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BUBBLING OVERS LAST TRIAL E R Bradley s Hope for Kentucky Derby Works Most Impressively Recollection and Champ de Mars Sent the Derby DerbyDistance Distance Timmara Definitely Oat of ofRace Race Pompey Galloped Slowly LOUISVILLE Ky May 12 Kentucky Derby activities were on a boom Wednesday when the laggards of the Eastern division which will form part of Saturdays field reached Churchill Downs It was also final trial day for most of the potential Western starters The combination of incidents kept the turfites here in a state of feverish excitement excitementChief Chief attention in the work trials was centered in the performance of E R Bradleys Bubbling Over He drew an immense gallery of horsemen as well as visitors and Churchill Downs had a race day air when he was brought out on the track trackHe He performed to the satisfaction of his owner and trainer but his work was not im nossivp to most of those who are unacquainted with his characteristics as a shirker The 2OS for the mile and a quarter was up to the mark set by the owner and trainer as a matter of fact it was a trifle better than that which they had instructed Catrone who was asride he colt to work him himBubbling Bubbling Over worked the first threequar ¬ ters of a mile by himself and was joined by Barcolo during the latter part of the trip Ho displayed more eagerness for his task when accompanied by his stablemate and finished well in hand The fractions for the workout were as follows quarter 24 half mile 4S threequarters 115 mile I4l7n and the mile and a quarter in 2OSv5 He carried his Derby weight of 12G pounds poundsRecollection Recollection which will carry the colors of Kohn Thiessen of Louisville created a favorable impression when he worked the Derby distance in 2 OD His fractional time was as follows 2i i 0 1 1C and the mile in 1 43 He was under slight restraint most of the way wayThe The Keeneland Stables Champ de Mars was also worked a mile and a quarter in 2 13 Owner J O Keene is endeavoring to have Sande come here to ride the colt but it is more than likely that E Pool will be astride him as Sande wjll in all probability be forced to remain in New York and ride one of the J E Widener starters Saturday at Belmont Park ParkRhinock Rhinock was allowed to race threeeighths in 37 This was a preliminary to a more pretentious effort over the full Derby route tomorrow tomorrowTimmara Timmara is definitely out according to word from the East this afternoon He came out of the Preakness Stakes in a bad way Another casualty in the Preakness was Ban ton He spread his foot footPompey Pompey which arrived at Churchill Downs Tuesday afternoon appeared on the track in the company of the stables pony and was galloped only once around at a very slow pace It is the present intention of Kenneth Karrick to work the colt Thursday morning The bay son of Sun Briar and Cleopatra has every physical appearance of a fit horse now and it would not surprise in the least if no endeavor is made Thursday to reveal his well known speed At first glance it would ap ¬ pear that Pompey as a trifle finely drawn but his handlers declare that the colt is not inclined to carry surplus flesh fleshHarvey Harvey Woodruff and French Lane of the Chicago Tribune are here to cover their annual Derby assignment assignmentlames lames A Moffett vice president of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey ar rived and will be the guest until after the Derby of Mr W E Smith a well known local Standard Oil official