Juarez Summary, Daily Racing Form, 1926-05-13


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JUAREZ SUMMARY First Hace 78 Mile Milellorso llorso Wt Jockey Strt Place Show ShowMiss Miss Liberty 110 D Hurn 3GO 220 220 Peter Pierson 101 LWhitacrc SO 200 200Captain Captain Mac 112 C Corbett 500 500Time Time 128 Track fast fastAlso Also ran Ixjrena L Metal Oleuzar and Chick Barkley BarkleyWent Went to post at 221 At jwst 1 minute Second Race 58 Mile Horse Wt Jockey Strt Place Show ShowEmma Emma C 7 E Donahue 500 320 2CO 2COLuke Luke Martin 114 C Schaefer 300 241 241McMurphy McMurphy 111 L Neal 300 300Tims Tims 102 Track fast Little Bum Aggie A Fort Cibson Jack Colinet Johnnie Dyer Jack Healy and Cascade Went to j ost at 253 At post 1 minute Third Race 34 Mile MileHorse Horse Wt Jockey Strt Place Show ShowKmmaHoaglaml KmmaHoaglaml 102 LWilson 820 CO 2CO lines lP HW L Neal 320 240 240Lierre Lierre 113 E Taylor 40 40Tims Tims 114 Track fast fastAlso Also ran Jolly Cephas Footers Ben Valet and Sir Stephen Went StephenWent to ix st at 320 At post 1 minute Fourth Raca 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsHorse Horse Wt Jockey Strn Place Show ShowS Showiiian S iiian 107 R reenwoodG40 S 300 300 300Kinetir Kinetir 108 L Whitacre 3SO 300 300New New Pink 105 C Colliiii 300 300Time Time 103 Track fast fastAlso Also ran Kit tern Dorothy Pop Emma G Wald out and Bloomington BloomingtonWent Went to post at 350 At post 4 minutes Fifth Race 4 12 Furlongs FurlongsHorse Horse Wt Jockey Strt Place Show Winning Bird 1 1 E Donohiie 500 340 280 280Harry Harry M 101 W Imig 400 340 Tontons em 102 J Carroll 2CO Tims 55 Track fast fastAlso Also ran Little Buck Ballynew Pretty Bill Chevalier and Baby Doll DollWent Went to post at 424 At post 1 minute For remainder of results at Juarez call telephones Wabash 5187 and 5188 or Harrison 2087 The omitted results will likewise appear in the follow ¬ ing days edition of Daily Racing Form Following is a summary of the last four races at Juarez Mexico Tuesday TuesdayFifth Fifth Race 12 Mile MileHorse Horse Wt Jock y Strt Place Show ShowMakaweli Makaweli 114 R Doyle 000 280 220 220ISeanie ISeanie 111 J Small wood 200 220 220Joker Joker 11C C Greenwood 240 240Time Time 4S Track fast fastAlso Also ran Cast Off Forest King and Billie Ford FordWent Went to post at 438 At K st 1 minute Sixth Race 58 Mile MileHorse Horse Wt Jockey Strt Place Show ShowBrown Brown Dick 110 G Collins 1340 COO 480 Linda Xinda 107 J Carroll 540 420 420Lena Lena R Oil E Donahue 480 480Time Time 101 Track fast fastAlso Also ran Sequa Doctor Tubbs Kinetic Run ¬ ning Lady and Happy HappyWent Went to ix it at 507 At post 1 minute Seventh Race 1 18 Miles Horse Wt Joekey Strt Place Show ShowContidor Contidor 08 L Whitacre 1520 700 520 520Xanzihar Xanzihar 108 J Sniallwood 380 440 440Silex Silex II 112 L Neal 540 540Time Time 155 Track fast fastAlso Also ran Sweet nd Iow Mrs Pat Battle Bent Plow Steel and Insurance Went to post at 530 At post 1 minute Eighth Race 58 Mile Horse Wt Jockey Strt Place Show ShowRunpride Runpride 112 E Taylor 540 360 260 260Neg Neg 10S W Primrose 1200 580 580Ask Ask Jessie 104 M Hum 300 300Time Time 101 Track fast fastAlso Also ran Douglass 11 Johnston Smart Hone Texas Ranger and Bloomington BloomingtonWent Went to i ost t G00 At i st 1 minute

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926051301/drf1926051301_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1926051301_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800