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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesPIMLICO PIMLICO THURSDAY MAY 13 13WEATHER WEATHER C1EAK TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Bee in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1925 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track con ¬ ditions 98987 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1926 01186 IS FIRST INDEX OF MAY MAYRacing Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 230 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner HsKnir mud runner M Maiden Apprentice allowance allowanceThe The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made madeAkron Akron Akn King Edward KE KEAqueduct Aqueduct Aqu Lagoon Lag LagAurora Aurora Aur Latonia Lat LatBelmont Belmont Park Bel Laurel Lrl LrlBlue Blue Bonnets BB Lexington Lex LexBlue Blue Grass BG Lex Colored Fair LF LFBowie Bowie Bow Lonp Branch LB LBBrooklyn Brooklyn Bkn Maple Heights MH MHChurchill Churchill Downs CD Marlboro Mar MarClarksburg Clarksburg Cla Miami Mia MiaColumbus Columbus Col Mobile Hes HesColwood Colwood Park Clw Mount Royal MR MRConey Coney Island CI Niagara Falls NF NFConnanght Connanght Park CP Orlando Orl OrlDado Dado Park DP Omaha Oma OmaDolorimicr Dolorimicr Park Del Phoenix Phx PhxDevonshire Devonshire Dev Pimlico Pirn PirnDorval Dorval Dor Racoland Rao RaoDufferin Dufferin Park Duf Reno Rno RnoEmpire Empire Emp Salt Laks SL SLErlanger Erlanger Erl Saratoga Sar SarFair Fair Grounds FG Tampa Tam TamFairnrmnt Fairnrmnt Park FP Tanforan Tan TanFort Fort Erie FE Thistledown Tdn TdnHamilton Hamilton Ham Thorncliffo Thf Havre de Grace HdG Tijuana Havana Hav Timonium Hawthorne Haw Toledo Huntington Htn United Hunts Jamaica Jam Wheeling Jefferson Park JP Willows Park Juarez Jua Windsor Kempton Park KP Woodbine Kenilworth Ken Youngstown Ygn YgnFimlico Fimlico Mile Track TrackFirst First Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1300 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 6 1924 110 G 11G 11GTodays Todays TodaysIml Iml HorsctPnstPoq Vt ATVtIInn ATVtIInn014T71 014T71 Contract 10 Jam 124 112 4 115X735 01399 Fred IJubner 3 HdG 105 l15 fc 3 103 730 01402 Ilappr Birthday 7 Pirn 100 1 14 3 108725 1087250140S1 0140S1 Cobra 5 Lrl 105 115 3 95 720 01401 Kathleen Crosby 4 Bol 100 114 4 110i715 110i7159703G 9703G Grand Marnier 8 Mia 112 l14 = i 4 107 710 01438 Lady Bountiful12 FG 111 l15 = i 3 103 703 70301402s 01402s Miss Fayette 1 Pirn 90 l14vi 3 90703 01324 Dr Charles Wells WellsG G Pirn 97 l14 = i S 107X700 01327 Steelribs M 2 4 97 700 01098 Do Li Sable 9Pim 102 llS s 3 90X700 97339 Fore La dy 11 Lrl 103 115 31007CO 01477 Dream Maker 13 Sar 117 l12i 0 112 700 700Second Second Race 58 Mile MilePurso Purso 1300 2yearolds Maidens Claiming Track record May 7 1921 100 2 109 10901475s 01475s Over Lord 8 112 73 01510 Mrstilda B 1 104 730 73001475s 01475s Tommy Foster 10 112 725 01510 daman 13 9U720 9U72001433s 01433s Victrix 2 109 715 01322 Gnome Second 7 109 710 01400 