiarhsburgColumbus Miami Columbus Mobile ColumbusColwosd Colwosd Paik PaikConey Mount Royal Coney Island IslandConnaught Niagara Falls Connaught Park ParkBade Orlando Bade Park ParkDloiimier Omaha Dloiimier Park ParkDevonshire Phoenix Devonshire Pimlico DevonshireBorval Borval BorvalDufferia Raceland Dufferia Park ParkEmpire R030 Empire Salt Lake EmpireErlanger Erlanger ErlangerFair Saratoga Fair Grounds GroundsTairm Tampa Tairm unt Park ParkFcrt Tanforan Fcrt Erij ErijHamilton Thistledown Hamilton HamiltonHavre Tkornclif f a Havre de Grace GraceHavana Tijuara Havana Timonium HavanaHawthorne Hawthorne Toledo HawthorneHuntington Huntington TTnitcd Hunts HuntingtonJamaica Jamaica JamaicaJefferson Wheeling Jefferson Park ParkJuarez Willows Park Juarez Windsor JuarezKempton Kempton Park ParkXenilworth Woodbino Xenilworth Youngstown Jamaica Mile Track TrackFirst First Race 34 Mile 1000 3yearolds and upward First FirstDivision Division Claiming ok record May 21 1925 111 3 1 1Todays Todays Tierce WtRec AWtllm 1 nor Smith r 12 735 735IMay IMay Hour Mia 1131114 4 121 730 730John John Marrone II Mia 105 112 3 4 121 725 PIackstone Sar 108 114 7 118x720 The Seer M iu 110 114 3 103 715 715OCorra OCorra Jam 120 11C 3 8 121X710 121X710Meridian Meridian Hill Mia 114 115 3 107X705 01392 Trevan Jam 110 l14f 4 119X700 01270 White Wash Jam 10G 112 4 11 700 94329 Stone Jug 7 11G700 11G700Second Second Race 34 Mile Purse tOGO 3yearolds and upward Second SecondDivision Division Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record May 21 1125 111 3 120 01316 7ero Hour Jam 115 112 4 123735 01498 Camilla Jam 103114 3103X730 3103X73001493s 01493s Camouflage Tarn 108 f 10 121X721 01316 Donnavideo Hav 103l13i 3 105X720 01361 Who Knows Me Mia 110 l13tf B 118X715 01496 Jeal JP 109 1145 3 10S710 01183 Sky Flight M Aipi 117 l15 = i 3 10S705 01357 Middle Man M Pirn 001114 3 108 700 01272 Mite Aqu 117 l15 3 IIOXOO IIOXOOThird Third Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record May 15 1925 14 U 1 124 01498 nine Hill Jam 121 144 5125X735 01395 Irish Marine Jam 113 144 = 5 4 125 730 01500 Wildlane Jam 115 145 4 115 725 00932 Watts Eiup 100 l47m 4 1170720 01359 Ked Pennant JP 103 l43f 4 117 715 01359 Roseate II Tij 108 143 6 117715 11771501C65 01C65 Devastation lam 111 l47Visy S 115X710 94492 Kepuhe CI 102 142 4125X705 01498 Star Falcon Jam 111 145 4 1171700 Merry Minstrel 5110 Fourth Race 34 Mile Sixth Running Spring Handicap 2500 Added 3yearolds Track record May 21 1925 111 3 120 01464 IACHEN Jam 119 114 115 745 01160 Cutitout 120 735 014655 Vespasian M Jam 100 111 112X730 012323 Briarbroom M Jam 118 l12 f 114 725 01126 Amber Jack Jam 115 l13 i 100 720 01436 Applecross Vim 105 115 109 715 012691 Claptrap Jam 111 112 112710 01358 Croyden MJam 105 112 111 705 Fifth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsPurse Purse 1000 3yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record May 15 1923 1413 i 124 01318 = Mary B Jam 107 145 109 7 01463 Foreman Tij 92 145 112 7 701466s 730 73001466s 01466s Anaitis Mia 10G 145 105 71 725 01496 Kspanol Mia 114 1475 114X71 01496 Vi M 102715 01393 Glorianes 107 710 01190 I onetta Jam 110 1493 105 705 01125 Glance Im 100 l496s 114X700 114X700Sixth Sixth Race 58 Mile MilePurse Purse 1000 2yearolds Maidens MaidensTrack Track record May 1C 1923 58 2 111 01501 Black PantherJam 103 102 11S730 01273 Drummer ISoyJam 118 101 118 7 01066 Porto licllo Gold 118 720 01273 Tricolor Jam 113 101 118 715 98900 Dunmore 118 710 710King King David 118 Sweepster 118 Wichmount 118