Contemplate G J 12 703 01322 Encamp 14 10J700 00931 Foretop 5 107 700 01510 Sir Barley 3 1 01 700 01398 Buddy Clark 4 1OJ700 01323 Balto 12 104 7CO 7COIndian Indian Light 9 109 Parade 11 100 Third Race i 12 Furlongs FurlongsTasker Tasker Purse PursePurse 2yearoldsTrack Purse 1500 2yearolds Track record May 10 1921 53 2 IIS 01511 = Dignus 11 Pirn 115 55 111 735 73501365s 01365s Handclasp 7 UdG 115 55 100730 10073001511s 01511s Forenoon M 4 Pirn 108 108 71 01476 Math M 5 Pirn 115 55 108 720 01478 Sea Moss 8 Pirn lia 53 ltia715 ltia715OH76 OH76 Verdi M lOPim 115 551j 108 710 OUOO Maid of Orleans 9 Mia 112 55 111 703 01393 Hunter Boy M 2 Pirn 116 5G 108 700 01175 Conadonna M 1 Pirn 115 rCX 108 700 01435 Chairman M 3 Pirn 11C 5Gli 108 700 700Sail Sail Crock G 108 Fourth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsStafford Stafford Handicap HandicapPurse Purse 2000 3yearods and upward Track record Nov 3 1023 142 3 110 01366 Joy Smoke THdG 104 142 5 l ovTin 01237 Sun Pal 3 Emp 98144 5 K 01555 Golden Spire 5 115X73e01437s Mia 110 142 Vs 4 115X73e 01437s Gold Stick 4Bjip 109 lJ3js 4 108x725 97474 72097134s All Gone G Lrl 103 l4tffc 4 100 720 97134s Harry Baker 2 Turn 103 145 Js 4 101X720 01367 Redstone 1IMG 102 l47 = i 7 100X715 01434 Arbitration 9 Pirn 98 l451i 4 92X710 01437 Goldbeater SPinj 119 145 4 100X705 100X705Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile MileSecond Second Running Bowling Brook Stakes 3000 Added 3ycnrolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record May G 1921 l10i G 110 01436 MARCHK MILI MILITA1KE TA1KE 4 Pirn 107 112 12C74r 12C74r01513s 01513s Son Ami 3 Pirn 11G 114 118X735 01326 Hec M 5 Pirn 115 114 114 730 00788 Sport Royal 2Sar 108 113 113X725 Fire Rock 1 114 Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse ClaimingTrack 1300 3yearolds anil upward Claiming Track record Nov 3 1923 142 3 110 01514 = Martingale HIIdG 111 l44 l44s = s G 117X735 01276 114X73O00937s = Modo 12 Mia 105 4 = j 7 114X73O 00937s 109X72301480s Roxana 2 Tij 107 46 5 109X723 01480s Jacques 1 CP 110 45 8 117X720 01514 Zeod 9 Pirn 107 47 3 112 715 01035 Trajanus 10 Jam 131 4G 7 114X71O 01514 Duckling 8 Mia 100 47 4 107X705 01514 Eyelash 6 Pirn 107 148 4112X700 01480 Jimmy Brown M Iiiu 98 148 A 3 102X70O 01438 Sea Fairy 4 Pirn 105 l47s 4 109X705 01438 Soutli Breeze 7 Mia 103 154 7 122 703 01197 Ormeolus M 3 Pirn 93175 8 117 700 700Seventh Seventh Race 34 Mile Purse 1300 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May G 1924 l10 i 6 116 11601327s 01327s Triumph 11 FG 112 115 6 107X735 01477 = Aragon 8 Pirn 117 113 G 110 731 01477 Foreland 10 Pirn 110 144 3 105X721 01098 Calatia 5 Haw 109 111 4 110X72O 01324 Wraith 3 Pirn 110 l15fe 8 102x711 J 01324 The Cocoon 13Pim 117 114 S 93 710 01477 Cliff 1 JP 110 113 3 93 710 01481 Bridget M7Mia 100 l13 s 3 100705 01399 Two Hearts M 2 IMG 114 116 4107703 00691 Lewis 4 JP 112 113 3 100 700 I 01477 George J M G J Pirn 100 l111f 3 05 700 00647 Frosty lawn9Miu 105 113 4 105 700 5 01030 Knit ONeill H 12 Bl IOC 113 5 113X70 j